Let's Talk with Auntie Debs

Let's Talk with Auntie Debs

We talk Life●Relationships●Marriage●Family ●Parenting● Wellness and Health● Yonk'into ●The Truth●


Excessive talking can be a sign of low self-esteem.

Most people who struggle with low self-esteem try to cover it up by "talking too much"; you know, like using multiple words and unnecessarily very long expressions. This is their way of trying to get noticed. Talking too much makes them feel important. They are trying way too hard to make a point.

This kind of people can talk without taking a reasonable pause and they actually jump from one subject to another. There is also repetition of words tseo ha u mametse u ke keng ua utloa na a serve purpose e feng in their statements. For example, ba rata poleloana tse kang " kea kholoa, actually, to be fair, truly speaking,"etc.

Listening to them can often be exasperating😒😡 . They get so caught in trying to get approval from their audience that they lose focus from the importance of the content and they end up not making sense.

Most of them are not aware that they are like this; this means they are also not aware that they lack self-esteem. Le uena ho ka etsahala ebe u motho oa mofuta ona ebe you're not even aware. Joale the next time pele u bua, think about what you are about to say. Is it relevant to the subject on the table? Do you really have to say it out loud? How best can you put it in few words presenting only what matters the most?

Hape u itloaetse h**e ha u ile ua ba hara batho, la qoqa haholo, u ko nke some time thereafter on your own, reflect on the conversations you had and think about your contribution: what you said, how you said it, the specific words you used, the tone and the emotions you felt in that moment. You should then analyse if it was necessary or it just made you feel good ka nako eno. Go further to think about how you can do better in future.

Most importantly, avoid talking when it's unnecessary. You don't always have to talk or comment on whatever is discussed. You know why? Once you open your mouth you are telling everyone who you are!

I hope these few pointers will help someone to start the journey of improving both their self-esteem and communication skill.

It's never too late to learn and improve.



Let us stand together to fight against bullying in schools.


I've come to the scariest realization ea h**e GOD trusts me, like o nts'epela mabaka a thata🥺. Le uena oa u ts'epa


Batsoali, please learn to listen to your children. Just hear them out.

Bana ba Lona ba hlekefetsoa hohle mona, ba hlekefetsoa le ke some family members and close family friends but ba sitoa ho le bolella hoba ha le ba mamele, ha le ba fe tsebe, le bohale.

Never put your children in a position where they feel like it's their fault h**e ebe ba hlahetsoe ke ntho e bohloko joaloka ho hlekefetsoa especially ka peto. Never do that.

Lona bomme, basali ba thotseng le shebeletse ha barali ba lona ntse ba hlekefetsoa ke banna ba lona (stepfathers or biological fathers or your boyfriends), ke utloa ke se na mantsoe bakeng sa lona. Ke tla bua le lona ka tsatsi Le leng.

Ke koatile....


Good Morning baratuoa ❤️


One of the hardest things that most of us struggle with is to forgive. For many of us, forgiveness is easier said than done.

Truth is forgiveness is a daily excise that we need to become better at. Why? Because for as long as we live in this world, people will always do wrong against us, even as we may be doing wrong against others, knowingly or not.

We therefore must ask GOD to help us to truly forgive others and even forgive ourselves. Unforgiveness holds back the one who is bearing it in his/her heart.

We must forgive.
Ask GOD today to teach you true forgiveness.

Have a fruitful day and a blessed weekend ahead 💛💚❤️.


Don't be the weapon the devil uses to destroy other people's lives. Se ka itumella ho sebelisoa ke satane.


*Your Unique Gifts and Talents*

Greetings Beloveds ❤️

Did you know that God made you unique from everyone else?

There are abilities you have that many do not have. You have talents and skills in areas that others do not have. God did this so you could use the life and talents He gave you to serve Him and others.

Karolong e nngoe moo Ntate Molimo a re fileng ka ho fapana ke maemo ao re fetang ho oona bophelong. Kaofela ha rona re fetile maemong a re fileng tsebo le boiphehlelo tseo re ka thusang le ho tataisa ba bang ka tsona h**e ba ithute ho tsona.

Sheba bophelo ba hau. What gifts or talents has God given you? Do you have unique abilities that others do not have? What life experiences have you had that others can learn from? Make a list of these things, and spend some time thinking about who you can help.

These are God’s free gifts to us that we are to use to serve others.

GOD bless you. Have a great day and a fruitful week ahead. 💛💚❤️


🕯️🕯️🕯️ for us to look after ourselves and
take good care of our bodies ska ra itlohela hoba re re "we don't care na batho ba reng"! 🙏🏾 Obesity can be fatal.


There is no wound that GOD cannot heal; bring it to Him and allow yourself to be healed.



Many people make the big mistake of masking depression and the feelings thereof with consumption of huge amounts of alcohol, not realizing that it actually worsens the situation.👇And here is why:

" Alcohol is technically classified as a depressant because it slows, or depresses, basic functions such as speech, reactions, and movement. It also affects brain function and neural activity, impairing the ability to think clearly, altering perceptions of one’s immediate surroundings, and distorting issues of judgment. "

Remember that alcohol is also addictive naturally; the more you consume, the more dependent you become. Besides the fact that it has been established that many people who are depressed and drinking lots of alcohol end up with suicidal thoughts mostly, there is also the issue that one may end up not fighting only depression but alcoholism as well. That's if they make it alive out of the depression!

So if you know or suspect that what you are experiencing may be symptoms of depression, DO NOT REACH FOR THE BOTTLE OF ALCOHOL. REACH OUT FOR MENTAL OBSERVATION AND TREATMENT which is free in government health facilities.

Or you can reach out to us for counseling on WhatsApp 5967 9400. With us, you pay for your counseling sessions.

Your Mental Health is Your Responsibility. Make it your priority.



I love you. Yes, I mean you🫵🏽. I love you 💕😘


Be intentional about building a healthy circle of friends, friends who push you to become the best version of yourself.


One thing that's for sure is that GOD IS FAITHFUL.


Ke kopa le mphe chelete ke lo reka products tsa Natural Hair by Mamolemo. Tsietsi e teng hloohong eaka🥺.


Disenfranchised Grief

As promised, let me briefly talk about the subject matter above.

I recently observed someone close to me experience disenfranchised grief 😭 and I felt my heart break for them because I know how difficult that can be from personal experience.

Disenfranchised Grief ke mofuta oa grief moo e leng h**e it is not acceptable or acknowledged on personal or sociatal level for the person to mourn their loss, therefore motho oa teng o sitoa to freely or publicly mourn.
This often happens where the griever's relationship with the deceased was not yet recognized/acknowledged or was a secret affair. It can also happen when someone loses a friend, colleague, job, property or death or public figure(celebrity) they admired dearly.

Ka nako e nngoe batho ba ka rata ho nyenyefatsa tahlehelo ea motho e mong while they don't know and they don't understand the pain of losing such. For example, people may not understand why you are grieving the loss of a job where you were mistreated and underpaid, the divorce from a spouse who was abusive and one cannot publicly mourn the death of side/makhwapheni wakhe, and the secret lover/"side" may not mourn the death of the married partner they had the affair with.

Now the greatest struggle for the griever in this situation is that they feel alone, without any form support and no one to freely talk to without being judged or without their pain being down played. This may lead to serious depression and we now know h**e depression ha e le untreated for long may lead to death.

I wish nka etsa video or go live to clearly articulate taba ena. Anyway, my advice to you if you know you are experiencing this kind of grief ke h**e please seek counseling. At least with Professional Counselor you know for sure you are safe, there is no judgement. Taba ea bohlokoa ke h**e u bue u se ke ua ipupetsa ka eona hoba ho kotsi ho etsa joalo.

For more information and questions on grief and loss DM me or Whatsapp 5967 9400



Good Morning family. May you have a beautiful productive day and blessed week ahead.


Nkile ka batla ke shoa ke disfranchised grief 😭. Ke tla le qoqela ka eona hantle ka tsatsi Le leng. Ntho e bohloko hakaalo


Good Morning 💛💚❤️


Chase Your Dreams, Pursue Your Goals!

Hakere ke li 01 November lea bona. Hona ho bolela h**e selemo sea fela and ha re sa na nako ea masaoana. We don't have time to chase after people who add no value to our lives. The only thing we are chasing now is our dreams.

Hape ho bolela h**e re ba even more selective about who and what we entertain: nako ea papali e felile. We no longer entertaining pettiness, bitterness, laziness, sluggishness, fear, discouragement, etc. The only thing we are entertaining and pursuing is our goals.

So if ho na le mang-mang Kapa eng-eng eo e saleng u e fa your precious time when it had nothing to do with the goals and dreams, please thou shalt commit such a sin no more!

Happy new month baratuoa baka. May you be encouraged to keep pushing again this month. May you be productive and prosper in all that you do this month!



Ha re re "Uncle" we are referring to people ba caliber ea bo Mavelee the infinity. The rest ke bo "Malome"😎


Everybody gets to be young but not everyone is lucky enough to grow old. Don't let anyone shame you about your years of life. Ho phela ke mohau


If there is anything you can do to stay alive and avoid premature death, please make sure you do it.🙏🏾


Ke eme mona pela mabitleng Ngoana oa Lla Khubetsoana ke emetse my sister. Aoooa guys, stop dying young, hawu 😭


Define it Yourself

I have observed that for most of us, we were raised to believe that success is going through school till to a certain point, getting a job, getting married and having kids, buying a car/cars and building/buying a house.
So the definition of success in our society is all or part of the above list, right?

Oh but wait: do you consider yourself successful? On what basis?

Has it ever occurred to you that what may not look success to you may actually be a great success to another person, considering where they come from and what they have been through?
Is there a possibility, even a slightest one, that we are chasing after these things (thuto, ho hiroa, lenyalo, bana, likoloi, matlo, etc.) because we want success as defined by the society/others?

Have you ever really taken some time to quietly and deeply think what success is to you? What it would look like for you to actually say: "I am successful, this is such a great success?"🤔. Or you are just rolling with it njee, whatever it is that the world considers to be success?

What's your own definition of success? Find it.
Define it. Find your own definition of success. You don't have to conform to anyone else's definition.

Good Morning and blessed and fruitful day and week to you all.


Them: Dreams do come true. What's your dream in life?
Me: To one day be able to enjoy chicken feet¬ hv to worry about the stickiness on my hands later on🙄


Don't forget to pray. Goodnight 😘


Toxic parents 😭

E nngoe e re bakelang stress, depression and anxiety ke ena ea batsoali ba toxic, ba abusive and ungrateful. Yes, ba teng!

Those parents that treat their adult children like they owe them for giving birth to them and raising them. The demanding parents! If you buy groceries for them, they complain that you left this and that, and you should have bought that brand instead of this one. Then when you decide to give them money so that they can buy what they want, they either complain that the money is not enough or they chow it and then start murmuring that they don't have food and what not, like batsoali ba mona ba blackmail bana.

My take...!

Motsoali ha a holisa bana, a ba Kenya sekolo and all that, they are simply taking responsibility and playing their role as a parent. Ka baka leo as children, ha u kolote anyone including eena motsoali anything. Ho hlokomela batsoali should be an act of love and honor. Don't allow yourself to be manipulated and blackmailed, don't allow yourself to be abused. U tlo tsoelapele u hahe ba hau neng bophelo ha motsoali a lula a u joetsa h**e mohaisane o na le seshoeshoe se secha joale le eena oa se batla? Mang mang o pentile bocha ha hae joale ke h**e le eena le mo pentele ntlo ea hae?

Ka nako eno ha re khole sharp, motho ha u na le lieta tse sharp tsa ho ea meeting tsa bahlomphehi! No maan, batsoaliiii, NOOO! Ebile e ratoa haholo ke bomme taba ena ea ho phela their dreams through their children. Stop it, le bolaea bana ba Lona. KEA LE KHALEMELA.

Amohela moo ngoana a atlehang ho u thusa, moo a sa khoneng ha a khone. Le Lona young adults don't put yourself under pressure trying to impress people. Thusana ha u khona, ha u sa khone bolela h**e ha u khone and be at peace u se ke ua iqosa. Again, don't allow yourself to be manipulated or blackmailed into doing anything you'd rather not do.

Ha ba sa utloe batsoali ba Lona le mpitse😇😎


Kept by God's grace

I am sitting here in my private space; I am alone. It's quiet, peaceful. I feel a bit emotional, mostly, I am filled with so much joy, peace and such a sense of calmness.

I just took a moment to reflect on my journey in 2022/23 and iyooo, I feel overwhelmed by God's love for me. God has kept me. Through the storms of all kinds, He has kept me. I have been through stuff I didn't see the possibility of getting through, and yet He saw me through it all. He carried me through and made sure I came out better, stronger and wiser.

Ke utloa ke hopola mantsoe a sefela sena se reng "Ea its'epelang Molimo, le bots'epehi ba Oona! A ka lula ka khotso, har'a ts'iu tsa mefuta!" I particularly want to highlight that part e reng "har'a ts'iu tsa mefuta!"
Baratuoa, I don't know about you but nna I have been through "ts'iu tsa mefuta" bophelong baka ka 2022/23. I've been through stuff that I never imagined even in my craziest thoughts h**e ke ntho tse hlileng li hlahelang batho hona mona moo re phelang teng. However, ke bone Molimo bophelong baka. I saw his grace, I experienced his love and I felt his hand upon me.

Mantsoe ana a mopesalema ho Psalm 27:13 a reng " Hoja ke sa ka ka lumela hoba ke tla bona molemo oa Jehova lefatsheng la ba utloang, nka be ke timetse!", have become very personal to me. Ruri kea lemoha ha ke hetla morao h**e if not by God's grace, I'd have perished.



I want to challenge you as well, to find something that you are really grateful for in life and share.

Ntate Molimo, kea leboha!

You are loved. You are valuable


I am alive
I am awake
Thank you Lord 🎉💃


Grief and Loss 😢

Ntho e bohloko ka the early stages of grief, ke h**e u tla utloa batho ba u tena hona hoo ha ntse ba u botsa na "how are you today" becuase in your mind u ntso re ba se ntse ba tseba h**e ha u sharp. Le teng ha ba sa u botse, ba thotse ba sa re letho you feel like they don't care about you and you really feel alone. Ke grief e joalo.

Taba ena e boima, e bohloko to both the person who is grieving and to those who are trying to give support. The reality is that we are trying the best we can to assure you that we are here for you, to support you and to love you throughout this journey. Re batla ho bona u fola u ba sharp. If there was anything we could do to ease the pain you are feeling because of your loss, we would do it. Empa e le h**e ha ho letho leo re ka le etsang. And nnete e nngoe ke h**e there is absolutely nothing we can say e tla hlakola le ho fetola maemo.

To all those who are currently grieving the loss of their loved ones, ke re phepi, pheping hle baratuoa. Ho tla loka. Le tlo fola, I don't know when empa le tlo fola one day. Ke tsépa Ntate Molimo bakeng sa pholo ea lona. I promise you. u tlo fola.

Just take it one day at the time, and while you are at it, allow yourself to receive the love and the care that others go out of their way to give to you.

Kea le rata


One of the most important lessons I learned this year is that direction matters way more than pace. Ha fela u le sure h**e u tsóere tsela e nepahetseng, e lebang moo u loketseng ho ea teng, kannete itsoellepele, stay on that lane, itsamaele ka pace e lekaneng bokhoni ba hau le matla a hau ka nako eno; hape ebe pace e sebeletsang uena e seng motho e mong. Uena e ba consistent in your journey. Keep reminding yourself of the ultimate price awaiting you at the finish line.

Se ke ua itumella ho ferekanngoa ke h**e thaka tsa hau le ba tlang kamorao ho uena have already achieved 1,2,3. You are not them and they are not you. Your journey is not their and vice-versa. Focus on your own journey, and keep walking, consistently. Le uena u tla fihla, ka nako ea hau.

Tsoalo laka ke h**e ha u ka batla ho nyolla lebelo, ua beisa hoba u ipapisa le bo nnyeo, you may get into a fatal accident along the way and never make it to the finish line. Hakere high speed kills!?!

Hape if there is anything that is sure to steal a person's joy on any given day, ke ho i-compare. Stop comparing yourself! Go easy on yourself. Ho fihla teng u tla fihla.

A very good morning to you and a beautiful and productive week ahead!


Lea tsebang nna ne ke le lebetse tsatsi lee!🤦🏾‍♀️. Anyway, happy independence day Basotho.

What does independence mean to you?


Good Baratuoa!

It's a new day, new week and new month. I pray that we all receive new grace to run this race, new mercy, new strength, new wisdom and new courage not to give up on our dreams.

H re lekeng hape!


Find your own definition

Photos from Let's Talk with Auntie Debs 's post 26/09/2023


Good Morning Family! I hope you guys are good.

Please note that the Young Adults Pour Out Session has been canceled 😞 due to no bookings! So if you were planning to come by but you hadn't booked yet, please note IT'S CANCELED!

Otherwise it's a beautiful morning and we continue to live and chase our passions.

Blessed and productive day to you Fam 💛💚❤



Being a young adult ho boima h**eeee! Ha e se stress sa unemployment, e ba depression ea ho sebetsa in a toxic environment moo ho na le ba lumelang h**e katleho le ntho tse ntle li loketse bona fela. Ho be le ba bang ba taoang ke power of position ebe they abuse it.

We need to release the toxicity kannete
This session is for you and I to heal and be restored and move on.
Make your booking by sending your names and location to 5967 9400 and the word "BOOKING".


Commitment to Myself

Ever noticed just how much commitments we have as young adults? There is always a commitment to someone or something. Commitment to everyone and everything except to ourselves!

We need to start taking ourselves more seriously by making commitments to ourselves and sticking with them.

In this coming session we will learn about that.

WhatsApp 5967 9400

See you SOON


God heals



Ever been/Are you in a situation where you feel lost, can't figure out where you are in life and have lost a sense of direction as to where you are going?
If yes, then you MUST come to this session. We will deal with that and even guide you on how to deal with it the next time you encounter such.

You Don't Wanna Miss this One!

Tag a friend below this post.

To book Your space, sent a WhatsApp text to 5967 9400.


A beautiful morning and a blessed week to you Fam.

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