Wild Cat
Luxury, fast sailing catamaran. For charter in Baltic and Caribbean seas.
We have a tradition of sending a message in the bottle, when crossing the Atlantic. This one found its recipient after one year of floating around šš¾āµļø @ Eleuthra, Bahamas
Throwback to times when we went to because we could hang out with friends on all the boats around us. Soon it will be back to normal! @ English Harbour Town, Saint Paul, Antigua And Barbuda
This is how the world feels right now. Everything is slowly going forward, its just that nobody knows where...
Even when going on a hike on goat trail, keep one eye on the boat quietly waiting for us back at the marina
In hot days like this, there is a great way out of the heat - sail away to a beach and enjoy the sand and the water š”šš If you are in , then is your best choice š
Our dearest friends came by to play today šššš¬
These holidays we are having a great time on a tandem charter together with MY Teleost āµļøš„Its great to provide guests with sailing experince and the comfort of 49 m motoryacht! š Happy holidays everyone!!! šš¾āØ @ Petit St Vincent
When makes You feel small! š
The Columbia was an American schooner, a fishing vessel launched in 1923. She took part in several races, and subsequently disappeared off Nova Scotia in 1927. A replica was built in 2014 and has taken part in the America's Cup Superyacht Regatta. āµļø
We are going back to Martinique to catch one of these sunsets again! āļøš
Our berth in Rabat, Morocco! thats what you call docking with a view. Scroll right to see it in daylight from the other side of the river. @ Marina Bouregreg, Rabat, Maroc
It does not get much prettier than this! We are across the mighty Biscay bay with light winds and lots of Gennaker sailing! Smooth sailing to everybody who are at sea right now! š
Back home in Riga we also do event charters. Ofter we get asked whats the maximum of people that we can fit on board for such an event? š¾š„š And the answer is: up to 30 people easily! Itās up to you if You want loud party with life band or dj, quiet sunset sail with a few friens, morning ride with family and kids, wedding celebration or corporate event with your colleagues. ššØāš©āš§āš¦š°š¤µAll of that and a lot more is possible here on board of . āµļøDM us if You are interested and we will answer all your questions. š @ Wild Cat
As people keep asking us about whales in the Atlantic, we decided to show you this humpback whale, which decided to play around under our fishing lure. Pretty crazy feeling to see an animal this size that close. š
Horta in the Azores is a very interesting place - you have volcanoes, history and ever changing weather. Thats what you get if you are located in the middle of the ocean!
@ Horta, Azores
With a beautiful sunset we have arrived in Horta, Azores. This was the best sailing experience ever! Going over 20 knots at times, some days with no wind but with great fishing. Countless sail changes and running away from storms. We had a great team and the boat performed perfectly. Now two days of rest and we go further!
Friends back home in Latvia! Draugi LatvijÄ!
Don't worry about a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!
We know you were worried; however, we are here to please and after multiple inquiries we have decided to go to Latvia for the summer season!!!
MÄs zinÄm, ka JÅ«s uztraucÄties kÄ piepildÄ«t tuvojoÅ”Äs vasaras siltÄs dienas un sÅ«tÄ«jÄt mums pieprasÄ«jumus. Viss kÄrtÄ«bÄ, jo mÄs esam nolÄmuÅ”i bÅ«t atpakaļ LatvijÄ uz vasaras sezonu!!!
We have a lot of toys onboard and we will start introducing you to the options with a few videos.
Sup and Snorkel from Wild Cat catamaran A beautiful SUP and snorkel evening session from the Wild Cat catamaran in the Caribbean. Check it out at www.wildcat65.com
Man ir tas prieks paziÅot, ka Wildcat pamazÄm tuvojas Antigvas krastiem š
"Hello hello!
Mums viss joprojam labi. Lenam, bet neatlaidigi tuvojamies Antiguai. Palikusas vairs nieka 340 judzes. Kas tad tas ir, uz kopeja fona? Viens kuila ruciens un busim gala. Paliek lietainaks (parsvara lietus gan ir islaicigs) un vejs ari pieluzis, tapec sobrid ejam ar ādizelburuā. Laba zina, ka dizelis mums netrukst. Pedejas dienas mums ir spodribas dienas, pucejam katamaranu izstadei. Gaidiet nakamas zinas jau no krasta. Planojam but klat parit - 8.decembri!"
Map | Iridium Satellite Communications Latitude* Longitude* Iridium location messaging is part of a new force in communication; putting innovative solutions in the hands of people everywhere. Enhancing Iridiumās voice and data capability with GPS-based location messaging from the only company that offers real global, real mobile, real ...
ZiÅas no okeÄna:
"Buenos dias!
Ari 3.decembris mums iesacies silts un saulains! Vispar laikapstaklu zina mums loti veicas.. lietu vispar vel neesam dabujusi, vejs pus visu laiku, tikai vilnis nav sakartojies. Ja sadi turpinasies, ceram pec 5 dienam sasniegt Antiguas krastus. Palikusas vel 920 judzes. Vairak ka puscels ir pieveikts!
Vakar ar improvizetu Adventes vainagu jurnieku stila (bilde bus, kad busim gala) un pelekajiem zirniem ar speki, karbonadem un kartupeliem vakarinas nosvinejam pirmo Adventi.
Pagaidam musu konta jau 3 mahi mahi. Ceram, ka statistika uzlabosies ari saja raditaja.
Sveiciens visiem majiniekiem un lidzjutejiem no Atlantijas vidus un Wild Cat crew!"
Map | Iridium Satellite Communications Latitude* Longitude* Iridium location messaging is part of a new force in communication; putting innovative solutions in the hands of people everywhere. Enhancing Iridiumās voice and data capability with GPS-based location messaging from the only company that offers real global, real mobile, real ...
3 dienu laikÄ kopÅ” izbraukÅ”anas no Cape Verde ir pieveikts diezgan ievÄrojams attÄlums - gandrÄ«z 1/3 daļa ceļa:
Un Å”odien tika atsÅ«tÄ«ta arÄ« ziÅa no Wildcat:
"Sveicieni no okeÄna vilkiem un vilcenÄm! Mums iet ļoti labi, saule spÄ«d, vÄjÅ” pÅ«Å”, alus arÄ« vÄl nav beidzies! š
Vakardien bija lÄ«dz Å”im veiksmÄ«gÄkÄ burÄÅ”anas diena, nospridzinÄjÄm 220 jÅ«dzes. Å odien vÄjÅ” iegriezÄs nedaudz vairÄk no muguras, tÄpÄc tik Ätri vairs neiet. Bet kopumÄ tÄpat veiksmÄ«gi - no 2100 esam pieveikuÅ”i jau 600 jÅ«dzes.
VÄl vakar bija liela diena, jo beidzot noÄ·ÄrÄm pirmo zivi!!! ~5kg mahi mahi, ko pÄc tam svaigu vakariÅÄs arÄ« notiesÄjÄm sashimi un tartara veidÄ. Tagad amats rokÄ, un Å”odien jau otrais loms- nedaudz mazÄks mahi mahi.
P.S.IzsakÄm visiem lÄ«dzjÅ«tÄ«bu, sakarÄ ar pirmo sniegu š"
Map | Iridium Satellite Communications Latitude* Longitude* Iridium location messaging is part of a new force in communication; putting innovative solutions in the hands of people everywhere. Enhancing Iridiumās voice and data capability with GPS-based location messaging from the only company that offers real global, real mobile, real ...
PadalÄ«Å”os ar jaunÄko informÄciju no Wild cat:
"Esam apskatÄ«juÅ”i Cabo Verde 2 salas - Sao Vincente un Santo AntĆ£o. Ja dzÄ«vojot pirmajÄ, mums nebija skaidrs, kÄpÄc Ŕīs tiek dÄvÄtas par ZaÄ¼Ä Raga salÄm, tad otrÄ sala Å”o nosaukumu attaisoja pilnÄ«bÄ. Daba tur tieÅ”Äm bija tik iespaidÄ«ga un zaļa, ka palikÄm "uz pauzes". Sao Vincente salas Salamansa pludmalÄ toties sanÄca vienu dienu uzkaitot un ielikt kite Ä·eksÄ«ti arÄ« Å”ajÄ pasaules nostÅ«rÄ«. Esam saremontÄjuÅ”ies, uzpildÄ«juÅ”ies ar alu, rumu un citiem labumiem un Å”odien gatavi startÄt tÄlÄk pÄri okeÄnam uz Antiguas salu!"
Lai jums labs ceļavÄjÅ” un veiksmÄ«ga nokļūŔana galamÄrÄ·Ä«! š¤
Ir pienÄkuÅ”as jaunas ziÅas no Wild cat, Å”oreiz kopÄ ar fotogrÄfijÄm š
"Esam uz piestÄjuÅ”i uz nelielu pauzÄ«ti Cape Verde jeb ZaÄ¼Ä raga salÄs. PÄc 6 dienÄm jÅ«rÄ, bija beidzies alus. š Pluss Å”ÄdÄ veidÄ izmukÄm no vÄtras. Mums iet labi, komandas gars pozitÄ«vs! Zivis joprojÄm noÄ·ert nav izdevies, bÅ«s jÄpÄrk no vietÄjiem vai arÄ« jÄiztiek ar lidojoÅ”ajÄm zivÄ«m, kas atlido pie mums paÅ”as. š Katru rÄ«tu kÄdas 4 gab nolasÄ«jÄm no klÄja. Vakar arÄ« pirmo reizi okeÄns bija tik mierÄ«gs, ka izdevÄs nopeldÄties. Å orÄ«t saullÄktÄ ierodoties Cape Verde, ainavas bija pasakainas!"
Sveicieni Latvijas svÄtkos no Wild cat komandas:
"Mums arÄ« diena bija saulaina, gandrÄ«z par kÄdiem grÄdiem 20 siltÄka kÄ jums. Lai gan rÄ«ts sÄkÄs apmÄcies un lietains, diena turpinÄjÄs saulaina un priecÄ«ga! Brokastis sÄkÄm ar skaļu āSaule, PÄrkons, Daugavaā atskaÅojumu, lÄ«dzÄ«gi arÄ« vakariÅÄs, kurÄs Paula mums bija izcepusi gardu meduskÅ«ku. š Visu dienu burÄjam, sauļojamies, klausamies latvieÅ”u dziesmas un pirmo reizi burÄjam ar spinakeri, protams, mastÄ uzvilkÄm lielo Latvijas karogu. Ir daudz bildes (arÄ« pirmÄ kopbilde), bet patreiz nav iespÄju atsÅ«tÄ«t. Sadodamies rokÄs un paceļam glÄzes par Latviju! Protams, ielejam arÄ« NeptÅ«nam un VÄja mÄtei. š TurpmÄk centÄ«simies ziÅot biežÄk."
KopÅ” Wild cat starta KanÄriju salÄs ir pagÄjuÅ”as 3 dienas. PatreizÄjo katamarÄna atrÅ”anÄs vietu var apskatÄ«t Å”eit:
It has been 3 days since the Wild cat started in the Canary Islands. You can view the current location of the catamaran here:
Map | Iridium Satellite Communications Latitude* Longitude* Iridium location messaging is part of a new force in communication; putting innovative solutions in the hands of people everywhere. Enhancing Iridiumās voice and data capability with GPS-based location messaging from the only company that offers real global, real mobile, real ...
48h in sea now, at least another 24h until we rest in harbour. Some huge waves, changing winds and a few broken lines along the way. The morale aboard ir high and we will keep you posted when we have cell coverage āļøāµļø
Beautiful evenings in Riga city š±š»