The European Confederation of Police, EuroCOP, is the umbrella organisation for 35 police unions and staff organisations in Europe based in Luxembourg.

The European Confederation of Police (EuroCOP) is the umbrella organisation for police unions and staff organisations in Europe. Based in Luxembourg, we represent the interests of police officers across the whole of the European landscape. EuroCOP is tackling issues from police cooperation across borders to a safer working environment for police officers on the street. We are determined to contri


Please share with the police family across the UK!

South Shore TV, the makers of the TV programme DIY SOS, are looking for a police family to take part in the next series.

They are keen to hear about a family in need who may benefit from home improvement modification which they would otherwise be unable to do themselves due to incapacity, injury, or having a disabled child, for example.

Applying is straightforward and there's more information here






EuroCOP joins our members Polisförbundet as they mark and celebrate and pay tribute to the police all across Sweden 🇸🇪


Condolences to our members Police Officers Union at this difficult time

Il-Police Officer's Union tixtieq twassal il-kondoljanzi lil-familja,qraba, hbieb fosthom il-familja l-ohra li kellhu fil-Korp tal-Pulizija ta' Steve Mangion li Sfortunatament halliena ghal-Hajja ta dejjem!

Kuraġġ f'dan il-mument tant difficli ! 🖤

✝️Jagħtih O Mulej, il-mistrieħ ta' dejjem ✝

Imur b'uġigħ f'sidru l-Emerġenza, iħalluh jistenna u jitlef ħajtu fil-waiting area - Newsbook 29/08/2024

Condolences to our members Malta Police Union at this difficult time

Imur b'uġigħ f'sidru l-Emerġenza, iħalluh jistenna u jitlef ħajtu fil-waiting area - Newsbook Raġel ta' 55 sena miet fil-waiting room tal-Emerġenza t-Tlieta filgħaxija wara li daħal l-Emerġenza b'uġigħ kbir f'sidru

Photos from Odborový zväz polície v Slovenskej republike's post 29/08/2024


EuroCOP continues to call on EU decision makers to establish a central repository of data in the EU as regards incidences of violence against police officers. We are grateful for the support we have received from Javier Zarzalejos, Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs LIBE Committee

In Europe we are experiencing the increasing epidemic of violence against police officers. This violence can include verbal abuse and hate crimes, sexual assaults and most commonly physical violence against police officers and police staff. Development of social media creates its own specific challenges, and the future will bring even more hybrid threats. EuroCOP, the association representing police officers, has been vocal on the matter for an extended period of time. However, this deteriorating situation has been routinely ignored by EU decision makers.

In many european countries data is not collected which makes it even more difficult to understand the causes and consequences of this dangerous phenomenon. The aim is to look at emerging trends, improve training, ensure consistent support for victims of assaults and work with the criminal justice system around outcomes and sentencing.

This is why EuroCOP is calling on EU decision makers to establish a central repository of data in the EU as regards incidences of violence against police officers, potentially via Eurostat. Collection of data at EU level would help understand the roots of the problem, exchange best practice between Members States and adapt safety awareness training programs for police officers


EuroCOP continues to call on EU decision makers to establish a central repository of data in the EU as regards incidences of violence against police officers. We are grateful for the support we have received from Javier Zarzalejos, Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs LIBE Committee.

In Europe we are experiencing the increasing epidemic of violence against police officers. This violence can include verbal abuse and hate crimes, sexual assaults and most commonly physical violence against police officers and police staff. Development of social media creates its own specific challenges, and the future will bring even more hybrid threats. EuroCOP, the association representing police officers, has been vocal on the matter for an extended period of time. However, this deteriorating situation has been routinely ignored by EU decision makers.

In many european countries data is not collected which makes it even more difficult to understand the causes and consequences of this dangerous phenomenon. The aim is to look at emerging trends, improve training, ensure consistent support for victims of assaults and work with the criminal justice system around outcomes and sentencing.

This is why EuroCOP is calling on EU decision makers to establish a central repository of data in the EU as regards incidences of violence against police officers, potentially via Eurostat. Collection of data at EU level would help understand the roots of the problem, exchange best practice between Members States and adapt safety awareness training programs for police officers

Photos from British Transport Police Federation's post 28/08/2024

EuroCOP members British Transport Police Federation standing side by side with their members over a challenging weekend

Photos from British Transport Police Federation's post 26/08/2024

Wishing our members British Transport Police Federation all the very best this weekend as they embark on an extremely demanding weekend for their members

SINAPOL em contacto com partidos para melhorar subsídio de risco da PSP e GNR - Renascença 26/08/2024

SINAPOL em contacto com partidos para melhorar subsídio de risco da PSP e GNR - Renascença Armando Ferreira garante que existe insatisfação nas forças de segurança com o acordo alcançado pelo Executivo com alguns sindicatos e que vai começar a ser pago nos próximos dias.


EuroCOP work everyday to campaign to protect the protectors;

Combat violence against the police

Guarantee fair working conditions and social rights for police officers

Facilitate cooperation and information exchange between police forces in Europe



É tempo dos polícias se unirem em torno de um sindicato que ativamente defende os Polícias.
Sem dĂşvida nenhuma, esse sindicato Ă© o SINAPOL.


EuroCOP welcomes the swift engagement by Javier Zarzalejos, Chairman of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs LIBE.

EuroCOP will enter effective and constructive social dialogue on the issues that face law enforcement across the whole of the European landscape.


Looking forward to updates as Polisförbundet celebrate Police Day

Om ett par veckor – den 29 augusti – firar vi Polisens dag. Då lyfter vi det fantastiska arbete som poliser gör lite extra! I våra sociala medier kommer du att kunna ta del av en mängd hyllningar till poliser från kollegor, politiker, samhällsaktörer och andra. Vi bjuder såklart också på fika på polisstationer i hela landet.

Vill du vara med och skicka en hyllning till en kollega, ett arbetslag eller hela poliskĂĄren pĂĄ Polisens dag? Mejla dĂĄ 1–2 meningar till [email protected]. Av integritetsskäl kan vi inte ha med nĂĄgra namn i hyllningarna.


Solidarity with EuroCOP members Malta Police Union

The Malta Police Union stands firmly in support of the officers involved in the today's tragic incident.

This deeply unfortunate event underscores the complexities and dangers our officers face every day while protecting our community.

The officers involved responded to a rapidly evolving situation, with the intent to protect lives and maintain public safety.

It is important to recognize the difficult decisions our officers must make in the line of duty.

The Malta Police Union fully supports the officers involved and is confident that a thorough investigation will confirm that their actions were justified and in line with departmental policies.

We ask the community for patience and understanding as the investigation proceeds, and we remind everyone that our officers are committed to serve and protect the public with integrity and professionalism.

EuroCOP Times of Malta MaltaToday Illum Newsbook in English TheShiftNews The Malta Independent Lovin Malta TVMnews NET News Malta Daily SigurtĂ 

Veckan med Camilla och Leif GW – Avsnitt 1 15/08/2024

EuroCOP supports member organisation Polisförbundet who highlight that words from the employer are not enough - give the police good pay and conditions and focus on the business. This is to attract more people to the profession and increase the efficiency of police

Veckan med Camilla och Leif GW – Avsnitt 1 Samhällsprogram om kriminalitet, där Camilla Kvartoft och Leif GW Persson tar sig an de hetaste frågorna och de bortglömda fallen, med vassa analyser, initierade samtal och exklusiva gäster. Del 1 av 8.


Solidarity with EuroCOP members SINAPOL-Sindicato Nacional da PolĂ­cia

Sempre ativo na defesa dos legĂ­timos interesses de todos os PolĂ­cias.


EuroCOP members Politiforbundet always standing up for and with their members. Solidarity with Heino Kegel for calling on their government to think more long-term and invest sensibly in their police force focusing on recruitment and retention

Bandekonflikt: Politiforbundet opfordrer politikerne til at tænke langsigtet 👮👮‍♀️
Politiet har brug for flere ressourcer. Ikke kun i form af nye værktøjer, men i høj grad også flere politifolk, lyder det fra Politiforbundets formand Heino Kegel, efter den aktuelle og alvorlige bandekonflikt er landet på statsministerens bord.

- Politikerne bør tænke mere langsigtet og investere fornuftigt i dansk politi blandt andet ved at fokusere på rekruttering og fastholdelse.

- Der er ingen tvivl om, at ny viden og flere værktøjer kan hjælpe politiet til at navigere og løse opgaverne bedst muligt. Der er dog et også et stort og akut behov for, at politikerne tænker længere frem. Politiet har også brug for en bedre økonomi og langt flere politifolk for at kunne løse opgaverne. Ikke flere lappeløsninger, tak, lyder det fra forbundsformand Heino Kegel.

Læs hele opråbet fra Heino Kegel. Link i kommentarfeltet 👇


EuroCOP is calling on EU decision makers to establish a central repository of data in the EU as regards incidences of violence against police officers.


EuroCOP is calling on EU decision makers to establish a central repository of data in the EU as regards incidences of violence against police officers.

Percy Dennis


EuroCOP is calling on EU decision makers to establish a central repository of data in the EU as regards incidences of violence against police officers.

In Europe we are experiencing the increasing epidemic of violence against police officers. This violence can include verbal abuse and hate crimes, sexual assaults and most commonly physical violence against police officers and police staff. Development of social media creates its own specific challenges, and the future will bring even more hybrid threats. EuroCOP, the association representing police officers, has been vocal on the matter for an extended period of time. However, this deteriorating situation has been routinely ignored by EU decision makers.

In many european countries data is not collected which makes it even more difficult to understand the causes and consequences of this dangerous phenomenon. The aim is to look at emerging trends, improve training, ensure consistent support for victims of assaults and work with the criminal justice system around outcomes and sentencing.

This is why EuroCOP is calling on EU decision makers to establish a central repository of data in the EU as regards incidences of violence against police officers, potentially via Eurostat. Collection of data at EU level would help understand the roots of the problem, exchange best practice between Members States and adapt safety awareness training programs for police officers

Percy Dennis



The recent few weeks have been crucial for the new set up of EU institutions.

EuroCOP wishes to congratulate Ursula Von Der Leyen on her re-election as President of the European Commission. The Commission Political Guidelines 2024-2029 rightfully identify internal and as key priorities for the next legislative term.

European Parliament will be instrumental in turning these political guidelines into real initiatives and legislation. EuroCOP wishes to equally congratulate Roberta Metsola on her re-election as President of the European Parliament as well as other MEPs on their appointment as members of the and Committees, especially Francisco Javier Zarzalejos Nieto on his appointment as LIBE Chair and Li Andersson on her appointment as EMPL Chair. They can greatly influence the safety, well-being and working conditions of police officers around Europe.

EuroCOP is looking forward to future cooperation with newly elected EU decision makers and to turn its manifesto into real actions.

EuroCOP Manifesto;


The European Confederation of Police (EuroCOP) is the umbrella organisation for 30 police unions and staff organisations in Europe, which includes more than 230,000 police officers from 25 countries

EuroCOP represent the interests of police officers across the whole of the European landscape. EuroCOP is tackling issues from police cooperation across borders to a safer working environment for police officers on the street. We are determined to contribute to European policy debates and provide added value by giving a practitioner’s perspective.

EuroCOP is the only Police representative body that are members of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the European Trade Union Federation (ETUF). EuroCOP also has participation rights in the Council of Europe.


EuroCOP is calling on EU decision makers to establish a central repository of data in the EU as regards incidences of violence against police officers.

In Europe we are experiencing the increasing epidemic of violence against police officers. This violence can include verbal abuse and hate crimes, sexual assaults and most commonly physical violence against police officers and police staff. Development of social media creates its own specific challenges, and the future will bring even more hybrid threats. EuroCOP, the association representing police officers, has been vocal on the matter for an extended period of time. However, this deteriorating situation has been routinely ignored by EU decision makers.

In many european countries data is not collected which makes it even more difficult to understand the causes and consequences of this dangerous phenomenon. The aim is to look at emerging trends, improve training, ensure consistent support for victims of assaults and work with the criminal justice system around outcomes and sentencing.

This is why EuroCOP is calling on EU decision makers to establish a central repository of data in the EU as regards incidences of violence against police officers, potentially via Eurostat. Collection of data at EU level would help understand the roots of the problem, exchange best practice between Members States and adapt safety awareness training programs for police officers


The European Confederation of Police (EuroCOP) is the umbrella organisation for 30 police unions and staff organisations in Europe, which includes more than 230,000 police officers from 25 countries

EuroCOP represent the interests of police officers across the whole of the European landscape. EuroCOP is tackling issues from police cooperation across borders to a safer working environment for police officers on the street. We are determined to contribute to European policy debates and provide added value by giving a practitioners perspective. EuroCOP is the only Police representative body that are members of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the European Trade Union Federation (ETUF). EuroCOP also has participation rights in the Council of Europe.

Videos (show all)

EuroCOP work everyday to campaign to protect the protectors;Combat violence against the policeGuarantee fair working con...
The European Confederation of Police (EuroCOP) is the umbrella organisation for 30 police unions and staff organisations...
EuroCOP is calling on EU decision makers to establish a central repository of data in the EU as regards incidences of vi...
NĂşria Parlon Gil responsible for security matters for the Socialist Party in Catalunya supports the EuroCOP Manifesto fo...
Please read and support the EuroCOP 2024 European Parliament Elections Manifesto. It will serve as a guiding document fo...
Please read and share our  ManifestoEuroCOP calls on all democratic parties, candidates in EU elections, newly elected M...
EuroCOP President Jonne Rinne congratulates AUGC AsociaciĂłn Unificada de Guardias Civiles on their 30th Anniversary and ...
#ProtectingtheProtectors EuroCOP calls on all democratic parties, candidates in EU elections, newly elected MEPs, new Co...
#ProtectingtheProtectorsOn 17th April, during its Spring meeting in Malta, EuroCOP unanimously adopted its European Parl...
Thank you to all the EuroCOP members who joined the Spring meeting in Malta. The quality of debate and discussion was ou...
As EuroCOP gathers for it’s Spring Meeting in Malta, we look forward to discussing and debating the important issues tha...
