Prophet Divine omonghan

Prayers � Prophetic, visions, miracles, testimonies, Divine visitations.......We are in a place of

Photos from Prophet Divine omonghan's post 03/12/2023

Dearest Brother, you deserve only the best for yourself and your relationship: happy real love life ❤️ today.
Special people, like you, my brother, deserve nothing less than the finest, today I want my friends on Facebook and WhatsApp groups to celebrates the union of two for me please such amazing individuals. It is my brother pastor Harrison marriage day today 🎂🎈🎉🎉🎂🎈🎂🎉👏🎂🎉👏🎂🎉👏🎂🎉🎂🎂🎉🎂🎂🎉🎂🎂🎉👏🎂🎉🎂🎂🎉🎉🎂🎂🎉 I wish you a happy and long marriage life ❤️❣️❣️🎉❤️♥️❤️♥️

You were the light in my life throughout my childhood, and its time you helped your wife feel the same way!
I sincerely admire you and your wife, my darling brother. I sincerely wish that you experience a lot of love and joy in life. You will make a fantastic husband! To your wife, in Jesus name. Brother, congratolations! My Heart is Glittering! Take foll advantage of your romantic life. Prophet uhunoma divinefavour omonghan

Photos from Prophet Divine omonghan's post 26/11/2023

i am a prophet of God mark my words
This remaining days of this year 2023 you will laugh and not cry

your days of pains is over today.
your days of sorrow is over today.
your days of begging is over today.
your days of weeping is over today.
your days of problems is over today.
your days of struggling is over today
your days of complains is over today
your days of barrenness is over today
your days of stagnation is over today
your days of devastation is over today
days of business failure is over today
your days of night tears is over today

Your days of laughter has started today, believe me and believe my words that i speak, i am a prophet of God almighty the lord of host is his name, So shall it be onto you from today in Jesus mighty name Amen.

Photos from Prophet Divine omonghan's post 09/07/2023

i am now a landlord no more a rental or a tenant in liberia. i want you to join me this morning JULY 9/ 2023 for my own self house opening 2 bedrooms apartment. God is our source. Everything we have comes from God. i am thanking God this morning for what he has done for me and my family. God will supply all your needs! as you join me to celebrate this morning service in our church. in jesus name. Amen.


HEALING POWER IS HERE Those that says it can never be done, please do not stop those who are already doing it...there are people who says it can never be done, why there are dose who have done it so many times. God has done it again JESUS IS LORD OF ALL.

Photos from Prophet Divine omonghan's post 12/05/2023

the last night in our old church building rented apartment, when we where still in renting. Glory to God we have moved. to our new building now Hallelujah. the message of that night was repentance message.many give there life to jesus christ after the end of the program.

Photos from Prophet Divine omonghan's post 10/05/2023

Rom.8.1 - So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. [nlt]


Rom.8.38 - And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can't, and life can't. The angels can't, and the demons can't. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can't keep God's love away. [nlt]


As a man, I do not know exactly what the future holds for you, but however, as a prophet, I know that God has a special purpose and a specific plan for your life. Keep trusting Him, keep seeking Him, and He will lead you to where you need to be in life. he has done it for me and he will do it for you too.


Believe the Prophets, so shall you prosper

after the opening of our new church building on Sunday 9 2023, on monday 10 2023 God said to me, My child, do not be satisfied with just a taste of My goodness. I have so much more for you. I want you to experience the fullness of My power and glory in your life. But you must seek Me with all your heart and pursue Me with a passion. Do not settle for less than what I have promised you.



From Prophet Divinefavour uhunoma omonghan
Great Blessing Ministry international
Dorr Cooper Avenue zone 4 by zepa community
Ganta city, Nimba county Liberia.

Dear friends,

We have had quite a year! building our new church, we are now on the finishing part I like to sincerely thank you for your prayers and support for standing by us to do the work of God in this country Liberia. We have a lot of projects happening at church right now, and as you may know, adding to our space has been a high priority on our list. A new building could help us do more community outreach and grow our congregation. We need your help making our new church building dreams a reality. we shall be opening our new church building this coming Sunday and you are all invited to come join us for this great service this coming Sunday APRIL 10 2023 You can help us raise funds/donations to finish our new church building. If you are able to do so, a small donation of united states dollar $5 to $25 would help us reach our goal. There are several ways you can contribute to our new building funds project: and the money is urgently needed this coming Sunday, Make a donation by our Liberia Lonestar number 055 591 3772 or you can still Send us envelope to our church office. Every bit of help bring us closer to our goal, and we truly appreciate anything you can give. If you can not give at this time, consider spreading the word to your friends and family! to help us. Also, there are plenty of other ways to support our church and mission. If you have any questions about how to support our mission, please speak with our activities coordinator number.... 0776707317 or for international support send through western union NAME; ADAMS MICHAEL
CITY...GANTA, NIMBA COUNTY. please call us if you send.
Thank You very much.

[Signed head-pastor] Great Blessing Ministry international.


We are giving free medical checkup for all part of your body system, with free treatment, if you are member of the church or not come, we started this gone Monday and we are still on it, will be ending this coming Sunday at the new church building at the hour of 2pm in the afternoon.

address, zapa community after E and J hospital, by dorrcupor avenue.
ganta city, liberia


I LOVE THIS BIBLE VERSE...I John 5:14 this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.


Exodus 12:2 International Standard Version

This month shall be the beginning of months for you..." "The love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is his faithfulness. I speak favour, joy blessings love grace and abundance wealth to you in this month of May, you shall enjoy greatness in Jesus name Amen.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAN OF GOD: You can expect God’s abundance to meet your every DAY need, no matter what trials you may face.

Happy birthday my brother.


Worry no more, As a child of God. Who else should enjoy God’s Abundance provision if not you? What are those things you want from God only believe and you will receive.Mark 9:23Nkjv Jesus said to him, If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.


Jesus said to seek first the kingdom of God in His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:33). The verse’s meaning is as direct as it sounds. We are to seek the things of God as a priority over the things of the world. Primarily, it means we are to seek the salvation that is inherent in the kingdom of God because it is of greater value than all the world’s riches



Photos from Prophet Divine omonghan's post 30/09/2021

1 day remaining to end this month of September one represents the unity between God the Father and His Son Jesus (John 10:30). Jesus, by his singular sacrifice, has made possible the forgiveness of all our sins. He is the (one) Mediator and Shepherd (1Timothy 2:5; John 10:16) in the life of a Christian.

The Old and New Testaments have an incredible unity between them. More than 1/3rd of the New Testament is composed of Old Testament quotes. Many writings from the prophets and Psalms could not be understood without the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament, 1 Of the ten shortest books 2John, 3John, Philemon, Jude and Obadiah are the shortest with only 1 chapter, Words that show up only once in the King James Version translation of Scripture include Reverend (Psalms 111:9), Grandmother (2Timothy 1:5) and Eternity (Isaiah 57:15). Other words such as Forgetfulness (Psalm 88:12) and Lukewarm (Revelation 3:16) also appear only once, The first English translation of Scripture was in 1382 A.D. by John Wycliffe. The first printed Bible using movable type was produced by Johann Gutenberg in 1456. William Tyndale (1494-1536) was the first person to translate the Bible into English from its original Greek and Hebrew.

The first thing designated as Holy is God's Sabbath Day (Genesis 2:1 - 3). The first person called in the Bible a prophet is Abraham (Genesis 20:7).The first of the ten commandments, on which all others are founded and without which is chaos, destruction and death, is "Worship no god but me" (Exodus 20:3).First words and message
Between his birth and the beginning of his ministry at age 30, the scriptures record only 1 sentence Christ spoke. He spoke it at the age of twelve right after he and his parents kept the Passover in Jerusalem. When asked why his parents could not find him after the Feast he said "Didn't you know that I had to be in my Father's house?" (Luke 2:49).


today 28 September remaining 2 days to end this month

There is only two Bible word in the Bible John 11:35, it says (Jesus wept) It is also interesting to say that God created 2 lights – the sun and the moon – during the time of Creation. In Genesis, On the second day of the period of Creation God divided all waters into 2 big groups and those are heavenly and earthly waters.In Genesis 19:1 it is mentioned that 2 angels have been sent to S***m. Number 2 is considered to be the minimum number that is necessary for witnesses,
In Luke 16:13 it is written that there are 2 masters. You must not saver 2 masters that is God, and money.


Jesus was denied 3 times by Peter...I PRAY you shall receive back that which you where denied before, you shall be approved, Aspect and never be denied again of what belonged to you in life in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.


The Cross, remaining 4 days to end September.
Another symbolic use of number 4 in the Bible is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. As is well known, Jesus was tried and condemned to die on a cross. He was nailed to the cross and died to bring salvation to everyone of us me and you, Jesus cross has 4 points. There is a left side, right side, top, and bottom. Hence, number 4 symbolizes the price of salvation.
God recognized that it wouldn’t be easy to send his Son to die for the sins of humans, but He was prepared to make the ultimate decision. Though at a huge cost, salvation brought hope and mercy for humanity.,..if you have not yet receive Jesus into your life do it today by saying (Jesus come into my life and be the LORD of my life forever and ever, Amen.)


True Christians are under the great favor, freedom, balance and grace of God and are to be perfect. He watches over us as any good father watches over his children and favors them READ (1Peter 3:12, 5:10 - 12; Matthew 5:48; 1John 3:10). Let us therefore keep his commandments in the Bible and stay in his favor, God bless you as you receive this favor of God this reaming 5 days of the month of September blessings and peace be with you Shalom. Amen.


TODAY SEPTEMBER 25 remaining 5 days to end the month, number 5 mean Balance, freedom, change, and possibilities. in Science we have five senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste to experience the world. We also have five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot.
To faith and religious beliefs We have 5 Gospel books
Gospel of Matthew
Gospel of Mary
Gospel of Thomas
Gospel According to John
Gospel of Nicodemus

The four gospels that we find in the New Testament, are of course, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.


6DAYS TO END MONTH OF SEPTEMBER Jesus was asked 6 times to show signs that prove He is the Son of God (Matthew 12:38, 16:1, 24:3; Luke 11:16; John 2:18, 6:30. See also Mark 8:11, 13:4).
Later, Jesus was found innocent by six different men: Pontius Pilate, Pilate’s wife, King Herod, Judas Iscariot after the devil left him, one of the thieves hanging on a cross next to Jesus, and the Roman centurion guarding Him during the crucifixion (Luke 23:14, 15, 41, 47; Matthew 27:3, 19).
The Number of the Beast
Because the number six can represent imperfection, we have to talk about what is known as the number of the beast — 666. The apostle John writes about it in Revelation 13:18.
“Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”
Notice there are three sixes. Now, remember that God is three in one, or perhaps 111 for illustrative purposes. Since God is a perfect holy trinity, then Satan — the beast — is perfect unholy evil.

God bless you FROM


6day remaining to end September READ (Exodus 25:32.)

The gold lampstand for the holy tabernacle had 6 branches coming off it Remember that Jesus said He is the vine and we are the branches (John 15:5), which means the lampstand represents Jesus and the 6 branches again represent man and his imperfection...
6 days after Jesus told the disciples of His second coming, He took Peter, James, and John up a high mountain to witness His transfiguration (Matthew 17:1, Mark 9:2). Matthew doesn’t often mention numbers, so the number 6 here seems to be significant.
The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to announce she would give birth to Jesus when her cousin was already in her sixth month of miraculous pregnancy (Luke 1:26)....I will be teaching more on 6 days today God bless shalom and blessings.


I declare unending Glory of God in this remaining 6days of September God bless you shalom peace and blessings in Jesus name Amen.


Moses and Joshua went up to Mount Sinai where the glory of the Lord rested on them for 6 days before God called Moses, receive this SAME GLORY, unending Glory of God in this remaining 6days of September God bless you shalom peace and blessings in Jesus name Amen.


Good morning Today September 24, remaining 6 days to end this month, READ (John 2:6)(Exodus 24:16–18).
Jesus turns 6 pots of water into wine at a friend’s wedding,
Moses and Joshua went up to Mount Sinai where the glory of the Lord rested on them for 6 days before God called Moses to enter the cloud’s, if you believe you shall receive this SAME GLORY, unending Glory of God in this remaining 6days of September God bless you as you believe shalom peace and blessings in Jesus name Amen.


You shall enjoy overflowing peace like a river on Earth forever in Jesus name Amen say amen i Receive.


i speak into your life in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth you shall have rest from all your labour's, you shall have rest from all evil temptations, you shall have rest from sin, you shall enjoy overflowing peace like a river on Earth forever in Jesus name Amen say amen i Receive.


Today is 22day of September balance only 8 days to end this month, when you read Numbers 22:8 :: NIV... It says Spend the night here," Balaam said to them, "and I will bring you back the answer the LORD gives me." So the Moabite princes stayed with him, But that night God said to Balaam, "Do not go with them. You must not put a curse on those people, because they are blessed, I speak to you child of God in this remaining 8 days of the month, you are BLESS, WITH GRACE, BLESS WITH FINANCIAL OPEN DOORS BLESS WITH CONNECTIONS, BY FIRE .In Jesus name amen.


I see Divine Mercy this morning speaking for the name HARRISON, the news of premature death is cancel, every news of death God shall show mercy for us, and every other bad news today, tomorrow in this month and this year from our family and friends, from our home is cancel in Jesus mighty name Amen, it shall not stand or come to pass by the power of the holy Spirit, family and friends this morning let us pray and fast for mercy, I see premature death been cancel and mercy release let us keep praying for our family and beloved once, this is very serious, do not say you do not see this message please reply cancel by fire 🔥 and mercy by fire 🔥 in Jesus mighty name.

Prophet Divinefavour uhunoma omonghan Send a message to learn more

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Thank you brother James and sister Annie God bless you.






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