Ideate Media Factory

Ideate Media Factory

IDEATE Media Factory is your solution to achieve all your business goals through one factory.

Your solution to achieve all your business goals through one Factory. IDEATE Media Factory is a unique company that handles all your business needs from consultancy to ex*****on to ensure a successful and prosperous business, providing services in the fields of management, advertising and marketing, design and printing, audio-visual communication and multimedia design, interior design and ex*****o


G le Goût Branding.

Photos from Ideate Media Factory's post 11/01/2022

Kiddos Kraft Branding.


Cigar Hub photography.


Cigar Hub social media management.


PYCKD photography.

Photos from Ideate Media Factory's post 10/01/2022

Twister Alley Branding.


The Inner space social media management.


G Le Goût social media management.


G Le Goût photography.


Vita 34 Lebanon social media management.


Dr Mayss social media management.


The inner space me

Creating sparks of Joy. Celebrating Diversity.⁣⁣

A very SPECIAL Christmas... TOGETHER⁣

⁣⁣The inner space me⁣




افکاری دون قیود.


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Self-sabotage is when you undermine your own goals and values. It's a chronic pattern that leads to major problems in your life, work, and relationships.

Art direction by ⁣⁣
Photography by ⁣⁣
With the collaboration of ⁣⁣

Photo Editor:
Makeup & hair: .beautyspace
SFX: .khater


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Perseverance cultivates a sense of purposefulness: It can build resilience against mental health problems and it can reduce current levels of those problems. Research suggests that people can improve their mental health by raising or maintaining high levels of resilience and optimism. Aspiring toward personal and career goals can make people feel like their lives have meaning.

Art direction by ⁣⁣
Photography by ⁣⁣
With the collaboration of ⁣⁣

Photo Editor:
Makeup & hair: .beautyspace


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An Identity Crisis is one of the most important conflicts people experience at various points throughout life, particularly during stressful times and at points of great change. Identity crises are also common among people with mental illness, including depression.

Consider looking within to figure out the qualities and characteristics that define you and make you feel grounded and happy as well as your values, interests, passions, and hobbies.

Art direction by ⁣⁣⁣
Photography by ⁣⁣⁣
With the collaboration of ⁣⁣⁣

Photo Editor: ⁣
Makeup & hair: .beautyspace


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Let’s talk about this. It’s 2020 and let’s face it: every day is a human fight to stay afloat. Social media shows only one facet of a multi-layered human being and we never know what lies within or the weight one constantly carries.

Overthinking ⁣⁣

Worrying about an event or remembering a painful memory is a normal phenomenon. For an over-thinker though, these thoughts don’t simply drift away. Like a faucet that can’t turn off, one worry leads to another. Overthinking impacts our wellbeing. It often involves focusing on the negative, dwelling on bad experiences or worrying about the future.

When we start acting differently, our brain takes note – and we’ll find ourselves thinking and feeling differently too.


Art direction by ⁣⁣
Photography by ⁣⁣
With the collaboration of ⁣⁣


Photo Editor:
Makeup & hair: .beautyspace


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An ego, to put it simply, is your sense of personal identity or feelings of self-importance. It helps you to identify your 'uniqueness', to stand up for yourself and to put plans into action.  Having an awareness of your ego plays a large part in improving your relationships with others, as well as your ability to manage others and yourself.  This can make you happier too, impacting your mental health positively.

Art direction by ⁣⁣
Photography by ⁣⁣
With the collaboration of ⁣⁣

Photo Editor:
Makeup & hair: .beautyspace


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Persona ⁣⁣

Originally the word ‘persona' meant a mask worn by actors to indicate the role they played. By rewarding a particular persona, the outside world invites identification with it. Among the consequences of identifying with a persona are: we lose sight of who we are without a protective covering; our reactions are predetermined by collective expectations (we do and think and feel what our persona “should” do, think and feel; those close to us complain of our emotional distance; and we cannot imagine life without it.

Art direction by ⁣⁣
Photography by ⁣⁣
With the collaboration of ⁣⁣

Photo Editor:
Makeup & hair: .beautyspace


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Self-Protection ⁣⁣

We live in a society loaded with so many toxic influences, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy state of mind. Protect Yourself. Protect your Inner World from the evil out there, from all this darkness that surrounds us.

There is an art to self-care and it takes practice to master it. To sustain a long healthy life, it is essential you protect your mental health and prioritize it every day.

Art direction by ⁣⁣
Photography by ⁣⁣
With the collaboration of ⁣⁣

Photo Editor:
Hair & makeup: .beautyspace


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Although there are quite a few positive effects of social pressure, the negative effects easily surpass the positive ones by a significant margin.  Some of the negative effects include drug abuse, watching adult content, drinking alcohol, depression, anxiety, insomnia, eating disorders etc.  Therefore, it is important to be clear on the risk that social pressure poses on mental health.

Art direction by ⁣⁣
Photography by ⁣⁣
With the collaboration of ⁣⁣



Photo Editor:
Makeup & hair: .beautyspace


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Entrapment has serious short and long term impacts. Feeling trapped is a key cause of depression and anxiety. Long term entrapping life experiences nearly treble the chances of anxiety and depression. Central to feeling trapped is a loss of hope in the possibility of being able to change life for the better. Feeling powerless is also a key component of many psychotic experiences, such as paranoia. Mental health problems are responses to difficult life circumstances, so trapping people into situations of trauma, abuse and neglect can create life-long problems.


Art direction by ⁣⁣
Photography by ⁣⁣
With the collaboration of ⁣⁣

Photo Editor:
Hair & makeup: .beautyspace
SFX: .khater


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Every day that passes carries new challenges within its folds- challenges that may create frustrations, anxiety and the like.  If we are able to remember that all those challenges are for our growth and evolution, we will move much smoother in the direction of our dreams and aspirations.  Be positive, hold on to hope and monitor your self-talk.  It’s not what we say out loud that really determines our lives.  It’s what we whisper to ourselves that has the most power.


Art direction by ⁣⁣
Photography by ⁣⁣
With the collaboration of
Photo Editor:
Hair & makeup: .beautyspace


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Focus-less ⁣⁣

Everyone's attention can drift at times, like when you lose your concentration for a moment while doing routine tasks. Declining focus also could result from lifestyle issues that should be addressed, such as stress, fatigue, poor sleep, dehydration, an unhealthy diet, or lazy behavior. Focus on living in the present moment and being mindful, as this reduces stress, boosts immune functioning, reduces chronic pain, and lowers blood pressure.

Art direction by ⁣⁣
Photography by ⁣⁣
With the collaboration of ⁣⁣

Photo Editor:
Make up & Hair: .beautyspace


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Fear ⁣⁣

Fear and mental health have been linked in a number of ways. Fear has also been conceptualized as a causal factor in mental distress. Today, people are becoming more fearful, and this is impacting our collective experiences of mental distress. These collective fears are fueled by the socio-historical context in which we live, including our institutions, dominant culture and social and material relations.

Art direction by ⁣⁣
Photography by ⁣⁣
With the collaboration of ⁣⁣

Photo Editor:
Make up & Hair: .beautyspace
SFX: .khater


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Art direction by
Photography by ⁣
With the collaboration of


ADCO Offices 3D persprctives


Vetbnb identity and social media layout.


Andrea accessories social media management


How to breakthrough as a designer


Concert visual graphics - Gionx


24hrs of positivity campaign character animation - The Inner Space me



24 hours of positivity campaign - The Inner Space me


Social media posts design - Jeanine Awad


BBS Greece magazine ad

Our Story

Your solution to achieve all your business goals through one Factory.

IDEATE Media Factory is a unique company that handles all your business needs from consultancy to ex*****on to ensure a successful and prosperous business, providing services in the fields of management, advertising and marketing, design and printing, audio-visual communication and multimedia design, interior design and ex*****on.

Our mission is turning great ideas devised from our diverse departments into effective strategies leading to successful results guaranteeing customer satisfaction.
It may require 100 ideas to reach the best one; ideating is what we do. We ensure implementing and executing the best ideas with a cost-effective and efficient approach.

IDEATE Media Factory does not only provide the creative and rational aspect of solutions, it also provides the plans and the ex*****on services for the projects while ensuring a proper implementation of the Clients’ requirements.
Ideas are thoughts leading to actions that can change lives and make the impossible achievable. No idea is too far-fetched, nor it is absurd; every idea leads to an opportunity.

To ideate is to originate ideas leading to creative solutions; at IDEATE Media Factory we dispose our clients various well-thought, tested and result oriented ideas.
Ideating is an art mastered by our team of professionals; a multidisciplinary team of visionaries relentless to make a difference.


Marketing Strategies
Marketing Consultancy
Identity & Branding
Marketing Support
Social Media
Digital Marketing & SEO
Media Production
Video / Photo-shoot
2D / 3D animation
Design and Print
Copywriting & Proofreading
Visual Merchandise
Operation Support
Decoration, Interior Design

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday 09:00 - 17:30
Friday 09:00 - 17:30
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00