Succubus Temptations

Succubus Temptations

Don't you believe in love? Do you think all the men are the same and the magic is gone? Maybe this book will make you change your mind.


Lunea e despre inspirație + motivație

Azi am scris despre 5 oameni care mă ajută să rămân focusată pe obiectivele și visurile mele.

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Fără descriere...


🌛 Ce am făcut aseară la 6 pm?

Well, intram în primul meu masterclass alături de alte 4 persoane minunate.

👏 Elenuta Ciobanu a vorbit cu patos și direcție despre setarea obiectivelor pentru a ne atinge visurile.

👏 Cornelia Sîngeorzan ne-a arătat cm vocea și încrederea în sine ne pot aduce mai aproape de ce ne dorim cu adevărat.

👏 Estera Kósa ne-a introdus în lumea marketingului afiliat.

👏 Koșa Tiffany Tünde a modelat evenimentul și ne-a oferit insighturi valoroase despre Facebook ads, iar eu...

M-am lăsat inspirată de bucuria cu care au vorbit toate, am luat notițe și am vorbit despre ce se află dincolo de social media și conținut.

👉Ce se află?
Muncă, educare continuă, pasiune, ambiție și perseverență.

A fost o seară de pomină care s-a încheiat cu multe feedback-uri pozitive, încurajări și noi prieteni virtuali. Oameni între oameni, cm îmi place mie sa spun.

🤩 Mulțumesc frumos pentru oportunitatea de a vorbi despre ce ador și fac zilnic!!!

🙏Abia aștept să repetăm experiența!🥰

Tu ce crezi despre evenimentul de aseară?


Numără cu noi ultima zi până la lansarea revistei "Puterea unui introvert. Despre și pentru remote workers"!

🚀 Dacă ești în căutarea unei resurse cu suflet, emoție, empatie și curaj, nu rata acest eveniment. 💪 Cu determinare, pasiune și perseverență, revista promite să fie o sursă autentică de inspirație.

De ce merită să o citești? 📖
Vezi povești de succes și sfaturi de la oameni extraordinari.

🌐 Lasă un + în comentarii dacă abia aștepți să o citești! 👍


Don't you believe in love? Do you think all the men are the same and the magic is gone? Maybe this book will make you change your mind.
A special woman gets dumped by her incubus boyfriend only to find a much hotter incubus boyfriend and the eternal optimism of love in even the strangest of places. Curious?


Succubus temptations ebook is all about erotica, erotical behavior, s*x, dreams, s*xuality, love making, falling in love, and getting dominated.

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Emotion and character growth are important facets of a true erotic story. However, erotica is NOT designed to show the development of a romantic relationship, although it’s not prohibited if the author chooses to explore romance.

Happily Ever Afters are NOT an intrinsic part of erotica, though they can be included. If they are included, they weren’t the focus. The focus remained on the individual characters’ journeys, not the progression of the romance.

Succubus Temptations, an Ebook by Nastya Bednaya 10/09/2021

I wanted him to keep talking, his words undressed me as I listened to whatever it was he was saying. I floated along his tone as he described his new life to me. I wondered if he would recite dirty poetry to me while he fu**ed me. I wanted him to live in a studio apartment surrounded by books. Such was the power of the incubus, they took away all reason and by the end of the conversation I was picturing our tweed-clad offspring running around a sparsely furnished loft. It would be so beautiful to elope with him.
But eloping was no longer allowed. The city officials outlawed it for the same reason they started allowing public nudity. Keeping the incubi in check was too much work. So now you had to know someone a reasonable length of time before entering into a marriage contract.

Succubus Temptations, an Ebook by Nastya Bednaya Don't you believe in love? Do you think all the men are the same and the magic is gone? Maybe this book will make you change your mind. A special woman gets dumped by her incubus boyfriend only to find a much hotter incubus boyfriend, and the eternal optimism of love in even the strangest of places....

Succubus Temptations: A post-apocalyptic love story 24/08/2021

Great news: Now we are on Amazon :)

Succubus Temptations: A post-apocalyptic love story Succubus Temptations: A post-apocalyptic love story


The first time I had s*x with an incubus, it was tender. Sweet. Kind of like losing your virginity to a drama nerd who would turn out to be gay in ten years.

He was my boyfriend when we were both human, but then the world went to s**t and the Apocalypse happened, and anyone who was blessed with demon blood transition into their higher form.

Mark's higher form, it turned out, s*x demon. I really know how to pick them. Unfortunately, I was still human.

We knew the odds were against us, but as he Changed we agreed that we might as well try to make it work. I mean, he still had to do his nightly s*x-demon thing, but my life was not really that different.

Succubus Temptations, an Ebook by Nastya Bednaya 23/08/2021

It wasn't really against the s*x-demon part, in fact it kind of turned me on that he was now a perfect specimen of s*xual pleasure. Let's be real, it's not like we were going to be together forever, and now he was trapped at the physical age of 25: ripped muscles and shoulder-length jet black hair. His eyes were gold and his skin was perfectly tan. The problem was me. I was just going through a time of low libido caused by general late-20s existential angst. Having been to several dungeons and worked as a stripper for most of the last decade, I felt that I had seen it all. I was bored with in*******se, and not especially into bl****bs, so when Mark started to change, I just used that as an excuse not to f**k him for awhile.

Find out more here:

Succubus Temptations, an Ebook by Nastya Bednaya Don't you believe in love? Do you think all the men are the same and the magic is gone? Maybe this book will make you change your mind. A special woman gets dumped by her incubus boyfriend only to find a much hotter incubus boyfriend, and the eternal optimism of love in even the strangest of places....