Taste Like Heaven

Taste Like Heaven

Hello Folks
I am Mona, I am an educator by nature. I love to share what I have in the benefit of all.

Taste of Heaven is founded to reveal truths about food - healthy and unhealthy- Keep following me and you will be astounded.


Hello folks,

It’s been a long time since we talked last time. Today I am writing about the connection between nature and humans. The first book of Moses, Genesis talks about a beautiful story about creation. God created Nature and after a thought, He created Humans.
The unfortunate story of that story suggests that we and nature are separate from one another. That we came alone separate from this planet. Well, this is a big problem because, actually, we are created by nature. The significance is as the fate of nature goes, so does the fate of humans.
Here comes the biggest problem, humans have been destroying nature and precipitating what is called the sixth mass extinction of life. They are forgetting the most important part that if Nature goes down, so does humanity, because we are nature. So people, let us wake up people. A long time ago, indigenous people believed that the planet is a garden, and they were here as gardeners to help create that beauty of the garden. So, let us wake up this original belief again. We should stop using Earth and start working with Earth. That is how evolution will take us into the future.
We think we are the smart, intelligent creatures on this planet and the rest are less or with no intelligence. But this is not true, and here is the fact why. The Human Body is made of thousands of cells, and these cells are the intelligent part of the human body, we are just a collective expression of cyber intelligence. Well, nature is imputed with all this intelligence. When we start to take the stanza, we have dominion over nature, it is then when our civilization will start to fall from Grace. The significance is, we are nature, we are not controllers of nature. We are the ones who are supposed to live in harmony with the Garden. Simple fact: a garden is not a battleground, but we turned it into a battleground. A garden is highly cooperative, and this is what nature is asking humans to do, to wake up and start to live in harmony and cooperation with it.
If you are looking at yourself as a single organism or entity, well when you look in the mirror and see that single organism, a human body is a community of 50 trillions of human cells. Even more, there are more cells we call the microbiome. We are covered with 10 times as many as the microbiome such as bacteria and fungus and these are part of our life, and we cannot survive without them. The health of this community of 50 trillion cells depends on them. They have also the same functions as you do, like respiration, digestion, excretion, nervous system, and even an immune system. So, the significance is, who is organizing all of this community; it’s the brain. The brain does not tell the lungs how to breathe, or the digestive system how to work, the brain is coordination. If we screw up this coordination, then the whole community starts to fall apart. So, we come to a wise fact “Harmony and Community is Health; Disharmony and Community is Disease.”
So, if we want to heal ourselves, we do not have to worry about the genetics of the cells, it is actually, the consciousness, the government by which the 50 trillion cells are living their lives.
How are your thoughts today? Are they positive? Are they negative?
Well, your thoughts are the political voice of the 50 trillion citizens under your skin. When your thoughts are in harmony, so is our community.
Let us look at health in a different way. A political situation VS a molecular genetic situation. It is the politics of health that we understand. Before, they used to teach us at universities that biology is the study of independent systems of study, but research showed us that we cannot study individual systems alone. the human bodies are a whole organism. It is a process of community where all organisms are integrated together. So, it is a whole different approach today we call it system biology where we study all systems in connection one with the other. For example, the heart in relation to the brain, the heart in relation to the gut, and the heart in relation to behaviors. So, every organ is connected to every other organ and works as a system. The beautiful new view is not to study how a single organ works, because it is connected to everything else. As a result, if we understand the interconnectivity of the organs, then we can understand the whole process of the human. So, we are going from the reductionism of studying the pieces into holism, studying how all the pieces come together and create a whole. That knowledge is empowering, if you understand it, you can have more power in creating your life.
