Hon. Williams B. Sando

Hon. Williams B. Sando

Born January 25th, 1988

An Educator and a Political Scientist and Activist


Progressive Students Alliance (PROSA)
University of Liberia
Capitol Hill, Monrovia, Liberia – West Africa
Email: [email protected]


Comrades, compeers, enlightened nationalists, intellectual defenders, apologists of social justice and academic freedom, members of the high school command, veterans and, farmers, marketers, members of the fourth estate, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen:

We bring you warm and heartfelt revolutionary greetings from the powerhouse of Africa's fastest-growing mass-based neo-progressive movement; the insurmountable Revolutionary Avant-garde Progressive Students Alliance of the university of Liberia and from all standing forces and ideologues of Egalitarianism.
We also bring you greetings from the office of the man who presides over the EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, SUPREME COUNCIL, and GENERAL CONGRESS of Liberia's only genuine student-based resistance movement; the uncrackable, unbending, indefatigable, indomitable Revolutionary Avant-garde Progressive Students Alliance of the University of Liberia.

PROSA as a pan-Africanist neo-progressive campus-based revolutionary institution was established on September 25, 2015, to fundamentally protect the rights and privileges of the dejected and impoverished students of the Republic of Liberia.

The party uses this time to appreciate the CONGRESS PREPARATORY COMMITTEE (CPC) under the stewardship of the Revolutionary Commissar Code. Luther Gulong and all ideological militants, cadres, and stalwarts of the cherished doctrine of Egalitarianism for the smooth participation into the second historical General Congress of the Revolutionary Avant-garde Progressive Students Alliance of the University of Liberia.
As an institution that believes in the precept of democratic centralism, the party has made a defining decision to produce a new leadership of organic revolutionaries to steer the affairs of the party and complete the unfinished business of the students' struggle.
Like the famous adage that says" History remains kind only to those who are kind to history." The party only rewards militants based on their service of discipline and commitment to the institution; therefore, the party has decided to elect some of its disciplined ideologues to preside over the institution.

The party operates on three fundamental pillars: CONSTITUTION, TRADITION, & PRECEDENCE; in keeping with its revolutionary values and standards, the party has adhered to its constitutional mandate by electing new leaders to steer the affairs of the party; according to ARTICLE IV under LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE section XI which states that " The GENERAL CONGRESS shall be the highest decision making body and shall include the general membership of the party." In addition, Article IV Section XII also states that" The GENERAL CONGRESS shall meet every academic year after two(2) semesters to elect new code of officers; to review, alter, and adopt EXECUTIVE COUNCIL and SUPREME COUNCIL decisions and make amendment in the constitution where possible." Furthermore, the Revolutionary AVANT-GARDE PROGRESSIVE STUDENTS ALLIANCE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LIBERIA hereby announces its newly elected officials are as followed:

(1) Cde. William B. Sando - CHAIRMAN
(2) Cde. Richardson Korboi - CO-CHAIR POLITICAL AFFAIRS
(3) Cde. Justin W. Jallabah Jr - SECRETARY GENERAL
(4) Cde. Togar H. Williams - DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL
(7) Cde. Aaron Kollie - Financial Secretary
(8) Cde. Johannah Johnson - TREASURER
(9) Cde. Malagbeh Dorley - WOMEN PRESIDIUM CHAIR

We express our appreciation and gratitude to the Chairman emeritus, foundational chairperson, and the first congressional chairman of the REVOLUTIONARY AVANT-GARDE PROGRESSIVE STUDENTS ALLIANCE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LIBERIA in the person of Dr. Heylove W. Mark. The party extends a pan-Africanist salute to the chairman emeritus and all those who served the party for their enormous contributions, sacrifices, and services to the party. We also use this time to call on all militants and cadres to return to the status quo ante because the issue of congress is over; therefore, we ask all militants to fall in line under the legitimate leadership structure of the party as we strive to foster the historical obligations of the party and advance the struggle to its logical height.

In conclusion, the party wants to reaffirm her position to keep defending the students and proletariat class of our society. Amid several contradictions that engulf the state and its people, the party remains committed to its scared duties to unearth the contradictions and keep proceeding with the philosophical construct of egalitarianism.


Cde. Justin W. Jallabah Jr

Cadre. William B. Sando Jr


2011–2013 Chilean student protests( This's Why PROSA Wanted To Have Her August 24 Rally In Liberia as the " The Student's Bill Day")

IDC of PROSA writes👌

Comrades and Friends, Men and Women fetching from the oasis of academic and revolutionary consciousness under the bailiwick; chivalry of the indomitable, insurmountable and indefatigable Avant-garde Progressive Students Alliance-PROSA of the University of Liberia with the political and philosophical doctrine of Egalitarianism that says, " no matter your gender, religion; political alignment, all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities in any society".

I bring you warm fraternal revolutionary; ideological greetings from the man who presides over the tripartite sections of our party, the Executive Committee, Supreme Council; the General Congress, in person of Chairman Dr. Heylove Mark💪 As you are aware of the postponed date from August 24th, to September 8th, 2022 due to the mere propaganda that emanated from those clueless; scalawags as misguided pseudo revolutionaries with a doctrine of " Massescrazy", the moribund CPP-Prophet Key- Student Unification Party that our called towards the Senate of the 54th Legislature to expeditiously concur with the lower house in passing the " Educational Act Bill" into law was a tactic to launch a" counter-protest against their " FixOurStomach" protest.

Amidst such propaganda against the revolutionary potency of the party's guests in liberating the youth and student community of Liberia, there was a wave of concerns from the state security apparatus, religious; civil society groupings, as well as the international community that saw it prudent to have reached the party at the dime minutes through dialogue for the party to see reason and disengage on her planned Assembly on said day.

Therefore, in the wisdom of the party, as there was intelligence filtering us, indicating " that there were national political parties thuggish militants from the ANC, UP, LP, ALP LP, COP; others like the Prophet Key's Movement" were collaborating to intrude and obstruct our genuine advocacy if we were to assemble also. In this regard, we had no option but to have postponed our assembly to September 8th, 2022.

Comrades; Patriots of the motherland, PROSA as a robust and radical revolutionary student-based movement as the fastest-growing genuine institution in champing the cause for academic liberation and economic emancipation, has been inspired over the years by the struggles in Chile and South Africa being led by ideological student's movements across Africa; the world at large.

For instance, the 2011–2013 Chilean protests – known as the Chilean Winter (in particular reference to the massive protests of August 2011) or the Chilean Education Conflict (labeled in Chilean media) – were a series of student-led protests across Chile, demanding a new framework for education in the country, including more direct state participation in secondary education and an end to the existence of profit in higher education.

In Chile at the time, only 45% of high school students study in traditional public schools and most universities were also private. No new public universities were built since the end of the Chilean transition to democracy in 1990, even though the number of university students was increasing as they demanded the government of Chile build more public universities and colleges. Around 2013 in South Africa, ideological student movements demanded: " Fees Must Fall!"

Comrades, as per the party's ideological understanding when comes to the essence of student movements or unions around the world is to firstly protect students' rights and advocate on behalf of their interests; other societal norms. In this regard, PROSA shall always seek the interest; protect all students in the republic against academic tyranny. As the week begins approaching September 8th, we want to acknowledge all militants, cadres, veterans; well-meaning patriotic Liberians to remain focused and steadfast as the party is putting all necessary mechanisms into place despite the huge losses to have postponed August 24th to September 8th, 2022.

The party appreciates your resilience, fortitude; tenacity over the years that led to a tremendous change in the narrative of one-party dominance at the University of Liberia for fifty years( 50) that has macro-managed, stage-managed; orchestrated violence against her political rivals like SIM, STUDA, and PROSA; other private educational institutions like AMEU & UMU that today, PROSA and SUP can go unto a debate of intellectualism in debating our various political ideology and stance towards the interest of the Liberian Students and not using violence to crack down on your opponents in the name of so-called political supremacy. But the elements are aware, that even during their thuggish postures against the Avant-garde Party, we didn't submission in fear or cowardice; neither did we negotiate for our political existence and recognition as a full-fledged political party, because the Avant-garde Party taught us that " Never should we bow down our heads to injustices even at the point of our deaths". "To ouster a hostile regime or a movement, your force must be proportional".

Therefore, the elements know our politics and responses, as they have now agreed for us to compete based on ideas, superior logic; reasoning as we approach a popular Democratic election next semester on campus; have already secured the SR position which the party strategically took from those short-sighted political phantoms after an interim arrangement that will take the over 20,000 students to election. Insofar that the SR is the only student Leader to sit in UL Council meetings by representing the decision of the EC of ULSIL and the overall 20,000 Students in making the case; such case will be related to a popular election and a periodic financial audit on the past leadership of ULSIL.

Give us free tuition & WASSCE by legislation or you leave the state House!!! September 8th 👌💪 Loading...... Long Live PROSA💪Long Live Egalitarianism💪 Long Live Chairman Heylove Mark💪 Long Live the Fighting Forces💪


PROSA Says, legislate free tuition; WASSCE, Provide Buses for UL Students, or Else!!!

August 24th, Loading💪



