Ripple Functional Wellness

Ripple Functional Wellness

Functional Medicine Health Coaching is a whole-person coaching approach to solving your health concerns. Choose Integrated & Holistic Health with Natalie A.



Alignment, Self Care, Connection, Creation


I know you have big dreams. It's possible!!! ✌️💕🌎



Doesn't it belong to ?

Comments like that are precisely why I post on my main page.

A lot of people have no idea I was an addict in the time they interacted with me, and they are on my page.

Too many people have an unrealistic version of what addiction is.

I want to change that.

If we can change gender norms, we can change how addicts are looked at and as.

The Unapologetic Addict is about being proud of working through recovery, finding yourself and bringing your own personal brand of amazing to the world. We have been silenced too long.

Head to on TikTok and start to learn.

The Unapologetic Addict PTSD December 2022 11/12/2022

The Unapologetic Addict PTSD December 2022 Do you think you know what PTSD is and/or have experienced it. Listen to Natalie as she shares a bit about science and A LOT about personal experiences that...


THE 7 STAGES OF ADDICTION (Using Alcohol as an example)


Our initiation into the world of alcohol starts from birth. Our parents may have drank, but if not, someone in the family likely did, and that always made holiday gatherings "interesting." If we didn't have family influences, we are bombarded by social media and society. We are programmed to want it long before we can get our hands on it.


a teenager steals a few beers from the cabinet, or you drink that cosmo to fit in. You don't love it, but you're getting used to it and notice how relaxed you feel or how much more carefree you are. So you develop a taste for the feelings and the escape.


You've had a tough day and head out for drinks or sit in front of Netflix with a glass of wine. It's Saturday night, and you've earned the right to relax. Before you realize it, you're drinking on a Thursday because it's Friday Jr.
You drink when you're happy; you drink when you're sad; you drink because it's Tuesday. Suddenly you're drinking more often than not.


This is when the desire for the substance outweighs realistic and rational thought and moral codes. If you are doing things out of character to use your chosen substance, that's risky usage.


Addiction is used interchangeably with dependence. The best definition of heard to date is: you no longer control the substance/activity; it controls you.

CRISIS/TREATMENT (if you are in crisis, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room)

Commonly known as "rock-bottom," this is the point where help is often sought. Note I say "often" - one rock-bottom moment does not push everyone into seeking help. Sometimes it leads to increased risky behaviour to keep using or hiding the activity.

Are you ready to take your power back from your addiction? Book a discovery call here:



Since that time, there have only been four updates of the BBB (Big Blue Book) , and the last one was in 2001 😱

When I began my journey of getting narcotics out of my life, I thought the 12 Steps would save me. I couldn't have been more wrong or more disappointed. For me, words like "powerless" and "surrender" are defeating. I was already beaten down.

What I have learnt is recovery is an individual pursuit, and attention needs to be paid to our personal circumstances (from jobs and family to physical and mental health). Also that it's depressing to label myself as an addict constantly.

I created my personalized 12 Step program to help you have a guide that fits your personality and life. That celebrates your positive steps and enables you to leave the level of "addict" behind. You are not a victim, and YOU ARE POWERFUL!!

The link is here for my 12 Week Course that includes a private FB group, FB lives with me, and in-depth worksheets:

More of a self-study person? Click here:

I'm so proud of you for taking these steps!!! ~ Natalie, The Unapologetic Addict 😍


I am a reformer Pilates instructor and would love to have you in my studio in January!!!!

My studio is private and a short commute from your front door in North Vancouver, BC

I work with a range of clients and my specialties are women like me (mid to late 40s, busy moms and need a strong & easy workout routine) and seasonal athletes (mountain bikers/Tough Mudder/skiing).

I work with both men and women, age 15 to 85 (yes I have clients at both ends of that age range!).

PM or email me for more details or book a free trial session to learn how I and reformer Pilates will help you reach your fitness and flexibility goals.


Registered Rate (4 sessions per month): $68.00 per private (regular $80.00)**
Pro-Rated Rate (missing up to 2 sessions per month): $72.25 per private (regular $85.00)**
Pro-Rated Rate (missing up to 3 sessions per month): $76.50 per private (regular $90.00)**

** I do not need to charge tax at this time

~ Natalie

Photos from Ripple Functional Wellness's post 25/11/2022


The Re-Route Roadmap is a simple tool to help you identify where and when you started getting off track and give you the tools to get back on the road to recovery.

Did you know that detours start 24 to 48 hours subconsciously before it becomes conscious action? By using the RRR worksheet, you can understand what happened and keep it from happening again. Knowledge is power!!




The words you use can affect your habits and behavior...

When we say the word 'should', we are counteracting our own intuition as to what we need.

Here's what I mean.

The word 'should' is from your brain.

We're programmed to think that we, again, 'should' be doing something - by outside influences.

Whether it be social media, streaming, parents, friends, programming, diet, culture, you name it.

We are bombarded with things from the outside world.

What you need to do is follow your heart center, your intuition.

Your body knows what it needs.

So, when you happen to say or think "I should work out more", check in with your heart, put your hand on your heart and say "What does my body need?"

Maybe your body says it needs rest.

Maybe your body says it needs a cucumber.

Maybe it needs a good talk with a friend, or to connect with a family member.

Get rid of the 'should'.

The 'should', comes from people that don't know you.

Your intuition comes from inside of you, and it's always right.


I've created something to help you explore and define the simple healthy changes and choices that'll help you improve how you experience every area of your life.

This guided journal will help you determine the 'red flags' in your life that need the most attention or improvement, and simple choices you can make every day, to experience more health and fulfillment in every area.

Sign up for free at the link in the first comment below, to receive your 10-Day Guided Wellness Journal.

Daniel G. Amen, MD on TikTok 03/10/2022

The 5 Things Dr Amen would NEVER do as a psychiatrist 👏👏👏

Daniel G. Amen, MD on TikTok 5 things I'd never do for my mental health (as a Psychiatrist for almost 40 years).


The words you use can affect your habits and behavior...

When we say the word 'should', we are counteracting our own intuition as to what we need.

Here's what I mean.

The word 'should' is from your brain.

We're programmed to think that we, again, 'should' be doing something - by outside influences.

Whether it be social media, streaming, parents, friends, programming, diet, culture, you name it.

We are bombarded with things from the outside world.

What you need to do is follow your heart center, your intuition.

Your body knows what it needs.

So, when you happen to say or think "I should work out more", check in with your heart, put your hand on your heart and say "What does my body need?"

Maybe your body says it needs rest.

Maybe your body says it needs a cucumber.

Maybe it needs a good talk with a friend, or to connect with a family member.

Get rid of the 'should'.

The 'should', comes from people that don't know you.

Your intuition comes from inside of you, and it's always right.


I've created something to help you explore and define the simple healthy changes and choices that'll help you improve how you experience every area of your life.

This guided journal will help you determine the 'red flags' in your life that need the most attention or improvement, and simple choices you can make every day, to experience more health and fulfillment in every area.

Sign up for free at the link in the first comment below, to receive your 10-Day Guided Wellness Journal.


Want to get stronger? Don’t lift heavy weights!

When you lift weights that are beyond your current strength level, you are injuring yourself and reinforcing bad movement patterns throughout your body.

Not only are you straining the global muscles that “take over”, but you are also likely not correctly engaging your core while firing the intrinsic muscles.

This means your body is taking the path of least resistance to accomplish the exercise, rather than tapping into the whole body support system.

I teach my clients how to fire all the layers of their core, their global muscles, as well as their intrinsic muscles.

The result is a stronger, leaner body with better posture and flexibility.

DM me to set up a consultation.

We will review your workout plan and you will learn how to increase the strength of your entire body.

Noticeable results are just a few sessions away!


I've created something to help you explore and define the simple healthy changes and choices that'll help you improve how you experience every area of your life.

This guided journal will help you determine the 'red flags' in your life that need the most attention or improvement, and simple choices you can make every day, to experience more health and fulfillment in every area.

Sign up for free at the link below, to receive your 10-Day Guided Wellness Journal.


Did you know that the simplest changes could also be the most beneficial?

The spaces where you sleep, relax, eat, and prepare food, all have a massive influence on how you experience certain parts of your life.

If your home feels chaotic and stressful to you, that has a negative impact on your health and most likely on your energy and joy.

Your home should be your sanctuary, it is important to your sense of peace and wellness.

Clutter is considered to be the “silent to-do list”, as it can increase the sense of 'subconscious' tension we feel when we are in a cluttered space.

If you look around your home and feel overwhelmed by everything that's impacting your peace and productivity, I've got something that will help you!

I've created a 10-Day Guided Journal, to help you review every area of your life (including your home environment) and get clarity on simple but impactful changes and choices that can help you experience more energy, joy, and happiness.

To get your copy, subscribe at the link in the comments below. 20/09/2022

Most people underestimate what they can do in a year, and overestimate what they can do in a month.

It's easy to feel discouraged when your progress seems less obvious than you expected.

One simple change of perspective can get you out of this funk!


Start to see every positive change, and every healthy choice, as one step closer to your transformation.

And learn to appreciate the many benefits you get to experience DURING the journey. You don't have to wait until you reach your goal to enjoy more energy, focus, and joy!

I've created something to help you explore and define those simple healthy changes and choices that'll help you improve how you experience every area of your life.

Sign up for free at the link in the comments below, to receive your 10-Day Guided Wellness Journal.

URL Shortener - Short URLs & Custom Free Link Shortener | Bitly 19/09/2022

What you feel and believe about money does affect your personal well-being.

Like it or not.

We all want it (lots of it) but most people don’t know how to get enough of it.

I've created something that'll open your mind to new money possibilities, whether it’s making your first big chunk of money or improving your money-making skills.

Subscribe to get your copy of my 10-Day Guided Wellness Journal.

→ Go to the link in the first comment of this post.

URL Shortener - Short URLs & Custom Free Link Shortener | Bitly Bitly’s Connections Platform is more than a free URL shortener, with robust link management software, advanced QR Code features, and a Link-in-bio solution. 18/09/2022

Did you know that feeling more fulfilled at work can improve all areas of your health?

Most people have at least one dream career that they have always wanted to see themselves in but don’t know where to start to make it happen or are scared of a big change.

There most likely are several small shifts that could allow you to experience more gratitude for and balance in your job or business.

But, while you are in the thick of deadlines and so many priorities screaming for your attention, you might not be able to look at your situation with an open mind.

Even something as simple as creating a new process or procedure to improve efficiency can help you bring more balance in this area!

You might not realize it, but your work life directly affects your choices and behavior in other areas such as exercise and eating habits.

Would you like some help to figure out the simple changes that could reduce stress, overwhelm, and distraction in your work, and as a result help you make more progress toward your health goals?
I've got something for you!

I've created a 10-day guided journal to help you determine the 'red flags' in your life that need the most attention for improvement.

Review how you are experiencing every area of your life, and define the simple changes and habits that can help you experience more energy, joy, and fulfillment.

Go to the link in the first comment below to sign up.


Are you ready to hop in the car and start driving? DM me to discover how we can work together!

Start! ✌️💕🌎


My chronic inflammation used to be so severe, that most days I couldn't even get out of bed.

I was on a combination of prescription and over-the-counter 'remedies', just to help make my day-to-day responsibilities bearable.

That all changed when I was introduced to a Functional Medicine doctor who showed me the myriad of ways I could heal myself.

I haven't looked back since.

You can heal yourself, just like I did, and it's my passion in life to help you get there!

This is how we could work together, to help you reduce/eliminate chronic inflammation:

➡️ Step 1
Identify the degree of inflammation.

➡️ Step 2
Determine the top 3 areas that are causing chronic inflammation. We do this through conversation, coaching, worksheets, and lifestyle analysis.

➡️ Step 3
Create a customized plan to begin reducing your inflammation.

➡️ Step 4
Work with me to work the plan:

🟡 Nutrition analysis and adjustment of your eating habits (not a diet!)

🟡 Custom movement plan that includes different modalities of functional movement (pilates, yoga, walking, tai chi etc….)

🟡 Dive deep to find the root cause, which could be trauma, PTSD, stress, depression, etc, through private coaching sessions.

🟡 Continuously adjust our approach to support your progress toward healing.

Your healing process is a journey that we will take together, one step at a time.

If you are currently under the care of a health professional or alternative health practitioner, I will work closely with them, to integrate their protocol or instructions into the plan you and I develop together.

DM me now for more information.

We could get you moving away from suffering and toward sustainable health, today.

Cravings for Fatty Foods Traced to Gut-Brain Connection 10/09/2022

Do you love MacDonalds or Chik-Fil-A. This is a new study that explains why:

Cravings for Fatty Foods Traced to Gut-Brain Connection NEW YORK—A dieter wrestling with cravings for fatty foods might be tempted to blame their tongue: the delicious taste of butter or ice cream is hard to resist. But new research investigating the source of our appetites has uncovered an entirely new connection between the gut and the brain that dri...


Inflammation is the body’s response to injury, infection, or disease. Inflammatory cells and cytokines, the body’s front-line responders, are activated to combat the infection or disease, or to heal damaged tissue.

If you’ve ever sprained or strained a muscle, you’ll be familiar with the swelling, pain, redness, and subsequent inflammation that comes along with it.

What about chronic and hidden inflammation?

First, let’s define the difference between acute and chronic inflammation...

Acute inflammation:

The response to sudden body damage, such as cutting your finger. To heal the cut, your body sends inflammatory cells to the injury. These cells start the healing process.

Chronic inflammation:

Your body continues sending inflammatory cells even when there is no outside danger. For example, in rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory cells and substances attack joint tissues, leading to an inflammation that comes and goes and can cause severe damage to joints with pain and deformities.

How does chronic inflammation begin?

Either from an acute injury that doesn’t resolve itself, environmental factors such as toxins, heavy metals, mold, or fragrance exposure, a Standard American Diet (SAD) that is heavy in processed and fatty foods or chronic conditions such as obesity and lack of physical activity.

Even chronic stress, known as oxidative stress, can inflame our bodies.

What’s the bottom line?

To a degree, we all have inflammation, many of us chronic.

The good news is that you could make changes and choices which are proven to reduce and even heal inflammation in your body.

To learn more about this topic, follow me, or send me a message to find out how we can work together.


Why you shouldn't suppress your emotions, and what to do instead.

As a functional health coach, I've seen research-backed evidence that shows what happens in the human body when intense emotions like grief and anger are pushed down and avoided.

Watch this video to learn a simple habit that has helped me and my clients to process feelings in a healthy way.

Follow me for more tips.


Why you shouldn't suppress your feelings, and what to do instead.

As a functional health coach, I've seen research-backed evidence that shows what happens in the human body when intense emotions like grief and anger are pushed down and avoided.

Watch this video to learn a simple habit that has helped me and my clients to process feelings in a healthy way.

Follow me for more tips.


Some signs of chronic inflammation are straightforward but some are hidden.

Take our poll and determine whether you may be suffering from chronic inflammation:

1. Do you have any swelling that doesn’t go away?
2. Are you in constant low-grade pain?
3. Do you have a limited range of motion in any joint?
4. Is your pulse consistently higher than it should be for your demographic/weight?
5. Are you unable to lose weight no matter what you do?
6. Do you have acid reflux?
7. Are you constantly fatigued no matter how much sleep you get?
8. Do you have brain fog?
9. Have you had a traumatic physical injury or surgery that had complications?

If you have answered yes to 2 or more of the above you may be suffering from chronic inflammation.

The good news is there are many ways to manage it and reduce the effects through natural foods and movement.

Follow me to find out about simple ways to combat inflammation.

Get in touch if you are ready to invest in the support you need to improve your health - significantly and sustainably.


Are you fed up with short-term solutions to persistent and frustrating health problems?

Functional Wellness Coaching is the right choice if you want to get to the root of the symptoms that have been robbing you of a happy and fulfilling life.

Has pain, inflammation, brain fog, and other chronic discomfort and or pain kept you stuck for months or even years?

You want something that will stick, for good.
You want to feel like YOU again – the best YOU possible.

If this sounds like you, then Functional Health & Wellness Coaching could be the holistic health support and education you’ve been waiting for.

Why you should invest in this solution:

-> Optimal Physical Health:

Improved posture, digestion, heart health, energy levels and stamina, with low inflammation and no pain.

-> Optimal Brain Health:

Improved clarity and focus, even mood, balanced emotions, healthier reactions to stressors.

-> Optimal Relationships:

Improved confidence and skills to to advocate for yourself, prioritize yourself, and communicate better.

Functional Health & Wellness Coaching is a collaborative, patient-centered process that’s focused on prevention and healing, not symptom suppression.

I know how chronic health conditions can devastate your entire life. But I also know how we can work together to get you back to enjoying optimal health, every day.

Functional medicine and wellness practices saved my life.

The total life health transformation I experienced thanks to these practices and tools motivated me to pursue health education and became an FMCHC – Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach.

The training, knowledge, and skills I've acquired gives me the ability help you explore, design, and define a lifestyle, dietary, and movement plan that is both sustainable AND will help you transform your health - faster than you might believe possible.

Ready to get started, or want to find out more?

Send me a direct message and let's chat.


Watching Netflix can kill you.
Do you think that is an extreme statement?

You will probably answer ‘No!’, after reading the following peer-reviewed research:

According to the Canadian Chronic Disease Indicator Quick Stats 2019, 88.1% of the population reports having at least one of the following chronic disease risk factors:

🛑 Smoking
🛑 Physical Inactivity
🛑 Unhealthy Eating
🛑 Alcohol Use/Abuse


So, what does this have to do with Netflix?

Well, can you honestly say that you always eat a balanced meal or nutritious snack and exercise while you binge your favourite show?

I would venture a guess that most people would be snacking on something carb-heavy or super sugary, while lounging semi-flat on the sofa, recliner, or even a bed.

The majority of TV streaming services, while they were god-send to most of us during the pandemic, don’t promote health or wellness.

Instead, they promote inactivity, overindulgence, and instant gratification.

There is no substitute for getting up and moving your body, eating better, and limiting or completely avoiding substances that have been proven toxic to the human body, such as to***co, va**ng, and recreational alcohol.

How can you do damage control, if you are already finding it extremely frustrating to reduce or unlearn this habit?

That is where I come in.

Through nutrition-, wellness-, and movement coaching, I will help you break the unhealthy cycle of chronic inactivity and an unbalanced diet, to adopt a healthier yet sustainable lifestyle.

You’ll look better, have more energy, and most importantly, avoid becoming part of the above statistic.

Which would you choose?


When you start to change your eating habits and lifestyle, it's easy to fixate on a weight goal.

But how often do you consider what you could GAIN, through these changes?

✔️ You can gain energy
✔️ You can gain better sleep
✔️ You can gain joy and contentment
✔️ You can gain better relationships at home
✔️ You can gain productivity and focus at work

What would you most want to GAIN, through making significant dietary and lifestyle changes this year?


Check out my latest post!!!!

In 2012 I was morbidly obese at 5’4”, 225lbs and on 5 different medications for “chronic conditions”.

After enduring 8 surgeries, including a full hysterectomy and removal of my ovaries, my energy level plummeted, I ate poorly and was constantly in pain.

I was also undergoing excessive stress.

It hurt and it was hard but not for long. After only a couple of weeks, I began to see improvement in my cardio and breathing. I started with a 20-minute walk that grew into 2 x 45 hikes in the coming months.

I did 3 key things:

1. Got Moving

It hurt and it was hard but not for long. After only a couple of weeks, I began to see improvement in my cardio and breathing. I started with a 20-minute walk that grew into 2 x 45 hikes in the coming months.

2. Changed My Nutrition

This had the most impact. I ditched gluten and dairy and ensured I was eating clean. Non-GMO, no antibiotics, etc… I also ate for healing properties such as turmeric for inflammation.

3. Ditched the Drugs

It hurt and it was hard but not for long. After only a couple of weeks, I began to see improvement in my cardio and breathing. I started with a 20-minute walk that grew into 2 x 45 hikes in the coming months.

How long did it take me?

Just over a year. Here is a photo of me before and 1.5 years after.

You can do it too and you don’t have to do it alone!

Message me here for your free consultation.


In 2012 I was morbidly obese at 5’4”, 225lbs and on 5 different medications for “chronic conditions”.

After enduring 8 surgeries, including a full hysterectomy and removal of my ovaries, my energy level plummeted, I ate poorly and was constantly in pain.

I was also undergoing excessive stress.

It hurt and it was hard but not for long. After only a couple of weeks, I began to see improvement in my cardio and breathing. I started with a 20-minute walk that grew into 2 x 45 hikes in the coming months.

I did 3 key things:

1. Got Moving

It hurt and it was hard but not for long. After only a couple of weeks, I began to see improvement in my cardio and breathing. I started with a 20-minute walk that grew into 2 x 45 hikes in the coming months.

2. Changed My Nutrition

This had the most impact. I ditched gluten and dairy and ensured I was eating clean. Non-GMO, no antibiotics, etc… I also ate for healing properties such as turmeric for inflammation.

3. Ditched the Drugs

It hurt and it was hard but not for long. After only a couple of weeks, I began to see improvement in my cardio and breathing. I started with a 20-minute walk that grew into 2 x 45 hikes in the coming months.

How long did it take me?

Just over a year. Here is a photo of me before and 1.5 years after.

You can do it too and you don’t have to do it alone!

Message me here for your free consultation.

Videos (show all)

How to process intense emotions
How to process your intense emotions


Opening Hours

Monday 14:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday 09:00 - 13:00