Isaac Odoke Odongo

Isaac Odoke  Odongo



Wanyonyi; The present and the future.


Valar Morghulis
Rest In Peace General Ogola


Ramadan Mubarak and Sawum Makbul to all our muslim brothers ,may the grace of Allah be with you during this spiritual moment.

Photos from Isaac Odoke  Odongo's post 24/11/2023

I joined fellow Comrade kiptoo in celebrating his Academic success as he officially wrapped up his 8-4-4 journey during the 48th Egerton University graduation that took place at the Egerton pavilion. I WISH YOU LIFE SUCCESS SIR.


Kenya Celebrates you Eliud Kipchoge .FelicitationsπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘




1. Never shake hands at anyone without standing up.
2. In a negotiation, never make the first offer.
3. If they trust you a secret, keep it.
4. If they lend you a car, return it with a full tank.
5. Do things with passion or don't do it at all.
6. When you shake your hand make it firm and look that person in the eye.
7. Live the experience of traveling alone.
8. Never turn down a peppermint pill, the reasons are obvious.
9. Take advice if you want to grow old.
10. Come eat with the new person at school/office.
11. When you text someone and you're angry: finish, read it, delete it, and rewrite the message.
12. At the table you don't talk about work, politics, or religion.
13. Write your goals, and work on them.
14. Defend your point of view but be tolerant and respectful to others.
15. Call and visit your relatives.
16. Never regret anything, learn from everything
17. Honor and loyalty must be present in your personality.
18. Don't lend money to someone you know won't pay you back.
19. Believe in something.
20. Tend your bed when you wake up in the mornings.
21. Sing in the shower.
22. Care for a plant or a garden.
23. Keep an eye on the sky every chance you get.
24. Discover your skills and exploit them.
25. Love your job or leave it.
26. Ask for help when you need it.
27. Teach someone a value, preferably a small one.
28. Appreciate and thank the one who extends your hand.
29. Be kind to your neighbors.
30. Make someone's day happier, it will make you happier too.
31. Compete with yourself.
32 Treat yourself at least once a year
33. Take care of your health.
34. Always greet with a smile.
35. Think fast but speak slow.
36. Don't talk with a mouth full.
37. Polish your shoes, cut your nails, and always keep a good look.
38. Don't put your opinion on issues you don't know.
39. Never mistreat anyone.
40. Live your life as if it were the last day of it.
41. Never miss a wonderful opportunity to remain quiet.
42. Recognize someone for their effort.
43. Be humble, even though not all the time.
44. Never forget your roots.
45. Travel when you can.
46. Give up the step.
47 Dance in the rain.
48. Seek your success without giving up.
49. Be fair, stand up for those who need you.
50. Learn to enjoy moments of loneliness.


"When you come from nothing, you learn to respect everything."
Have a great week world travellers.


Well deserved win for The Harambee Stars , the Star 🌟 is shining.


"There's still next season" Arsenal proverb


𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐑𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞.

The revolutionary, physician, author, guerrilla leader, diplomat, and military theorist,

___________π™©π™π™š π™œπ™§π™šπ™–π™© π˜Ύπ™π™š 𝙂π™ͺπ™šπ™«π™–π™§π™–!

What a Masterpiece!


How on earth would you call women 'widow' to a meeting for a whole day in the name of empowerment without providing them with food nor water , you ask them for their IDs for God knows what reason ...mothers are cursing you out here if you don't know,if you knew you couldn't cater for their needs then there was no need for you to publicize the message through mainstream Media, Even in a seminar , participants are usually facilitated with allowances but you couldn't provide even transport allowance. Wamama wanakaaa Chini kwa jua for a whole day surely Hon. Lillian Siyoi Walubengo !


This nonsense must stop, Kenya Power Care Enough is enough,


A day like this Kenya was robbed of A Vice President Kijana Michael Wamalwa ,a man with a clear wit, vision,and devoted to service delivery to his country . In celebration of his life may we be reminded to embrace his ideals of peace, education and development in our daily lives

Photos from Luo Nation history culture and politics's post 21/08/2023



Do not live half a life
and do not die a half death
If you choose silence, then be silent
When you speak, do so until you are finished
If you accept, then express it bluntly
Do not mask it
If you refuse then be clear about it
for an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance
Do not accept half a solution
Do not believe half truths
Do not dream half a dream
Do not fantasize about half hopes
Half the way will get you no where
You are a whole that exists to live a life
not half a life. ~Khalil Gibran,The Prophet.


Ukipata pesa nunua gari kwanza ndio ujenge. Huwezi enda kusomea mafundi na bodaboda hawatakuheshimu πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.


People like Gaucho and Okanga have a bright future as far as Nairobi politics are concerned.

Those who understand the politics of Nairobi will probably agree with me that for decades the city's politics, especially at the grassroot level have been driven by such characters, starting from the 1950s when African nationalism in Kenya was peaking.

Although most of them are not well educated, they are good mobilisers, a skill that endears them to politicians who use them as a link to the masses and as hatchetmen.

They are always radical in their views and very outspoken. Because of their groove with the masses , many have established strong political links at the grassroot and national levels, which they have exploited to seek and win political seats.

They dominated the old Nairobi City Council as councillors. Some of them even ended up becoming parliamentarians .

Among the hatchetmen of 1950s when the politics of Nairobi revolved around Mboya and Argwings-Kodhek, were Christopher Kiprotich, Sammy Maina, A.D Muigai also called "Lumumba" , M. Nyanduso , Ochola Ogaye Mak'Anyengo, Martin Shikuku and Rading Omollo.

Christopher Kiprotich used to mobilise for Argwings Kodhek's Nairobi African District Congress before switching to Mboya's Nairobi People's Convention Party. He was a radical who threatened to burn the Union Jack. He later became Nairobi KANU branch secretary in 1960, and member of parliament for Kericho East in 1963.

Ochola Ogaye Mak'Anyengo, led Mboya's NPCP's Youth Wing . Through his close association with Mboya he also became involved in trade unionism. Mboya would later secure him a scholarship to study in the US. He later became mp for Ndhiwa.

Sammy Maina was also greatly involved with Mboya's NPCP. His only weakness was that he always shifted camps and had a very sharp tongue. He also served as KANU Nairobi branch chairman in 1960 and the organising secretary for a very long time into the 1980s. He was later murdered.

A.D Muigai also called "Lumumba" was on Mboya's side but later shifted to Odinga's side. This was the time Odinga was trying to build his own influence in Nairobi to counter Mboya. Odinga would later sponsor him for further studies in the Soviet Union.

In 1962 when Mboya was away in the US, Kenyatta and Odinga organised a rally in his constituency.

This angered Mboya's side which under the leadership of Nyanduso, mobilised some young men to disrupt the rally. Kenyatta and Odinga on the other hand had already received prior information about the attack and therefore had tasked Lumumba to mobilise a group of young men to counter Mboya's side.

It was all chaos at the rally, even though Mboya's side was eventually subdued. Lumumba later became a Councillor and was a suspect in the murder of Mboya in 1969, but was released due to lack of evidence.

Wycliffe Rading Omollo , worked for Nairobi Municipal Council, and was a key mobiliser for Odinga in his efforts to build his influence in Nairobi in 1960. He later abandoned Odinga and was KANU's candidate for the Gem parliamentary seat following Kodhek's death, but was defeated by Odinga's candidate.

Martin Shikuku was a youth leader in Mboya's NPCP in 1958, but later resigned after disagreeing with Mboya. In 1960 he chose to join KADU instead of KANU and was appointed youth leader. In 1961 when Odinga was assaulted on Harambee Avenue then known as Coronation Avenue , KADU , youth wingers led by Martin Shikuku were considered the main suspects.

As a result Shikuku's house in Ofafa Maringo was stoned and set ablaze by KANU youth wingers. He later became mp for Butere.
Odhiambo Levin Opiyo writes.


Kenya is sending 1000 policemen to Haiti to help deal with the rising wave of crime as marauding gangsters hold the country hostage.

Not long ago the country's president was assassinated in the most embarrassing gangster style killing. The assassins seem to have met little or no resistance inside the president's residence. It was as if they were entering a cow shed.

How did a country that was once considered the wealthiest colony in the Americas in the early modern period, become the poorest in the world?

As the first postcolonial black republic in 1804, Haiti was looked upon by the Black world as a symbol of freedom and self-determination, but not anymore.

It has become a beacon of hopelessness and destitution so much that It is now depending on young countries like Kenya to help it put its house in order. It is a case of a big brother who has wasted away and has dwindled almost to a state of nothingness.

In 1933 , after Dr Gordon the visiting physician at Mathari mental and Dr F.W. Vint claimed that the brain of an African was 10 to 11 % percent smaller than that of a white man, Sir Arthur Keith of the Darwin Centre of Scientific Progress in Kent was among those who supported the findings.

He argued that a whole population of African slaves were taken to the Americas and placed in the middle of white civilization, but achieved nothing except chaos even after being freed from slavery. To him an African was a poor leader and a chaotic character whose ideal place was the jungle.

When a journalist challenged his argument, he responded by saying that Black people carry boyish and girlish qualities which are good for happiness but disadvantageous in a civilisation.

The economic and security chaos and poor leadership, such as that of dictator Papa Doc ,have only served to reinforce these sick arguments of white Eugenicists who applied scientific racism to question a Black man's capabilities in the middle of civilization.

Away from racial prejudice , at times l am tempted to view Haiti as an embarrassment to the Black race, but when l compare it with other French colonies in Africa, l discover a distinct pattern of chaos with Niger being the latest. This points to one key culprit France , which apart from exploiting its former colonies , is also known for entrenching communal antagonism

Through its direct type of colonial rule which did not prioritise community empowerment, France created division in communities, something that bred chaos.

This is a theory supported by Mathew Lange who argued that indirect rule such as that exercised by the British is "associated with particularly low odds of ethnic civil war." On the other hand the French's direct rule create divisions in communities and is associated with civil war for example Rwanda, Congo and many other countries

Such was the case in early Haiti then known as St. Domingue. This was well highlighted by Historian James Perry who in his book "Arrogant Armies" wrote that in the early Haiti β€œWhites, mulattos and blacks loathed each other. The poor whites couldn’t stand the rich whites, the rich whites despised the poor whites, the middle-class whites were jealous of the aristocratic whites, the whites born in France looked down upon the locally born whites, mulattoes envied the whites, despised the blacks and were despised by the whites; free Negroes brutalized those who were still slaves, Haitian born blacks regarded those from Africa as savages. Everyone quite rightly lived in terror of everyone else … Haiti was hell, but Haiti was rich.”

This is a culture that continues to bedevil former French colonies.

The French also take a huge blame for Haiti's economic chaos, after many decades of exploiting Haiti, they demanded a payment of 150 million Francs in return for recognising it as a republic. According to CFS, for 122 years, Haiti used 80% of its revenues to pay France.

So talking of Haiti's deterioration, a whole lot of factors come into play. Others include natural calamities, poor leadership and occupation by countries such as US.
CREDITS Odhiambo Levin Opiyo


me while watching Seis Manos, Padre Serrano preached "Lord rise up and protect your people like you promised"
then quoted Psalms 12:5-8
β€œBecause the poor are plundered and the needy groan, I will now arise,” says the LORD. β€œI will keep the needy safe and guard them from the wicked.
And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver purified in a crucible, like gold refined seven times".


I am a worried man.


I personally asked for this garbage collection container To H.E Governor George Natembeya EBS through the office of the Women Rep Hon. Lillian Siyoi -Transnzoia County MP and i am glad it has been delivered πŸ‘. Restoring dignity to the Great People of Trans Nzoia. KWA Gatua market.
This was a follow-up to Governor's manifesto. Now build a market for the Traders Governor.


This nation is ungrateful to Right honorable Raila Odinga


A US embassy official, Mr Allan Eastham, told RAILA that they had intelligence indicating that the government was in advance stages of preparing his ex*****on, he told him that the impending arrest was not to be an ordinary arrest but rather .. an arrest that would cause him bodily harm if not lead to his death, he advised him to be safe and careful.

The police raided his offices at Agip house but missed him since he had gone to Orengo's office within the same building, a team of Lawyers led by Mrs Karua were called in to witness the siege, this foiled the raid and the police called it a day promising to keep the hunt.After a night in Orengo's house, Nyong'o, RAILA and Orengo felt that the house was also not safe, they had to find a safer place to hide Raila from the state.

They made a decision to take him Dr kituyi house, Nyong'o drove him to his new home,RAILA stayed with Dr Kituyi family for a week while the special branch hunted down for him. On the first night at Kituyi home, the police raided his house in Kileleshwa.Ida having been used to the battle refused to open the door, insisting Raila was not home, she pretended to be searching for keys while in fact she was calling the press.

She asked the watchman to count the officers in the compound, when he reached 17, he was beaten to black out.After a week, the time to move RAILA to another location came, Kituyi's wife, Mrs Ling was charged with the responsibility of driving him to the US embassy.

She changed RAILA beards, fixed him with glasses & a wig, she sat him behind while Dr Kituyi following closely with Nyong'oThe trip to the embassy was successful but they refused to host him for fear of crossing President Moi path.

From the embassy Nyong'o and Muite drove Raila to Loresho where he stayed with Jalang'o Onyango for a week as they crafted the next course of action.The Catholic church took the issue of Raila a week later, he moved to his sister in law house to meet his children and promised them that he'll never go back to Detention.

A white American nun and father Opiyo got RAILA out of Nairobi.They dressed Raila as a priest, gave him glasses and shaved his head clean, RAILA became a completely different person after the changes, sitting at the back, RAILA read newspapers as they passed the numerous roadblocks mounted on the road by the police.When they reached the catholic station in Kisumu, they booked RAILA under the name Father Augustine from Machakos, he was later transferred to Rang'ala mission station and was booked under the same name.

His father sent a car to pick him.At 4 pm, RAILA ODINGA was moved to Olago Beach where he was to be smuggled out of the country through the lake, he boarded the diesel-powered boat and began his voyage to Uganda, they passed by Ndeda Island to pick up some passengers and left for Uganda at 8pm.After 2 hrs, Hezron Orori, the navigator announced that they were in Uganda, a heavy storm hit the lake later & Orori wife began to shiver, Raila lent her his jacket & faced the unforgiving cold himself, he turned to a bottle of Vodka given to him by a friend to get some warmth.

He spent the night at Sigulu. With the help of sympathetic Kenyans and Tanzanians living in Uganda, he acquired Ugandan papers, but changed his name to Joseph Ojiwa Wadenya.Once in Kampala, he was hosted by one of his friends who worked in his company, the friend reported his arrival to UNHCR, the UNHCR advised Raila to remain underground since the Kenyan government had sent special officers to kidnap him and send him back home.

To be moved out of Uganda, RAILA had to be disguised once more, Ahmed Sayyid Farah, a Somali national who was the UNHCR country representative in Uganda decided that they were not going to take chances.




Leo kumekuwa kumotoπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

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Chasing knowledge.
Kesho natafuta sufuria kubwa  na mwikoπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚,anyway  that was a press briefing  with members of the fourth estate who paid m...

