Dr. AJ Hasbini

Dr. AJ Hasbini

Committed to Excellence in Client Care in the area of ENT, Head & Neck, and Facial Plastic Surgery. Medical Director at GOMAC. Dr. Hasbini graduated with an M.D.

from the American University of Beirut Medical Center in 1990. His post-graduate training included a residency in ENT, Head & Neck, and Facial Plastic Srugery at AUBMC between July 1990 and June 1995. Between July 1995 and October 1996, he pursued a fellowship in the University of Southern California where he refined his techniques in Ear Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Blepharoplasty, Browlifts, Facelifts,

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 18/01/2024

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I like a natural look for the nose more than the look of an overdone nose. What do you think? Please share your thoughts with me on this 🙏💐

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 11/01/2024

Revision Deprojection of the Tip

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Badly done Nasal Tip that needed a Revision and De-Projection Surgery in a young beautiful lady.


Gentlemen need Roman noses, and that's what I do 😉


I always say, "The Tip is mine." A Revision Tip Surgery for a quadrilateral twisted badly done nose...


For a gentleman by all means, we need a Roman nose by all means.


Large nose for any face made into a Roman smaller nose to fit the face of a very handsome gentleman.


Third day at the American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery conference in Nashville, Tennessee, with one giant in our specialty, Dr. Hasan Ramadan, Professor and Chairman at West Virginia University.

He is board certified in Otolaryngology and has been a member of the AAO for 33 years. He received the "Honor Award" as well as the "Distinguished Service Award" from the American Academy for his contributions over the last 33 years.

Photos from IRADA's post 17/03/2023

نظّم إتحاد رجال الأعمال للدعم والتطوير "إرادة" في اليوم السبت ٤ آذار ٢٠٢٣ في فندق فينيسيا مؤتمره الأول للصحة العامة تحت عنوان" قطاع الصحة العامة في لبنان: مشاكل وحلول" برعاية وحضور وزير الصحة العامة الدكتور فراس الابيض، النائب الدكتور غسان سكاف، النائب السابق عمار حوري، وعدد من الشخصيات الطبية والجامعية وأركان القطاع الصحي والطبي والنقابي من مختلف الختصاصات.

قام رئيس جمعية "ارادة"، المهندس عبد السميع الشريف، بإشارة إلى الأسباب التي أدت إلى عقد هذا المؤتمر، الذي يناقش أوضاع القطاع الصحي الذي يتأثر بشكل كبير خاصة مع تفاقم مشكلة هجرة الأطباء والممرضين وتدهور مستوى الرعاية الصحية. وعبّر عن حزنه لخسارة لبنان "خاصيته التاريخية"، مع تمنيه أن يتم تقديم توصيات عملية خلال المؤتمر تساعد على استعادة دور لبنان الريادي في القطاع الصحي.

كما كانت كلمة الافتتاح للدكتور عبد السلام حاسبيني الذي رحّب براعي المؤتمر والمشاركين من أركان القطاع الصحي، معربًا عن سعادته بما تحقق من جهودهم المشتركة. وأشار إلى أن مشكلة هجرة الممرضين والأطباء والكوادر الطبية تعتبر "شرعية ومشروعة" بسبب الأزمات التي يعاني منها الشعب اللبناني، نتيجة غياب الدولة المسؤولة عن مواطنيها والعناية الصحية. كما عدَّد المشاكل التي دفعت إلى عقد المؤتمر والتي تتضمنت هجرة الكوادر الطبية
واخيرا كانت كلمة عضو لجنة الصحة النيابية النائب الدكتور فادي علامة الذي لفت الى أن الامن الصحي هدف لكل الدول في سبيل الاستقرار والامن الاجتماعي ومنح المواطن ابسط حقوقه.


I just love how much Lebanese Expats trust in us Lebanese doctors. They come & go but they leave a special feeling in our hearts that our Lebanon will always survive and & overcome these troubled times.


Beautiful Lianne came all the way from Los Angeles to Beirut. This picture is 2 weeks after her surgery & she will leave us shortly with a special feeling in our hearts again that our Lebanon will always survive these troubled times.


I just love how much Lebanese Expats trust in us Lebanese doctors. They come & go but they leave us with a special feeling in our hearts that our Lebanon will always survive & overcome these troubled times.


Oversized nose made simply smaller and more suitable but still natural with good nasal breathing. Not an easy task, but it is doable through


Bulky nose made into a natural Roman nose suitable for the face in a young gentleman.


Long overprojected nose made into a natural one more suitable for this lady's face.


Small hump with droopy tip and tight naso-labial angle (angle between the nose & lip) made into smooth contours and a nice angle with the lip.


Long nose with a hump made into a shorter one with smooth contours.


Long nose with overprojected tip & long nostrils. Patient loved the result and so did I.

Photos from Dr. AJ Hasbini's post 16/05/2022

Attractive 20 year young lady: Long nose with a tilted droopy tip & a quadrilateral base made into nice contours suitable for her pretty face.

Photos from Dr. AJ Hasbini's post 14/05/2022

Long nose with downward rotation of the tip transformed into a suitable length for her face with a nice rotation upward.

Photos from Dr. AJ Hasbini's post 13/05/2022

Sweet young lady with a crooked droopy tip and and a dorsal hump made into a natural nose with nice curves and good nasal breathing.


High nasal tip & bridge plus bulbous tip made into a suitable nose for her face.


An overprojected tip with columellar show. The patient loved the result. How about you?


Small nose with a hump made into a straight one without reducing it much to keep it suitable for the face.

Photos from Dr. AJ Hasbini's post 08/04/2022

C-curved Humpy nose with down projection of the tip made into nice natural contours.

Photos from Dr. AJ Hasbini's post 05/04/2022

Long nose with a hump and bulbous tip with downward projection made into very nicely contoured tip and dorsum.

Photos from Dr. AJ Hasbini's post 31/03/2022

Curved Nasal Bones to Left with a small hump made into a straight nose with a nicely contoured dorsum and tip.


Morning visit and chat with the gorgeous


Botox remains the number one seeked cosmetic procedure in the clinic to stay young and prevent aging lines.

Videos (show all)

My nosejobs are natural, and I surely know that the Tip Surgery is mine 😉
I hope this New Year will bring you health, joy and happiness that you all deserve. Keep in mind to have good intentions...
In Montpellier, I had a long day of surgeries with the Rising Star in Facial Plastic Surgery / Rhinoplasties in Europe, ...
On my first day in the clinic, I had an influx of my sweet and adorable clients. Each one comes in her own special chara...
Back to Beirut. Our dear Lebanon remains the most beautiful country in the world despite everything that has happened to...
I hope that we, the people of Lebanon, the great Lebanese when abroad, will realize that we have to change our governors...
Third day at the American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery Conference. The longest of medical meetings, bu...
First day at the biggest conference for our specialty: the "American Academy of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery" ...
Over and over again, revision of a badly done nose is not easy, takes time in the Operating Room but achievable with ver...
In the honouring of the legend Dr. Philip Salem yesterday in Los Angeles by the WLCU, the World Lebanese Cultural Union....
Overprojected long nose with poor tip contouring and definition transformed into perfectly natural Roman nose. #OpenStru...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00