Amaury Western Services AWS

Amaury Western Services AWS

Électricien français travaillant aux normes européennes : rénovation, remises aux normes, réparations électriques.

Certified European electrical standards : renovation, upgrading, troubleshooting.

Photos from Amaury Western Services AWS's post 23/01/2024
Photos from Amaury Western Services AWS's post 23/01/2024

Electrical fires in Cambodia…
The years go by and look the same... There are still many fires caused by faulty electrical installations. How many more will we need?

Can you guess how much it would cost to upgrade to European electrical standards and to secure your electrical installation? Less than $2,000 for a private house! A pittance to protect you and those around you.

Be one step ahead like our existing customers who have chosen reliable work.
Contact us for a free quote!


Les incendies électriques au Cambodge…
Les années passent et se ressemblent… Il a encore de nombreux incendies causés par une installation électrique défectueuse. Combien en faudra-t-il encore ?

Pouvez-deviner combien coûterait une mise à niveau aux normes électriques européennes et la sécurisation ? Moins de 2,000$ pour une maison privée ! Une somme dérisoire pour vous protéger ainsi que vos proches.

Ayez un temps d’avance comme nos clients existants qui ont fait le choix d’un travail fiable.
Contactez-nous pour un devis gratuit !


ច្រើនឆ្នាំកន្លងផុតទៅ ហើយមើលទៅដូចគ្នា... នៅមានគ្រោះមហន្តរាយជាច្រើនដែលទាក់ទងនឹងអគ្គីភ័យដែលបណ្តាលមកពីការដំឡើងអគ្គិសនីខុស។ តើយើងនឹងត្រូវការប៉ុន្មានទៀត?

តើអ្នកអាចទាយបានទេថា តើវានឹងត្រូវចំណាយអស់ប៉ុន្មានក្នុងការដំឡើងស្តង់ដារអគ្គិសនីរបស់បារាំង និងធានាការដំឡើងអគ្គិសនីរបស់អ្នក? ផ្ទះឯកជនតម្លៃក្រោម 2,000 ដុល្លារ! ល្បិចមួយដើម្បីការពារអ្នក និងអ្នកដែលនៅជុំវិញអ្នក។



Happy new year 🎊...
Safety first....

Photos from Amaury Western Services AWS's post 28/12/2023

Our 2023 retrospective was full in renovations and new electrical wiring to French standards. Many customers have trusted us and none regret this commitment thanks to the short-term return on their investment. Thanks to them for their trust and their concern for safety and efficiency! WAT Chocolate Siem Reap , Trailblazer Cambodia Organization, So Many Wines , Ponheary Ly Foundation, X-BAR, Villa Massilia , etc ....
(below, a sample of our achievements in 2023)

2024 will be a new step in raising awareness of the importance of electrical standards. Our team will always be ready to accompany you in this process.

A the end of this year, we would like to present to you all our sincere and best wishes for the New Year 2024!

Safety first!
Be one step ahead....

Photos from Amaury Western Services AWS's post 06/07/2023

The safety of a building goes through the installation of an INDELEC lightning rod (world leader in the field). Protection by a perimeter dome. Double grounding drop with resistivity measurements. (This must be less than 10 Ohms) .... lightning meter included. NF EN 62-305 (European standard) NF C15-100 (French standard) and ELECTRIC POWER TECHNICAL STANDARDS OF THE KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA

La sécurité d'un bâtiment passe par une Installation d'un paratonnerre INDELEC (leader mondial dans le domaine ). Protection par un dôme périmétrique. Double descente de mise à la terre avec mesures de résistivité. ( Celle-ci doit être inférieure à 10 Ohms) .... compteur de foudre inclus. NF EN 62-305 ( norme européenne) NF C15-100 ( norme française) et ELECTRIC POWER TECHNICAL STANDARDS OF THE KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA.

Photos from Amaury Western Services AWS's post 03/11/2022

Amaury Western Services AWS s'est engagé dans un projet de formation professionnelle électrique en alternance par l'intermédiaire de l'ONG 48 couleurs qui a ouvert gratuitement sa propre formation aux standards électriques français en août 2022. Nous formons des stagiaires et appliquons la mise aux normes électriques afin d'apporter une meilleure connaissance des risques électriques, de proposer une économie sur la facture électrique et de revaloriser cette profession.

Des stages sur le terrain sont dédiés à ces apprentis, toujours sous la supervision de professionnels confirmés. Ils nous assistent dans nos chantiers : rénovation totale ou partielle de l'installation électrique, mise en conformité aux standards électriques français et sécurisation, installation de coffret électrique aux meilleurs standards.

AWS continue à offrir une garantie sur les installations électriques neuves et rénovations totales!

Contactez-nous pour un devis!


Amaury Western Services AWS has embarked on a work-study electrical vocational training project through the NGO 48 couleurs, which opened its own free training course in French electrical standards in August 2022. We train trainees and apply the electrical standards in order to provide better knowledge of electrical risks, to offer savings on the electrical bill and to revalue this profession.

Field internships are dedicated to these apprentices, always under the supervision of experienced professionals. They assist us in our projects: total or partial renovation of the electrical installation, compliance with French electrical standards and security, installation of electrical panel to the highest standards.

AWS continues to offer a warranty on new electrical installations and total renovations!

Contact us for a quote!


AWS! Your support towards our team not only for this tournament but for your support towards new equipment and at practices! We are so greatful for your continued support!


The AWS company for all your new electrical work, renovation and repairs to French electrical standards. Compliance with standards and safety of electrical installations. Guarantees on new installations or renovations 3/6 months....

Fires kill 10 in first quarter of 2022 17/07/2022

Les statistiques liées aux incendies au Cambodge ne baissent pas, et la cause principale reste toujours les installations électriques défectueuses puisqu’aucun progrès significatif n’a été mené à grande échelle...

Nous savons tous que l'installation électrique actuelle au Cambodge doit être améliorée et sécurisée!

En attendant que les autorités cambodgiennes se penchent sérieusement sur ce problème, il est de notre conscience individuelle d'agir sans attendre pour éviter d'autres drames.

Une mise aux normes électriques françaises au Cambodge est abordable. La sécurité n'est pas accessible qu'aux foyers aisés. Nous pouvons vous apporter des solutions adaptées à vos besoins et votre budget!

Contactez-nous pour une étude personnalisée gratuite!


The statistics related to the fires in Cambodia are not decreasing, and the main cause is still faulty electrical installations since no significant step forward has been made on a large scale...
We all know that the current electrical installation in Cambodia needs to be improved and secured!

While waiting for the Cambodian authorities to seriously consider this problem, it is our individual conscience to act without delay to avoid other tragedies.

An upgrade to French electrical standards in Cambodia is affordable. Safety is not accessible only to wealthy households. We can provide you solutions adapted to your needs and your budget!

Contact us for a free personalized quote!

Fires kill 10 in first quarter of 2022 Fires killed or injured 25 people while also damaging 300 houses and 38 market stalls in the first three months of this year, according to data from the National Police’s Department of Fire Prevention, Extinguishing and Rescue. The report shows that there were 186 fires that broke out, a decrease ...


Happy Khmer new year 🎉🎊


Happy Khmer New Year


AWS company is specialized in electrical installation, repair, renovation to European electrical standards. , ,

Contact us for a free quote by Messenger/Whatsapp/Telegram/Signal :
085 333 703 / 070 213 704


The only company that offers free guarantees and working up to European standards in Siem Reap!

For a secured installation, upgrading, diagnosis, contact us for a free quotation by phone 070 213 704 / 085 333 703 or Messenger / Whatsapp / Telegram.

"Be one step ahead!"

Photos from La Palmeraie d'Angkor Charming Hotel's post 07/07/2021

ELECTRICAL installation, renovation and maintenance to EUROPEAN STANDARDS for your SAFETY!!!

Have you been having electrical troubles lately or a much higher electricity bill than usual? We will find suitable solutions thanks to our know-how in electricity to European standards.
Contact us by Whatsapp, Telegram or PM here for a quotation!
“Be one step ahead”

Des problèmes d'ordre électrique ces derniers temps ou une facture d'électricité beaucoup plus élevée que d'habitude? Nous trouverons des solutions adaptées grâce à notre savoir-faire en électricité aux normes européennes.
Contactez-nous via Whataspp, Telegram ou ici en MP pour un devis!
"Ayez un temps d'avance!"


Une année hors du commun s'achève...
Nous vous souhaitons une prospère année 2021, remplie de petits et grands bonheurs!
La sécurité avant tout!

A special year is coming to an end ...
Then we wish you a prosperous 2021, with lots of small and big joys!
Safety first!

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021! 🎉 🎊 🍻

Photos from Amaury Western Services AWS's post 05/12/2020

Mise aux normes et sécurisation d'une connexion électrique...
Upgrade to electrical standards and security...

Contact me for a quote of a safe electricity!

Photos from Amaury Western Services AWS's post 12/11/2020

Utilisation de matériel spécifique pour connecter 2 lignes électriques en sécurité. Rappel ⚠️ l'électricité ne se sent pas et ne se voit pas!!!!

Use of specific equipment to connect 2 power lines safely. Reminder ⚠️ electricity is not felt and seen !!!!

Photos from Amaury Western Services AWS's post 25/10/2020

Sécurisation d'une ligne de lumière extérieure. Securing of a line of outside lights.

Photos from Amaury Western Services AWS's post 24/10/2020

La sécurité avant tout! Pour éviter incendies, coupures de courant et électrocution, demandez une mise aux normes européennes! Ce n'est pas beaucoup plus chère qu'une installation basique et cela garantit un équipement fiable, efficace et surtout PÉRENNE!

Safety first! To avoid fires, power cuts and electrocution, ask for an upgrade to European standards! It is not much more expensive than a basic installation and it guarantees a reliable, efficient and above all a LONG-LASTING electrical equipment!

Contactez-moi sans attendre pour un devis gratuit!
Contact me without delay for a free quote!

Photos from Amaury Western Services AWS's post 22/10/2020

Installation électrique pour l'école de l'ONG "48 Couleurs" / Electrical installation for the NGO "48 Couleurs"


"Dues aux défectueuses installations électriques et aux coupures électriques intempestives, bons nombres d'entre vous font face aux dégâts... Contactez-moi au +85570213704 ou en MP pour une réparation électrique rapide et aux normes européennes!"

With all faulty installations and all the ramdom power cuts we are facing in Siem Reap, I can intervene for your safety and all necessary repairs.
Certified European electrical engineer.
You can contact Amaury by phone (WhatsApp/Telegram) @
