HappeningColombo Videos

Videos by HappeningColombo. Diary of deals, happy hours, offers and events at Colombo restaurants, bars, clubs and online. If yo

It's less than 24 hours until Stigmata rocks Negombo, a gargantuan gig that promises metal mayhem and sonic sensations that will leave you moshing for more.

Fish & Chips is the place to be this Saturday night to be thrilled by the blistering sounds of Annihiliation Planet Earth, Encender and the headliner, local Lankan legends Stigmata.

The evening will be opened by renowned Emirati comedian Bash.

Prepare to rock till your ears ache, your nek aches, your back aches but your heart wants more.

Tickets Rs3,000 on the door from 7.00pm

See you there.

#metalnight #liveheavymetal #livemusic #puresrilankanmetal

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It's less than 24 hours until Stigmata rocks Negombo, a gargantuan gig that promises metal mayhem and sonic sensations that will leave you moshing for more. Fish & Chips is the place to be this Saturday night to be thrilled by the blistering sounds of Annihiliation Planet Earth, Encender and the headliner, local Lankan legends Stigmata. The evening will be opened by renowned Emirati comedian Bash. Prepare to rock till your ears ache, your nek aches, your back aches but your heart wants more. Tickets Rs3,000 on the door from 7.00pm See you there. #metalnight #liveheavymetal #livemusic #puresrilankanmetal

They're back! Sri Lanka's premier metal band, ๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ด๐—บ๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ฎ, will be back on stage on 29 July for an aural feast of magnificent metallic music. This will be a much-requested show in Negombo, at @fishnchips_negombo starting at 7pm. Alongside headliners Stigmata will be two support bands, Encender and Annihilation Planet Earth. Tickets are Rs.3000/- at the venue but a limited number of earlybird tickets are available at a special price of Rs.2500/-. To reserve a ticket, call 0777300607 See you there for a night to remember. STIGMATA Annihilation Planet Earth Encender #stigmata #stigmataband #stigmatasrilanka #heavyrock #heavymetal #livemusic #livemetal #rockinnegombo #puresrilankanmetal

It's Today! Just a few hours till the gig of the month - and the last for a month as the metal legends will be busy recording next month. Stigmata Wagon Park Eshantha Perera Shehara So head down to Colombo's favourite rustic pub, The Joint this Friday evening for a night of music: rock, metal, progressive, blues and hard rock. Expect original songs with a few covers; anthems; guest appearances and more. And don't forget to try the new cocktail, Heavy as Hell, especially created for tonight. See you there! Decibel.lk Pulse Syndicate SL EvilCat Lab Island Pulse Made of More #heavyrock #heavymetal #classicrock #puresrilankanmetal

Rock Fans, there's just a few more days until Stigmata are back on stage in what will be a gig to remember. There are some amazing support acts: - Shehara - Encender - Eshantha Perera plus an extra special guest appearance with Stigmata by Andrew Obeyesekere and guest appearances by Chrisantha De Silva, Nipuna Fernando and Dineli Philips. See you at Darley Road on Saturday 29 April at 7pm for some great music, good food and nice, cold drinks. Advance tickets Rs1500 or Rs2000 on the night. #livemusic #rockmusic #heavyrock #puresrilankanmetal

Rock Fans, there's just a week to go until Stigmata are back on stage in what will be a gig to remember. There are some amazing support acts: - Shehara - Encender - Eshantha Perera plus an extra special guest appearance with Stigmata by Andrew Obeyesekere and guest appearances by Chrisantha De Silva, Nipuna Fernando and Dineli Philips. See you at Darley Road next Saturday 29 April at 7pm for some great music, good food and nice, cold drinks. Advance tickets Rs1500 or Rs2000 on the night. Stigmata Encender Shehara @eshanthaperera_music Darley Road Pub & Restaurant Decibel.lk Pulse Eshantha Perera Photography EvilCat Lab #livemusic #rockmusic #heavyrock #puresrilankanmetal

Discover a world of holistic wellness at Swastha by Link Natural, an experiential store where you can truly experience the benefits of a healthy lifestyle! Visit today and shop for your favourite Link Natural's wellness, healthcare and personal care products for a healthy, long life.

Are you as excited as we are for the gig of the month? It's less than 24 hours to go! Stigmata, the local legends, are performing as you might not have heard them before: Unplugged. Performing their favourite anthems of course plus some other surprises. With special guests and great drinks deals, it will be a night to remember. At The Re.pub.lk, 7pm and tickets just Rs2500 See you there! Stigmata THE RE.PUB.LK Decibel.lk #puresrilankanmetal

It's the unmissable gig of the month. Local metal legends Stigmata as you have probably not heard them before. Classic songs with an unplugged, stripped down and acoustic vibe. Plus - rumour has it - some other classic metal and rock tunes as well! Get your tickets early for Rs2000... or get them later for Rs2500. But get them! Don't miss this gig. See you there! #stigmata #unplugged #acoustic #puresrilankanmetal

Stigmata: Rocktober Session 2
Rocktober is back with Volume 2; Bigger, Badder and Louder for a Halloween special. Expect a brutally epic, Hellishly powerful, terrorfic night of metal and more. Five brilliant acts: Stigmata, Sevexth, Sanjeev Niles, Trishira and Ashen; awesome talent, diverse styles, that will send shivers up and down your spine until the last chords fade away into the haunted nightโ€ฆ. The venue for this spooktacular evening will be Darley Road Pub & Restaurant; a killer atmosphere, creature comforts, ghoulishly delish food plus drinks & bottle deals to lose your head over. Be there on 29 October, 7.00pm. Tickets available from any of the bands or call 0777300607 or 0777136995. Or ask at the doorโ€ฆ.. if you dare. #livemusic #liveperformance #heavyrock #heavymetal #metalgig #puresrilankanmetal #Halloween

Back after two years, the Colombo Oktoberfest is happening from 12th to 16th October - and it's happening on the beach! And it's not just a "fest". As well as the traditional F&B, and a German band, there are also games, activities, live local bands and more. For reservations & more details: Call/WhatsApp Shani on 0741 441 814 Prost! #oktoberfest22 #colombo #beachpark #ProbablyTheBest

Are you ready for probably the best clubbing nights out? Welcome Mexican DJs Marisol and Ivonne Grajales who are here for their Sri Lanka Club Tour 2022 from 19th August to 28th August. CVibes #ProbablyTheBest #djpartynights #SriLankaClubTour