Doyenne Pride - Self-Empowered Health

Doyenne Pride - Self-Empowered Health

Empowering women to discover and reclaim their joy. 🦋
Life Coach, Reiki Practioner, BODi Coach. My clients have gone through Life feeling like Imposters.

I am a coach with expertise in equipping women with their own resourcefulness to be able to make decisions on their own and to take their own steps, with confidence and ease. They feel a disconnect between who they show up as for themselves and the world, and their actual True Self. They have spent decades following stories of who they are that are not in alignment with the Truth. This disconnect


Are you sacrificing mindblowing amazing connections for low level ones, in an effort to be "accepted"?
Don't settle for the low dangling fruits y'all! 😉

TikTok is goofy! Moved my title over while posting... "Authentic vs Fake Connections"

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 26/02/2024

Who am I?

Visit TikTok to discover videos! Watch, follow, and discover more trending content.

Let Us Help You Become Unstoppable! [FREE LIVE EVENT] 24/02/2024

Let Us Help You Become Unstoppable! [FREE LIVE EVENT] Are You Ready To Believe In YOU? Join Jamie Kern Lima Plus Some Of The Most Inspiring People On The Planet (Aka Your New Mentors!) LIVE FOR FREE! Learn Their To


It's important to love yourself and have compassion for yourself and others! 💖


Courage doesn't always roar.
Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying "I will try again tomorrow."
~ Mary Anne Radmacher


It's my Mom's 5th Birthday since passing.
(didn't edit captions... hope they are right)


You deserve a "HELL YES!" and nothing less!


What's the status of your glass? 😉


Why we are the way we are and how we get back to who we truly are.


I did not edit my captions, so I hope they come through OK LOL.


Dating with Honey vs Vinegar Thoughts & Beliefs


You don't need the whole world.
You just need the ones that make up YOUR whole world.

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 17/01/2024

Visit TikTok to discover videos! Watch, follow, and discover more trending content.


Freedom is on the other side of Fear...
[⚠️I appreciate your grace if subtitles are off... one day soon I'll have a better system and time to proofread]

Sense Your Roots > Jeshua Channelings 31/12/2023

🤗 OMG! 🥰 A friend shared this amazing (little lengthy) read to me! ✨️

I read it while listening to this with earbuds in...

Did you know the Earth is believed to be around 4.5 BILLION years old?! 🤩
To think that our spirits all had a "hand" in the creating, as extensions of the Devine, connected individuals working in unison for a common good.

And here we are now, on social media, in the material world, mostly oblivious of the devine spirits that reside in each and every one of us... a side effect of our incarnation, these human bodies/minds have limited capacity to fully understand the whats and hows, or the whys.
The Generational and Ancestral rules and realities we are born into; in society, family, culture, etc mask our ability to see our true worth and value. We are cloaked in layers of persona that is not true to ourselves. We don't know this consciously, but we can feel it, an unease, a dissatisfaction, a sadness...
It's in every fabric of our lives... these beliefs... and everyone around is validating the s**t out of it... it's an unconscious group effort...Societal Self Sabotage maybe? Social media is like a flood of gasoline on it too.

But if it can be used to spread dissension and hate, it can also be used to spread love and togetherness.

My passion is to help others flip the switch, break the cycle of Generational Dysfunction to embrace Generational Well-Being 🤗

THIS is my Legacy and Purpose on this planet.🌞

Sense Your Roots > Jeshua Channelings You were once actively working from a different dimension than this material, physical dimension. You were a type of angel who lived in a very high and fine vibration, and you experienced an urge to create...


Can you sense there's something "more" for you "out there"? But ya just can't quite see or touch it?
It's not because it is out of reach or sight. It's because filters/blinders are shielding you from it.
You can sense it because it literally is RIGHT THERE in front of you...
Has a few decades or so passed so far? You're not crazy or wrong. We don't know what we don't know... so get out there and talk with those that DO know! 😉 There are thoughts and beliefs building your reality that are not serving you. Here's the wild thing about it all... the answers are already inside of you... you just haven't unlocked them yet...and going it alone is agonizing. Trust me! I've been Queen of DIY 👑 ... and it takes way longer with more stress and anxiety and downright unnecessary self-deprecating than with an accountability partner that has experienced the process to help you along!
I'm here to help! Message me or hmu on Calendly to discuss where you are, where you want to be, and the 3 main simple steps I help guide you through to get there!

Send a message to learn more


I appreciate the "broken but beautiful" saying's intention of self-love and all... But, it places anyone who relates into Victimhood, or at best Survivorhood... where they are imperfect and damaged goods that need fixing. I challenge this and and am here to tell you... you're here, despite whatever you personally are going through. That's not a Victim or a Survivor ... that's a WARRIOR dammit! Waking up and facing another day takes resiliency and tenacity! You got it! Even on the days when it all feels like too much! 💪🤩

Not sure how to flip that Thought/Belief switch? Let's hop on a call and discuss the process and how I can help you get yourself outta the funk over the stresses and overwhelm you are feeling in Life! 🤗

Message me or sign up here

Send a message to learn more


Problem Solving? Focusing on Problems, circles our attention on problems, and we tend to wind up treating symptoms to feel better.

True healing comes from seeking underlying causes, the foundations and roots to the problems. Then rewriting the thoughts and beliefs life has been built upon, creating solutions, seeing sufficiency in who you are, honoring your strengths, being humble in asking for help (instead of ashamed) when you reach an Upper Limit Challenge you are not experienced with overcoming.

We (humanity) are meant to work WITH each other. Find your matching puzzle pieces to your tapestry in Life. Know the you are more than enough. When we can finally SEE 👀 this, we can finally move forward
🙌 💕

This is your sign to invest in your greatest asset on this planet... YOURSELF ⬇️📅

Send a message to learn more


Not sure where to start?

Let's chat! ⬇️

Can't find a time? Message me and we'll see how I can adapt to your availability 😉

Going “Mom Strong”

The Lie - “I can’t {insert dream/goal here}”

The Truth - YES YOU CAN! Christopher Robin said it best... “ You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” We grow up believing there are limits to our abilities. Regardless of the reasoning why, there are tons of lies we allow ourselves to be entangled in. We weave our own webs of constraints. Most of it is only in our heads. We are SO MUCH MORE THAN WE REALIZE. How do I know? Because you are reading this right now, which means YOU ARE A SURVIVOR! You have gotten through some serious sh** in your life, I can be sure of that. And you are still standing (well maybe sitting at this particular moment haha ;) )

Being a parent means we have had to swallow our pride more than we care to admit. Especially if you have no one to share the parenting responsibility with. If you have never had to figure out where your next meal is coming from, or where you and your kids will be sleeping that night, or have stood in a government assistance office choking back tears as you tried to get help to care for your kids, this may not be the page for you.

Have you ever felt utterly defeated? Distraught to see your kid stuck going to school with holes in his/her shoes? Not known how the heck you were gonna get a single present under the Christmas Tree (were you even able to get a Christmas Tree)? Gone hungry so that your kids could eat? Worked at a job you detested to keep a roof over your kids’ heads? Then sister (and brothers), you are in the right place!

Videos (show all)

#selflovewarrior #bethechange #takecareofyou #trainyourbrain #generationalwellbeing
Right or wrong?#trainyourbrain #bethechange#selflovewarriordid not edit captions
Feeling stuck?Let's chat! #takecareofyou #bethechange #Sel...
Making it a good week. #TrainYourBrain #SelfLoveWarrior #bethechange #takecareofyou
Wanna learn more? 👀 👉
Okay, so what she said was " Finding my way back. Or better yet, finding my way forward. 💪🙏💖"#TrainYourBrain #takecareof...
Perhaps when we're all in on pushing shit away, we inadvertently are holding onto it somehow?Release the grip, let that ...
Let's Chat! #bethechange #takecareofyou #SelfLoveWarrior
Our self-talk is our self-fulfilling prophecy for our realities in our lives. Isn't it crazy to realize that we hold all...
You are the Cake! Everything else is just Icing yo!#takecareofyou #TrainYourBrain #SelfLoveWarrior #bethechange
Our self-awareness is our own home security system to help us become better. Apologies for any typos in my captions on m...
We've spent our whole lives training our brains to believe what we believe; good, bad, empowering, disempowering... and ...


Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 15:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 11:00 - 17:00