Montessori for Lebanon

The Montessori Society for Education and Development
Affiliate of Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) in Lebanon


Montessori for Lebanon (affiliate of AMI) is excited to invite collaboration proposals for innovative projects rooted in the principles and values of Montessori education.

The submission deadline is 30 September 2024. Details can be found here


Ask your questions about the upcoming AMI 3-6 Orientation Course (10 September - 10 October 2024)


Are you interested in the AMI 3-6 Orientation Course but have so many questions you don't know where to start? Join us on Tuesday 27 August to get the answers to your questions. Everyone is welcome.

هل لديكم اسئلة عن الدورة التوجيهية القادمة التي تنظمها جمعية منتسوري من اجل لبنان؟ انضموا الينا نهار الثلاثاء ٢٧ آب / اغسطس في تمام الساعة التاسعة بتوقيت بيروت. الدعوة مفتوحة.


Join the movement to make the wealth of authentic Montessori knowledge more available and accessible to children and families in the Arabic speaking world.


🌟 We are thrilled to announce that Montessori for Lebanon is offering an AMI 3-6 Orientation Course in English, with live Arabic translation! The course starts on 10 September 2024 and is an excellent opportunity for those interested in deepening their understanding of Montessori principles.

Obtain a globally recognised Montessori certification while learning to foster children’s independence and respond to their needs more efficiently!

Need-based scholarships are available for native Arabic speakers.

Find out more about the course and register here:

Photos from Montessori for Lebanon's post 12/07/2024

هذه دعوة خاصة لكل المدرسين و الاهل والاقارب المهتمين بمنهج منتسوري للاطفال من عمر ٣ الى ٦ سنوات. انضموا الى هذه الدورة التوجيهية التي تنظمها جمعية منتسوري من اجل لبنان لتعلم كيفية دعم نمو الاطفال في بيئة مناسبة لحاجاتهم التنموية والحصول على شهادة
AMI المُعترف بها عالمياً.

الاماكن محدودة. بعض المنح متوفرة. التسجيل على الموقع الالكتروني

Montessori for Lebanon is offering an AMI 3-6 Orientation course in English with a complete simultaneous translation to Arabic from 10 September to 10 October 2024. Needs-based scholarships are available. Details and registration are on our website

We hope this will benefit the children of Arabic speaking communities around the world. Thanks for spreading the word!

#منتسوري #مونتيسوري #منتيسوري


انضموا إلينا مع أطفالكم (من عمر سنة إلى ٣ سنوات) في تجربة فريدة من نوعها لاستكشاف الطبيعة والتحدث باللغة العربية. سيتخلل البرنامج فرصة للاهل للمشاركة في جلسات حوار وورش عمل اختياريّة، ولكن وجود الأهل حضوريّا خلال النهار الزامي. التفاصيل في الصورة المرفقة.

سعداء ومتحمسون لرؤيتكم قريباً!

للتسجيل أو الاستفسار الرجاء التواصل على هذا الرقم: 70157971

Join us with your children (1 to 3 year olds) for a unique experience in nature in Arabic. The program will include optional discussion groups for parents, but the presence of parents is necessary during the day. The details are in the post above.

We are happy and excited to see you soon!

To register or to get more information, please contact +96170157971


It was a pleasure for a representative of our team to speak to Montessori Masr about AMI, the state of Montessori education in Arabic speaking countries.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.

The discussion starts at 5:46

#منتسوري #مونتيسوري


If you're in Lebanon, join us for the first of a series of community meetups. Meet the members of the Montessori for Lebanon team and wider community. Refreshments will be served.

This event is free of charge, but please register your attendance on our website for us to plan the refreshments accordingly.

Be many!


"Games thus lead to a feeling of rivalry and animate a participant with a spirit of competition. And this, in comparison with aimless play, represents moral progress."
Maria Montessori

وبالتالي فإن الألعاب تؤدي إلى الشعور بالتنافس وتبث في المشارك روح" المسابقة. وهذا يمثل، بالمقارنة مع اللعب بلا هدف، تقدما أخلاقيا."
ماريا منتسوري

#منتسوري #الرياضة #مونتيسوري #منتيسوري

Regrettably, sports can often be neglected in Montessori settings, possibly in response to the excessive emphasis on winning in conventional sports, or a misunderstanding of Montessori's views on competition.

On the contrary, Maria Montessori regarded sports and competition as opportunities for purposeful movement, enhancing skills, and developing a child’s moral compass.

AMI President's Message 2024 11/01/2024

AMI President's Message 2024 Sitting in the study at Montessori’s house on Koninginneweg, all is calm and serene, as I set course for this New Year’s message.On the desk lie Maria Montessori’s 1929 London course notes, meticulously documented by her student, Ruby Woodf

Photos from Montessori for Lebanon's post 06/01/2024

“Those whose interest is in spiritual values, who seek after the highest in the human being, will recognise in our schools a work of love.
Love, looking beneath external appearances, understands many needs in the child, with transient appearances, which are commanding and fundamental. These needs may be obscure and difficult to express; yet, on them, life depends.
Love leads us to make a refuge for the divine side of child-nature, disregarded, misunderstood, and to open up the way for his spiritual development.”

Maria Montessori, From the Call of Education, 1924, issue 1
As quoted by Lynne Lawrence, AMI Executive Director
during the annual AMI Talk on 6 January 2024

"سوف يرى أولئك الذين يهتمون بالقيم الروحية والذين يسعون إلى تحقيق أعلى المستويات في الإنسان أن مدارسنا قائمةٌ على عمل حب.
فالحب يبصر ما وراء المظاهر الخارجية، ويفهم أن لدى الطفل احتياجات كثيرة تتخذ مظاهر عدة عابرة واساسية. قد تكون هذه الاحتياجات غامضة ويصعب التعبير عنها، لكن الحياة تعتمد عليها بالرغم من كل شيء.
فالحب يقودنا إلى أن نبني ملجأً للجانب الإلهي من طبيعة الطفل المهمَل والذي يُساء فهمه، ونفتح له الطريق لتطوره الروحي."

ماريا منتسوري، نداء التعليم، ١٩٢٤، العدد ١
كما نقلته لين لورانس، المديرة التنفيذية ل
خلال محادثة
السنوية في ٦ كانون الثاني/يناير ٢٠٢٤

#منتسوري #مونتيسوري #منتيسوري #حب #سلام #مدرسة #طفولة


Mark your calendars for our first free event of 2024!

Bring on all your questions about the 6-12 Orientation Course:
• How will this course help me at home with my children?
• How can I better understand my 6 to 12 year old child?
• What is cosmic education?
• How can I be a better elementary teacher?
• What is the Montessori approach at the elementary age?
• How can I speak so my children listen?
• Who is this course relevant for?
• How much work do I need to do during the course?

Every question is valid! Add yours in the comments below, and come meet AMI 6-12 Trainer Prabha Karthik online on Saturday 13th January at 10:30 AM (Beirut time).

Zoom meeting details will be shared by DM.


If we wish to discover a pure being, a being who has neither philosophical ideas nor a political ideology and is equally removed from both, we will find this neutral being in the child. And if we think that men are different because they speak different languages, we will recognize in the child a being who speaks no language and who is ready to learn to speak any language at all. This child must therefore be our central focus when we seek ways to peace. Why do we not call upon children? Why do not triumphant bands of children appear at meetings where the problem of peace is being discussed? If processions of children appeared among us – companies of those human beings who represent the living possibility of peace – we would have to welcome them reverently and bow down before them in admiration. The child would appear among us as the teacher of peace. We must gather around him to learn the mystery of humanity, to discover in him the mystery of a fundamental goodness that our outer lives and acts belie. That is the source of the knowledge that interests us most of all. If we truly yearn for brotherhood and understanding among men, there must also be brotherhood and understanding between the adult and the child! Page 111/112 from the book Education and peace ;

Photos from Montessori for Lebanon's post 19/12/2023

🥁 Announcing new membership formats for the year 2024

💻 Registration link on our website

⏰ The first 5 confirmed membership subscriptions will receive an additional 10% off the upcoming 6-12 orientation course in February



AMI, in collaboration with Montessori Norge and Montessori for Kenya, are very proud to announce that we are officially presenting at the upcoming United Nations Climate Conference in Dubai on 2nd December 2023! 🌍🌿

AMI recently joined the new UNESCO initiative, Greening Education Partnerships, which aims to deliver strong, coordinated and comprehensive action that will prepare every learner to acquire the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes to tackle climate change and promote sustainable development.

If you are attending the event, please write to us!

Learn more about it here:

Photos from Montessori for Lebanon's post 21/11/2023

Independence is a process. May the children be our guide. Happy 80th independence day, Lebanon! 🇱🇧


Listen to the newest AMI Talk about The Importance of Movement! 🤾‍♀️⚽
In this talk, you will listen to the globally renowned Professor Adele Diamond, a pioneer in the field of developmental cognitive neuroscience. She discussed the profound significance of music, dance, and movement in her presentation. Following her presentation, you will listen to an insightful talk by Montessori Sports about how sports are crucial for children to realise their potential.

Listen to the recording here:
➡️Apple Podcasts:
➡️Google Podcasts:


Thank you Montessori for Lebanon
I enjoyed the interview.


🌟 Exciting News! Following AMI’s recent strategic planning to expand Montessori in India, we are thrilled to announce a new AMI Training Centre located in Kodaikanal, India. One of the ways AMI connects Montessori to the world is through courses, delivered in more than 40 countries, offering authentic pedagogical quality, grounded in Maria Montessori’s vision. The Kodaikanal AMI Centre for Montessori Studies is a living tribute to her legacy. Amidst Kodaikanal's landscapes, Maria Montessori conceptualised her unparalleled Cosmic Curriculum. The Centre is dedicated to upholding and developing exceptional quality training while being accessible to all. It also intends to focus on outreach, aiming to spread Montessori to all and make a social impact in local communities through the work of AMI’s Educateurs sans Frontières (EsF) activity.

To learn more about the Kodaikanal AMI Centre for Montessori Studies and its upcoming courses, please visit the following link:


Montessori for Lebanon is delighted to offer the AMI 6-12 Orientation Course online during February-March 2024 with AMI Auxiliary Trainer Prabha Karthik.

To register, fill out this form:


We are excited to announce the launch of Educateurs sans Frontières (EsF)'s brand-new website, where you can find inspiring stories highlighting amazing Montessori initiatives all around the world! Explore the new EsF website here:

EsF is a division of AMI established in 1999 by Renilde Montessori, the granddaughter of Maria Montessori, to strengthen the social mission of serving under-resourced communities and promoting children’s rights throughout society. In practice, EsF is a global network that connects and encompasses individuals from diverse backgrounds, nations, and fields of expertise who share the common purpose of supporting human development by applying Montessori principles in different contexts that transcend the boundaries of traditional classrooms.

Learn from a range of inspiring projects and stories that demonstrate how Montessori principles and practices are applied and adapted to specific contexts and needs.


Foto: 5 de mayo de 1950: Montessori en la 5ª sesión de la Conferencia General de la UNESCO, en Florencia, Italia.
"Si un día la UNESCO decidiera involucrar a los niños en la reconstrucción del mundo y en la construcción de la paz, si decidiera convocarlos, discutir con ellos y reconocer el valor de todas las revelaciones que tienen para nosotros, los encontraría de gran valor. Una ayuda inmensa para infundir nueva vida a esta sociedad que debe basarse en la cooperación de todos"

Posteriormente, en diciembre de 1951 (cuatro meses antes de su muerte), la Dra. Montessori fue invitada por la UNESCO a enviar un mensaje con motivo del tercer aniversario de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos. Así es como Montessori llegó a escribir 'El ciudadano olvidado' donde llama a la urgente necesidad de reorientarnos espiritualmente en medio de una creciente economía competitiva capitalista y consumista. Hoy más que nunca dar el derecho a hablar al ciudadano olvidado podría ser la mejor opción que tenemos para infundir nueva vida a esta sociedad.

Publicación Barcelona Montessori School

Photos from Montessori for Lebanon's post 10/10/2023

Join us on Thursday 19 October at 9:00 PM (Beirut time) for a Q&A session with Eder Cuevas. Simultaneous translation to Arabic will be available. Register for the zoom meeting via this link:

Eder Cuevas has 20 years of experience in Montessori education and serves as the Executive Director of Montessori México, an AMI-affiliated society. Additionally, he is the development director at Montessori de Chihuahua. Eder is also an international speaker and advisor on various topics related to Montessori education, including school administration, parents' education, and Montessori sports.

Eder holds an AMI elementary training diploma from Bergamo, Italy, and an AMI-NAMTA orientation certification for adolescents. He studied Education and Physical Education and holds master's degrees in Sport Psychology and Education.

Previously, Eder taught at a university in Chihuahua for fifteen years and was a professor at the Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, teaching in the areas of Sports Science, Education, and Psychology. Since 2015, he has participated as a staff member in the AMI-NAMTA Adolescent Orientations in Chihuahua, Hershey and Chicago. He is currently in the process of becoming an AMI Trainer for the Administrators Course.



📚🌱 We're thrilled to share a collaborative effort published recently in August - a meta-analysis of 32 studies comparing Montessori education to traditional methods. The conclusion? "Montessori education has a nontrivial impact on children's academic and non-academic outcomes."

This review dives deep into the effectiveness of Montessori education in enhancing both academic and non-academic outcomes. Factors like grade level, type of Montessori environment, random assignment, and more were examined to understand the full scope of Montessori's impact.

This is a valuable addition to the growing body of research that demonstrates how Montessori education can positively impact the lives of children! 📖✨

Read the article here:


There are a few more spots left in our online AMI 3-6 Orientation Course. It starts in a little less than a month and you don’t want to miss it!

Get in touch if you have any questions. This is the link to sign up:


DURING EARLY FORMATION..small children can do a greater quantity of work with greater perfection than older ones. And the younger children derive great happiness from it. This fact was not known before – that at a certain age, when the mind is in the period of formation, it does not develop slowly and haphazardly, it develops rapidly and brilliantly because it has a special sensibility. It is not only the fact that in early life man has a special sensibility and the possibility of real practical achievement, but the mind itself is different. This has been shown thousands of times. For instance, the small child gives profound attention to external phenomena, e.g. he can observe a plant with intense interest, whereas an older child does not. Another example is in memory: a boy of fourteen learns geographical names with great difficulty and becomes depressed because he finds it so difficult. The little child learns them easily and without effort. P17-18 from the book The 1946 London Lectures:;


Back by popular demand, AMI 3-6 trainer Cheryl Ferreira will be offering a 3-6 Orientation Course online through Montessori for Lebanon from 30 October until 8 December 2023.

Register your interest via the link below to receive more details:

Photos from Montessori for Lebanon's post 07/08/2023

Is your school interested in AMI accreditation? Get in touch.

هل مدرستكم مهتمة بالحصول على تصديق
؟ اتصلوا بنا

Photos from Montessori for Lebanon's post 07/08/2023

This is a list of the questions we get asked very frequently, and our answers. Please get in touch if you need any clarifications or have any other questions.

هذه قائمة بابرز الاسئلة واكثرها تكراراً، مع اجوبة "منتسوري من اجل لبنان". لا تترددوا بالتواصل معنا ان اردتم استيضاحا او طرح اسئلة اضافية.


#منتيسوري #منتيسوري #تدريب #مدرسة #تربية #تعليم #شهادة #تصديق

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Videos (show all)

Montessori for Lebanon (affiliate of AMI) is excited to invite collaboration proposals for innovative projects rooted in...
Q&A AMI 3-6 Orientation Course
There are a few more spots left in our online AMI 3-6 Orientation Course. It starts in a little less than a month and yo...
Montessori and Nature
Come join us at the in Beirut for a FREE parenting discussion with Sylvia Arotin from @guideandgrow. She’...
Montessori for Lebanon is calling all people of goodwill who want to join hands in making Montessori more accessible in ...
An excerpt from Montessori for Lebanon's November workshop with AMI 6-12 trainer Alison Awes, "Montessori Elementary: Pr...
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Did you know that Montessori Education is NOT about the "toys", that it is NOT about producing child prodigies, ...




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