Orthophoniste Shaghig Gogonian Tchamitchian

Orthophoniste Shaghig Gogonian Tchamitchian

Responsable pédagogique de la maternelle au collège Saintes Hripsimiantz
Speech and Language Pathologist
Armenian Arabic English and French


Interview 🎙️ about autism!


You Don't Have to struggle in Silence.

You can live well with a mental health condition, as long as you open up to somebody about it.

Karagheusian Association's Mental Health Department's Staff is always ready to hear you out and provide the best possible care for YOU.

Because Your Mental Health is THE Priority.

Hartsazeruyts Shaghig Gogonian Family Coach 9 - 11 - 2021 @9;30 13/11/2021

How does family coaching work?! Click on the link to listen to the interview 🎙

Hartsazeruyts Shaghig Gogonian Family Coach 9 - 11 - 2021 @9;30 Listen to Hartsazeruyts Shaghig Gogonian Family Coach 9 - 11 - 2021 @9;30 by Radio Voice of Van on


Just differently.


Lots of confusion could be eliminated and far more progress made by following this simple rule: better to ask than assume!
If you have any concerns about the speech and language development of your child do not hesitate to consult. Early intervention can change a child's developmental path and improve outcomes.


🌟 Et si on appliquait cette façon de penser à la parentalité...
Rappelez-vous (et répétez-vous) que personne n'est parfait et que fort probablement tout le monde fait de son mieux!! Et comme je dis souvent, un bon parent se remet en question, cherche à offrir le meilleur à ses enfants et travaille à améliorer son « art ».
Mais un bon parent se doit aussi d’être IMPARFAIT!!!
Les enfants, petits et grands, ont besoin d'être encadrés et soutenus par des adultes forts, solides, confiants et bienveillants. Ils n'ont pas besoins de parents parfaits, mais plutôt d'adultes qui font de leur mieux et qui assument leur erreurs!
Rappelez-vous aussi que les enfants n’ont pas besoin que les interventions de leurs parents soient parfaites, simplement qu’elles soient cohérentes et bienveillantes. Viser l’intervention idéale génère un STRESS INUTILE chez les parents qui se répercutera inévitablement chez l’enfant. En fait, il n’existe pas d’intervention parfaite et le spectre des bonnes façons de faire est souvent bien plus large qu’on ne le croit.
Soyons indulgents envers nous-même comme parents et nous enseignerons ainsi l’indulgence à nos enfants!
Engagez-vous envers vos cocos devenir la meilleure version de vous-même... et non d'être parfait!
🙂 Bonne réflexion et bon samedi!


We are going through difficult times in Lebanon and families are struggling, but our kids should not be the ones who pay the price… listen to the interview to learn how to keep the balance at home…


Սրբոց Հռիփսիմեանց վարժարանը նախաձեռնած է առցանց "բաց դռներ" ծրագիրը՝ 2021_2022 տարեշրջանի մանկապարտէզի նորեկ աշակերտներու համար։ Անիկա կը նպատակադրէ նոր արձանագրուիլ ուզող աշակերտներուն ծանօթացնել ու պատրաստել մանկապարտէզի կեանքին։ Յաւելեալ տեղեկութիւն ստանալու համար արձանագրուեցէք եւ ապահովեցէք ձեր տեղերը։


Portes Ouvertes Virtuelles 2021
Le Collège Stes Hripsimiantz propose aux élèves de la maternelle un programme de pré-intégration scolaire.
Pour plus d'information, Inscrivez-vous et réservez vos places !



❤When you have a neurotypical child, you feel reasonably assured that class participation and decent study habits will result in good grades. These kids have close friends. They get invited to participate in social things like dances and weekend gatherings. They make the teams, auditioned organisations and clubs.

💙But when you have a child with certain differences, this is often not the case. Learning may take longer, both academically and socially. Despite their tremendous efforts, results are often a fraction of their peers and social acceptance is fleeting, setting them up for painful comparisons and bitter frustration. Instead of a fun and fulfilling experience, school can become a breeding ground for depression and anxiety, and assignments a battle ground at home. It is exhausting for parent and child alike.

💚This is the week of SPED (Special Education), Autism, Dyslexia, and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) awareness.

💛For all the children who struggle every day to succeed in a world that does not recognize their gifts and talents, and for those who are walking beside them, please let this be a gentle reminder to be kind and accepting of ALL people.

💜Recognize that the "playing field" is not always a level surface.

🧡Children who learn differently are not weird. They are merely gifted in ways that our society does not value enough. Yet they want what everyone else wants: To be accepted!!

If you choose, please copy and paste this in honor of all children who are deemed "different". Our world would be far less beautiful without them.


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