Wealth Planning by KW

Wealth Planning by KW

Life Insurance agent, dedicated to customer satisfaction, from the start of the coverage to many yea


3 reasons why you should get life insurance now. It is always better to be prepared one day early than one day later.

This was a guest post, follow for more insurance content.

It's time to start thinking about your long-term financial security. Send us a WhatsApp message orring me on 0771870016 to get in touch.


Do you require support in preparing your retirement? The AIA Smart Pension PLUS is a comprehensive retirement plan that is specifically intended to safeguard you and your family while allowing you to live life to the fullest even after retirement.

It's time to start thinking about your long-term financial security. It's the day! Send us a WhatsApp message orring me on 0771870016 to get in touch.


Best life insurance company in Sri Lanka for the third year!


Retirement Plans

The longer you wait to buy insurance, the more money you'll end up paying. Would the people in your life be financially impacted if you died tomorrow? Considering life insurance is a good idea if the answer is yes.

Check out the link in my bio for more information, or shoot me a DM for personalized assistance.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


AIA Super Protector provides you with a 'Life Benefit' that grows by 5% at each Policy
Anniversary on a simple straight-line basis to match with your needs and expectations.

Contact your AlA Wealth Planner or call us on 0112 310 310.


Why should you choose for all your needs?

1. A company you can trust

2. Offering the best products for your health and financial protection

3. Offering free health and wellness solutions

This month, think about your protection needs and call or Whatsapp on 0771870016 or DM us to explore your options


A plan that creates, manages and protects your wealth.

Enjoy life to its fullest without worrying about any long-term financial commitments with AIA Smart Wealth.


In their 30s, most people aren't thinking about life insurance, but now is the best time to get it because health deteriorates with age for the majority of people. The longer you wait to buy insurance, the more money you'll end up paying. Would the people in your life be financially impacted if you died tomorrow? Considering life insurance is a good idea if the answer is yes.

Check out the link in my bio for more information, or shoot me a DM for personalized assistance.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


Why is AIA Smart Pension the best retirement plan for you?

It is...

A professionally managed Pension Fund, increased further by a large Loyalty Reward

A monthly pension enriched by the Pensions Booster

Flexible withdrawal of funds in an emergency

Financial security and a monthly income for your loved ones, if you pass away during the Premium Paying Term

Funeral Expense Benefit if you pass away during the Pension Receiving Period

Retirement is unique to each individual. However, we are all motivated by a desire to maintain our current way of life. DM to get a free quote and start to live life to the fullest, long after retirement 💯⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


If you don't have life insurance because you believe it's too expensive, AIA is here to tell you that it's less expensive than most people believe. DM us for a free quote and to begin investing in your future with AIA insurance so you can live a healthier, longer, and better life.

Visit the link in our bio for more information, or send DM now for a free quote. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


It is always important to be prepared for the unexpected, and we just learned how fragile life could be through this pandemic.

Are you prepared in case of a medical emergency? AIA Super protector is a comprehensive life insurance plan specially designed to protect you and your loved ones.

So, when is the best time to save money for your future? It is today! Send a message or call us on 0112 310310. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


Have you started thinking about your retirement yet?

Retirement is unique to each individual. However, we are all motivated by a desire to maintain our current way of life. Send a message to safeguard the financial security of your retirement, enabling you to live a healthier, longer, and happier life with AIA insurance.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


It is always important to be prepared for the unexpected, and we just learned how fragile life could be through this pandemic.

Do you need assistance to create and manage your wealth? AIA Smart Wealth is a comprehensive short term investment plan with long term protection specially designed to protect you, your loved ones.

So, when is the best time to save money for your future? It is today! Send a message or call us on 0112 310310. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


Elders Day is celebrated every year on the 1st of October to raise awareness and empathy regarding the well-being of the elders.

This year theme is “Digital equity for all ages”, which affirms the need for access and meaningful participation in the digital world by older persons.

Let's celebrate and wish healthier, longer and better lives for the older people in our lives.

Happy Elders Day! 👴👵


AIA products combine flexibility and long-term returns to assist individuals in living healthier, longer, and better lives.

Visit the link in our bio for more information, or send us a message for a free quote. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


It is always important to be prepared for the unexpected, and we just learned how fragile life could be through this pandemic.

Do you need assistance with your retirement planning? AIA Smart Pension is a comprehensive retirement plan specially designed to protect you, your loved ones and live life to the fullest, long after your

So, when is the best time to save money for your future? It is today! Send a message or call us on 0112 310310. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


The majority of people do not have any savings when they reach retirement. Don't put yourself in that position.

Everyone's experience with retirement is unique. However, we are all motivated by a desire to be financially self-sufficient in order to maintain our current way of life. AIA offers Smart Pension plans that allow you to continue to live life to the fullest even after you have retired.

So, when is the best time to save money for your future? Call us today on 0112 310310 or send us a message. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


It is always important to be prepared for the unexpected, and we just learned how fragile life could be through this pandemic.

Do you need assistance to create and manage your wealth? AIA Smart Wealth is a comprehensive short term investment plan with long term protection specially designed to protect you, your loved ones.

So, when is the best time to save money for your future? It is today! Send a message or call us on 0112 310310. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


The majority of people do not have any savings when they reach retirement. Don't put yourself in that position.

Everyone's experience with retirement is unique. However, we are all motivated by a desire to be financially self-sufficient in order to maintain our current way of life. AIA offers Smart Pension plans that allow you to continue to live life to the fullest even after you have retired.

So, when is the best time to save money for your future? Call us today on 0112 310310 or send us a message. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


AIA is the largest independent, publicly listed pan-Asian life insurance group, with 18 markets across the Asia-Pacific region. We believe that helping create a healthier Asia is one of the most important and valuable things we can do for our communities today and in the future.

AIA is a key player in Sri Lanka’s insurance industry and has served millions of Sri Lankans for almost three decades. While providing protection to customers at every stage of their lives, we offer a range of retirement, health and savings solutions for individuals, large corporates and small & medium enterprises.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


Healthier, longer, better lives ♥️

Having positive relationships in your life is so important for your health. And reaching out to others rather than waiting to be contacted is a strong indicator of maintaining quality relationships. Is there someone in your life you haven’t seen lately? Make the effort and reap the benefits.​

Learn more on how to live a healthier life here: ​​
