Pizza 4P's Cambodia, Phnom Penh Videos

Videos by Pizza 4P's Cambodia in Phnom Penh. Make the World Smile for Peace - Zero waste concept


(Khmer below)


In the process of improving the website, we created a new section for Cambodians. Introducing to you our website renovated with a new appearance and new features, especially a sub-page in Khmer. The best part: we redesigned with you in mind!

Pizza 4P's new website is a content/news-based website that seeks to be both international and country-specific, with a top-level domain and subdirectories for each country, including Vietnam, Cambodia, India and Japan coming soon. From start to finish, this is an entirely different experience since we are devoting a significant portion of our efforts to communicating in Khmer - with you, to you, and for you.

Through this renewal, we have changed the entire design to make it easier for you to access the required information. We want to make Pizza 4P's website a new hub for daily doses of inspiration, where you may be motivated and connected through our global visuals and written communication.

On the top page, you can see the total number of WOWs collected from all 4P's restaurants worldwide. It’s a β€œWOW Metering '' system that gets real-time insight into your satisfaction and happiness with Pizza 4P’s.We also have created new areas such as Earth to People, Sustainability, and the Library, where you can learn more about our activities, information, and plan updates.

We hope you find our website useful and informative. We will continue to enrich the contents of our new website to create an even better experience for you in the future.

Let’s bookmark the site and get that daily dose of inspo!

#Pizza4ps #Pizza4pscambodia #Pizza4pswebsite #newwebsite #Khmersubpage #Maketheworldsmileforpeace #SharingHappiness


αž€αžΆαžšαž”αž„αŸ’αž€αžΎαžαž‚αŸαž αž‘αŸ†αž–αŸαžš PIZZA 4P's αž‡αžΆαž˜αž½αž™αž‘αŸ†αž–αŸαžšαž‡αžΆαž—αžΆαžŸαžΆαžαŸ’αž˜αŸ‚αžšαŸ–

Other Pizza 4P's Cambodia videos

(Khmer below) PIZZA 4P’S WEBSITE RENEWAL WITH KHMER SUB-PAGE: A NEW HUB FOR INFORMATION AND INSPIRATION 🌐 In the process of improving the website, we created a new section for Cambodians. Introducing to you our website renovated with a new appearance and new features, especially a sub-page in Khmer. The best part: we redesigned with you in mind! Pizza 4P's new website is a content/news-based website that seeks to be both international and country-specific, with a top-level domain and subdirectories for each country, including Vietnam, Cambodia, India and Japan coming soon. From start to finish, this is an entirely different experience since we are devoting a significant portion of our efforts to communicating in Khmer - with you, to you, and for you. Through this renewal, we have changed the entire design to make it easier for you to access the required information. We want to make Pizza 4P's website a new hub for daily doses of inspiration, where you may be motivated and connected through our global visuals and written communication. On the top page, you can see the total number of WOWs collected from all 4P's restaurants worldwide. It’s a β€œWOW Metering '' system that gets real-time insight into your satisfaction and happiness with Pizza 4P’s.We also have created new areas such as Earth to People, Sustainability, and the Library, where you can learn more about our activities, information, and plan updates. We hope you find our website useful and informative. We will continue to enrich the contents of our new website to create an even better experience for you in the future. Let’s bookmark the site and get that daily dose of inspo! #Pizza4ps #Pizza4pscambodia #Pizza4pswebsite #newwebsite #Khmersubpage #Maketheworldsmileforpeace #SharingHappiness – αž€αžΆαžšαž”αž„αŸ’αž€αžΎαžαž‚αŸαž αž‘αŸ†αž–αŸαžš PIZZA 4P's αž‡αžΆαž˜αž½αž™αž‘αŸ†αž–αŸαžšαž‡αžΆαž—αžΆαžŸαžΆαžαŸ’αž˜αŸ‚αžšαŸ– αž‡αžΆαž˜αž‡αŸ’αžˆαž˜αžŽαŸ’αžŒαž›

[αž”αž€αž”αŸ’αžšαŸ‚αž‡αžΆαž—αžΆαžŸαžΆαžαŸ’αž˜αŸ‚αžšαžαžΆαž„αž€αŸ’αžšαŸ„αž˜] FOOD with Story inside Facing an epidemic of both increasing waste production and reduction of soil fertility (and further abuse of chemical fertilizers), our world is on a turning point where circular economy is becoming an urgent matter. We need to close the cycle of food, and let what is currently ending in the landfill go back to the first step of pre-production. Follow the journey of food waste from our restaurants to the social enterprise αžšαž»αž™αžšαžΆαž‡ RUY REACH to be converted by black soldier flies into organic compost and feed for animals, until finally reaching its destination, Phum Russei Edible, a farm where local children learn the power and beauty of growing their own food. Also thank you for your corporation MHOPe! ធអហអរ αžšαž½αž˜αž‡αžΆαž˜αž½αž™αžšαžΏαž„αžšαŸ‰αžΆαžœαž“αŸ…αžαžΆαž„αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„ αž”αŸ’αžšαžˆαž˜αž˜αž»αžαž“αžΉαž„αž€αžΆαžšαžšαžΈαž€αžšαžΆαž›αžŠαžΆαž›αž“αŸƒαž€αžΆαžšαž”αž„αŸ’αž€αžΎαž“αž€αžΆαžšαž•αž›αž·αžαž€αžΆαž€αžŸαŸ†αžŽαž›αŸ‹ αž“αž·αž„αž€αžΆαžšαž€αžΆαžαŸ‹αž”αž“αŸ’αžαž™αž‡αžΈαž‡αžΆαžαž·αžŠαžΈ (αž“αž·αž„αž€αžΆαžšαžšαŸ†αž›αŸ„αž—αž”αŸ†αž–αžΆαž“αž”αž“αŸ’αžαŸ‚αž˜ αž‘αŸ€αžαž“αŸƒαž‡αžΈαž‚αžΈαž˜αžΈ) αž–αž·αž—αž–αž›αŸ„αž€αžšαž”αžŸαŸ‹αž™αžΎαž„αž‚αžΊαžŸαŸ’αžαž·αžαž“αŸ…αž›αžΎαž…αŸ†αžŽαž»αž…αžšαž”αžαŸ‹αž˜αž½αž™αžŠαŸ‚αž›αžŸαŸαžŠαŸ’αž‹αž€αž·αž…αŸ’αž…αžšαž„αŸ’αžœαž„αŸ‹αž€αŸ†αž–αž»αž„αž€αŸ’αž›αžΆαž™αž‡αžΆαž”αž‰αŸ’αž αžΆαž”αž“αŸ’αž‘αžΆαž“αŸ‹αŸ” αž™αžΎαž„αžαŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαž”αž·αž‘αžœαžŠαŸ’αžαž“αŸƒαž’αžΆαž αžΆαžš αž αžΎαž™αž’αž“αž»αž‰αŸ’αž‰αžΆαžαž±αŸ’αž™αž’αŸ’αžœαžΈαžŠαŸ‚αž›αž€αŸ†αž–αž»αž„αž”αž‰αŸ’αž…αž”αŸ‹αž“αŸ…αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„αž€αž“αŸ’αž›αŸ‚αž„αž…αžΆαž€αŸ‹αžŸαŸ†αžšαžΆαž˜ αžαŸ’αžšαž‘αž”αŸ‹αž‘αŸ…αž‡αŸ†αž αžΆαž“αžŠαŸ†αž”αžΌαž„αž“αŸƒαž€αžΆαžšαž•αž›αž·αž αž‡αžΆαž˜αž»αž“αŸ” αžŠαžΎαžšαžαžΆαž˜αžŠαŸ†αžŽαžΎαžšαž€αžΆαž€αžŸαŸ†αžŽαž›αŸ‹αž’αžΆαž αžΆαžšαž–αžΈαž—αŸ„αž‡αž“αžΈαž™αžŠαŸ’αž‹αžΆαž“αž™αžΎαž„αž‘αŸ…αžŸαž αž‚αŸ’αžš