The Youth for Christ Movement

The Youth for Christ Movement

from the WORD into the world


Determine your value by what you do

A bottle of water in the grocery store is worth about $0.50.

The same bottle in a bar costs $2.00. In a good restaurant or hotel it can be worth up to $3.00.

At a theme park or airport, they can charge up to $5.00.

The bottle is the same. The brand is the same. The only thing that changes is the place. Each place gives a value to the same product.

When you feel null, that you are worth nothing, when everyone around you belittles you: change places. Do not stay there.

Have the courage to go where you are given the value you deserve. Surround yourself with people who appreciate your worth. Don't settle for less.

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Nothing but the truth especially if you are given into human resource management task.
Lord increase the grace 🙏


1. The Leaf people
2. The Branch people
3. The Root people

These are people who come into your life just for a season. You can't depend on them because they are weak. They only come to take what they want, but if the wind comes they will leave.
You need to be careful of these people because they love you when things are okay, but when the wind comes they will leave you 🥺

They are strong, but you need to be careful with them too. They break away when life becomes tough and they can't handle too much weight. They may stay with you in some seasons, but they will go when it becomes harder 😢

ROOT PEOPLE: These people are very important because they don't do things to be seen. They are supportive even if you go through a difficult time they will water you and they are not moved by your position they just love you like that ...

It's not all people you meet or are your friends, that will stay with you.
Only the root type of people will stay no matter the season 👏☺️

It is my prayer that God should raise people in your life who are just like roots who will be there for you all the days of your life Amen 🙏


It takes grit


Matthew 10:16.

You are sent to both the bad and the good.

The easy to lead and the difficult to lead.

There will be the wolves among the sheep.

There will be the wrong people among the right people. But you have to manage them all.

There will even be the right people, with the wrong attributes.

The ones very fearful are the wrong people with the right attributes.

Somebody left one church but came to your church with all the information you need about his former successful church.

You must find a way to manage them all.

Isaiah 11:6

According to the above verse of scripture, Leadership is your capacity to manage all kinds of characters.

The team members that you think want to kill you, were loyal and faithful to other leaders before you and will be faithful and loyal to the leaders after you. So it is not altogether their fault but part of your fault.

Read this life-saving message with an open heart.

Do not think you know it all.

As long as there is stress, there is a need for sense.

Any area where you have stress is an area you need sense.

If it is possible, some leaders will want to function without a team.

Because they don't want the stress from team members.

Your team is your steam if you have the required knowledge.

You can use those people to achieve everything if you know how to handle them.


You are their leader nobody is arguing that. But to lead them, you must function as a team and not as a leader. Don't be their boss be their brother. It will make them see you as part of them.

2. NEVER BE A LEADER THAT IS GIVEN TO DIVIDE AND RULE STRATEGY: You will use your hand to destroy the group.

Remember they are difficult to lead. This will make them more difficult. By divide and rule, I mean, don't use your own hand to divide the group by taking sides on issues that affect team members.

Don't be known to confide in one team member against another. Or accept a report against another without killing it or hearing from the other party where you can't kill it.

Managing a team is a journey of loving, forgiving, and tolerating.

As I write this manual, I am getting ready to enter our midweek service.

I have just received 4 different messages from my Part time Pastors that they won't be in service today, only one gave a reason for not coming. Others just said they won't be on ground. As a team leader, you have to still go into that service and accomplish the mind of God for the people, using the other Pastors that are on ground. Not minding who is not available.

You are not going to have every person on around every time, but you must ensure you keep loving, forgiving, and tolerating.

You can't lead who you don't love. Sometimes you have to even lead people who don't love you. Please Believe me.

What you are thinking someone is thinking may not be correct. If a member misses a meeting, before you conclude he or she is disrespectful, find out what happened. Assumption is the mother of frustration. Don't assume, otherwise you will be consumed. Learn to lead with facts and not with assumptions.

This will always melt them and give them a feeling of love.
One of the best feelings anyone under you can have is the "I just called to check on you, and to know how you are doing feeling"

When it is established that you only call, when you need help, you will one day call and discover, that you have murdered that good relationship with your wrong approach.

Never be a leader that is open to gossip or a leader that listens to one side of the story without hearing from other parties involved.

There are so many leaders, it is the person that first comes that they listen to and fight for, even when the person is wrong.

My principle is very simple, if we can't call the other person to hear from him, we can't conclude a matter that concerns him or her behind them. This is how I have managed my Pastors without anyone feeling unloved or underloved.

I will always say, My son, I believe in what you are saying, but call your brother let's hear from him. If you say, you don't want him to know you told me, I will mark you as a betrayer and a destroyer. One day I will come out and say it to know the truth myself. People can fabricate what does not exist to destroy the innocent.

you are not Mr and Mrs Know It All.

Don't always impose your ideas and WILL on the team. Sometimes let them say what is easy for them to do, if it agrees with the general vision of the team allow it to stand.

If your leadership style is built on whatever I say is final, you will get to that final match and play alone.

Remember, he that wants a friend must show himself friendly. Sow the seed of friendship, you will reap the seed of friendship.

Be friendly with the people you are leading, it doesn't reduce you.

Jesus said I call you no more servants, but friends.

The writer of proverbs said he that wants a friend must show himself friendly. Some people are not difficult they just want you to be their friend. Even if you have to fake it, fake it and succeed as a team leader, than to avoid being friendly and fail. Salutation they say is not love.

They are known for coming late, you are also known for coming late.
They are known for complaining, you are also known for complaining.
Once your action doesn't align with your words, you are on your own. Even the easiest follower to lead will become difficult to lead. If you tell them a meeting is going to last for one hour, don't keep them for 2 hours without apologizing. And ensure your apology is not coming every time. Otherwise, it will lose its effect.

Sometimes you have to be difficult to lead difficult people. If you are not hard on them, life will be hard on you. Know when to show them love and when to show them law. When you get to the point of who wants to go can go, having applied all the above recommendations, The laws and rules guiding the team must be followed, otherwise, they will help you to fail and still come to lead you that way, when it is their turn to lead the team. Remember, this thing is turn by turn.

Be blessed.

Irabor Wisdom
Presiding Bishop
Answers Assembly Warri Delta State.


Nothing but the truth


Good information 💪🙏

Advice I Would Give Unmarried Males Before They Enter Into Marriage. *It seems Females get so many advices while the Males get little or Wrong Advices*

1. Ensure you are looking for a wife to marry; not a slave to do your labour; a househelp to clean,cook and do laundry for you or a baby-carrying-machine just to deliver your children.
A good wife will do all these for you if you love her like a wife and marry her for the right reasons.

2. Ensure you are compatible in these areas.
- Biological
- Physical
- Spiritual
- Cultural
- ideology
- Temperament
Two cannot work together except they agree.

3. Know yourself. Know your capabilities, your unique gifts and strengths so you will be sure where you are going is a perfect place to nurture your gifts. There is a relationship environment that will s***f life out of your dreams.

4. Ask yourself, if she will be my helper, in what way do I need to prepare myself, develop myself and discover the vision and purpose she will help me with. Nobody helps nothing.

5. Pray and seek direction from God before the butterflies start flying all over your tummy. Don't fall in love until you are sure God is in it. It is easy to fall out of love as it is to fall in love.

6. Abhor Laziness and Dirtiness. (it puts every Lady off). Groom well, shave and avoid body ordour. Wash your boxers and socks often.

7. Your marriage will only be a function of what you bring into it. Marriage is never on autopilot. Don't assume that marriage will become sweet on its own. As you make your marriage, so shall you live in it.

8. No person is perfect. But make sure you marry a Lady who fears God and is teachable. Those curves and firm breasts will soon become a thing of the past in a few years of marriage.

9. Don't say, "She will love me just as I am". Nobody likes rubbish. Work on yourself! Yam is good... But we only eat yam when it is cooked. Eating it raw is Madness o!

10. Don't marry as a boy and please don't marry a girl (Maturity is not about age, but about ability to intentionally, consciously and deliberately make positive decisions and exercise solid self control, after well processed thoughts)

11. Finally, never assume you are doing a Lady favour by marrying her. You are not doing her a favour. You are the one who obtains favour by marrying the right woman. 😂 😂 😂 😂

Pastor Ifeoma Eze


Fury is born again

Tyson Fury to donate entire £8m purse to the homeless after incredible Deontay Wilder fight!

When interviewed recently he said:

“I don’t really have much use for it, I’m not interested in becoming a millionaire or a billionaire.

I’m a boxer not a businessman and I’ll probably go down the same route as every other boxer skint at the end of it all, You can’t take it with you so I might as well do something with it and help out people who can’t help themselves.

I’m going to give it to the poor and I’m going to build homes for the homeless."


Poverty is a curse

Africa: The Hungry Cow that Produces Enough Milk to Feed the World

This hungry cow is not hungry because she has no food within her yard; neither is she hungry because she is incapable of generating enough food on her table. The simple truth is that, this cow is hungry because an iron-lock has been placed on her head to cover her mouth. At the same time, her children are threatened against their lives to accept what they obviously know to be unacceptable. Hence, the hungry cow we see today.

Sadly, those who milk Africa every day are not just greedy people who seek selfish benefit from her riches; they are also wicked monsters who join efforts to starve her so that they can derive happiness and pleasure from the sighting of her suffering and pain.

Let us start by giving deep considerations to the following: For more than 60 years of Independence, no African country is allowed to trade their naturally endowed resources in their own sovereign currencies to ensure that true values of those resources are translated into economic development and empowerment on the African continent.

Any attempt by any African leader to break this global economic system that has deliberately designed and instituted to keep Africa under unending poverty is either assassinated or removed from power, hence, the need for all power-holders on the African continent to be quiet while observing the future of the next generations destroyed in an arm-folding. The real threat did not start with Patrice Lumumba of DR Congo or Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso; neither did it end with the sad removal and assassination of our dear Brother Gaddafi, all of us are victims and whoever sort to challenge this system need to be aware of the true consequence.

Today, the masses of Africa are made to believe that they are suffering because of the corrupt nature of their leaders, however, our under development is designed by something far greater than corruption. After all, corruption is even more abundant in the global system than it is on the African continent, I need not to start pointing direct fingers but I know very well what I am talking about.

Here is the real reason why Africa, with all her huge natural and human resources, continue to remain poor and may have to remain as such for a very long time:

When we (Africa) need a car or anything from the colonizers, we work hard to get their monies to pay for our wants; (this means that, whatever we demand from them, we exchange that with our labour which is of equal in value to what we are taking from them. This, in turn, creates value in their economies); when we fail to work in their economy to obtain their currencies, we only have the option of going to the global financial market to put more of our monies on the supply side to demand for their currencies to pay for such wants (when this happens, we create demand for their currencies as a commodity, and once demand for these currencies increases, the value of their currencies also increases), they then gain value on their currencies and we lose value in return.

On the other hand, when they (the World) need our valuable resources, we are told that, we need foreign exchange and as a result, we allow them to print their valueless papers (in a form of money) to exchange for our valuable resources (this means, they take away all our resources without creating any value in our economies).

Imagine, if Africa tell the world that “when you need our Gold, Diamond, Oil and so forth, you must pay for them in our African currencies”, this will mean that the wold will have to come and work on the African continent and create real value such as infrastructure and technology in order to get our currencies to demand for our valuable resources they cannot do without. Other than that, they have to go to the global financial market to demand for our currencies and this will mean that the value of our currencies will increase rather than the depreciation of exchange rates as we experience each day in every part of Africa.

At this stage, let me point out to you that, it costs less than 50 cents to print 100 Dollar or 100 Euros note, but it costs more than 100 dollars to mine 2g of gold from the ground. So how can we genuinely exchange 2g of gold for 50 cents if not for exploitation?

If we allow China, America the UK or whoever, to demand for our resources with their own paper money, we are basically saying that we have no control of those resources since these people can freely print any amount of those monies to take away those resources of ours. Our economy can generate true value from the huge resources we are endowed with only when our currencies are backed by these resources, and those resources are exchanged in our own sovereign currencies.

Truth must be told, if the worlds are allowed to print their monies to buy our resources then Africa must also be able to print our monies and use them to buy whatever we need from them. If not, then they must also come and work to get our money before using that to buy our resources like we also work for their monies to buy their resources.

–Become a member of the African Continental Unity Party - ACUP, join these New and Determined Africans across the world to build a new deserving Africa which puts the interests of Africa and Africans at the center of Africa's development. We shall rebuild this new Africa without taking permission from anyone.

We love Africa ❣️❣️❣️

Register your membership at

Photos from Spirit Life Experience's post 06/10/2021

I chose deathlessness


Grace wins

BY: Papa Zion.

Nobody was born with prayer anointing. Every man of prayer grow his prayer life. Prayer life is not a gift it is developed and nurtured.

It is prayer that ignite the spirit of prayer in you. It is prayer that's teaches you how to pray.

The reason why your prayer life is weak, barren, inconsistent, and empty is because of your misconception of prayer.

Most people don't know that you must grow in prayer to become a man of prayer. The same way you grow in life that's how your prayer life must grow. Can you imagine how strong you would have been if you've given yourself to prayer? It is an error to start praying when you need a man to marry.

Without a correct perspective about prayer your prayer stamina would be very small. Prayer is not just a direct line to get across to God to meet your needs and desires. It is a system of knowing God and knowing Him beyond superficiality.

The best thing prayer can do to you is to change your life. To uproot your lusts, weaknesses, prayerlessness, lukewarmness, immorality and iniquity. Most of us focus on prayer delivering cars, spouse, houses, certificate, favour etc. Prayer life is outcome of conquering prayerlessness in your life.

The reason many campus fellowship generals, Mama and Papa, fireful brothers and sisters lose it completely after school is because they see prayer as a tool for collecting things from God not a system of knowing God for themselves. I pity those that jump up and down for programmes but don't have a prayer life they may end up being the worst enemy of themselves.

Until you start using your prayer time as a time to knock out lukewarmness, immorality, iniquity, prayerlesness , distraction and carelessness from your life your spiritual life doesn't have a future.

A prayer life is a tool for knowing God. If your prayer life is not a tool for knowing God then divine direction and knowing who to marry will be a very difficult thing in your life.

Those who want to use God as an errand boy to bring job, spouse, favour, food, clothes, cars houses etc always have little prayer stamina.

When you're praying always let your heart be connected to your mouth. When you're singing worship songs in the secret place if your heart is not interpreting what you're singing then God's presence may not be evident with you there. That's how to keep yourself from distraction in prayer.

The reason we lack spiritual and prayer stamina is because of the failure of our hearts to interpret what we sing or say in prayer and worship. It is easy to bring down God's presence if your heart give you imagination of what you're praying or singing about in the secret place.

If prayer is the master key then praying in the spirit is the exact key.

I want you to know that prayer is hard work and discipline but as you struggle and push yourself to pray daily you're attracting the spirit of prayer that will make prayer become your lifestyle and art of consecration. You can't backslide in prayer when the spirit of prayer rest on you.

Once prayer becomes an act of consecration then it is impossible to backslide in prayer.

If you want to conquer wandering thoughts in prayer, always let your mind interpret what you're singing or saying in prayer. It is easy to connect God with a heart that's interpreting what you're saying in prayer.

One surest way to get God's presence and attention in prayer is to acknowledge your helplessness. A heart that accepts his helplessness always draw divine presence.

1. OH Lord create in me hunger for your presence in Jesus name.

2. Fire of prayer rest on me in Jesus name.

3. Holy Spirit give me visitation of the night in Jesus name.

4. Grace for consistency and diligence rest on me in Jesus name.

5. Holy fire consume me in Jesus name.

Take one hour to blast in tongues. Pray in the spirit wholeheartedly.

© Wisdom Breed, 2021

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Walk the talk


The biggest failure as a man is having a child and rejecting that child, abdicating your responsibility as a father, being quick to have s*x and quicker to run away when pregnancy comes. Too many children are hurting because of a father who is alive but has disowned them, it makes the child grow feeling unwanted and unloved, it dents the child's self esteem and some become adults with a constant feeling of rejection. If you have a child, be there; no matter how bad things are between you and the mother of the child- be there; you owe it to your young one.

The first man to compliment a girl should be her father, the first man to take note of her beauty should be her dad. A girl should grow up convinced she is beautiful and feeling like a king's princess that even when boys and men try to woo her saying she's beautiful she responds "I know, dad has been telling me that for years". Too many girls fall for preying men because they are desperately looking for affection, they have daddy issues and had no encounter with a male figure who genuinely loved them before the preying men noticed their b***s and hips; so they fall prey to men who use compliments and give attention as a carrot to lure to a trap that leads to hurt.

A boy comes into the world as a naive student who will absorb what the male figures around him teach. He can be taught the right way to be a man or be misled. He learns how to treat females whether good or bad from the men around him. He should learn proper manhood from the father. The father should model how best to treat and respect females, how to love as a man, how to work, how to provide, how to be a man of integrity. This learning should be in the form of loving mentorship, too many men grow up with an absent father, too many grow up with a father who puts too much pressure on the poor boy inorder to win daddy's approval that they grow up frustrated and angry at the world because their transition from boy to man was cruel and made to be a test to win a nod than a smooth mentorship process. Too many boys are left to find their way and in so doing will make many mistakes and end up half-grown boys in men's bodies.

Food brings people together, one of the greatest show of security to a child is when the dad makes time to share meals.

The father should be the High Priest. He should lead the child/ children towards living a Godly life, he should be seen praying, reading God's word, living out a Godly life, loving. The child should be given a Godly foundation that will shape a stable future and the father should be seen submitting to the God who gave the child life and who makes parenthood possible.

A child with a father who loves to listen grows in confidence. When a child feels he/she can tell daddy anything, no battle will intimidate the child. Sometimes you don't have to say much, just sit back and pay attention. The first need of love is to be listened to, to be treated like how you feel and what you have to say is important.

A father should be there to offer counsel whether solicited or not. Children cry for direction. As a father, be involved in the process of the seeking of answers. Be open about your mistakes (no lying you used to get straight A's in school), your childhood, your lessons and your expectations of the child. Give advice not as a dictator whose word is final lest you isolate yourself from the child because the child can do what you ask yet fear and despise you; but help the child understand why you are insisting on your way, help the child understand your reasons, train your child to think through solutions; this way, he/ she will grow up with the self-sufficient capacity of making sound and wise decisions.

The father's presence should be felt, too many fathers have left parenting to the wife. The best test of love is the giving of time, do not fail this test.

No matter how rich you are, fatherhood is not done by throwing money at issues. When your child complains of your absence, when problems arise, when dealing with your child becomes a handful and you feel you have no time; don't use money to silence or appease the child. Fatherhood is a hands on approach, it will not be easy but its fruits are sweet. Don't escape through your ATM. Material things can contain a child for a while, but soon the child will look around and see empty things but no love from dad.

Make daddy appearances; show up at your child's sports day, birthday, parent's day, graduation or any other special day. Make random visits to what your child cares alot about even if for a few minutes. Meet your child's friends briefly, let your child feel daddy's loving eyes are watching over me. An employee feels special when the boss makes a random visit to smile at the employee's work, a citizen feels special when The President makes a surprise visit to greet the citizen, a child feels special when daddy makes a loving phonecall or shows up to demonstrate he cares.

Be strength to your child, the rock that is a shelter, the refuge and defender to your child. The attributes of God the Heavenly Father, model them as an earthly father.

With your wife, cast a vision for your family. Define what you expect from your child because children love living up to a target. Make the vision and values that should govern your family plain and simple for the child to live by. Your role is to show leadership.

Casting a vision is not enough, you must not abandon ship. The man is the one who proposes to a woman for marriage, he initiates the formation of a family, but too many men let down the family they themselves initiated. They start having affairs, wasting time and money on women and being distracted by meaningless pursuits as their children suffer. Don't let go of the steering wheel, drive your family car its full course.

SUCCEED AS A MAN successed as a professional, succeed in life, shine in society. Children love to brag about their dad, be the best man in your child/ children's eyes, the one to grow up to be like. Let it be an honor to carry your name as a surname.

Your wife acquires a new position when you have children, she is not just your wife but the mother of your children. Your child/ children love both of you the same and the desire of a child is to see mum and dad in love working as a team. A child should grow up with the demonstration of how true love looks like from mum and dad.

© Akello Oliech and Dayan Masinde


Awake awake!!


One sure sign your relationship is sick is having nothing to talk about whenever you are with your partner. If you must always have s*x to feel close to your partner, you need to end the relationship fast and get your bearing!

Marriage is more than s*x! A successful marriage is about friendship. You are not going to spend the rest of your life rolling in sheets unless you have very serious spiritual problems.

Successful people have more to think about than concocting s*xual images and looking for who to dump their passion on! You marry to fulfil destiny and your partner is to help you attain your highest dream. Most people are pathetic failures because they have nothing else in their head except grope, ma******te and roll in the dark!

Marry your best friend! Someone who believes in you and is ready to do all in their capacity to help you be all you wanna be. Marry someone who believes in you. Marry someone you enjoy talking to. Marry someone you can freely be yourself around. Marry someone who needs you, values you, respects you and adores you. Marry someone who sees beyond s*x anytime you are together.

Marry someone you can reveal your fears, weaknesses, flaws and pains to without feeling awkward or ashamed -marry your best friend. If you cannot feel close unless you have s*x, you have prepared yourself for divorce! You sooner or later discover in marriage that your s*x life has gone stale and you need real intimacy -the communication, the acceptance, the sharing of your deepest feelings, dreams and goals to really feel loved and cherished. Premarital s*x kills your chance of having a great marriage.

I'm married to the greatest husband in the world. My husband is the deepest, most intimate friend I have. We talk about everything under heaven and understand each other so much. Someone once asked him whether his wife goes out he said NO. Goes out as in visit friends and all the likes, he shook his head. Whenever I'm through with the day's business, I spend my time in the company of my best friend, my husband. She further queried out of surprise, "doesn't she get bored?" He smiled heartily and still said NO. When he related the conversation with me, I laughed. Bored? 24 hours is not enough! We talk so much we pray for more hours to fill the day! Life with hubby is so exciting! Waking up and seeing him makes me come alive, full of confidence, happiness, peace and the readiness to tackle the day's challenge!

When people find it difficult communicating their deepest feelings to their spouse, it sounds abnormal to me. I'm not used to that. I don't know how to hide anything from my husband and same for him. We are always, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, psychologically, physically and financially naked and not ashamed.

Prepare for a life time of bliss with your spouse. Marry your best friend, it makes marriage so exciting, blissful, peaceful, rapturous and sweet. You will not miss it in marriage in Jesus name. God bless you. Cheers!

© Seun Oladele.

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