FBC- Kawaida

FBC- Kawaida

serving God , encouragement through scriptures, winning soul part and parcel of our lives


God is great this far at FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH- KAWAIDA.


Evening Encouragement.
God is greater than our fears, our disappointments, our pressures, and our failures. Sometimes we can forget that; the issues at hand become magnified. God says to magnify His Name, glorify His Name, keep your eyes on Him. Why does He say that? God knows if we resolve to leaning on our own wisdom, or those around us that the result is most likely to be grievous. The Lord in His love and kindness, tells us to praise Him, with every fiber of our being by declaring His works. When we praise, the focus shifts from us and problems to Jesus . Praise is really not about us, although there are so many benefits, but praise is God centered because He and He alone is worthy. God’s Word will nourish your soul and bring you strength to overcome every adversity in your life. It should be your daily bread. DO NOT FEAR.


“For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God” (Romans 8:13-14).
None of us can overcome our sins without God’s help.
We must be led by the Spirit in order to be victorious over sin. He doesn’t drive, drag or push us around; He leads us. He will not force us to do what is right. He simply leads us, but we must be willing to follow if we are to allow God to work within us through His Spirit.
The Holy Spirit makes overcoming possible. Nothing is too difficult for us with the power of God working in our lives. Romans 8:26 tells us that God’s Spirit helps us in our weaknesses.


Never give up on God and
Never give up on yourself.
Why give up a minute to your miracle??? The devil is a liar, when he notice you're about to capture your miracle, he comes in only to discourage and disconnect you from your miracle. His work is to steal, kill and destroy never give in to his schemes.
So when you begin to feel as if you've waited for something you've been praying for for so long without an answer, when you begin to doubts God's word and promises in your life, when you begin to draw away from God, remember that you are giving in to the devil, and he is succeeding in his mission, . Please don't give place to the devil, hold on to Jesus, hopefully, patiently and tirelessly at his due time he will finally come to your aid. It might be a minute, hours, days, weeks, months or years close NEVER GIVE UP.


When Jesus was about to go to the father, He prayed for his disciples that they may be comforted, be strong in him and trust in him and the father. He knew they will face challenges of various kinds, ridicule from people and yet they will still be overcomers. Your challenges can be many, affliction of every kind, but the Lord is encouraging you today to hold unto him because you are coming out bigger, better and greater than you started. Rejoice in him, He is always with you no matter what.


7 dangerous people you need to know and handle them with wisdom and knowledge

1.Thomas Group - Walk with you but don't really believe in you. They keep on delaying your vision and mission.
2. Judas Group - Walk with you but have issues with you when God begins to bless you. They are jealous of your success.
3. Demas Group – Walk with you but once you start facing challenges and difficulties, they run away and forsake you
4. Korah Group - They challenge your authority, they have issues when others give honor to you.
5. Ham Group - They exposes your nakedness. The day you find yourself in a sinful act, they tell everyone your weaknesses exposing your disaster.
6. Gehazi Group - They collect money behind your back. Asks for financial assistance and makes people feel you are not taking good care of them.
7.Deotrephes Group - Most dangerous group, they have voice amongst the people. They can come with stories that destroys your image as a leader.


Firmly stand on your faith and keep
running the race that is set ahead of you, Run with perseverance and great patience.
Trust in God always Remember He is always there with you even when you feel He is not there. Besides note, as you continue to steadfastly trust in him He will not disappoint. He will surely deliver you to your glorious destiny. Be confident in your faith in God for many will be discouraging voices you will hear, Some will come from your past, others from your present, others from the future. LET THIS NOT CAUSE YOUR FAITH TO WAVER. Entrust the past, present and future to God. Please do not move on your own, for if you do you wil certainly fail. Kindly walk with God. I DO BELIEVE YOU WILL BREAKTHROUGH FOR WITH GOD VICTORY IS SURE, WITH GOD YOU WILL NEVER GO WRONG.

Message From Pastor John Kitavi. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH- KAWAIDA


_From Pastor Dominic Nyakundi

```Blessed 10th, of Wednesday, March, 2021```


2 Corinthians 5:17
_Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new._

When you became a Christian, you became a new creation. Everything in your past is but a fleeting memory. The moment that you were born again, your spirit man came to life and was joined with Jesus! The Bible says that now your life is hid with Christ in God (Colossians 3:1-3).

*When you said 'yes' to Jesus and received the free gift of eternal life, something miraculous happened in your being. You became a brand new citizen of heaven. No longer are you subject to the broken, sinful world system that you were once dominated by. Now, you are blessed in heaven with every spiritual blessing in Christ* (Ephesians 1:3).

This is the NEW you. Being a son or daughter to your Heavenly Father is your true identity now. You are an heir of God and a joint heir with Jesus Christ (Romans 8:15-17). Everything in your past is past. You are a new creation with a bright, eternal future!

*My prayer today is that we would all say 'yes and amen' to this truth whether we feel like this is the truth or not. The enemy of our soul would like it if we didn't believe that this was the truth. He would prefer us to be stuck in our past and filled with guilt and shame. But of course we know that he is a liar and the father of lies* (John 8:41-44) *so we need not listen to him any longer.*

The Bible says that if we resist the devil, he will flee from us (James 4:7). May our God and Father give us the strength to resist the temptation of living in our past so that we can truly live out of the new reality that the old things have passed away and all things have become new.

Galatians 4:6-7
_6 And because you are children, God sent out the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, “Abba, Father!” 7 So you are no longer a bondservant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ._

*Child of God ...Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,*



There are moments in your future where, because you’re serving, giving, helping others, God is going to suddenly thrust you to a new level. God knows how to change your status. He knows how to bump you up to a different dimension. One touch of His favor won’t just impact you; it will impact your whole family. You may not see how it can happen, but you don’t know what God is up to. If you’ll keep being faithful, He’ll make things happen you never dreamed would happen.


Dear heavenly Father, Creator and Manufacturer of my life, today I submit my life to You, totally surrendering the product of my whole life to You for complete repair, maintenance and renewal in Jesus Christ. I confess Him as the only Savior of my life and submit to Him as my Lord. By faith I this moment receive the Holy Spirit, who, by His power, makes me an eternal citizen of Your Kingdom of Heaven. I commit myself to serve and acknowledge You in all my ways as I endeavor to maximize my potential for Your praise and glory

"discovering your potential"


I Will Not Quit!

“Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12 (NKJV)

No matter how long or hard you have been fighting the fight of faith – standing on the Word of God with all your might – it’s not your portion to quit! You might feel battle-weary and tired of standing strong while your circumstances just don’t seem to change.

The truth is: this is the perfect time for you to find your place of rest in the Presence of Jesus. Surrender your disappointment to Him; read the promises of His Word again; determine to believe in them regardless of what is happening in the natural – and let the Word go to work for you! It’s not your responsibility to do the impossible; your faith in God and His Word does that. Your responsibility is to keep your mind full of His Word and your mouth full of praise.

This is how you fight the good fight of faith. What’s more, this isn’t something too difficult for you to do – it’s what you were born to do. It’s your calling! When the pressure is on, don’t quit; look up, hold your peace and victory will be yours!


Those who walk with God reach their destination.


"Guard your heart with all vigilance, for from it are the sources of life" (Proverbs 4:23).

Jesus' methods and mission were purpose-driven. He came to change the old order in a non-violence milieu. He never lost sight of that all-through the period of His earthly ministry. He daily received from His Father and could easily say My Father works hitherto I work. He further stated that the Son can do nothing on his own initiative but only what He sees the Father (John 5:19).


Many times we get up on Monday morning and immediately begin worrying and dreading the week ahead. We don’t realize that all the anxiety is making it worse. However, Scripture says, “This is the day the Lord has made” (Ps. 118:24 NKJV). If we have the right perspective, we can enjoy life even on Monday. Every morning, we should decide that today is going to be a good day.

Photos from FBC- Kawaida's post 28/02/2021

The scripture says, “God hastens His word to perform it.” That word hasten means quickly, speedily, in a hurry. I’m not saying we don’t have to wait. There are things that take time. What I’m saying is when you don’t see anything happening, it looks like what you’re up against is never going to change, when you step into that destiny moment, God will do things speedily, quicker than you thought. He’ll cause those enemies to hurry out of your way. He’ll cause you to accomplish your dream in a fraction of the time. It looks like that obstacle is permanent, then suddenly, it turns around. That’s God hastening His word.

Photos from FBC- Kawaida's post 17/02/2021

Genesis 2:7

7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

God breathed into man the breath of life and became a living soul.

The word soul is nepesh in hebrew which means mind among many other meanings. So man was a mass of flesh but the breath of God transformed him into a living mind.

The mind that God gave man before the fall of man was a supernatural mind. This mind had the ability to name all animals and when you look at the possibilities of this mind, it was extraordinary.

Its the will of God that the saints will operate from that level of a supernatural mind. There are things that are beyond academic journals but they are trapped in a supernatural mind.

Divine ideas can only flow in a renewed mind. May you walk under divine ideas.


Romans 12:2

2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

The word conform in Greek is suschematizo which means to fashion one self or adopt a mind, character or pattern of another order.

The word world is aion which means realities that happen in certain time frames.

So the author encouraged us not to adopt the mindset and pattern that is not kingdom hence we ought not to be limited by the current realities that are expressed by time.

The word transform is metamophos which means change into another form, to renew is to renovate or change for better. Our minds must adopt another better form.

The best form that your mind can change to is what I call a kingdom mindset. You cannot change your life before you change your mindset.

The are three battles that affect the mind, the battle to the mind, that is an external battle, the battle of the mind, that is a battle of options and ideologies and the battle in the mind its the conflict of truth vs reality. A new mind is under Christ


During the season of silent, don't give up.
Behind the scenes things are changing
God does much work in secret:
- Healing
-Good breath
Don't be discouraged nor dismayed because you are not seeing.
-Things will shift in to your favor.
-God uses obstacles to change you.
-Don't consider your circumstances but consider your Faith
-It may seem impossible but Almighty God will make it possible.

-Why God?
Those who fear God are as bold as like lion.

Psalm 34:15
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are open to their cry.
16.The face of the Lord is against those who do evils, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth

Photos from FBC- Kawaida's post 16/02/2021

A Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for Your promise that You will work out Your plans for my life. Thank You that I can stay in peace knowing that You are working behind the scenes and directing the outcomes. Help me to be patient and know that You are bringing me into my purpose. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Photos from FBC- Kawaida's post 15/02/2021

No More Tears.
God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.
Revelation 21:4.

One day, God Himself will take your face in His hands and gently wipe away your tears as He reassures you there will be no more suffering.
There will be no more...
su***de bombers or fiery infernos,
broken homes or broken hearts,
broken lives or broken dreams. . . .
No more cancer or strokes or AIDS. . . .
No more war!
You can look forward with hope, because one day there will be no more separation, no more scars, no more suffering no more tears at all
in My Father’s House.
Have a blessed night/week ahead, God watch over you, always praying for and with you.

Photos from FBC- Kawaida's post 15/02/2021

Psalm 127

1 Unless the Lord builds the house,the builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.

2 In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat for he grants sleep to those he love

This is a psalm written by David to his son Solomon. The psalm is not an encouragement on laziness or slumber but it puts emphasis on putting God as our anchor in all that we do.

Solomon was scheduled to build the temple and David was sharing a very simple insight that Solomons trust should not be in the building but in the master builder.

Watchmen were key in assuring the safety of the city but their work and labour is futile because if the Lord is not the source of security for that city then their activity is in vain.

This psalm is a reminder that in all that we do our trust should be in the Lord.

This week let your labours and assignment be under the divine trust of Yahweh as the one that empowers and leads you in all your dealings.


Sikia hii, HAKUNA HISTORIA AMBAYO MUNGU alishindwa kutimiza ahadi zake. Mungu anaweza kutegemewa kufanya lolote asemalo. Usikate tamaa 🙏

Photos from FBC- Kawaida's post 12/02/2021

In Psalm 46, we see the world being torn apart by cataclysmic disasters mountains collapsing into the sea, earthquakes, floods and military conquests.
But the author of this psalm tells us that we shouldn’t fear. How could we not be afraid when faced with such terrifying events?
The psalmist tells us that through all of the turbulence, God is with us. God is our refuge and strength when problems shake our world. He has such awesome power that the world actually melts at the sound of his voice. God is in control and will be exalted.


Worship is so much more than music. It's praising, even when you feel like giving up. It's loving, even though situations have been unfair. It's trusting God and thanking him.... because he deserves it! Don't let your attitude reflect your circumstance. Let your praise reflect your God! Hallelujah. God is great and everything written about Him Is GREAT.



1king 18:41-46
Then Elijah said to the king Ahab,'Now go and eat,I hear the roar of rain approaching (sensitive Spirit),While Ahab went to eat,Elijah climbed to the top of Mount Carmel,where he bowed down to the ground, (l hear roar of rain approaching, which none could feel except him,why bow again....to give thanks to expected rain)He said to his servant,'Go and look towards the sea.....we see the servant being sent seven times and in the seventh time he returned and said,' I saw a little cloud no bigger than a Man's hand,coming up from the sea.

Elijah ordered his servant, to tell the King Ahab to get in his chariot and go back home before the rain stops him

Many lessons are learnt here,Elijah was sure he had a rain roar and didn't doubt it,though He could not see any sign,He trusted the Spirit that dwells in him and announce it,He was sure without doubt,how many have heard the same sound speaking to them,but join pagan talks,if l say they will think am insane,what if its my thoughts, what if l announce it and it get arrested by evil one and never happens,I'll became a laughing stalk....and that's the end of your miracle,you killed it by thinking about yourself more than trusting the one Who is greater in you....you will stay long in that drought without change

Elijah goes back to the place He had been praying to God and where he had asked for the miracle,to give thank because He has felt a roar rain and trusted that,always remember when you get answers to your prayers, or receive a promise,give thanks,it acts like a catalyst to Faith over it.

Elijah sent his servant to see for a sign...he never doubted for a bit,that's why he trusted someone else to watch over a sign for him,...we are so doubtful Thomases, until we see for ourselves that we can engage other....when will your drought end with that mind.Gods word says without Faith we can't please Him...and a small amount of Faith you can move mountains.

Elijah never got tired,He stood still and know His God is a miracle working God,He was not moved by the servant replies,He waited patiently...we need to be patient, though we had pray and don't see any change,we need to wait by speaking positive, something will show up soon,though am still admitted in hospital, my healing is already hear,though end month is here,rent ,school fees and l have nowhere am waiting for money,God will still come through.

Just a handful sign and Elijah announces again without fear,just a small sign of what you had been waiting for and you complain,what's this...hold on there,its just a sign the whole package is being delivered, prepare your granary, huge harvest,prepare your investment, overnight economy can change,prepare your healing,morning is coming with joy though your night was of mourning.

Trust in the Lord,don't lean under your own understanding, announce His Victory if He reveals them to you,that is Faith with Action



We have to trust that God knows what He’s doing. God will never take something away without giving you back more in return. You may not see it at the time, but if you’ll stay in faith and not get bitter, not let that disappointment overwhelm you, then you’ll come out increased, promoted, ready for the next level of your destiny.


Stand firm in the faith, Your faith will be tested in many ways, you will encounter a lot from the devil in this world, Some will target your flesh and blood and others your spirit man, You will have to subdue your body to the instructions of the word of God and feed your spirit man with the word of God, Choose to stand firm on the confession of your faith, The word of God is true. Never doubt or allow any doubt in your heart about the word of God. Remember every storm is temporal. It will soon be over, And the word of God will remain and be effective in your LIFE TO GOD: THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT BE THE GLORY.


When you live with expectancy, you don't go through the day complaining about your problems, discouraged by the negative report, thinking your dreams are too big. You look for God’s goodness. You know the answer is on the way. “Lord, thank You that You’re making a way. Thank You that things are turning in my favor. Thank You that You hold victory in store for the upright.” Your faith can initiate healing. Your faith can be the catalyst for God to do amazing things.


Ever notice people with great callings were often rejected. Yet they ended up being promoted in the very same environment. The distinction is how they handled rejection. Eliab said to the next king of Israel, David "who have you left those few sheep with?" This isn't your level you are too small, unannointed n broke to be here. This ain't your league.
David focused on the price as he asked, "what shall be given to the man who kills goliath. When David became the next king of Israel I wonder how ashamed Eliab felt. God will always lift you up and give you to people who love, honor and value you. Its not your Portion to be sad, depressed and fought by those who have no revelation about you.

Photos from FBC- Kawaida's post 10/02/2021

You may have promises that you’ve believed for a long time, dreams God put in your heart. Every circumstance says, “It’s never going to happen. You would have seen some improvement, some growth.” Don’t believe those lies. Keep thanking God that it’s coming, keep talking like it’s on the way, keep expecting things to change in your favor. Our attitude should be, “What I’m believing for may look dead, but I know what God promised me is still alive. I’m not moved by what I feel. I’m not moved by what’s not working out, by how long it’s been, by what hasn’t improved. I know what God started in my life He will finish. I know what He promised me will come to pass.”You may have promises that you’ve believed for a long time, dreams God put in your heart. Every circumstance says, “It’s never going to happen. You would have seen some improvement, some growth.” Don’t believe those lies. Keep thanking God that it’s coming, keep talking like it’s on the way, keep expecting things to change in your favor. Our attitude should be, “What I’m believing for may look dead, but I know what God promised me is still alive. I’m not moved by what I feel. I’m not moved by what’s not working out, by how long it’s been, by what hasn’t improved. I know what God started in my life He will finish. I know what He promised me will come to pass.”

Photos from FBC- Kawaida's post 09/02/2021

Stand strong, the true definition of your life is entirely dependant on God, it is him alone that brings all to pass, never forget that you aren't in this alone, God, your Father is always with you, even in the darkest moments when all is falling apart, and your strength is gone, all you have found confident in have left you.
THE SURE REFUGE FOR YOU IS IN GOD, keep calm and know He is God, after this momentary trouble, He wil restore you steadfastly and establish you,


Little stones make big mountains...Little steps can cover miles...Little act of loving kindness give someone its biggest smiles...Little words can smooth big troubles...Little candle can bright the darkness...Little memories last for years...Little victories go for big success...It’s the little things in life that brings the greatest happiness...Hope your life is filled with little Blessings !!!


Delay Is Not Denial, Be Patient,
God is going to show up and reveal His purpose and His power and His presence in your situation. Don't grow weary of waiting on God to act. If we are patient with Him, God can break through our desperate situations and transform our toughest trials into trophies of grace. When answers don't come immediately, fight the urge to become impatient and the temptation to quit after a while. Never mistake God's silence for inaction. Even when it seems that He has delayed, He is on time. He is working and waiting for the right time to show up, to leave you doubtless that He's the One who makes all the difference in your life. As you wait, persevere in prayer and believe that "Nothing is too difficult for Him" IT IS NOT OVER UNTIL YOU WIN..!!

Photos from FBC- Kawaida's post 08/02/2021


PSALM 42:1-2
“As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?”

The writer of this Psalm was discouraged because he was exiled to a place far from Jerusalem so that he could not worship in the Temple like he used to. Do you feel free to worship and have intimacy with God, or are you exiled by the things and the cares of this world? Do you still have the freedom to worship and have intimacy with God, which is the very reason for your existence?

The soul of the Psalmist longed to go back to the place of worship, but he could not because he was in captivity. So many souls of believers (minds not spirit) are held up in captivity by the cares of this world; by the spirit of mammon, fear, condemnation, religion and so forth. Yes, your spirit can be born-again, redeemed by the blood of Jesus; but your mind can be kept in captivity by the lies of the devil.

Speak freedom to your soul, and command your soul to come out of captivity and receive freedom to worship in Spirit and in truth, in Jesus’ Name.

_(Study Romans 12:1-2)_

Photos from FBC- Kawaida's post 22/01/2021

Today we pray for the world. We choose to invite God and also be engaged. Praying over global politics, economics and race relations. We choose to see the beautiful things God is bringing through his Spirit all around us as seeds of the Kingdom and signs that He is on the move. The kindness of people, the joy through the pains, the ingenious work done by scientists against the COVID-19 fight. Our God is coming, Our God is here.

Photos from FBC- Kawaida's post 19/01/2021

*"And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.”Romans 13:11*

*"So the shipmaster came to him, and said unto him, What meanest thou, O sleeper? arise, call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not.”Jonah 1:6*

1. Jonah was sleeping when he should be using his mouth.
2. Beloved, the results of the new year is in your mouth.
3.To be quiet is to be DENIED opportunity of expression.
4. Satan can go to any length to keep you quiet in the face of battle.

5. Satan knows if he can't shut your mouth he can't stop your Miracles.
6.The gate of your life is your mouth....
7. You can't be sleeping and be using your mouth...
Some slumbering are meant to hinder your progress.

8.You are sleeping when your eyes are opened but your mouth is closed.
9.You are sleeping when you are seeking for carnal pleasure beyond divine purpose.
10. There must be a burning fire in your heart that is saying No to satanic assaults.
11.When the saints becomes docile satan runs riot.
# Wake up and contend for year 2021....


Isaiah 43:1 But now, this is what the LORD says--he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
43:2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
43:3 For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush and Seba in your stead.
43:4 Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life.
43:5 Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.
43:6 I will say to the north, 'Give them up!' and to the south, 'Do not hold them back.' Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth--
43:7 everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made."


1 Corinthians:3.6
*I planted the seed, Apollos watered the plant, but it was God who made the plant grow.*

✍️We have been called differently in the vineyard of God.

✍️God has gifted us differently so that His work may be accomplished here on earth.

✍️In every area where we are gifted let's use it for the glory of God

✍️Let no one boast or demean another. Because it is God who makes the plant to grow.

✍️let's embrace each other as we serve God. Let there be no jealousy and arguments among us.

🙏🏾Rem: *1 Corinthians:3.7The one who plants and the one who waters really do not matter. It is God who matters, because he makes the plant grow.*


When it comes to fulfilling promises, God does not discriminate.

The Scripture says, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a barrier against him.” You’re not fighting this battle on your own. The most powerful force in the universe is fighting for you, pushing back forces of darkness, keeping that sickness from taking you out, moving the wrong people out of the way, opening doors that no man can shut.

All through the day today, I challenge you to say: “I am well able. I have can-do power. I will overcome this obstacle. I will defeat this sickness. I will rise out of lack and struggle. I will accomplish my dreams.”

When you think and speak like that, the Creator of the universe goes to work, and miracles are set in motion.

