Wäwërü Märc Prïñçë

Wäwërü Märc Prïñçë

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Photos from Wäwërü Märc Prïñçë's post 10/12/2023

Sunday is for making peace,,,
Don't go looking for peace,,
Try and make it.


Sunday vibes


Jah rules.


Travel the world 🌍

Beaver Falls In Arizona, USA


Very nice sound🤩


It's me again,
good morning 🌅

Photos from Wäwërü Märc Prïñçë's post 05/01/2023

My birthday 🎂🎉
Happy birthday to me😊,thank you Lord for being there for me.
Wish me a happy birthday 🙏


Sunday evening


Thanks to the Almighty,
The weather is cordial and palatable.


If you believe say amen




No matter what comes my way, I'll keep going


Be at peace


Can't believe 😂


Sunday afternoon,,, it's very hot


Moving on well,,, another day,,,,God is in control


Another evening,,,I count it,,,a blessing,,,,Glory and Honour to God


Huruka thayu bratha Symo Di Santos


I gave up my life

Next On Te Doy La Vida Episode 42

Ernesto went into Nico's room, asked whether he was happy at home, and when he got the answer he wanted asked him what he would like to do. Nico wanted to go to the beach but Elena told them she didn't feel well. Ernesto then suggested he play in the garden with her.

Nelson called Augustin into his office and had him close the door. He asked whether Domingo told him anything. Augustin told him what that conversation was and Nelson started to panic. He told Augustin about the letter and the aftermath in the park. Nelson didn't know what to do and Augustin suggested forgetting Ester by finding another woman. He suggested online dating and a website, but told him to proceed slowly. After he left Nelson opened his computer and went to the site.

Trini brought the house phone out to Elena in the garden, saying it was Gabriela on the line. She was checking up on her. Elena told her things were bad and she didn't know how long she could continue to fake the Happy Family delusion. Gabi asked if there was anything she could do and Elena told her no,but thanked her. She cut the call short when Ernesto came out, kissed her as though the last few months never happened, and started telling her she was beautiful and he loved her. She started telling him off but Nico called him and wanted to play. He took the ball but then had to answer his phone. He went inside the house to talk. It was Sister Refugio, the Mother Superior, who told him she had taken steps to comply with his request. She had assigned someone else to take care of Doña Isabel, Sister Bernadina. Ernesto told her that if there was ever a repeat incident he would make good on his threat. She told him not to worry and he closed the conversation.

Sister Inês ran into the other novice who asked her how it went with Sister Refugio. She gestured and the novice understood.

Gabriela visited Horacio and told him about her conversation with Elena. Horacio expessed his frustration at what to do about Ernesto. She wanted to go to see Elena and eventually thought to say that her mother threw her out of the house. Horacio thought that a little extreme but Gabi pointed out that since her mother favors Ernesto why would that not be believable. He kissed her and she left. He sank back into his chair saying if only there were something he could do. Monica told him that something could be happening because Ernesto had a police visitor.

Pedro expressed his frustration to Augustin, who in turn said that his situation was also bad.

Monica gave Eduardo's business card to Horacio. He picked up his phone but Monica suggested that an in-person meeting would be better. He realized she was right and suggested that she go to see him because women know how to ferret out information. One kiss later she was on her way.

Gina called Rosa from the street, asking whether Pedro was at work. When Rosa said he was she said to get him to come to her at any pretext. Jimmy was talking to his boss on his cell and as Gina approached hi she heard about the lexbutrol. Jimmy's boss was demanding a commission on it and Jimmy objected because he had acquired it from a friend.. He went on to say that the customer had lots of money and could possibly have a more profitable future request. They agreed to talk later about the lexbutrol. As he ended his call Jimmy was hit from behind by Gina who didn't give a damn about Ernesto or what he did but she was angry that Jimmy used her to get the means by way of a lie. Jimmy tried to convince her that she benefits from this because it keeps Elena away from Pedro but she was
certainly concerned that they could be connected to the abuse. He played on that by threatening to tell Pedro she acquired the stuff that caused the accident. She pushed past him and went on her way.

Gabriela told Andrea she needed to be repaid immediately because she had an urgent bill to pay. Andrea gave a mock apology and said she couldn't. Gabi asked about the money she owed Horacio and Andrea didn't have that either. She was even indignant at being asked. Andrea called her a bad daughter over this and went on about paying money into the household. If she refused the door was open and she was sick of her attempts to manage her. Gabi said she was leaving... and it was over other things as well. [As she walked out Andrea showed us how much she really cared about her youngest daughter.]

Gina was late meeting Rosa. They went out for coffee.

Sister Inês seems to have acquired an ally in the other novice whom she persuaded – by writing rather than talking – to continue investigating in her place, even to call Commandante Robles to tell him what happened. After all, if Sr. Rioja is looking to stop this he must really have something to hide.

Ernesto tried to embrace Elena but she told him not to touch her. She hate that he was making her a prisoner. She was his wife only on paper. He did force a kiss on her, then she left the room.

Pedro looked at the photo of Elena and Nicoo on his phone, worrying about Elena and the current situation. Samuel came in to tell him that Elena is not alone because she will have Gabriela and Horacio to help her. Gabriela had just arranged to move in with her.

Elena hugged her plucky little sister who cried very effectively saying that her mother threw her out after refusing to pay her back for bailing her out and insisting she pay room and board. Ernesto watched from behind Gabriela, not believing a word of this.

Irene asked Andrea where Gabriela was and she said she threw her out for demanding repayment of the bail money, the fine, and to bail out her products from the police. Irene was shocked, saying that she was a “little girl” and was reasonable in that request. “But I'm her mother”, that entitled-bitch tagline was how Andrea started, going on about how she lived for her and all of them implying that the all owed her. Irene said she should pay her back and asked where Gabi went. Andrea said she didn't know or care. Irene speculated on whether Gabriela moved in with her novio, which caused Andrea to clutch her pearls once again, almost to the point of having the vapors. Irene wickedly asked if she wanted a tranquilizer. Andrea said nothing, but started fanning herself. [She will probably have an apoplectic fit when she finds out about Irene and Ernesto.]

Elena and Gabriela were in the bedroom to talk. Elena asked what happened. She couldn't believe that their mother would throw her out of the house. Gabriela checked the corridor, then closed the door and told Elena she provoked her deliberately to get in because she was worried about her being alone with Ernesto. Elena told her it wasn't necessary to go that far but that she will love having her there. Gabi asked if she could stay in the room with her but Elena said it would probably be better if she stayed in a guest room.

The novice – Sister Bernadina – called Eduardo to tell him what happened. He was not surprised and made a gesture with his phone that said he knew he was on the right track.

At dinner that night the two sisters dined while Ernesto said he was going out. She and Gabi talked briefly when Nico came down the stairs. He had wet the bed. Gabi said she would do the dishes while Elena took care of that. She took down fresh bedding and pjs for Nico, who was – understandably – far less animated than usual.

Enesto went into a bar where he ordered a drink. An attractive woman in a tomato-red dress that looked like faux leather approached him. He politely declined her company, downed a shot of brandy, and ordered another.

Elena tucked her son in. He asked whether Tia Gabriela was going to live with them. Elena told him yes. For a few days. He was happy about that.

Ernesto had at least one other drink before having a sepia flashback to the day he released Doña Isabel's canaries. She demanded to know why he did it. But the question was merely rhetorical because he stood there and said nothing as she called him poorly brought up and said that the next time he did anything like that she would put him out in the street and his mother as well. On that nasty note, Ernesto had another drink.

Domingo was still trying to figure out what he saw in the park. Ester was avoiding having to tell the truth and doing it fairly well. She finally got into bed and told him she only has eyes for him.

Irene was watching television when Andrea came into her room and told her to call Gabriela. Irene told her to call her herself. She replied that she had and Gabi didn't answer. She went on about how she always had to solve the problems in the house since Horacio left. Irene stopped her going any further with this by telling her she needed a man and should look for one because there is no going back. As Irene saw her mother figuratively clutching her pearls she said to close the door on the way out, then rolled her eyes afterward.

Pedro was reading when Elena called to tell him that things were going bad for Nico. He had wet the bed because of all the tension in the house. He was asleep now with Ernesto out for the evening. Pedro suggested that she call the psychologist and she already intended to and that fortunately Gabi was there with her. The usual longing for the day they would be together, etc. He went back to his desk after the call and opened his computer.

Nelson closed his when Gina came down the stairs to satisfy some craving or other. He claimed to be looking at videos of US auto shops for ideas. A moment later he asked her how she would feel if he started dating. She said “Another woman in this house? No.” [Selfish little bitch]. “Besides, at your age what can you find? Only ones after your money.” [She knows the target, I'll give her that.] She brought up someone they knew who married someone twenty years younger than himself who only wanted his money. “Stop talking nonsense. Just have your tea and go to bed.” She did that herself, taking the toast plate with her.

Ernesto got home drunk to discover that Elena had locked the bedroom door. He knocked and demanded to be admitted, but she refused. He insisted, as now her lying, busybody sister was imn the guest room. She said she didn't care where but not in her bed. He started to walk away, almost changed his mind, then did an about face.

The next morning over breakfast Gabi told Nico a story which amused him Elena took him upstairs to change, leaving Gabi alone with her hostile cuñado. She said she needed to get ready for work and he asked her how long she was going to stay. She said until she found somewhere else to sleep because she wasn't welcome in her mother's house. He said something that must have been like “Two's company, three's a crowd.”

Domingo went to the clinic for the tests. The desk nurse told him that the results would be in two days and he could come in to collect the papers or check the website with the number on his file. He sat down to wait to be called.

Sister Inês was reading when there was a knock on the door. She quickly hid the book, picked up her rosary, and got on her knees. Madre Refugio entered and told her she had behaved well but was still not releasing her from the penance of silence. She was to assist Padre Gonzalo for the 6 o'clock mass.

Ernesto and Andrea talked on the phone while he drove to the office. He told her that Gabriela was at his place, saying that she needed to get her out of there because he was being inconvenienced. She was getting in the way of their reconciliation. Andrea lied, saying they had a little argument and the doors were always open, etc.. He said to call er and she told him that Gabi won't answer. He suggested that Andrea apologize to her because he and Elena needed their space. She said alright, but couldn't guarantee success. She knows her daughter. [Really?] The maid came in with some money from an Edlume sale and Andrea called Gabi at work. She answered and Andrea gave her the usual BS about missing her. Gabi asked if she had the money and Andrea asked her how she became so mateialistic. Same BS about the house seeming so empty without her. Gabi didn't fall for any of this. Andrea said that Ernesto wants to reconcile with Elea and Gabi put her foot down, saying she was not returning and she had a lot of work to do. She then ended the call.

Andrea called Elena , who scolded her for taking Ernesto's side against her. Andrea simply shot Ernesto's BS to Elena and asked her to send Gabi home. Elena told her that until she is on the same side she'd rather not listen to her. She ended the call. Andrea looked miffed and asked herself “What did I do to deserve such daughters?” [Andrea, if you have a couple of hours...]

Sister Inês went back to her book, hid it at the knock, then Sister Bernadina came in to tell her she had spoken with Commandante Robles.

Pedro made enquiries about an apartment so he could see Elena.

Adolfo Nuvoa called Ernesto (or vice versa) after not having heard from each other for a long time. Ernesto said that Horacio didn't want to sell his company so he needed documents that could make him look guilty of fraud. He asked if he could help with that.

Nelson was counting money which he quickly pocketed when Augustin came in with a tool he said needed replacing. Nelson told him to put it on the desk but this was merely a pretext for asking him about his quest for romance. Nelson started curmudgeoning his way out of this enquiry, finally saying he was too old. Augustin suggested he fix himself up but Nelson still balked at this. Finally he decided he needed to find a woman with her own money. Augustin was amused as he left.

Andrea bi***ed to Pili about her situation and Pili told her that people don't care about biodegradable., etc.; they are cheap. She finally decided to take Irene's advice and look for a man., “Do you think I'm too old for that?” Pili said she wasn't but the challenge was “to find men interested in us.” she rattled off names of mutual friends who found men in art and yoga classes, etc. Andrea was skeptical. [Are all of you thinking what I'm thinking?]

Domingo went to Horacio's office to ask him out to lunch. Horacio asked him about his tests and he said he wou;ld get results the next day. Horacio was waiting for a call from Houston and had to sign some papers before they left.

Mónica arrived at Eduardo's office and they talked. He told her they were searching for a servant who worked in his family's home and asked why her company was interested in this. She told him the whole truth, including their suspicion that Erneseto had drugged his wife so she would lose custody of their son in the event of a divorce. They had no proof and were looking for a way to prove it. He said they had no case without it but was willing to talk again. She gave him her business card. And made a gracious exit. [Did she notice the pin board?]

Gina had the nerve to show up at Ernesto's office. The receptionist announced her, Ernesto claimed not to know her, but was willing to see her. He recognized her the second he looked up fro his desk. She revealed what she knew about the lexbutrol because of how Jimmy got it from her. Ernesto told her she benefitted from this because this was to keep Elena and Pedro apart. They are now in cahoots, but he isn't too pleased about it.

When Gina walked out of Ernesto's office she was spotted by Domingo, who called her name.

Share! comments zikam..

FAVOUR YA NGAI - SALIM YOUNG. Sms (skiza 5810249) & send to 811 04/01/2021

A must watch ⚠️⚠️

FAVOUR YA NGAI - SALIM YOUNG. Sms (skiza 5810249) & send to 811 ©2020 Administered by Ngomma VAS Limited.


If you are still talking of festive season, real hustlers are back to business, hustling for a better tomorrow


Njui ya nja yaneneha itagwo atia??


Happy sixtieth anniversary


Fellow Nigerians,

I speak to you today as your President and fellow citizen on this epoch occasion of our country’s 60th independence Anniversary. As President, I wish to renew my appreciation to Nigerians for entrusting me with your hopes and aspirations for a better and greater Nigeria.

2. Today, it is my unique privilege to re-commit myself to the service of this great country of great people with profound diversities and opportunities. We are bound by destiny to be the largest and greatest black nation on earth.

3. At this stage in our nationhood it is important that we reflect how we got here to enable us work TOGETHER to get to where we aspire to be as a strong indivisible nation, united in hope and equal in opportunity.

4. On October 1st 1960 when Prime Minister Alhaji Abubakar Tafawa Balewa received the constitutional instruments symbolizing Nigeria’s independence, he expressed his wish that having acquired our rightful status as an independent sovereign nation, history would record that the building of our nation proceeded at the wisest pace.

5. This optimism was anchored on the peaceful planning, full and open consultation and harmonious cooperation with the different groups which culminated in Nigeria emerging as a country without bitterness and bloodshed.

6. Our founding fathers understood the imperative of structuring a National identity using the power of the state and worked towards unification of Nigerians in a politically stable and viable entity.

7. That philosophy guided the foundation that was laid for our young nation of 45 million people with an urban population of approximately 7million occupying an area of 910,768 square kilometers. These demographics led to development challenges for which major efforts were made to overcome.

8. Today, we grapple with multiple challenges with a population exceeding 200million occupying the same land mass but 52% residing in urban areas.

9. Sixty years of nationhood provides an opportunity to ask ourselves questions on the extent to which we have sustained the aspirations of our founding fathers. Where did we do the right things? Are we on course? If not where did we stray and how can we remedy and retrace our steps?

10. Upon attaining independence, Nigeria’s growth trajectory was anchored on policies and programmes that positively impacted on all sectors of the economy. However, this journey was cut short by the 30-months of civil war.

11. We came out of the civil war with a focus on reconstruction, rehabilitation and reconciliation that enabled the country to put in place world class development structures and a strengthened public service that well served the government. This positive trajectory continued with a return to democratic government which was truncated by another round of military rule.

12. For a cumulative 29 of our 60 years existence as a nation, we have been under military rule.

13. My summary of our journey so far as a nation is necessary to appropriately chart where we need to go and how to get there TOGETHER.

14. Today, I am aware that our economy along with every single economy in the world is in crisis. We still face security challenges in parts of the country, while our society suffers from a high loss of moral rectitude which is driven by unbridled craving for political control.

15. An underlying cause of most of the problems we have faced as a nation is our consistent harping on artificially contrived fault-lines that we have harboured and allowed unnecessarily to fester.

16. In addition, institutions such as civil service, police, the judiciary, the military all suffered from a general decline.

17. We need to begin a sincere process of national healing and this anniversary presents a genuine opportunity to eliminate old and outworn perceptions that are always put to test in the lie they always are.

18. The stereotype of thinking of ourselves as coming from one part of the country before seeing ourselves as Nigerians is a key starting point to project us on the road to our deserved nation’s evolution and integration.

19. To start this healing process, we are already blessed with the most important asset any nation requires for such – OUR PEOPLE – and this has manifested globally in the exploits of Nigerians in many fields.

20. It has been demonstrated time and time again that Nigerians in the diaspora frequently excel in science, technology, medicine, sports, arts and many other fields.

21. Similarly, the creativity, ingenuity and resourcefulness of the Nigerian at home have resulted in globally recognized endeavours.

22. I am convinced that if we pursue our aspirations TOGETHER we would be able to achieve whatever we desire. That informed our adopting the theme TOGETHER to mark this epochal event.

23. Together we can change our condition for the better and more importantly, together we can do much more for ourselves and for our country.

24. I chose the path of self-reflection because this is what I do on a daily basis and I must confess that at most times, I always felt the need for a collective reflection as I know that the foundation for a solid future which this administration is laying can only be sustainable if there is a collective commitment by Nigerians.

25. Nigeria is not a country for Mr. President, any ruling or opposition party but a country for all of us and we must play our part, irrespective of challenges we face, to make this country what we desire.

26. To achieve this, we must focus our minds, TOGETHER as a people, on ways of resolving the identified critical challenges that underlie our present state. These include:
a. Evolving and sustaining a democratic culture that leaves power in the hands of the people;
b. Supporting the enthronement of the rule of law, demanding accountability of elected representatives and contributing to good governance;
c. Increasing our commitment to peaceful co-existence in a peaceful, secure and united Nigeria;
d. Harnessing and Optimizing our tremendous human and natural resources to attain our goal of being in the top twenty economies of the world and in the process;
e. Lifting 100 million Nigerians out of poverty in 10 years;
f. Strengthening institutions to make them stronger in protecting National Interests; and
g. Imbibing tolerance in diversity.

27. I am a firm believer in transparent, free, fair and credible elections as has been demonstrated during my period as a democratically elected President.

28. The recent build-up and eventual outcome of the Edo State elections should encourage Nigerians that it is my commitment to bequeath to this country processes and procedures that would guarantee that the people’s votes count.

29. The problems with our electoral process are mainly human induced as desperate desire for power leads to desperate attempts to gain power and office.

30. Democracy, the world over and as I am pursuing in Nigeria, recognizes the power of the people. However, if some constituencies choose to bargain off their power, they should be prepared for denial of their rights.

31. This call is made more urgent if we realise that even after a transparent, free, fair and credible election, desperation leads to compromising the judiciary to upturn legitimate decisions of the people.

32. It is necessary to, therefore support the enthronement of the rule of law by avoiding actions which compromise the judiciary.

33. Fellow Nigerians, our history has shown that we are a people that have the capacity to live peacefully with one another.

34. As a government, we remain committed to our constitutional oath of securing the lives and properties of the citizenry. I, however, call on the citizenry to also support government by providing the necessary community level intelligence in addressing these challenges.

35. In moving forward together, it is important to strengthen our economy to provide sustainable means of livelihood for as many Nigerians as possible so as to eradicate absolute poverty from our midst.

36. I want to re-emphasize my dedication and commitment, a dedication and commitment that propelled my public service career and informed my quest to continually seek for an opportunity to improve the lives of Nigerians, set the country on the path of prosperity and lead the country to a better future.

37. This administration has been focused on rebuilding and laying the foundations for a sustainable Nigeria. Of course, we have met and are still meeting the challenges inherent in any rebuilding initiative – more so that of a nation like Nigeria that has undergone avoidable levels of deprivation – but can be surmounted if we all work together.

38. I wish to re-iterate that our people and our spirit of excellence remains our most important asset.

39. In this wise, the need to return to our age-old ethical and high moral values would be necessary and this informed my launching of the National Ethics and Integrity Policy on Monday 28th September, 2020.

40. The policy would not implement itself and the first contact of the visibility of its implementation is the Public Service whose on-going reforms would be expected to be sustainable and give a radical re-direction in providing services to all Nigerians.

41. Fellow Nigerians, in addition to public health challenges of working to contain the spread of the Coronavirus, we have suffered a significant drop in our foreign exchange earnings and internal revenues due to 40 per cent drop in oil prices and steep drop in economic activities, leading to a 60 per cent drop in government revenue.

42. Our government is grappling with the dual challenge of saving lives and livelihoods in face of drastically reduced resources.

43. In this regard, sustaining the level of petroleum prices is no longer possible. The government, since coming into office has recognized the economic argument for adjusting the price of petroleum. But the social argument about the knock-on effect of any adjustment weighed heavily with the government.

44. Accordingly, in the last three years, we have introduced unprecedented measures in support of the economy and to the weakest members of our society in the shape of:
a. Tradermoni
b. Farmermoni
c. School Feeding Programme
d. Job creation efforts
e. Agricultural intervention programmes

45. No government in the past did what we are doing with such scarce resources. We have managed to keep things going in spite of the disproportionate spending on security. Those in the previous Governments from 1999 – 2015 who presided over the near destruction of the country have now the impudence to attempt to criticize our efforts.

46. In the circumstances, a responsible government must face realities and take tough decisions.

47. Petroleum prices in Nigeria are to be adjusted. We sell now at N161 per litre. A comparison with our neighbours will illustrate the point;

a. Chad which is an oil producing country charges N362 per litre
b. Niger, also an oil producing country sells 1 litre at N346.
c. In Ghana, another oil producing country, petroleum pump price is N326 per litre.

48. Further afield, Egypt charges N211 per litre. Saudi Arabia charges N168 per litre. It makes no sense for oil to be cheaper in Nigeria than in Saudi Arabia.

49. Fellow Nigerians, to achieve the great country we desire, we need to solidify our strength, increase our commitment and encourage ourselves to do that which is right and proper even when no one is watching.

50. Fellow Nigerians, let us collectively resolve to continue our journey beyond the sixty years on the clear understanding that as a nation we are greater together than being smaller units of nationalities. By the special grace of God we shall come through any transient challenges.

51. It is my sincere hope that by the end of this anniversary on September 30th 2021, we will all be proud of taking this individual and collective self-assessment for the progress of our great Nation.

Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

God Bless us all. Thank you.

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