Masai Honey

Masai Honey

This is from the wild forest of Ololua & Mau in Kenya's famous Masai Land.

Our Bees feed on wild bush shrubs & trees in an indigenous forest where no agricultural activity is allowed this means no pesticides, no chemicals no fungicides, or any GMO pollen.

Timeline photos 01/07/2020

After a day’s happy hour, which somehow evolved into late night pizza, your stomach may be left feeling its own sort of hangover. Don't worry we have a good solution for your tummy troubles! Honey and cinnamon make an age-old duo when it comes to aiding digestive issues such as constipation, nausea, and ulcers. Because honey is pre-digested nectar, it is easy for the body to break it down, which can soothe an aggravated system. It also has a killer antibacterial profile and is full of . Combining with , which has antimicrobial characteristics of its own, has helped countless people with bacterial overload in their digestive system. So sooth that stomach and go have your meal (but this time try to make it a bit healthier). 🇰🇪


From the day they hatch to the day they die. Bees are busy making honey non-stop.


Understanding Bees & Honey

Bees stuff pollen into hairy receptacles on their hind legs. This is called bee bread. A single bee can carry about half of its own weight of pollen.

Once back at the hive, the worker - bee stuff the pollen into an awaiting cell. Unlike nectar-carrying bees, pollen-carrying bees have to offload it themselves. In addition to depositing the pellets from their sacks, they may also groom away any pollen that is stuck to their bodies.

The pollen is stored in cells at the perimeter of the brood nest, forming a ring around it. During the brood-rearing season, the pollen is stored for only a few days. During the winter it is stored for much longer.


In today's Masai Honey - Bee Healthy Benefits tips:

Daily Cleanser

It’s a perfect daily cleanser. Honey on the skin is good for people who have an oily face that’s prone to acne. Honey’s antibacterial and antiseptic properties are known for fighting acne. It also helps to minimize your pores and get rid of those pesky blackheads.

Natural Exfoliator

It is time to say goodbye to itchy face and skin using honey as your honey skin treatment. Whatever combination of face masks you decide to use, do not forget honey as your first choice. To apply honey on your face, just wet your face with lukewarm water, gently massage in a circular motion and leave it for 5 to 10 minutes. For best results, use honey three times a week.

Moisturize Your Face and Skin

This may sound strange, but the results are amazing. Simply remove any makeup, wet your face, take a dollop of any natural honey such as our Gold Honey, and apply it like you would any other moisturizer, leave it for a few minutes to work its magic, then easily rinse it off with water. Honey rinses off surprisingly easily and will not leave your face feeling sticky.


Masai Golden Honey is Pure, Organic & Natural honey, the perfect all-rounder from breakfast to dinner, from baking to Shaking(Milkshakes, juices). With its medium gold to warm amber color, it looks as good as it tastes.

Now Available in Mombasa. Place your orders to receive your jar of **Masai Golden Honey** 🍯 today. - 0712773616 for orders.

Make sure to like our pages here on Facebook & Instagram . Invite friends and share.

Timeline photos 17/06/2020

Old Indigenous Forest Honeys have anti-bacterial properties, not only do they heal wounds and reduce acne, but it also hydrates and rejuvenates the skin. Old Forest Honeys have anti-microbial properties that forbid the growth of harmful bacteria on the skin. Its antioxidant properties remove all the free radicals accumulating on the skin.

Photos from Masai Honey's post 17/06/2020

Our Honey, in other words, "Masai Honey", comes from the indigenous Ololua & Mau Forest. A 17,000-acre set-aside conservancy, where-by no agriculture is allowed.

The only economic activity on the land is beekeeping, livestock grazing, and natural forest trails-type tourism.

There are no crops allowed, which means there are no pesticides, no fungicides, no herbicides, and no GMO.

Process: Transported in virgin food-grade containers, no heating, no water added, no fructose, and no preservatives.

It is Pure, It is Organic, It is Natural. The Maasais use it as medicine.

Masai Golden Honey is Pure, Organic & Natural honey, the perfect all-rounder from breakfast to dinner, from baking to Shaking(Milkshakes, juices). With its medium gold to warm amber color, it looks as good as it tastes.

Old Indigenous Forest Honeys have anti-bacterial properties, not only do they heal wounds and reduce acne, but it also hydrates and rejuvenates the skin. Old Forest Honeys have anti-microbial properties that forbid the growth of harmful bacteria on the skin. Its antioxidant properties remove all the free radicals accumulating on the skin.

Propolis is used for cancer patients, diabetes, cold sores, swelling (inflammation), and sores inside the mouth (oral mucositis). It is also used for burns, canker sores, ge***al herpes, and other conditions.

Propolis seems to have activity against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It might also have anti-inflammatory effects and help skin heal.

Order Now and boost your immune system.

Available in Mombasa & Nairobi at
Gold Honey KSH 600.
Old Forest Honey KSH 4,000
Propolis + Honey KSH 4,500

Delivery charges may vary based on your location. Please note we use "Uber-Boda and G4S" only due to reputation and safety.

Photos from Masai Honey's post 16/06/2020

Old Forest Honey 🍯 + Dates. A healthy way to boost your immune system hence starting your day.


It’s a bee!” someone screams as they jump up from their picnic blanket, knocking over their apple juice and flailing their arms, trying to get away from this flying creature. Does this scene sound familiar?
Many people are afraid of bees. And why not? They look like aliens. They have stingers that hurt more than you would expect and some people are very allergic, even deathly allergic, to them. But contrary to our fears, bees are not aggressive insects and do not go after humans unprovoked. When they come near you, it is only because you have something they consider yummy. And if you knew all that they do for you, you would be happy to share your food or drink with them!
More than 75 percent of the world’s food crops depend, to some extent, on pollination. Pollinators, like bees, butterflies, birds, moths, beetles, and even bats, help plants reproduce. Fruits and vegetables are actually plant babies. We don’t often consider them in this way, but seeds, fruits and some vegetables come from a plant that has been pollinated. Bees are part of the reason we even have some of that picnic food!
Yet, there has been a worrisome decline in the population of pollinators, especially bees and butterflies, mainly due to intensive agricultural practices, changes in land use, pesticides (including neonicotinoid insecticides), alien invasive species, diseases, pests, and climate change. Close to 35 percent of invertebrate pollinators, particularly bees and butterflies, and about 17 percent of vertebrate pollinators, such as bats, face extinction globally. Farmers and policy makers have a big role to play in safeguarding our pollinators. But there are things we can do too.

Timeline photos 16/06/2020

Masai Golden Honey 🍯 is Pure, Organic & Natural honey, the perfect all-rounder from breakfast to dinner, from baking to Shaking(Milkshakes, juices ). With its medium gold to warm amber color, it looks as good as it tastes.

Process: Transported in virgin food-grade containers, no heating, no water added, no fructose, and no preservatives.

DM to place orders. We deliver nation wide.

