Arita T

I am an ordinary person trying to live an extraordinary life. My goal is to inspire, motivate others


I just had the most amazing weekend, one filled with the kind of laughter that left my stomach aching.

I can’t recall the last time I laughed so deeply, so freely.
This beautiful experience reminded me to cherish every precious moment, to seek out the company of those who bring joy to my heart.

Reach out to someone you’ve missed, tell them you love them, for time is the most precious gift we have.

When was the last time you laughed so hard you held your stomach?


Goodbye July, you’ve been wonderful💫

Time has flown, and now it’s the last day of the month.

I’m grateful for July, as it blessed me with many amazing opportunities. I’ve left behind a job that didn’t fill my heart, and now I’m ready to embark on an exciting new adventure in the fintech field.

I am gently forgiving myself and releasing all the things and people that no longer serve me. This month, I bravely faced my past, which was challenging, but finding peace and forgiveness has been such a beautiful feeling. I am embracing and celebrating life, and my heart eagerly awaits what August will bring🤍🤍🤍
Love and light to you 💫

Photos from Arita T's post 19/07/2024

We are one love, one light, one energy🔥
You are who you are inside, not outside…

🧘‍♀️These sentences came to me last evening during the meditation practice

Do you really know who you are?💫

People so often listen to their thoughts—the mind—but how often do you really listen to your feelings…to your soul…?
What does your soul say?…
Are you true to yourself?

We have forgotten ourselves…, but it’s never too late to remember. Take a moment to quiet your mind, embrace your inner truth, and reconnect with the essence of who you are. In doing so you will find the peace and clarity that have always been withing you 🤍🤍🤍


Notes that I took this weekend 💫

My heart is filled with love and I have a feeling I want to give , just give love and kindness to others.

I want to be my best , and for every person I meet, I just want to give the best of me.

Life and time are so precious.
I have a feeling that in everything that we do we have to put our 100% into it- our conversations, our meetings, how we spend time with other people, how we treat them.
I feel charged with positive vibes and happy.

❤️ Love and light to you🥰


Beautiful Soul, when worries begin to take up space in your head, imagine what it would be like to feel as free as a bird, dancing with dragonflies among blossoming flowers. Let this vision remind you that peace and joy are always within reach, waiting to lift your spirits and lighten your heart... 🌸✨🕊️


Someone once told me to always
live for the little things in life

Live for 5am sunrises and 5pm sunsets
where you’ll see colors in the sky
that don’t usually belong.
Live for road trips and bike rides
with music in your ears and
wind in your hair

Live for the days when you’re surrounded by
your favorite people
who make you realize
that the world is not
a cold harsh place.

Live for the little things
because sometimes that’s all we have
because they will make you realize that this is what life is about,
this is what it means to be aliv
So forgive and forget
you only get one chance
one chance to say i love you
one chance to jump.

Because in the end
we only regret those chances
that were invisible to the world.
Because someone once told me
to always live for the little things in life ..

✍️ Gracie Leininger ✨


💫True happiness stems from within, not from external sources.

Relying on someone else for your happiness can be daunting, as it puts your well-being in their hands.

That’s why staying grounded in yourself and what brings you joy is vital.

Have the courage to prioritize your happiness repeatedly. Regardless of your past experiences, you deserve to be happy. Choose yourself, embrace your worth, and pursue the happiness you deserve🥰💫


April, you have been amazing and so generous to me.

I am laughing to myself and, at the same time, confused - why can’t I get what I want, just why?!

Sometimes the universe is just playing games with us. But it is totally fine.

Perhaps it’s teaching us valuable lessons in unexpected ways.

Maybe it’s about resilience, adaptability, or finding meaning in the face of challenges.

What lesson do you think the universe might be trying to teach you?


Sunsets are my favorite ❤️ ❤️❤️

What about you?


Life is a beautiful thing.

Today, I woke up with an amazing feeling, as if I was flying. It’s the best feeling ever!

When you’re at peace with yourself and your thoughts are positive, life can be truly wonderful.

Remember this: don’t waste your time and effort searching for peace, contentment, and joy in the world outside.

True happiness lies within you. 😊

Have an amazing day! 🥰🥳


🍃The past two weeks have been quite eventful for me. During the first week, I practiced meditation and yoga and felt an amazing sense of peace and positivity. However, some things happened that triggered negative emotions, and I went from feeling really good to feeling really low.
But that’s not the main point of the story. Instead, it’s about the lessons I learned from these experiences, how I overcame them, and how you too can find solutions to various challenges.

💫I learned that a single lesson can lead to multiple gains, and that it’s possible to believe in yourself time and time again, even when things get tough.

💫One failure in life can open your eyes to new possibilities and help you see things more clearly. This can lead to new opportunities and a more positive outlook on life.

🤍So, my friend, no matter where you are or how you feel, keep pushing forward and things will eventually fall into place. I promise you that.

Photos from Arita T's post 09/04/2024

When nothing seems right go back to the nature.
Breathe in , breathe out and let go.
Walks in the nature are my favorite❤️

Photos from Arita T's post 06/04/2024

Saturday is a fun day for me.

👣For those who don't know me, one of my hobbies is creating 3D art of baby feet and baby hands.

🎨I have always been an artist and a creative person. This process is very relaxing for me and it's a great opportunity to connect with new moms.
So far, my experiences have been wonderful and I am happy that I am able to create unforgettable memories for new parents 🤍

What is your hobby?


The best thing is I like myself,
I love myself,
I like who I am becoming


I’m not going to tell you that my life has been easy…
It’s been hard as hell.
There have been so many times that I survived one thing just to get hit with five more.
But I never really thought about how hard it was or if I’d make it…
It wasn’t ever a choice.
I found a way.
I made a way.
I figured it out.
I kept going.
It’s hurt, physically, mentally and emotionally, but I always got through it.
When the waves of life come at you, you make a choice to sink or swim…
So I fought, scrapped and dug my way out of the darkness more than once.
I was scared, tired and alone most of the time..
But I kept going.
I didn’t know where I was going or how I’d get there, but I knew I wasn’t happy where I was..
So I pushed ahead.
Sure, there were both dark days and happy times..
And I made the best of both.
I’ll never tell you that I have the answers because I don’t..
And I may never find them all.
But that’s okay.
Some people survive.
Others make do.
I’m a fighter and always will be.
People will say what they want about me but they’ll never say I quit.
I kept going.
And that, darling, has made all the difference.

Text by The Ravenwolf


𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙙𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙡 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧?

People usually get angry about the same things over and over again. When the anger is not expressed or processed outwardly, it will be processed inwardly. It is usually causing harm to our body and develops into dis-ease or dysfunction of some sort. It also causes resentment, bitterness, depression.

𝗦𝗼 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿?
🗯️Talk openly to the person with who you are angry. Start sentence with, " I am angry with you because...
🗣️Talk to the person in the mirror.
Find a place where you feel comfortable, and nobody will disturb you.
👁️Look into your eyes and see yourself/ or this person you believe has done something wrong to you. Tell yourself why you are angry and get all your feelings out.

When you have finished expressing your anger, please do your best and forgive them. Forgiveness is necessary for your healing.

Other things that you can do is

✅Scream into a pillow, kick the pillow
✅Beat the bed
✅Scream in your car with windows rolled up.
✅Exercise, swim, run.
✅Do garden work, clean the house.
✅Meditate- imagine how anger leaves your body.

Do something physical to release charged up emotions- in a safe way.
Don't be reckless or dangerous to yourself or others.
❤️Send love to another person and see your love dissolve whatever disharmony there is between you. Be willing to become harmonious.

How do you deal with your anger? What helps you to get rid of anger?
I usually clean the house or exercise.


💫What is happiness?

You can determine happiness for each person differently.

🍃Happiness for me right now is to love myself.
Happiness is to exit a toxic relationship where I was for ten years and find myself again. That little child that once was happy.

Every day, I try to do at least one thing that makes me feel good and fulfilled. Happiness for me right now is my inner state.
It is something more profound. I want to be myself, speak my mind, and not pretend to be someone I am not.

True happiness lies within you❤️

What is your happiness?


What is happiness?

You can determine happiness for each person differently.

Happiness for me right now is to love myself.
Happiness is to exit a toxic relationship where I was for ten years and find myself again. That little child that once was happy.

Every day, I try to do at least one thing that makes me feel good and fulfilled. Happiness for me right now is my inner state.
It is something more profound. I want to be myself, speak my mind, and not pretend to be someone I am not.

True happiness lies within you.

What is your happiness?


🧘Yoga has become a significant part of my life.
I start my day with yoga/ meditation and finish with meditation.

My self-development journey began a very long time ago, but Kundalini yoga has brought the most significant changes in my life.

It has healed me somehow, and I have started seeing the world with different eyes. I have changed, and the world around me has changed. I am at the stage in my life where I am happy for no reason, and every day seems beautiful.

🌱Here I am, sitting with my lovely yoga teacher 2 months ago in a yoga retreat. I felt so much love and light. It was a magical experience, and I am forever grateful to 💫💫💫


🧘Yoga has become a significant part of my life.
I start my day with yoga/ meditation and finish with meditation.

My self-development journey began a very long time ago, but Kundalini yoga has brought the most significant changes in my life.

It has healed me somehow, and I have started seeing the world with different eyes. I have changed, and the world around me has changed. I am at the stage in my life where I am happy for no reason, and every day seems beautiful.

🌱Here I am, sitting with my lovely yoga teacher 2 months ago in a yoga retreat. I felt so much love and light. It was a magical experience, and I am forever grateful to Kundalini Joga & Bella Sardinia 💫💫💫


💫A conversation with a stranger can change your life.

Lately, I have been searching for answers. I was feeling confused about everything, and life felt overwhelming. I had to make a serious decision that would completely change my life-360 degrees, probably even moving to another continent.

Last week, I met someone and we had a brief chat. This conversation opened my eyes, and I could suddenly see things clearly. The answer I had been searching for, for months, was right there in front of me.🦋

What I want to say is that sometimes answers come to us when we least expect them. We don’t necessarily need to search for them.

Photos from Arita T's post 03/03/2024

Family: where laughter is abundant, love is endless, and memories are made. 💖


🌸Why spring time is the best?

Ah, winter’s farewell and spring’s sweet hello!
📷With this picture, I am finishing the winter season. I’ve eagerly awaited this moment, where sunny days, gentle breezes, and the symphony of bird songs fill the air.

🌱Spring holds such promise, doesn’t it?
It’s a time for nature to awaken and for us to emerge from our winter slumber, ready to bloom anew.
As the days grow longer and the world bursts into color, I can’t help but feel a flutter of excitement in my heart☺️
It’s not just the flowers that are blooming; it’s the start of a new chapter in our lives, filled with endless possibilities and adventures waiting to unfold

🌱So here’s to us, my dear, as we embark on this journey hand in hand. May our days be filled with laughter, love, and the kind of magic that only springtime can bring. Let’s welcome this season with open arms and open hearts, ready to create beautiful memories together🤍

Photos from Arita T's post 08/02/2024

Are you tired or feeling trapped in your current job?

Say goodbye to limitations and hello to limitless possibilities as you embark on a journey to financial independence and fulfillment.

💫🚀Seize this opportunity to turn your dreams into reality and join the thriving world of digital entrepreneurship today.

Learn more:


🌻Embracing my uniqueness has been a journey of self-discovery, one where I’ve learned that changing for others is never worth it.

Whether it’s the pressure to conform or the desire to fit in, I refuse to compromise who I am just to please someone else.

🍃I’ve walked through environments where I’ve felt like I didn’t belong, and that’s okay. I won’t alter myself to fit into a mold that isn’t meant for me. Instead, I’ll stand tall in my authenticity, knowing that being true to myself is far more valuable than any fleeting sense of acceptance🤍.

✨I am determined to be unapologetically me, to embrace my quirks, flaws, and individuality. Because in the end, it’s the essence of my uniqueness that truly sets me apart and makes me shine.


They say we all are God’s children.
Some of us are shining brighter, and some - not so bright.
Last weekend, I had a fantastic opportunity to participate in a yoga retreat.

I went through different emotions - happiness, joy, love, crying. I released myself from things that are not needed anymore in my life. And I am so grateful to walk through this spiritual journey.

We, humankind, have to learn so much about ourselves and others; I truly believe that we all have powers. We just have forgotten how to use them.
Sending you love and light🤍🤍🥰


You are creator of your own reality.
Avoid placing blame on others for your current situation or where you at in your live 💫💫💫

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