Agricultural Biotechnology and Crop Science

Agricultural Biotechnology and Crop Science

An ESL forum for university students in agriculture biotechnology and crop science. Sharing information and ideas that advance international science.

Understanding Our Soil: The Nitrogen Cycle, Fixers, and Fertilizer 03/05/2024

Easy to understand nitrogen cycle.

Understanding Our Soil: The Nitrogen Cycle, Fixers, and Fertilizer What are nitrogen fixing plants, and why use them over nitrogen fertilizer? This video answers this question through an explanation of the nitrogen cycle.Sup...

There's Another Amazing Use For Leftover Coffee Grounds, Scientists Say 22/03/2024

Scientists have discovered a new application for leftover coffee grounds: they can absorb bentazone, a commonly used agricultural herbicide. This finding, by researchers from the Federal Technological University of Paraná in Brazil, could potentially address two environmental issues simultaneously—reducing coffee ground waste and mitigating the ecological impact of farming herbicides. The process involves activating the carbon in used coffee grounds with zinc chloride, achieving a 70 percent efficiency in removing bentazone from water. This method not only prevented cytogenotoxicity in onion root meristems, a critical plant growth area, but also showed promise in purifying water contaminated with bentazone, a substance flagged by the EPA for its potential harm to groundwater, drinking water, and human health. Although these results are preliminary, they represent a significant step towards sustainable environmental practices and highlight the versatile potential of repurposed coffee grounds in industrial and environmental contexts.

There's Another Amazing Use For Leftover Coffee Grounds, Scientists Say Our love for coffee means millions of tons of spent coffee grounds going to waste every single year.


CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) along with Cas9, an enzyme, forms the CRISPR-Cas9 system, which allows scientists to edit genes within organisms precisely. The process typically involves the following steps:

Design of the Guide RNA (gRNA): This RNA sequence is designed to match the DNA sequence in the target gene that you intend to edit. It's crucial because it guides the Cas9 enzyme to the exact location in the genome where the cut should be made.

Construction of the CRISPR-Cas9 Vector: The gRNA and Cas9 gene are inserted into a plasmid vector. This vector will carry the CRISPR components into the target cells.

Delivery of the CRISPR-Cas9 Complex into the Target Cells: Various methods can be used, such as electroporation (using an electric field to make the cell membrane more permeable), viral vectors, or lipid nanoparticles.

DNA Cutting and Repair: Once inside the cell, the Cas9 enzyme, guided by the gRNA, cuts the DNA at the targeted location. The cell then repairs this break, which can lead to changes (edits) in the DNA sequence.

Screening and Analysis: After the editing process, cells are screened to identify and analyze those successfully edited. Techniques like PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), sequencing, or other molecular biology methods can be used for this purpose.

Off-target Analysis: It's crucial to examine the genome for off-target effects—where the CRISPR-Cas9 system might have made unintended edits. This is important for confirming the specificity and safety of gene editing.

Further Validation and Research: Successful edits need to be validated through functional studies to understand the effects of the genetic changes


The article discusses a study on the spatial and temporal dynamics of microbial communities within soil aggregates, led by senior author Kirsten Hofmockel of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, alongside co-authors Racheal Upton of Iowa State University and Elizabeth Bach of Colorado State University. The study aims to understand how environmental changes, plant growth cycles, and soil aggregate turnover affect the ecology of soil microbes, which is essential for assessing soil health and fertility.

The research highlights the importance of analyzing soil microaggregates to gain insights into the diversity and function of microbial communities in soil ecosystems. This understanding is crucial for predicting soil responses to climate events and environmental shifts. It also provides valuable information for land management strategies to boost biodiversity and soil ecosystem services.

Biodiversity, including microbial diversity within soil, is key to ecosystem resilience, sustainability, and services such as nutrient cycling, plant productivity, and drought tolerance. The study emphasizes the need to investigate microbial ecology at scales relevant to microorganisms themselves, using soil aggregates as a proxy for these scales. By examining soil from different bioenergy management systems, the research shows how management practices that enhance plant diversity can also increase microbial diversity by influencing soil aggregate habitats.

Key Words:

Microbial communities
Soil aggregates
Spatio-temporal dynamics
Environmental factors
Plant phenology
Aggregate turnover
Soil ecology
Ecosystem services
Nutrient cycling
Drought tolerance
Soil health
Bioenergy management systems
Kirsten Hofmockel
Racheal Upton
Elizabeth Bach


The article from discusses the journey of Adam Grady, a farmer from the coastal plains of eastern North Carolina, in implementing soil health practices on his farm. Initially skeptical about the benefits of no-till and cover crops due to past experiences, Grady's perspective changed after meeting consultant Allen Williams from Understanding Ag and the Soil Health Academy. Under Williams' guidance, Grady transitioned back to no-till and introduced a diverse mix of cover crops, leading to significant improvements in soil health and farm productivity.

The key takeaway from the article is the importance of adopting a principle-based approach to soil health, tailored to the unique context of each farm. The U.S. Department of Agriculture outlines four primary soil health management principles: minimizing disturbance, maximizing soil cover, biodiversity, and the presence of living roots. Understanding Ag adds two more principles: understanding your context and integrating livestock as part of maximizing biodiversity.

Grady's experience highlights that successful implementation of soil health practices requires more than just applying techniques; it necessitates a deep understanding of one's specific farming context, including environmental conditions, farm dynamics, and long-term objectives. The article emphasizes that no single practice is a silver bullet; rather, a combination of practices, adapted to the farm's unique conditions, can lead to sustainable soil health and farm productivity.

Key Words:

Adam Grady
Cover crops
Soil health
Allen Williams
Understanding Ag
Soil Health Academy
Regenerative agriculture
Livestock integration
Principle-based approach
Minimize disturbance
Maximize soil cover
Carbon-to-nitrogen ratio
Regenerative management


Summary of Nature article

Jiayang Li, a plant geneticist in Beijing, is attempting a rapid domestication of the wild rice species Oryza alta from South America. The aim is to modify traits like seed shattering, which causes seeds to drop prematurely, making harvest unfeasible. This is part of a broader initiative in de novo domestication, leveraging genome editing techniques like CRISPR–Cas9 to expedite the domestication process that historically took centuries. Such efforts aim to enhance global food resilience by introducing traits from wild species that could help cope with climate change.

However, de novo domestication faces significant challenges. Many wild plants are poorly understood, making their genetic modification complex. Furthermore, ethical concerns arise regarding the involvement and rights of Indigenous communities, who have historically nurtured these plants and hold traditional knowledge.

The article also references other projects like the domestication of wild South American tomatoes and groundcherries, illustrating the potential and complexities of de novo domestication.Key Words:

Jiayang Li
Oryza alta
De novo domestication
Genome editing
Seed shattering
Ethical concerns
Indigenous knowledge
Food resilience
Genetic modification
Wild plants
Climate change
South American tomatoes
Plant domestication


Key words: soil microbiome, yield threats This article discusses the challenges corn and soybean producers face due to soil-based pests and diseases, such as soybean cyst nematodes, sudden death syndrome, and corn rootworms. Pattern Ag provides valuable information on the soil microbiome for effective farm management. The cost of Pattern Ag's service is about two-thirds of a bushel of soybeans, with results delivered in about two weeks. Pattern Ag primarily works with seed dealers, agronomists, and input providers, rather than directly with producers. Tw**dy believes that understanding and mapping the soil microbiome, similar to the human genome, could lead to a significant agricultural revolution. Link: New soil test helps farmers see yield threats.


Jason Norsworthy and his team at the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture have been exploring a nonchemical method, known as harvest w**d seed control (HWSC), specifically narrow-windrow burning, to reduce the spread of w**d seeds into the soil.

Key points from the article include:

Need for Nonchemical Strategies: There's a growing necessity to incorporate nonchemical approaches with existing herbicide programs to maintain their sustainability and effectiveness.

Narrow-Windrow Burning: Common in Australia, this technique is shown to be effective against common w**ds like barnyardgrass, h**p sesbania, Italian ryegrass, johnsongrass, Palmer amaranth, pitted morningglory, prickly sida, sicklepod, and velvetleaf.

Experiments Conducted:

At the Altheimer Laboratory in Fayetteville, Arkansas, experiments were conducted to determine the required temperature and duration to kill various w**d seeds.
A field experiment at the Northeast Research and Extension Center in Keiser, Arkansas, assessed the effectiveness of burning soybean harvest residues on killing seeds of specific w**ds. The residue amounts were varied by harvesting wider soybean plots.

The viability of seeds post-exposure to various temperatures and durations in a kiln was tested. As expected, higher temperatures and longer exposure times were more effective in killing w**d seeds.
Seed size influenced the amount of heat required for mortality, with smaller seeds like Palmer amaranth requiring less heat compared to larger, hard-coated seeds like pitted morningglory.
In the soybean residue burning experiment, all tested w**d seeds were killed, except for pitted morningglory, which remained intact but nonviable.
Implications for Growers:

Narrow-windrow burning is a feasible option for diminishing w**d seed spread in the soil, especially to combat herbicide-resistant w**ds.
This method is cost-effective and can be easily implemented, making it a valuable strategy for U.S. farmers, particularly in regions where burning is permitted.
The technique is effective in reducing the w**d seed bank in the soil, even in fields already affected by herbicide-resistant w**ds, thus potentially decreasing the w**d population over time.


As the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere continues to rise, a pressing concern has emerged regarding the potential impact on the nutritional quality of food crops. Studies have consistently shown that elevated CO2 levels can lead to a decline in the concentration of essential nutrients in various plant species, including staple crops like rice, wheat, and soybeans. This phenomenon, known as "CO2-induced nutrient dilution," poses a significant threat to global food security and human health.

Elevated CO2 levels can alter the plant's internal balance between carbon and nitrogen, a critical nutrient for plant growth and protein synthesis. While increased CO2 stimulates photosynthesis, leading to higher carbohydrate production, it can also result in a relative depletion of nitrogen within the plant. This imbalance can lead to reduced protein content, as well as lower levels of other essential nutrients, such as iron, zinc, and vitamins B1, B2, and E.

The decline in nutrient content due to elevated CO2 levels has been observed in various field experiments and controlled-environment studies. For instance, a meta-analysis of 199 studies found that protein concentrations in C3 crops (a group of plants that utilize the Calvin cycle for photosynthesis) declined by an average of 5% under elevated CO2 conditions. Similarly, a study on rice cultivation showed that CO2 enrichment led to a 10% decrease in iron and zinc concentrations in the grain.

The implications of CO2-induced nutrient dilution are far-reaching, particularly for populations that rely heavily on staple crops as their primary source of nutrition. A reduction in nutrient content can lead to deficiencies in essential micronutrients, which can have detrimental effects on human health, particularly in children and pregnant women. Micronutrient deficiencies can impair growth, cognitive development, and immune function, and can increase the risk of various diseases.

To mitigate the negative impacts of elevated CO2 levels on crop nutrient quality, a combination of strategies is needed. These include:

Breeding Climate-Resilient Crops: Developing new crop varieties that are less susceptible to CO2-induced nutrient dilution.

Optimizing Nutrient Management: Implementing sustainable agricultural practices that optimize nutrient uptake and utilization by plants.

Dietary Diversification: Promoting dietary diversification to encourage the consumption of a variety of nutrient-rich foods from different sources.

Fortification and Supplementation: Addressing nutrient deficiencies through food fortification and targeted supplementation programs.

Addressing the issue of CO2-induced nutrient dilution requires a multi-pronged approach that involves plant scientists, agronomists, nutritionists, and policymakers working together to develop and implement effective strategies to ensure a nutritious and secure food supply for the world's growing population.


An article by Laurie Bedord discusses the effectiveness of soil's ability to sequester carbon, which is a prominent subject within agricultural and environmental circles. The piece draws upon the viewpoints of various experts who express skepticism about the widely held belief that soil can serve as a substantial sink for carbon dioxide. Research by scientists like Gregg Sanford indicates that while certain best management practices, such as no-till farming and cover crops, may work in some areas, they are not universally effective in trapping carbon in the soil. Sanford suggests that transformational changes, such as transitioning from annual crops to perennials, are needed for significant carbon sequestration. Several programs aim to pay farmers for their carbon sequestration efforts, but these initiatives also come under scrutiny for a lack of clear rules and inefficiencies.

Discussion Questions:
How does the article challenge the common perception about soil's ability to act as a significant carbon sink? Do you agree with this skepticism?

According to the experts mentioned in the article, what are the limitations of current farming practices like no-till and cover crops in carbon sequestration? What are the implications of this for policymakers?

Gregg Sanford suggests a "transformational change" in agriculture for more effective carbon sequestration. What could these changes look like, and what barriers might stand in the way of implementing them?

What are the ethical considerations involved in encouraging farmers to participate in carbon markets? How do these programs impact the farmers themselves, as noted by several experts?

The article talks about "healthy skepticism" concerning soil's ability to sequester carbon. How is skepticism beneficial in scientific and policy discussions about climate change mitigation strategies?


Here is a summary of the article and 5 questions for discussion. Your comments are always welcome: Summary:
Researchers at the University of Nottingham have discovered a protein that plays a crucial role in regulating the uptake of nutrients and water in plant roots. This protein is part of the lignin barrier in the root endodermis and helps form a tight seal between cells to control what goes in and out of the plant via its roots. Understanding these proteins and the lignin barrier could help in developing climate-resistant crops that require less water and fertilizers. The findings have implications for future-proofing food supplies given the increasing instances of extreme weather conditions.
What is the primary function of the dirigent proteins (DPs) discovered in plant roots?
How does the endodermis contribute to nutrient and water uptake in plants?
How could the discovery of this protein potentially help in addressing climate change challenges?
Why is this research significant for future food supplies, particularly in regions with extreme weather conditions?
How might this discovery reduce the need for chemical fertilizers in agriculture?

Protein root discovery seals future of climate-proof plants 29/10/2023

Great article on the development of climate resistant crops

Protein root discovery seals future of climate-proof plants Researchers have discovered a protein that seals plant roots to regulate the uptake of nutrients and water from the soil, the discovery could help develop climate proof crops that require less water and chemical fertilizers.

Reuters on X 28/09/2023


Reuters on X Biochar is produced using green waste through a process called pyrolysis. Researchers are testing if it can help limit carbon emissions


harvesting sunflower seeds...interesting.

New soybean yield record set at 206 bushels 30/08/2023

206 bushels of soybeans per acre in the sandy, low organic soil in Georgia!!!

New soybean yield record set at 206 bushels The new soybean record exceeds Randy Dowdy’s 2019 yield by more than 15 bushels.

How the U.S. Could Lose $5 Billion of Corn Exports to China 11/08/2023

U.S. could lose corn exports

How the U.S. Could Lose $5 Billion of Corn Exports to China The U.S. produces more corn than any other crop and American farms sold $5.3 billion of it to China last year. But China has spent years courting other producer


America is feeling the heat, with temperatures hitting 41 degrees Celsius and humidity around 20%.


Soil is home to more than half of all life
About 59% of all species on Earth live in soil, estimate researchers who reviewed global biodiversity data. This would make the ground the planet’s single most biodiverse habitat. The figure doubles an earlier estimate and could be even higher because so little is known about soil, the researchers suggest. It is home to 99% of Enchytraeidae worms, 90% of fungi, 86% of plants and more than 50% of bacteria — but only 3% of mammals live in it.


mike binning
11:20 PM (0 minutes ago)
to me

Check out the company "Pattern Ag" ( ) that detects the most damaging pests and pathogens in your field. Their soil biologists use this data to predict the biggest threats to your operation. Knowing your risks for next season helps you make optimal seed selection, crop protection, and fertility plans.

EU seeks to relax gene-edited crop restrictions 30/07/2023

EU seeks to relax gene-edited crop restrictions The EU executive said the move would give farmers more resilient crops and reduce the use of chemical pesticides and offer consumers food with higher nutritional value.


Pesticide Use Warning
The three neonicotinoids — thiamethoxam, clothianidin and imidacloprid — are applied as seed coatings on some 150 million acres of crops each year, including corn, soybeans and other major crops. Neonicotinoids are a group of neurotoxic insecticides similar to ni****ne and used widely on farms and in urban landscapes. They are absorbed by plants and can be present in pollen and nectar, and have been blamed for killing bees or changing their behaviors.

Pesticide manufacturers say that studies support the safe use of these chemicals, which in addition to seed coatings, are also sprayed on more than 4 million acres of crops across the United States, including cotton, soybeans, grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. But conservation groups said that the EPA’s analysis has “gaping holes” and downplays the harm to endangered species.

“These are likely the most ecologically destructive pesticides we’ve seen since DDT,” said Dan Raichel, acting director of the Pollinator Initiative at the Natural Resources Defense Council, an environmental advocacy group that works to “safeguard the earth – its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.”

The chemicals “jeopardize the continued existence of” more than 1 in 10 endangered fish, insects, crustaceans, plants, and birds across the United States, according to the analysis by the environmental fate and effects division in the EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs.


Successful Farming

5 Practices to cool livestock in summer heat
Put these five tips into practice to keep your livestock comfortably cool and safe from the effects of heat stress.

By Jordan Anderson Updated on June 30, 2023

Summer can bring sweltering heat, and it can be hard on livestock. Put these five tips into practice to keep your livestock comfortably cool and safe from the effects of heat stress.

1. Shade
"I am always amazed by the number of people who ask, 'Do animals really need shade?'" states Dr. David Fernandez, University of Arkansas (Pine Bluff) cooperative Extension program livestock specialist. Animals get hot outside just as humans do.

You know how dark clothing seems to absorb more of the sun's rays? Same effect goes to animals – darker animals tend to absorb more heat. Keep in mind that some animals with light-color hair hide dark skin underneath, so they can become warmer much faster than you think.

2. Cool water
The key to keeping your animals comfortable could be as simple as where you place your water tank. Build a shade over the tank or place under an already available shade to keep the water as cool as possible.

3. Work animals when temps are lower
Movement and digestion generate heat internally, which can have as significant of an impact on heat stress as external radiation. Therefore, producers should work livestock in cooler parts of the day if at all possible.

4. Airflow
We know that a little bit of air movement on a very hot day can work wonders. Erect fans to make those still, miserable days much more manageable for livestock. Bonus: Add spray misters to the fans or sprinklers.

5. Sprinklers
For livestock that stay outdoors, sprinkler systems are a great, effective option in reducing external heat in pastures or feedlots. Be sure to adjust hoses in a way that animals' legs stay untangled and equipment functioning.

Even when you have many of these strategies in practice, stay on the lookout for signs of heat stress: panting/breathing with an open mouth, excessive sweating in horses or Brahman cattle, trembling, stumbling, or disorientation. However, these tips go a long way to help livestock stay relaxed, cool, and productive during the intense heat of summer. Source: University of Arkansas

How to select better seed 22/07/2023

Seed selection. Good video.

How to select better seed Three farmers share their best practices for choosing new corn hybrids and soybean varieties.


Advancements in Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) Research: Unfolding the New Frontiers

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been a cornerstone of scientific research and advancements in the realm of biotechnology for decades. Recent developments in GMO research have transcended the traditional boundaries, integrating cutting-edge technologies to drive progress in agriculture, medicine, and environmental sustainability. This essay delves into the most recent findings and applications in GMO research, offering an overview of the exciting avenues that are currently unfolding.
Advancements in Agricultural GMOs:
Firstly, GMO research in agriculture continues to evolve with an emphasis on improving crop resilience, nutritional content, and reducing environmental impact. A striking example of this comes from the development of drought and salinity-resistant crops, enabling agricultural productivity even under challenging environmental conditions. Researchers are leveraging advanced techniques like CRISPR-Cas9 to accurately modify the genetic makeup of crops, ensuring they can thrive in harsh climates and withstand various stressors such as pests and diseases.
Another exciting development is the bio-fortification of crops. The advent of 'Golden Rice', genetically modified to produce beta-carotene, has offered a potential solution to Vitamin A deficiency in regions with rice-dependent diets. Additionally, the ongoing research in 'C4 rice' aims to genetically modify rice plants to utilize photosynthesis more efficiently, potentially increasing yield by up to 50%.
GMOs in Medicine:
The medical field is no stranger to GMOs, with recent research being dominated by the development of genetically engineered bacteria and viruses for therapeutic purposes. For instance, genetically modified viruses are being utilized as vectors in gene therapies to treat genetic disorders like Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Bacteria are also being engineered to act as 'living medicines' that can produce and deliver therapeutic compounds within the human body.
Advancements in GMOs are also helping in the development of new vaccines. The COVID-19 vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech, based on mRNA technology, are prime examples of how genetic engineering can revolutionize public health in times of crisis.
Environmental GMO Applications:
Lastly, GMO research is making significant strides in environmental conservation. Genetically modified organisms are being used to combat biodiversity loss and environmental degradation. A key example of this is the development of genetically modified coral species designed to withstand warmer ocean temperatures, thus helping to preserve the threatened coral reefs.
Scientists are also exploring the potential of genetically engineered bacteria to break down plastic waste, offering a promising solution to the global plastic pollution crisis.
The latest GMO research has demonstrated vast potential across a variety of fields. Its ability to address critical global challenges — from food security and public health crises to environmental sustainability — is a testament to the transformative power of biotechnology. Despite the existing ethical and safety debates surrounding GMOs, the continual advancements highlight the importance of nuanced and science-based discussions about their implementation. The future of GMOs holds immense promise, fostering optimism for new solutions and a resilient global society.


Coffee leaf rust (CLR) is a devastating disease that affects coffee plants. It is caused by the fungus Hemileia vastatrix, which was first introduced to Africa in the late 19th century. The disease has since spread to all coffee-growing regions in the world, and it is estimated to cost the global coffee industry billions of dollars each year.
CLR is a foliar disease, which means that it attacks the leaves of coffee plants. The fungus produces spores that are spread by wind and rain. When the spores land on a coffee leaf, they germinate and begin to grow. The fungus then produces a toxin that kills the leaf cells. As the disease progresses, the leaves turn yellow and eventually fall off the plant.
CLR can have a devastating impact on coffee yields. In severe cases, the disease can kill entire coffee crops. This can lead to shortages of coffee and higher prices for consumers.
There are a number of ways to control CLR, including:
Fungicides: Fungicides can be used to kill the fungus and prevent it from spreading. However, fungicides can be expensive and they can also have negative environmental impacts.
Cultural practices: Cultural practices such as pruning and shade management can help to reduce the spread of CLR.
Genetic resistance: Some coffee varieties are naturally resistant to CLR. Planting these varieties can help to reduce the impact of the disease.
In recent years, there has been growing interest in using other species of coffee that are more resistant to CLR. Some of the most promising species include:
Coffea canephora: Robusta coffee is a species of coffee that is native to Africa. It is more resistant to CLR than Arabica coffee, and it also has a higher caffeine content.
Coffea liberica: Liberica coffee is a species of coffee that is native to West Africa. It is also more resistant to CLR than Arabica coffee, and it has a unique flavor profile.
Coffea stenophylla: Stenophylla coffee is a newly discovered species of coffee that is native to Sierra Leone. It is highly resistant to CLR, and it has a delicious flavor.
The use of other species of coffee to combat CLR is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to be a major breakthrough. By using more resistant species of coffee, we can help to protect the global coffee industry from this devastating disease.
In addition to the species mentioned above, there are a number of other coffee species that are being investigated for their potential resistance to CLR. These include Coffea charrieriana, Coffea eugenioides, and Coffea arabica var. dewevrei.
The development of new, resistant coffee varieties is a complex and challenging process. However, the potential benefits of using these varieties are significant. By reducing the impact of CLR, we can help to ensure the future of the global coffee industry.

CRISPR-Cas9 : Introduction and discovery 14/06/2023

Basic Crispr explanation

CRISPR-Cas9 : Introduction and discovery This video is the introductory video of my CRISPR playlist which tells you the story that how CRISPR was discovered.

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English Financial News 9.19.18


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