Amua Clinics

Amua Clinics

Amua is franchise of Marie Stopes Kenya with a network of over 100 clinics in Kenya that provide qu


Talking openly about contraceptives with your partner and friends protects your health and theirs. Call 0800720005 to talk to us about contraceptive that suits you and yours.


At our AMUA clinics tunakuhakikishia huduma za hali ya juu na bei nafuu kila mara unapotutembelea . Na pia you can use your NHIF kupata huduma. Piga 0800720005 kwa maelezo zaidi.

What you need to know about male fertility 01/11/2021

This brief animation will show you the ins, outs, and ups of male fertility – the when, how and why it happens, and the important role it plays in pregnancy. Visit our website for more information on sexual and reproductive health, contraception, and where you can find our services.

What you need to know about male fertility This brief animation will show you the ins, outs, and ups of male fertility – the when, how and why it happens, and the important role it plays in pregnancy....

What you need to know about implants 01/11/2021

This brief animation on Implant will show you what you need to know about how the method works, how to use them, who they're great for and common side effects. Heard some myths or misconceptions? We address those too.

What you need to know about implants This brief animation on implants will show you what you need to know about how implants works, how to use them, who they’re great for, and common side effect...

What you need to know about IUD 01/11/2021

This brief animation on Copper T IUD will show you what you need to know about how the method works, how to use them, who they're great for and common side effects. Heard some myths or misconceptions? We address those too.

What you need to know about IUD This brief animation on IUD will show you what you need to know about how IUD works, how to use them, who they’re great for, and common side effects. Heard s...


Breast cancer has always been overlooked when majority of the
women both families and friends struggle with it. Today, we would
love to recognise their struggles and also join in creating awareness
through embracing the !



If you're over 25 and sexually active, you could be at risk of cervical cancer. But screening is easy and only takes a few minutes - Chat us on 0709819001 to book an appointment.


There's a lot to do before baby comes - there will be a list of things to buy, things to do and of course a baby names shortlist! But make sure looking after yourself and your baby is at the top of any lists you’re making. Keeping your antenatal care appointments is a good place to start.

From taking supplements, exercising safely, knowing what food to eat and planning your birth - we’ve got all you need to know


Put down the toothpaste and salt…!
You may have heard about ways to test for pregnancy using salt or toothpaste. This usually involves mixing the substance with your wee and then waiting to see if a reaction happens, like a fizzing or a change in color, for example.
It may sound like a fun experiment, but this ISN’T a reliable way to test for pregnancy and won’t give you an accurate result. The best way to find out for sure is to take a pregnancy test because they look for a hormone in your wee that you’ll only have if you’re pregnant. Learn more about how pregnancy tests work and when to take a test in our article


Missed a period? 📅
Think you might be pregnant but it’s not the news you wanted?
It’s okay. We understand that a missed period or pregnancy symptoms are not always a reason to celebrate. If you think you could be pregnant but don’t know for sure, here’s our article on early symptoms and how and when to take a pregnancy test


How do I know if I’m pregnant?
Swollen, sore and tender breasts? Or a prickling or tingling sensation? (watermelon emoji)
This is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy for many women, sometimes noticeable after just one week of pregnancy 🤰. Read more about signs of pregnancy and pregnancy tests in our article


We support your decisions about when, or if, you would like to have children by offering education, counseling and birth control methods. Access contraceptives at our Amua clinic. Call 0800720005 for more info.


Nampenda mke wangu nitamsupport apate huduma za contraceptive ili kuavoid unplanned pregnancies. Piga 0800720005 kwa maelezo zaidi kuhusu contraceptive.


Did you know that you can access quality & affordable reproductive healthcare care in over 300 Marie Stopes AMUA clinics spread across Kenya? Talk to us on 0800720005 (Free) to find one that’s near you and learn more.


Tunza afya yako, tunza jamii yako kwa maisha bora. Our Amua clinics aim to offer you and your loved ones quality and affordable reproductive healthcare. The clinics are designed to make you feel welcome irrespective of your background.


Have you visited any of our Amua Clinics ? Where was it located ? How did you find our services? Did you know you can use your NHIF card in some of our clinics? Chat us on 0709819001.


At our Amua clinics we guarantee you an excellent healthcare experience at a very affordable price. Our clinics are also spread allover Kenya thus bringing our services closer to you.
At our Amua clinics we guarantee you an excellent healthcare experience at a very affordable price. Our clinics are also spread all over Kenya thus bringing our services closer to you.


We have options to suit all, covering all stages from pregnancy through to the early weeks after birth. WhatsApp 0709819001 to book an appointment.


When is the last time you went for a Cervical Cancer Screening? Marie Stopes Kenya has an offer until July 31st! KSHS 500 only for screening and KSHS 2,000 for treatment (if necessary)!


Haijalishi uko wapi…our network of clinics spread across Kenya ensures you can access quality affordable services hata ukiwa mashinani. Chat us on 0709819001 for more info.


Talking openly about contraceptives with your partner and friends protects your health and theirs. Chat us on 0709819001 to talk to us about a contraceptive that suits you and yours.


An ultrasound helps you find out how your pregnancy is developing. Your doctor might recommend that you have 1 or more ultrasounds to confirm the gestation of the pregnancy or at different points in your pregnancy to check the anatomy of the fetus for defects or problems. Click here to read more


If you're starting to use contraception for the first time, or thinking about using a new method, it's a good idea to have a full consultation. For a confidential chat us on 0709819001


Tunza afya yako, tunza jamii yako kwa maisha bora. Our Amua clinics aim to offer you and your loved ones quality and affordable reproductive healthcare. The clinics are designed to make you feel welcome irrespective of your background. DM us your location we refer you to our closest branch from your place.


Je, Uko maeneo ya Kisumu - Nyalenda? You are welcome for contraceptive services at our Marie Stopes - God’s Will Amua clinic. WhatsApp 0709819001 for more info.


Breastfeeding is not a contraceptive and you can get pregnant as soon as 3 weeks after the birth of a child to be safe use contraceptive to prevent pregnancy for more information inbox us or chat us on WhatsApp on 0709 819001.


Watu wa Naks Vegas we are on a way coming to you to offer free contraceptives better mark your calendar for the date of a place that is close to you. Inbox au whatsApp us on 0709 819001 for more info