Al - Jannah Centre, Negombo Videos

Videos by Al - Jannah Centre in Negombo. Support special needy children to fulfil their needs and requirements.

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Dearest Well wishers :- Assalamu alaikkum varahmathullahi vabarakathuhu Shall we co-operate to have this holy month of Ramadan a success to the special needy children in the year 2024. "THE BEST SADAQAH IS THAT GIVE ON RAMADAN" (Hadhees)

We would like to happily receive the month HOLY RAMADAN Whole heartedly

Our special needs children in grade 3 completed successfully their one lesson in Tamil (visiting the zoo) and joyfully performed it as a song. விசேட தேவையுடைய எம் மாணவர்கள் தரம் 3 தமிழ் அந்த இடம்.. எனும் மிருகக்காட்சிசாலை பாடத்தினை முழுமையாக கற்று தமது கலை உணர்வை இப்பாடலினூடாக இரசனையுடன் வெளிப்படுத்துகிறார்கள்.

Assalamu alaikkum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu. At the suggestion of social seekers, pious scholars, and other intellectuals in the neighbourhood, the Management chose to permanently purchase (20/A, Negombo Road, Kochchikade) this land for the special needs students who are enrolled at Al Jannah Centre.Al hamdulillah! A house on 24 purchased land contains four rooms, four bathrooms, and an office space. Since the students at our centre have struggled to learn for the past five years, we pray that everyone who gave their helping hand and full support to buy a new land for these special needs children may have the greatest blessings from Almighty. அஸ்ஸலாமு அலைக்கும் வரஹ்மதுல்லாஹி வபரகாதுஹூ அல் - ஜன்னாஹ் நிலையத்தில் கற்கும் விசேட தேவையுடைய பிள்ளைகளுக்கென நிரந்தரமாக ( 20/A நீர்கொழும்பு வீதி,கொச்சிக்கடை ) இந்நிலத்தை சமூக நலன்விரும்பிகள்,சன்மார்க்க அறிஞர்கள்,சக புத்திஜீவிகள் என அன்மித்த எல்லையினுள்ள பலரின் ஆலோசனைகளுக்கினங்க கொள்வனவு செய்ய நிர்வாகம் தீர்மானம் செய்துள்ளது. 24 பர்சஸ் உடைய இந்நிலப்பரப்பில் உள்ள வீட்டில் 4 அறைகள்,4 குளியலறைகள், 1காரியாலயம் அமைந்துள்ளது. கடந்த 5 வருட காலமாக பல இன்னல்களுக்கு மத்தியில் கற்றுவரும் அல் ஜன்ன

This Ramadan, six of our brilliant students and a teacher participated in the talent competition The Winner on YouTube. The program will soon update. These talented students will be blessed and praised by Almighty Allah. Aameen.

Welcome Ramadan Al - Jannah step to 5th Ramadan this year happily. Alhamdulillah. Jannah students have a chance to gain the most benefits from this Ramadan. Al Jannah arranged quran class in the evening, ifthar, jamath, tharawih prayer and dinner.

Our services towards Special Needs Children 1. Special education & vocational training by trained teachers. 2. Caring for special needs children & adults. 3. Providing special needs equipments. 4. Providing medicine & transportation charges to underprivileged 5.Medical camp, counselling, guidance,training programs. 6. Special day celebrations. 7. Arranging school trips & field trips. 8. Providing breakfast,Lunch & tea

Al-Jannah Centre has celebrated 75th independence day of Srilanka at their premises.

Happy Thai Pongal 2023 May this day fullfil the needs of our Hindu brothers and sisters with success and more happiness.

All we want for Christmas is to spend time with our beneficiary kids. Watching you all grow with special abilities is the best gift of all. We’re so proud of you, our Christmas Stars! May god bless you all!

எமது பசி தீர்க்க, அல்-ஜன்னாஹ்வுடன் கைகோர்ப்பீர்! Breakfast Contribution : Rs. 5,000 Lunch Contribution : Rs. 15,000 (Per Day) Please share your zakat or donation to feed our special needy children Account Name : AL-JANNAH CENTRE Account number : 142-2-001-6-0056821 Bank Name : People's Bank. Bank Address : Chillaw Rd, Kochchikade. Branch : Kochchikade. Swift code : PSBKLKLX....

Day of people with differently abled
We celebrated the day of people with differently abled at our school with our children. Disability inclusion is an essential condition to upholding human rights, sustainable development, and peace and security. "The cornerstone of this cooperation must be the active participation of persons with disabilities in their full diversity, and their full inclusion in all decision-making processes" -ANTONIO GUTERRES

அல்-ஹாஜ் ரஷாட் அவர்கள் எமது நிலையத்துக்கு இன்று வருகை தந்ததுடன், ஊழியர்களுக்கான ஒன்றரை மாதத்துக்கான சம்பளத்துக்கான நிதி உதவியையும் வழங்கினார். சகோ. ரிப்கான் (Tika Bro) அவர்களும் இவருடன் வருகை தந்திருந்ததுடன், தனது சமூக ஊடக பக்கங்கள் மூலம், உதவும் உள்ளங்களுக்கான செய்தியொன்றையும் பகிர்ந்தார். உதவும் உள்ளங்களுக்கும், அதனை ஊக்குவிப்போர்க்கும் இறைவன் பூரண ஆரோக்கியத்தையும், பொருளாதார அபிவிருத்தியையும் தந்தருள்வானாக! ஆமீன்! Al-Haj Rashad visited our centre and donated an amount of money for our staff salaries enough for one and half a month. Mr. Rifkhan (Tika Bro) also attended to this and gave support by his social media sources. We ask Almighty Allah accept their good deeds and reward them by Allah's blessings. Kindly requesting all our donors to support us by paying our staff salaries. CALL US FOR MORE : +94313135051, +94771001518 Whatsapp : +94752223370 BANK DETAILS : Account Name: AL-JANNAH CENTRE Account Number: 142-2-001-6-0056821 Bank Name: People's Bank. Branch: Kochchikade. Swift code: PSBKLKLX

Pre-Web Launch @ Al-Jannah Centre, Poruthota

Al-Jannah Centre handed over the Elbow Crutches to Master Mohammad Lhafri, one of our children. May Almighty Allah accept this good work and reward us in this world and the Hereafter. And May Almighty Allah bless everyone who has contributed and supported us to fulfil our children's daily needs.

Al-Jannah Centre arranged the Ifthar Programme to our special needy children on this Holy month of Ramadhan. We kindly requesting all to support to arrange the Ifthar Programme on coming days. We ask Almighty Allah to reward everyone contributed to do the Ifthar to our special needy children.

We celebrated the World Down Syndrome day on 21st of March 2022 as this day is special for our special needy children. “People with Down syndrome can do anything—really, really, really anything!” ― Brittany Schiavone

Mr. Rifkhan (famous as TIka Bro) has published a video earlier and there are huge responses for that video and many people helped us. This video is to tell Mr. Jawferdeen Alfazee owner of restaurant called *Favorite Spicy* located in United Kingdom, has promised that he will donate the money to the Al-Jannah Centre coming from their business on *31st of March 2022*. We kindly request those who in UK, to visit the restaurant located in 4, pegler way, Crawley, Rh117AG, West Sussex, United Kingdom. 01293270110 / 07799753020.

We appreciate all our brothers and sisters who have supported us to bring our centre in a good place for special needy children. By grace of Almighty Allah we have completed 4th year of success since March 14, 2018. And we hope and requesting you all to support us again in the future and May Almighty Allah reward this good deed and grant you all good health and wealth.