

Gaming + Clothing + Lifestyle
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What we wear shoud help us improve our every day life.

Fashion must be useful to the consumer. Pro Gamers know that.

we aim to check the 3 most important point each items must have:

1: It needs to be usefull, improve the life of its owner in some ways.

2: It needs to be comfortable and embrace its owner's body to the point where it becomes part of it.

3: It needs to look good. Because we all like to have style.

Timeline photos 26/08/2020

we use the glitches of life that allow us to get to the goal.⁠

Some peoples might tell you crazy stories on how they got to a point or moved on to a new chapter of their lives with ballsy moves. ⁠
These peoples are pro gamers who know how to create their own glitch when ever it is needed. ⁠

Magicians who alter the reality, Programmers rewriting the code of life... to get to the highest potential of our own lives, we got to rewrite the rules ourselves. ⁠

Following the common path does not lead to unbelievable success. ⁠

we learn to have the courage to create our own path, open doors that don't even exists in the eyes of others. ⁠

Timeline photos 24/08/2020

"Not from this world"

It is easy to feel that we don't belong to this world as the layer of "standards" and "normal" draw boxes of what we have to be to fit in.

The good news is that we don't actually have to fit in.

Timeline photos 04/08/2020

Pro gamers are all around the world.
But you can find them

Every one has a choice, to play the game or become part of it and be a NPC for others to play.

Real life Gamers enjoy life to its fullest. They exeperience every day as a new adventure.

But it takes a plan, it takes farming sessions, it takes xp sessions, it takes hours, a lot of failures, starting over again, getting used to take losses, getting use to come back stronger, it takes a strong will power with a clear strategy to be a Pro Gamer.

And one of the best assets of the pro gamer is to find a team, guild, a clan, an alliance, a faction, a familly whatever you call it. A group in which we belong, we feel accontable to, that pushes us to the next level.

We like to call ours the Pro Gamers Club. And everyone with the vision to grow and help others grow within this reality as they do in a game, is welcome to join

Timeline photos 02/08/2020

We rarely think of all the component it takes to make our daily objects work for us.

But if really look at it we can observe the evolution process of the machines.

They started as simple litlle robots only capable of doing one function.

They have been growing through time to become high problem solving machines.

Their evolution is faster than the one biological life has been through.

How far can they go? Are we really conscious of what we are creating?

We make controllers to allow US to control other machines for now, what will THEY control in the future?

Timeline photos 01/08/2020

Out Internet design just joined the familly.
A lot more to come

The new website is coming soon 🙌

Timeline photos 30/07/2020

It feels so peacefull once we accept to be an alien in the eyes of others. We are all aliens

Gamers have been pushed in the shadow for a long time. But times change and now the spotlight is on us.

Be proud to be part of the clan. Be proud to be a Pro Gamer.

Timeline photos 29/07/2020

Do you sometimes feel from outter space?

Coming soon, our "Not from this world design" will allow you to take pride in this feeling.

Timeline photos 28/07/2020

Which one was yours?

Remembe the time when every kids had their own game boy and the coolest kids had a link cable.
Pokemon Red and Blue came out, quickly followed by Yellow.

The most epic times of 90's kidd's childhood. The first pokemon trades, the first pokemon matches, we finaly felt like real trainer.

Will always remember these beautiful time of catching my first pikachu in the woods to beat Misty in her arena.

Timeline photos 27/07/2020

Back to the Arcade. When you take a sit behind the wheel and that random player is ready for a challenge.

No word is needed, you both nod, knowing what is about to happen. That instant bond, feeling of ubderstanding between two gamers ready to give everything they have.

Showing off the result of hundreds of hours of gaming. Both knowing every single turn on the track, every break pressure, every move...

You know that the only thing that will make a difference is the focus. Half a second and you might lose it all.

You forget about your surronding, not paying attention to the crowd gathering around the both of you.
The music, the electronic noises of the machines, the sounds of the peoples getting exited, everything fade out and all you can hear the engine roaring out of the speakers as you push the gas pedal.

Three red light on the screen. Your heart is pumping you read, "Ready".... "Set".....

You know the end of the story.

But regardless of the result, this is what it feels like to be a gamer. Half way through adult life and childhood, we don't spectate life, we play it at its fullest.

Lets the game begin.

Timeline photos 27/07/2020

I cannot stay away from the portal. The gravity is to strong betwen it and I.
Who said black holes were the strongest artifact in the universe... fascination might have an equal attraction value between two objects.

Timeline photos 26/07/2020

We all know the rule, the host is player one, this is not questionable.


📸source: unsplash

Timeline photos 25/07/2020

The Pro Gamers Club Tie Dye collection is about to see the light. Watch closely to not miss it 🔮

Timeline photos 24/07/2020

The Club's Uicorn, always ready to conquer the Internet

Timeline photos 23/07/2020

Shout out to all the minion fallen on the battlefield.

Often the real legends fight in the shadow, awaiting for the Heroes to show up and take the glory for the victory of a hard-fought war.

Timeline photos 21/07/2020

We have been a lot to get a first glimps of what we know today as with the good old .

As our view of space evolved as a society, changed perception and we now explore the with games such as .

Timeline photos 20/07/2020

The ultimate conflict, are you a or a gamer?

Why not being both though? Keyboard and controller certainly have their own feeling in game.

Timeline photos 19/07/2020

What is your set up like?

For most peoples the set up is just a place to order stuff on amazon from or read facebook "real" news.

For us it is a , a place to plug ourselves to this other that expand every day as we add around our physical world.

As time passes and our society grows towards a more world , we spend more time on the , so the quality of the portal is worth being comfortable and pleasant to be at.

So once again, what is you set up like?

Timeline photos 18/07/2020

Thanks to for getting together the data from that shows us the rise of interest for rising with new generation.

Timeline photos 18/07/2020

This is important to keep our safe.

The needs to recharge its batteries to carry the soul of the player through the

Timeline photos 17/07/2020

Will take over current ?
Or will both be combined?

Timeline photos 16/07/2020

There are a lot to chose from but is to epic not to be the one.

Timeline photos 15/07/2020

What is the first game console you played?

was definitely a starter for many kids

Timeline photos 15/07/2020

This is what our generation will look like in 40 years.

Between unstoppable advancements and Yoga trends, we might just become in the digital realm.

If the Internet is a parallel dimension that humans have created, the screens of our phones and computers have been the to access it this all time.

How will we handle the full immersion into this reality when we put headsets on?

Timeline photos 14/07/2020

has been growing quickly and keeps rising! Get your gamer apparel by clicking on the link in bio

Thank you to for the graph.

Timeline photos 14/07/2020

Which one is your most memorable Playstation 1 game?

got me addicted on .
As a kid I couldn't believe it when I discovered that "hold stick back and O" with gon unleashed a powerful Dino Fart. 🦖

Timeline photos 13/07/2020

Get our latest design on our store linked in bio to conquere the ! 🦄


To be part of the Club is to live life at its fullest.

To know that the reality we live in can be played as a game.
To have the to move towards the next level every day.
To be hungry for evolution, for upgrades, for knowledge and most importantly, to play as a comunity.

We do not have a choice to be in the game, but we do have the choice to win the game!

Will you become a Pro Gamer or let yourself be a NPC?