Nadia Wong - Author

Nadia Wong - Author

I share a Legacy Prompt from Your Life Your Legacy every week in my free group "Soul Haven", and felt called to share this here today

Perhaps YOU needed to hear this


πŸ’•Question 57 of 101πŸ’•

"If you could press the reset button on your life, what would you put more love and energy into this time around? What else would you do differently?


" I believe that it is never too late to press the reset button in life. We cannot go back and relive the past, but we can draw a line in the sand and start afresh.

It is about clearing our minds of all the old limiting beliefs that we have carried around that have not served us.

This releases us to take on what serves us best to set off down a new path.

The truth is that our time is limited.

Once we come to accept the reality of our mortality, we will no longer sit around, waiting for life to change and start truly living each day fully.

Now is our chance to live, not yesterday, not tomorrow – this very moment.

When we know that tomorrow is not guaranteed, why would we waste today?

It may be scary to take a new path, especially later in life, but would you rather spend your life pursuing your dreams or burying them?

When I get to the end of my life, I want to be able to say that I truly lived.

Even if I had failed, I would be at peace, knowing that I gave life my best shot and left no stone unturned.

I have pressed the reset button three times in my life.

First, when I nearly died as a result of asthma; second, when I gave up my successful business and moved to Italy; and finally, when I decided I was not ready to give up on my life due to depression.

I can say, hand on heart, that I would not be here if I had not pressed that button.

Remember that you may not always be able to change the circumstances in which you find yourself, but we have the power in our own hands to press that button and change course."

(from "Your Life Your Legacy: Rewriting the past, the present, and the future to create a happily ever after" by Nadia Wong)

Start reading it for free:


πŸ’•Do you know why YOU are here? πŸ’•

"Each of us has a sacred mission for life with unique gifts we can use to share with others to make a difference in their lives, but we need to ignite the lights within and allow our souls to shine outward.

Hiding away serves no one. It only suppresses our souls.

If our love for people or our life’s purpose is not shared, these burning desires can eat away at us and leave us feeling trapped and unfulfilled.

We risk coming to the end of our lives filled with regret by not listening to the longings of our souls."

(from "The Key to a Happier Me : Opening the doors to life's treasures" by Nadia Wong)

Start reading it for free:



πŸ’•Legacy PromptπŸ’•

Question 42 of 101



After losing my mum suddenly with so many questions still to ask her, and feeling broken, I started sharing my own life experiences for my kids so they could turn to me, and feel me, even after I'm gone.

I created "My life My Legacy" journal for other parents to do the same for their kids, without having to think about what to say.

We all have good intentions and may say to ourselves "one day" or "I'd love to do that for my kids" but we don't know how many "one days" we have left, so NOW is a good time to start.

Writing for as little as 10 minutes a day will improve your own and your family's life forever!

Simply open your heart and answer the questions in the journal, using your words to remind you, and them, what a blessing life is

πŸ’•Love is always the answerπŸ’•

Much love

Every week in my free Soul Haven group, I share a Legacy Prompt from "My Life My Legacy"

If you are interested, join us here:

If you'd like to know more about my books see here:

Photos from Nadia Wong - Author's post 26/01/2023

πŸ’–Talking RegretsπŸ’–

" My biggest fear in life is not failing, or being alone, unloved, or dying – it is reaching the end of my life with regrets.

Mark Twain reflected this sentiment when he said, β€˜We regret the things we don’t do more than the things we do.’

Yes, we can make mistakes as we ultimately learn from them, but imagine being on your deathbed, looking back at your life, wondering what if?

Now, when I have a decision to make, big or small, I use the deathbed scenario to help me decide.

Imagine coming to the end of your life and wishing you had done things differently – wishing you had written that book, mended that relationship, been brave enough to speak up and live your truth, been true to yourself and pursued the love of your life – if we try and fail in all of our life’s endeavours, we know we have tried and given ourselves the best chance at living happy lives.
We will then be able to leave the Earth with peaceful souls, knowing we have truly lived.

If we do not want to come to the end of our lives filled with regret or haunted by words left unsaid, it is of the utmost importance that we take the time, here and now, to decide what our priorities are in life and to live our lives accordingly."
(from "The Key to a Happier Me : Opening the doors to life's treasures" by Nadia Wong)

Start reading it for free:

The Key to a Happier Me : Opening the doors to life's treasures 01/09/2022

πŸ’•Start reading for free...πŸ’•

The Key to a Happier Me : Opening the doors to life's treasures Quote shared via Kindle: "addictions, but is that because we don’t want to let go? Is it because we don’t value or love ourselves enough? Do we use that to distract us from what goes on within ourselves? Do we use them to bury the pain we cannot shake? What...

Photos from Nadia Wong - Author's post 17/06/2022

Every week in my Free Soul Haven Group, I share a question from "Your Life Your Legacy" book and the accompanying journal "My Life My Legacy".

Today would've been my dad's birthday, so today's question and answer pulled at my heart strings a little.


Question 16 of 101 Legacy Prompt:

What valuable lessons did your father teach you?


It isn't easy letting go of those we love, but the best thing we can do to demonstrate our love for them is to be happy ourselves.

πŸ’•Love is always the answerπŸ’•

Much love

Feel free to join my group here:


πŸ’• Excerpt from my 4th book " The Key to a Happier Me"πŸ’•

Taken from Door #4 - Be Your Own Best Friend

".... I believe that if we were all our own best friends and loved ourselves more, the world would be a happier place for everyone.

There would be more love and peace surrounding us because we would no longer compete or compare ourselves with others, and our need to be recognised or acknowledged for our looks, work, or talents would, therefore, diminish.

We would cease seeking value in society and stop striving to attain worldly treasures to feel a sense of worth.

Most of all, we would be happier in our relationships because we would no longer expect or demand others to love us for us.

Instead of looking to be loved, we would focus on being love."

(from "The Key to a Happier Me : Opening the doors to life's treasures" by Nadia Wong)


Love as always


Every week in my free private Facebook group "Soul Haven", I share a Legacy Journal Prompt taken from my book "Your Life Your Legacy" to help you to make peace with your past, and leave behind a heartfelt written legacy for your family.

Feel free to join... to gain love and support as you journey through life.

All are welcome

πŸ’•Love is always the answerπŸ’•

Much love,



πŸ’•My Very First Booksigning in my hometown of πŸ’•

Saturday 7th May between 11.30am and 1pm

Please pop in at any time to see me and to have your books signed...I'd love to see you.

If you haven't yet got copies of any of my books, contact Whitie's Books & Crafts in Peebles to order your copies.

πŸ“šThe Key to a Happier Me.... Opening the doors to life's true treasures.
A journey inwards to reignite the love, light, joy and enthusiasm in your life

πŸ“š Your Life Your Legacy.... A parent's guide to writing their own piece of personal history.
A journey to making peace with the past and understanding your life's true purpose

πŸ“š My Life My Legacy ...An accompanying journal to Your Life Your Legacy

πŸ“šMy Growing Heart... A life guide for teens and young adults to support them in creating their own happily ever after, and helping them to build self worth and self confidence.


There's something for everyone who's looking to grow and progress in life

Love is always the answer and each of these books are full of it! πŸ’–

I'd love to see you in Peebles!

Much love as always


πŸ’• Self-talk check in...πŸ’•

"Any self-talk heard enough times, kind or unkind, will become cemented in our minds and either support or impede our growth and progress." (from "The Key to a Happier Me : Opening the doors to life's treasures" by Nadia Wong)

If you think of yourself as being a kind and loving person, are you expressing kindness and love towards yourself? πŸ€”

Self-care isn't only about how we treat our physical bodies, it's about the way we treat the whole of who we are.

πŸ’•Love is always the answerπŸ’•

Much love as always



πŸ’•Talking about selfishly taking care of ourselvesπŸ’•

"...imagine a world where we do not compare ourselves to others, and we do not try to rule over, command, or dictate how other people live their lives.

The conflict begins when one party wants to dominate and control the other, be it a state, population, race, or one another.

Alternatively, if we all focused on bettering and growing ourselves, striving to be the best we can to create our own best lives (essentially minding our own businesses), then conflict and the desire to control others would not enter into our minds.

If we all focused solely on being better today than we were yesterday instead of trying to be better than any other human being, we would all live in peace with one another.

Imagine a world where we treat others how we want them to treat us, a world where, if we needed help, people would come to support us and help us in our endeavours, a world where, if others needed our support, we would willingly and open-heartedly do all we could to help them.

Call me naive, but this is a world I envision for the future, which is why I do the work I do. I cannot change the world, but I can change myself, and I can inspire others and show them how to create more love, inner peace and joy for themselves, so they, too, can inspire others to do the same.

In time, and through opening the awareness and the hearts of others, I believe the world can change for the better, one person at a time, one step at a time, but we each have to start by working on ourselves.

A new nursing mother is responsible for taking care of her body first by eating clean, wholesome foods to nourish her newborn in the best possible way with good quality mother’s milk. How she takes care of herself determines how she shows up for her newborn, and the same goes for us in life.

How we nourish our minds, bodies, and souls determines how we show up in the lives of others.

If we were a little more selfish and worked on becoming self-reliant and emotionally independent, our relationships would improve.

By making ourselves happy instead of fighting for love and attention from our partners, we would be more content, filled with more love, and show up as better partners or spouses.

We would no longer need our partners’ love and attention to make us feel loved and wanted.

Instead of feeling the pressure of being a good spouse or feeling responsible for our spouses’ happiness, we will simply be free to love and be loved."
(from "The Key to a Happier Me : Opening the doors to life's treasures" by Nadia Wong)

πŸ’•Love is always the answerπŸ’•

Much love as always


Here's a little 10 minute video where I go a little deeper on this topic.πŸ‘‡


Excerpt from The Key to a Happier Me


The Faithful Man

There was once a man who always prayed and had unshakable faith.

Because he had complete faith in God, when torrential rain came and flooded the small village in which he lived, he fell to his knees in prayer.

As he prayed for his safety and that of the villagers, the man felt the presence of God, reassuring him that he would save them, and a wave of calm washed over him.

As the storm continued, the villagers worked frantically to keep the rising water out of their homes but to no avail.

Within a few hours, they had a plan to evacuate the village and retreat to safety.

When the other villagers came knocking on his door, ushering the faithful man to go with them, he refused, saying with surety in his heart, β€˜You go on without me; I have faith that God will keep me safe.’

The villagers could not convince him to leave his home, so they reluctantly left, fearing for the lives of their families.

Hours went by, and the rain continued, and as the water began to reach the windows, the man moved upstairs, feeling safe and sure he would be protected.

Soon after, a rescue boat came by, beckoning the man to climb out the window into the boat. Again, he refused, waving them on, saying, β€˜Do not worry about me. I will be fine. God has reassured me that I will be safe.’

As the floods reached the second floor, the man was forced to climb up onto the roof of his house, but the waters continued to rise, and the man drowned.

When the man got to heaven, he stood before God and asked, β€˜Why did you abandon me? You said you would save me!’

God replied, β€˜I sent some villagers to help you escape and be safe, but you sent them away. Then, I sent a man with a rescue boat, and you also sent him away.

I outstretched my hands to save you, but you did not take them!’"

(from "The Key to a Happier Me : Opening the doors to life's treasures" by Nadia Wong)



πŸ’•My Growing HeartπŸ’•

A life guide for teens and young adults to teach them to become leaders of their own lives, to know their worth, make a positive impact on the world, and create their own versions of a happily ever after.



πŸ’• Honest Self Reflection!πŸ’•

Do you rely on others to MAKE you happy, or to love you, FOR you?

I know I did, but it meant everyone had to treat me well for me to feel happy and loved, which we all know isn't sustainable.

So I had to take my happiness back into my own hands and learn to love myself.


"....If we were a little more selfish and worked on becoming self-reliant and emotionally independent, our relationships would improve.

By making ourselves happy instead of fighting for love and attention from our partners, we would be more content, filled with more love, and show up as better partners or spouses.

We would no longer need our partners’ love and attention to make us feel loved and wanted. Instead of feeling the pressure of being a good spouse or feeling responsible for our spouses’ happiness, we will simply be free to love and be loved."

(from "The Key to a Happier Me : Opening the doors to life's treasures" by Nadia Wong)

Loving ourselves is always a work in progress and a process of personal evolution and growth.

Our happiness and well-being is no one else's responsibility but ours...

Are you consciously walking this path?

πŸ’•Love is always the answerπŸ’•

Much love as always

You can check out my books here if you feel called to...πŸ’–


πŸ’•Are you playing the Victim or the Hero?πŸ’•

We can play the heroes in the movie of our lives, or we can play the victims. We are the casting directors, so we are in charge of the parts we play.

I hope this helps someone todayπŸ™πŸΌ

πŸ’•Love is always the answerπŸ’•

Much love as always,


πŸ’• Is Faith Enough?πŸ’•

Excerpt from The Key to a Happier Me:

"... "Ask, and you shall receive”, will not work with good intentions alone.

Faith, self-belief and focused action are paramount in the creative process. We can sit around and pray all day, but without focusing our attention on following our good intentions, all we have is hope.

Imagine I dreamed about becoming a successful author but never tried to write a book. Or perhaps I did write one, albeit half-heartedly, but I got cold feet and decided not to send it to any publishing houses. How will they know of my work if I do not show them?

No one will stop me on the street or call me out of the blue and say they want to publish my work – I have to be brave and put myself in a vulnerable position at the risk of being rejected.

One of the most empowering things we can learn is that rejection does not equate to failure – it is proof that we are trying.

If we never try, we can never fail, but is that even living?

Failure itself has its benefits as it teaches us what does not work, essentially taking us a step closer to knowing what does.

For me, the ultimate way we let ourselves down in this life is by refusing to try at all. I would rather fail a thousand times than live in fear and die with regrets."

(from "The Key to a Happier Me : Opening the doors to life's treasures" by Nadia Wong)

Personally, I believe true faith is taking the necessary steps into the unknown with a surety that everything is going to work out for the best, whatever the outcome.

What are you doing to realise your hopes and dreams for a better life and a better world?

πŸ’•Love is always the answerπŸ’•

Much love as always


πŸ’•Are you radiating love?πŸ’•

I open my soul and share my journey not to be seen, but to remind you that you are not alone in the way you feel...and also to remind you that we all experience times of darkness as well as light.

There are solutions to your personal challenges, and the first step is to take an honest look at yourself and take responsibility for the way you feel right now.

Nothing and no one is responsible for your happiness and well-being but you.


Here's an excerpt from The Key to a Happier Me:

"People are said to be either radiators or drains. They either radiate loving energy to warm people, or they drain them.

All of us naturally gravitate towards people who emit energy and light and avoid having our energies drained by people that suck the life out of us.

Who can blame us?

We naturally desire to feel energetic and have vitality in life, but the question we have to ask ourselves is if we are radiators or drains.

If we are truthful with ourselves and discover that we are drains, all is not lost. The fact that you are here means that you are ready for change and growth, and this will not disappoint.

Once you start to take your happiness into your own hands, life will get a whole lot better for you and those around you, I can promise you that.

I have experienced both sides of the spectrum. I am now a radiator of love and light, but in my darkest times, I was a drain.

As I lay helpless in the depths of the cavernous dark pit into which I fell, I became an ultra-sensitive, insecure, needy person who sucked the life out of myself and others.

I had lost my true identity, closed myself in, felt that I could not cope with life on my own, and needed others to validate my worth. I relied on others to love me and make me happy.

I lacked self-love and worth and was desperate for some love and attention from the people around me. I had become my own worst enemy, and I allowed myself to be sucked into a negative downward spiral.

Although I desperately wanted to be rescued, I was the only one who could save myself. It was my responsibility to climb out of that deep dark pit.

It was my responsibility to make myself happy. It was my responsibility to learn to love and value myself.

The truth was that no knight in shining armour was going to rush in to save me from my unhappy existence. I had to step up to become my own hero."

(from "The Key to a Happier Me : Opening the doors to life's treasures" by Nadia Wong)


πŸ’•Remember love is always the answer and you matter tooπŸ’•

If you'd like to know more about my books or work as a coach? Have a nosey here...

Also, please feel free to join my free private Facebook group Soul Haven where I can serve you further

Join here: πŸ’–

Much love as always


πŸ’• Do you trust?πŸ’•

Excerpt from 'The Key to a Happier Me.'


"Trusting in our life’s journey is similar to a mother bringing a child into the world. For nine months, she carries a child in her womb, taking care of her diet, body, levels of stress and surroundings as she prepares to give birth to a new life.

Despite these outward actions, she doesn’t actively do anything to grow a baby in her womb. All she can do is trust in the process and allow nature to take its course, surrender and have faith that a force greater than herself will make a whole little person made of flesh and blood, bringing a beautiful and precious soul into the world. What a joy!

If she didn’t trust and instead got stressed every day about whether the child was growing enough, whether it had fingers and toes or if its organs were forming, the stress would most likely hinder the natural process, not help it.

We don’t understand the complexity of how we form life within ourselves, so we let it go and let it happen. We must have trust in our life experiences in the same manner; in the wisdom of a higher power that knows what is going on within us, even if we do not.

We have to stop asking why and start trusting. In doing so, we align with our source, cease resisting and allow the blessing of life to naturally unfold, opening our soul to an abundance of life’s beautiful treasures.

Nature does not force itself to grow; the loving energy within every tree, every flower, every bird and every living creature is at work.

They trust that nourishment will be provided for them and don’t seek recognition and praise from their peers. Trees don’t compete or compare themselves with others – they just are. No two are identical, and each one is beautiful in its own way.

All living things on the Earth have a reason for being, and all things are unique and beautiful, just like we are.

Imagine if everyone was free from judgement, comparison, labels and fear – what a peaceful world we would inhabit.

By laying down the burdens we carry, we free up our arms and hearts to open them wide and invite more love inside."
(from "The Key to a Happier Me : Opening the doors to life's treasures" by Nadia Wong)

If you'd like to have access to my FREE private group "Soul Haven" to dive deeper into this inner work, I'd love to serve you...


Much love,


πŸ’• Do you trust?πŸ’•

Excerpt from 'The Key to a Happier Me.'


"Trusting in our life’s journey is similar to a mother bringing a child into the world. For nine months, she carries a child in her womb, taking care of her diet, body, levels of stress and surroundings as she prepares to give birth to a new life.

Despite these outward actions, she doesn’t actively do anything to grow a baby in her womb. All she can do is trust in the process and allow nature to take its course, surrender and have faith that a force greater than herself will make a whole little person made of flesh and blood, bringing a beautiful and precious soul into the world. What a joy!

If she didn’t trust and instead got stressed every day about whether the child was growing enough, whether it had fingers and toes or if its organs were forming, the stress would most likely hinder the natural process, not help it.

We don’t understand the complexity of how we form life within ourselves, so we let it go and let it happen. We must have trust in our life experiences in the same manner; in the wisdom of a higher power that knows what is going on within us, even if we do not.

We have to stop asking why and start trusting. In doing so, we align with our source, cease resisting and allow the blessing of life to naturally unfold, opening our soul to an abundance of life’s beautiful treasures.

Nature does not force itself to grow; the loving energy within every tree, every flower, every bird and every living creature is at work.

They trust that nourishment will be provided for them and don’t seek recognition and praise from their peers. Trees don’t compete or compare themselves with others – they just are. No two are identical, and each one is beautiful in its own way.

All living things on the Earth have a reason for being, and all things are unique and beautiful, just like we are.

Imagine if everyone was free from judgement, comparison, labels and fear – what a peaceful world we would inhabit.

By laying down the burdens we carry, we free up our arms and hearts to open them wide and invite more love inside."
(from "The Key to a Happier Me : Opening the doors to life's treasures" by Nadia Wong)

If you'd like to have access to my FREE private group "Soul Haven" to dive deeper into this inner work, I'd love to serve you...


Much love,

Photos from Nadia Wong - Author's post 19/12/2021

Excerpt from 'Your Life Your Legacy'


Page 30...

"Enjoy the Process

The secret to living a happy life is living in the present, experiencing and enjoying each and every day, not stuck in the past or worrying about the future, but being fully present now because, quite frankly, we have no idea how many days we have left. We are so used to living in the past or the future that we no longer enjoy the gift of now.
As an example of this, when I take my kids to an all-you-can-eat sushi bar, they spend the whole time focused on what they will eat next without taking the time to fully savour what is in front of them. Due to the fear of missing out on what is yet to come, they miss out on the now. Sadly, many of us live in this place every day of our lives, missing out on the joy of this moment.
So, immerse yourself in this valuable work and savour every word and every page. As you journey back through your life, you may think that what I am saying is contradictory, but in doing this work, you will come to accept the past as the past, enabling you to leave the baggage of old conditioning that has been weighing you down or holding you back behind.
By taking this little trip down memory lane,
you will essentially refresh the canvas of your life, giving you a fresh start in the here and now to paint yourself a bright new future......."

Much love,



Last minute Christmas gifts that can potentially change the whole trajectory of someone's life!


πŸ“šMy Growing Heart - A life guide for teens & young adults

πŸ“šYour Life Your Legacy - A parent's guide to writing their own piece of personal history

πŸ“–My Life My Legacy - The accompanying journal to Your Life Your Legacy

πŸ“šThe Key to a Happier Me - Opening the doors to life's true treasures

Check them out in more detail at


Who would've known?


Tomorrow will mark the 1st anniversary of the launch of my first book Your Life Your Legacy with the accompanying journal My Life My Legacy.

In it I talk about how most of us were happy as kids, not because we were successful but because we had dreams of a bright and beautiful future.

We may have wanted to be unicorns or princesses but it was dreaming and believing that made us happy, not achieving our dreams.

The joy and anticipation of a beautiful future without fear of failure brought us joy, but somewhere down the line we started to pick up other people's beliefs or started to experience challenges and disappointments, so we stopped dreaming.

Many of us started to face the reality of what was around us and stopped listening to the voice within us...locking our dreams inside, silencing the desires of our souls.

I can honestly say I'm grateful that life broke me open 7 years ago because the pain shook me so hard that I came back to life and all my dreams awakened within me again. And I took my first steps...

All I had was a dream and a spark of hope back then and little by little I found my way. Now I am an author to 4 books and I'm filled with joy.

My dreams continue to grow and evolve as I do and my journey is an ongoing one. But what I have learnt is that dreaming, believing and progressing is what makes us happy, not having everything we want.

The lesson? Keep dreaming to keep the spark of love, hope and enthusiasm alight within...and with faith and love in our hearts, sometimes dreams actually come true .

πŸ’•Love is always the answerπŸ’•

Much love as always


Excerpt from

πŸ’• Your Life Your Legacy... πŸ’•

...Rewriting the past, the present and the future to create a happily ever after.

" Question 19

What expectations did you have of your parents?
As each of us transitioned into parenthood – ourselves and our parents alike – we had a picture in our minds of what our families would look like and the kind of parents we were wanted to be, but nothing could prepare us
for the reality of parenting.

We could read every parenting book ever written or work extensively with children and families, but until we experienced parenthood for ourselves, we had no idea of the physical and emotional challenges that it brought. We anticipated the joy, love, and even hard work,
but when reality sets in, it can be quite different.

When we have a fixed idea in our minds of how family life is meant to be, and our lives do not turn out as we expected, it can cause us distress. For example, if our idea of a happy family consists of a mother, father, and three
kids, and that doesn’t happen to us for some reason, we can feel cheated, and pain can enter our lives. It is good to have vision and direction in life, but it is the unfulfilled expectations that cause us pain.

As children, if we feel our parents should be a certain way, and they do not live up to our expectations, we also tend to suffer to some level.

If we had an image in our minds that a mother should cook, clean, and be cheerful, fun, and full of life, but she was so busy trying to make ends meet that she couldn’t possibly be all we expected of her, would we think less of her?

Most of us grow up unaware of underlying family difficulties; therefore, we make up our own reasons as to why our mothers were not picture-perfect in our eyes. The same goes for our fathers.

We may have had an image of a strong, powerful head of the family, going out to work to provide for his family and come home cheerful at the end of the day with outstretched arms, ready to dedicate the rest of the evening to his family, but this is not real life.

The truth is that we all face life, health, relationship, financial, and emotional challenges at times. Perhaps our parents had jobs they hated because they had bills to pay and mouths to feed. Perhaps they were so worn out after many years of broken sleep, putting aside their needs and desires to care
for us, their demanding children, resulting in their expectations for family life being less than perfect.

Sadly, some people carry resentment towards
their parents for their entire lives because their expectations were not met as children. This is why I love that we are going through our lives here, to clarify the reality of life and release our grip on the past.

In my dad’s memoirs, he tells a story of when I was 13 and wanted to go on a school trip to Italy. I seemingly begged and cried to go on the trip, and he was broken-hearted because he was on the verge of bankruptcy and felt like
such a failure because he couldn’t afford to send me. As I read his memoirs some ten years later, tears rolled down my face because I went on that school trip to Italy, unaware of the pain he’d experienced.

He had to borrow money from family members so he could send me, which broke my heart as I know how hard it was for him to ask for help.

Thankfully, my dad was still alive when I read his words, and I went running to him, crying, his notebook in hand, saying, β€œDad, why didn’t you tell me about this? I would have
understood if you had sat me down and explained that we had no money.”

He replied, β€œDarling, it wasn’t your problem; it was mine.”

Even though my dad lived up to my expectations of him and never let me down, I now wonder whether he made a wise choice; however, he had to live up to his own expectations for himself as a father, to bring himself peace of heart and mind.

As you contemplate the expectations you had of your parents, consider their upbringing and what they felt they lacked in their childhoods that made them the kind of parents they were.

Just as we all demonstrate our love in different ways, we also have expectations of what a good parent is. My mum’s idea of being a good parent was raising strong, healthy, kind, and
resilient children. My dad’s was providing for us and making us happy.
They both succeeded."

🌟 I am so happy that Your Life Your Legacy is a top ten finalist for an Author Elite Award which will be announced on 22nd October 2021.🌟

If you love my work and would like to vote, there's still time. Ultimately the winner will be chosen due to content and the quality and value of the writing, not the most popular, but the votes will be a contributing factor in the final decision.

I don't NEED to win because having this book published is a win in itself... and the fact that it's a top ten finalist is AMAZING!

It was written to honor my late parents, to guide parents to leave legacies for their children, and also to enable them the let go of past pain and conditioning to bring more love and light to their lives. So, in my eyes I'm already a winner.

Wishing you all so much love,
