The Deborah Experience

The Deborah Experience

Inspiring women to greatness


It is true there are days we are without strength and overwhelmed by all that is happening around us. After all effort, it all feels like nothing is working out. Could it be that I am not doing enough or am I not doing it right? It all boils down to being tired and in need of help.

I read the story of Moses, when the israelites had to face the amalekites, the story where his hands being lifted up signified victory but his hands got tired and he was in need of help. Are your hands tired? Working but it all seems redundant, praying but it feels there are no answers, you could have been applying for something but right now your hands are tired of trying.

We get to points in life where our hands are feeble and we need support. We need people to hold our hands. The weight of the staff has not changed, the challenge is still there but the strength to hold on has fizzled out. We need those who will help lift our hands through our tears, pain, grief, loss and whatever it is that is makes you question if there will be a light at the end of this tunnel you are in.

We lift our hands in praise, bow our knees in prayer yet there are times we don't feel like doing any of these because our light seems to be flickering. Where you are right now may not have been expected but I want you to see the hand of God ordering your steps. It may not seem good but believe that God is working it out for your own good. Open your eyes to see those he has placed around you. Those he assigned to hold your hands through this season of your life. May your hands be strengthened through this season. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

When unexpected challenges come our way, we must stand on the rock that never fails and Keep in mind all of God's goodness. We must raise our staff( a symbol of memories) to keep us in remembrance that God is good and he is in control. Every time we do this, we win the war.

Ref: Exodus 17:10-16


This is the dawn of a new day
Indeed, you thought it was too late but I hear God say the time is now.

Maybe that's the reason for my posting this really late. Happy New month. Happy independence.
Your season has arrived.



When fear rises and your faith is in doubt,

Hold on to God's promises.

Though the storms rise and the winds rage;

Always remember that in the middle of "it" all, God is in control.


I couldn't help but wonder why he would bring his friend to my house. Condemnation really is cunning. Why is comparison coming along with him. Why? I believe this battle of the mind is real. At the slightest chance, it seems comparison wants to sneak in. Just today, it felt like the only thing I could see was how everyone was better than I am. It's true we sometimes find ourselves in that hole of comparison. It is either we want to know we are better than others or we are sad it feels we are no good at all.

I love the story of Elisha and the wife of one of the sons of the prophet. Yes, the woman with nothing but a pot of oil. Most of the times, we read that story considering how God multiplied little things and that is beautiful. However, I really want to point out her first response to the prophet when he asked her what she had in her house. It's amazing her first response was "NOTHING".

Elisha said, “I wonder how I can be of help. Tell me, what do you have in your house?” “Nothing,” she said...
2 Kings 4:2 MSG

Just like me, you might want to question her reason for saying "nothing". But isn't this what happens with a lot of us when God asks us what do we have and we say "NOTHING". Think with me, what are those things God has deposited in your life that you call "nothings". Well, it is easier to say I have this, i have that but do you see them as "something" or "nothing". With what measure do you say it is nothing? What are those ideas God is placing in your heart that you call nothing? What are the gifts, talents and personalities that you have but you SEE them as nothings? If only she knew that a tree starts with a seed. What if she had seen the end, would her first response still be nothing? If only we understand and value what God has given us. We, sometimes, go as far as saying "I am NOTHING."

I think one of the major problems we have is comparing who we are and what God gave us with that of others. Comparing my cooking skills with her athletic prowess, checking out her height and i can't help feeling like an ant beside an elephant. Because he sings so well and I don't, does that not imply that my ability to write great songs is nothing. These and many more are subtle ways with which we decide that we are and have "NOTHING." Take a moment and write down those things you have in your life that you now consider as "nothing".

I must tell you how joyful I am that this woman did not stop at "nothing"🤗. Just like her story did not end at nothing, I believe God's plan for your life does not stop at "nothing". There is more to you than nothing! The concluding part of that scripture reads:

"and like she did say "...Well, I do have a little oil."

Say to yourself, well, i do have a little oil. I believe that growth begins with accepting yourself. It begins with accepting who God has made you which includes your personality, gifts, talents and even your weaknesses. Identifying that you have a little oil is truly a great milestone. Indeed it may be little and appear insignificant but in the hands of God, it is more than we can ever ask or think. So, the question really is what do you have in your hand that seems so insignificant but God is pointing your attention to it? To moses, the rod was "just a rod", little did he know the rod would be used by God to part the red sea including other amazing things found in the book of Exodus. Little did he know. Can you at this moment trust God with your nothings? Can you sing praises to God even when it all feels like God is doing nothing about what is going on in your life? Can we take a step of faith and surrender our nothing into God's hands? Can we take that little step by accepting our unique and authentic selves and stop comparing ourselves to others?

It may be a little step but it is-- something!


I thought we had said our final goodbyes until he showed up at my doorstep begging me to allow him in. Why would I allow someone who hurt me in ways one could never imagine back into my life but I gave in after much tears and apologies. I opened the door, hugged him and told him to come in. We were made for each other, I said, my heart dancing joyously because the love of my life finally made his way back into my life.

I'm sure you think I'm a fool for doing that😔😔. You really can't blame me. After many years, he still has a piece of me and without that piece I felt empty. He was my first love. He was my safe place. I gave my all to him until we broke up never to meet again. I was really shocked when I checked through the door and found this handsome man who had stolen my heart back again. I must confess he looks even more attractive. Standing before me was the man who swept my hard girl off her feet🙈🙈. I was finally healing from the breakup but here he was proving that I couldn't do without him. Oh how helpless I was 😭. I really couldn't do without him. I had to grab "my copy" before he slipped off my hands. I'm sure you can relate😂

As we walked into the house catching up on lost moments, he pointed out how he missed me sooo much. Babe, I thought butterflies in the belly was a mystery until that moment I felt them fly in mine🤗😋🤗. We laughed, ate, danced together just like old times --- No, it was even better. The movies can't explain the ecstasy I was enjoying. No cap, I was experiencing heaven on earth.

Just when I thought heaven had finally come on earth, he started again. This time was worse than anything he had done. He pointed out how I was not good enough. He started telling me of people who were better than me. He dug out the dirts that i thought were long gone. He called me names, names my father would never call me. Indeed, the power of life and death lies in the tongue because his Words, like a dagger, seared through my heart which was once a merry place. Pain started sliding through my heart, the tip of her regalia touching places that hurt the most. I discovered the abode of agony and all I could do was fall flat on my face because I no longer had the strength to withstand what he was doing to me. Torment came to dine with me.

Just when my last breath was about to escape from where I locked it in, we heard a knock. I didn't know curiosity was a strengthener as I kept wondering who knocks on your door at 1am. An ungodly hour as some would say. As I was being forced to drink the cocktail which contained fear, Pain, bitterness and regret, now I have someone knocking on my door at 1 am. Who gave death my address? I picked my almost lifeless body up and struggled to get to the door. Just as I turned the k**b, I became unconscious. Who was it? Who could it be? In the dead of the night? I hope I had not welcomed another evil into my home.

Morning came and I heard two voices discussing. One was the evil I allowed into my life and the other sounded like.. .. Oh No! What have I done. It was my best friend. We had a fight the previous day before this evil came back into my life. I summoned the little strength I had and went downstairs to eavesdrop on their conversation. Here was the bestfriend I had insulted the previous day still defending me. I was shocked to tears. Did he love me this much? My sobs made them realise I was awake. My best friend came running to me and asked if I was okay, i nodded in response because i was overwhelmed by his love for me despite everything I had put him through.

I looked up and saw the devilish grin on the evil I let back into my life. No remorse????? I was mad. Whuuuuut!!!!!! Just then I realised he was the one who invented evil. Still angry, I shouted "CONDEMNATION, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE". He was shocked. I said, this time with more energy, "Get out of my house, you have done enough damage and I can't be with someone who doesn't want any good for me, leave my house and never come back". He said I was going to regret the decision, picked up his shirt and slammed the door behind him.

Bad energy had gone and here I was with my best friend, THE COMFORTER. Now I realise how much he loves and cares for me. What was I always thinking. Condemnation still comes knocking once in a while but I know better. I can't allow such an evil back into my house. I have my best friend with me and he helps me see myself as loved, cherished and a special possession.

The bible says, there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). The Holy spirit is with you, even now, as your comforter. Send condemnation out of your house and when he comes back knocking, DON'T allow him in!
You are loved, cherished and God's special possession.


As a young girl, I loved singing the song
"🎶 colourful and very bright, I will get there
My future is bright, I will get there"🎵
Growing up, I wondered why I wasn't told about the process of getting there. I arrived at places that tempted me to derail because it wasn't close to my wildest imaginations - a blissful travel with mind blowing sceneraries that depicted beauty in its raw form impregnated with adventures that unveil the treasures within. I never knew there was a fight for it --- the promise.

I don't think there is a better way to graduate secondary school than winning a scholarship? I was sooo filled with joy, I knew God was at work in my life. I sang forth his praises and danced unashamedly like David until things took a turn that was not on the map. My O'level result was out and I couldn't bear what was before me. I had failed mathematics. The brightness I had known turned into gloom in the split of a second. The sweetest things tasted like vinegar, creating a burning sensation in my heart that had no cure. Indeed, I was heart broken. I never realised that "colourful" meant it included taints and shades of grey. Well, I retook and passed my exams excellently.

Have you ever been at a point where all your dreams left you in a place of uncertainty? Unsure of the future or still experiencing the pains of a loss? I must not mince words to say it can be hard to be faith filled when all is crashing down. Pain is not something anyone loves to go through. I, sometimes, think life would be a better place if no one died, if there was no pain, no loss but it has turned out to be fantasy.

However, we are not hopeless. One of God's specialty is working with situations that have been written off, he delights in taking rejected stones and making them cornerstones. He is excited when he finds an empty vessel not minding its state of brokenness. You will find him in the ruins bringing out beauty from imperfections. I have come to discover that God is at work the most when it doesn't seem like he is near the scene. A lot of times, God uses those circumstances to shape and mould us for the purpose for which we are created. Talk about the intentionality of God! Using foolish things to demonstrate incomprehensible wisdom.

Life may have hit you in places you never expected, things may have taken a turn you never anticipated. Do NOT be afraid. You have the one who created the end on your side. It is time to tighten our grip on the hope we have in God. Let the earth tremble and let the mountains quake, we will stay with God. It may look like you are surrounded but the one who is with you is greater than those against you. The one who gave you a promise is faithful, he has never failed and he won't start with you.

"So it is impossible for God to lie for we know that his promise and his vow will never change! And now we have run into his heart to hide ourselves in his faithfulness. This is where we find his strength and comfort, for he empowers us to seize what has already been established ahead of time—an unshakable hope! We have this certain hope like a strong, unbreakable anchor holding our souls to God himself. Our anchor of hope is fastened to the mercy seat in the heavenly realm beyond the sacred threshold, and where Jesus, our forerunner, has gone in before us. He is now and forever our royal Priest like Melchizedek."
Hebrews 6:18‭-‬20 TPT

God's Promise to you still stands and if he said it, he will do it.
Don't give up. Just hold on.


Whose voice are you listening to? We live in a world filled with so many voices. The media, family, friends, school, work, name it! In fact, our voices contribute to the lies that we are not enough.

We have come to believe that the seeds in us are not enough. Our eyes are blinded and we can no longer see the possibility of the seeds in us becoming trees that can bear fruits. Remember the woman who had just a jar of oil, the boy with 5 loaves and 2 fishes, the widow with a handful of flour and a jar of oil?. That was all each person had left but they didn't think it was enough.

What is that thing you think is not enough? We pay so much attention to what we don't have and miss out on what the seed embedded in us could be? What voices are distracting you from seeing that you have a forest right in you and not just a seed? We pay so much attention to the voices outside that we ignore what we have in our hands. It may be little but it is enough.

We let the fear of the waves around us draw our attention and we stop focusing on the one who told us to walk on water. He knows we can do it, that is why he asked us come. God knows all you need and that is why he has given what you have right now. It is enough! Stop comparing what you have with what others have. Be grateful for it and let God open your eyes to see what it can be. Pay attention to that seed you have. It is enough.

The different voices we listen to have caused us to forget we have the good Shepherd on our side. He is our refuge. I fell in love with Psalm 27 when I put myself in David's shoes. Amidst all trouble, he wanted to study at his feet (Lol). That is sure a crazy attempt but thinking about It, I could see a matchless confidence that comes with trusting God. The storms may rage, thunders clapping, fire blazing or what have you. Knowing you have a God who is enough is all you need. Our God is able. Stop listening to the lies that you are not good enough. Quit telling yourself that your seed is not enough. Take your eyes of that glass that keeps magnifying your weaknesses. God factored all that in when he told you to come walk on water. It may have never happened in history, it may be raining but gear up, the one who is calling you has put in you the ability to walk on water and guess what??? If you start sinking, he is able to save you.

Photos from The Deborah Experience's post 06/07/2021

'When God made his promise to Abraham, he backed it to the hilt, putting his own reputation on the line. He said, “I promise that I’ll bless you with everything I have—bless and bless and bless!” Abraham stuck it out and got everything that had been promised to him. When people make promises, they guarantee them by appeal to some authority above them so that if there is any question that they’ll make good on the promise, the authority will back them up. When God wanted to guarantee his promises, he gave his word, a rock-solid guarantee—God can’t break his word. And because his word cannot change, the promise is likewise unchangeable. We who have run for our very lives to God have every reason to grab the promised hope with both hands and never let go. It’s an UNBREAKABLE spiritual lifeline, reaching past all appearances right to the very presence of God where Jesus, running on ahead of us, has taken up his permanent post as high priest for us, in the order of Melchizedek."
Hebrews 6:18‭-‬20 MSG

Did you read that?😳🤗🤗 Read it again!!!!

God can't break his word. He is ever enough for you. Hold on to him in this season of your life. His Promises for you still stand. Even if you can't trace him now, he is working it all out for your good.

Stay Strong! God has got you covered🤗


Have you ever asked what the "leafy" icon represents?

It is an indication of the PEACE that comes with knowing you have a God who is always with you in the good and dark times, a father who is able to sustain you till the very end.

Today, we pray that the peace of God that surpasses all understanding envelopes your heart and you will find warmth in Jireh's embrace.

Photos from The Deborah Experience's post 22/06/2021

You can now rock "Jireh" on a shirt.🤗

Isn't it amazing going through every day with a reminder that you have a God who is enough for you🤩

Get this beautiful shirt for N2500.
Available in black, wine, purple and grey colours.
Send a dM or click link in bio to order yours🤗

Delivery available nationwide
Remember, Jireh is enough!❤


Spot our Jireh bag🤗🤗.

The bliss of knowing you have a God who is enough for you at all times🤩.
We pray God will supply every of your need this week.

Do have a blessed week. Remember, you are amazing!❤️


God being a provider is not limited to material things.
He provides strength when we are weak and weary.
He gives wisdom when we don't know what to do.
He gives knowledge and understanding of the things we need to know.
He provides the right relationships for the various seasons in our lives.

We, however, limit ourselves from being who God wants us to be. We have set barriers, based on our flaws, past mistakes, family background, even our financial status, that barricade us from stepping into what God has for us. We have put a stop sign on evolving because we see all these as disqualifiers to becoming.

God chose you, loved and still loves you, cherishes you and calls you his special possession even with everything you think disqualifies you from being who he wants you to be, fulfilling the purpose for which he created you. All our flaws and scars make the story more beautiful and it is an evidence that we are human and God loves you that way. Don't talk yourself into a lie that you can't become better or get up after a fall. It is what it is------- a lie.

Bishop T.D Jakes said, "the miracle is not in what's lost but in what is left". Yes you have lost some great opportunities and made mistakes because of wrong and sometimes unguided decisions but I want you to realise how strong you are. You being here and reading this is proof that what came at you couldn't defeat you. It fills my heart with so much joy to tell you that your story has not ended, there are so many chapters LEFT!!!!

And Guess what!!!! You have an UNLIMITED God as your father and friend who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all you can ever think or imagine.
We want you to always remember this everytime you carry your bag.

Still haven't gotten yours??? Click the link below or send us a dm

You are enough!


As you step out today we want you to remember God's Promise to supply all your needs which includes strength, wisdom, courage according to his riches in glory!

All of Jireh's promises are yes and Amen.
Don't forget to send us a message today to get your Jireh bags



Talk about excitement, we are super excited to unveil our first bag design🤩. We specially created this bag for you as a reminder that God is your provider and sustainer at ALL TIMES.

Make this your everyday bag for N2,500.

Yes! God is there with you in every moment working out everything single thing for YOU!

Send us a message or click on the link below to make your order



I was at my end and close to throwing in the towel. I couldn't take it anymore because I couldn't understand why God would make me wait sooo long for something he could have given me in less than a mini-micro-second (if that word exists). It felt like God wasn't paying attention to my prayers and silent tears.

I know his word is true and his promise to supply all my needs was irreversible but what was happening at that season of my life was opposite of all I knew of God. I continually professed how good God is, even amidst tears because I knew that my circumstances don't have the ability to change who God is. I, however, decided to trust God even though I couldn't see what he was doing. I believed he was going to work things out for my good.

It was during this season that God opened my eyes to see how I was putting my trust in systems (families, friends-the people in my life) because those systems failed me badly. I, all along, thought I trusted God but I realised I did not and I am so grateful he helped me realise this.

Now, this doesn't mean God can't use these people again (because he did use them and is still using them) but he wanted me to see and know him as my provider, JEHOVAH JIREH. Every time the word JIREH crosses my mind, I am reminded that God alone is my provider and he is ALWAYS enough for me.

Would you love to remember this all the time, trusting God always and not leaning on your own understanding?

Check next post🤗🤗


Take a look at me, I am a nobody so why would anyone want to believe in me when i do not even believe in myself! I have nothing of value to offer and I am definitely not special. I am just an ordinary person with no serious future, no hope, nothing. Well, these words have been uttered by millions of people. Why would God use me of all people, I’m a wreck?! God can find better suited people for his work because i am unworthy and weak.
From ages past there has been a track record of God using ‘ordinary’ people to achieve the extraordinary. Do you really know who you are? One of the biggest lies that we were made to believe is that God makes use of only ‘special’ people. The scripture is full of people who displayed weakness but trusted in God to achieve amazing feats. God uses anyone to manifest his glory and to show himself strong and mighty because those who put their trust in him will never be ashamed.
Let us take a look at Gideon who God called to deliver the Israelites from foreign oppression. Gideon felt like he was not worthy, he judged himself by the natural way; he was from the weakest clan of his tribe, the youngest in his family and without any authority. In fact when the Angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon in Judges 6:12, he said “The lord is with you, mighty warrior”, Gideon was at the bottom of the winepress threshing wheat to hide grain from the Midianites when he was referred to as a mighty warrior! The Lord saw something in Gideon that he did not see in himself and it was about time for him to see for himself also, the same goes to you. God used him to destroy his enemies which led to over 40 years of peace. Gideon was listed as one of the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11. The truth is that God would glorify himself through people who are fully dependent on him, who believes that nothing is impossible with God.
Moses on the other hand said to God ,” O Lord, I have never been eloquent neither in the past or since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue”, he saw his speech disability still doubting the able God that had called him. “The Lord said to him,”Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord?” (Exodus 4:10-12) Moses still did not accept God’s response and pleaded to be replaced then God was angry but gave him a speaker as Aaron who was his brother (Exodus4:13-14). Moses was by no means a flawless man but yet after all his disbelief in God making use of him with a disability, he showed great trust and faithfulness in God afterwards. He faced Pharaoh and led the Israelites out of Egypt. Can you imagine if he did not trust in God and obey when he was told to stretch out his rod towards the red sea?
Accomplishing God’s purpose is not determined by the efficiency of our plans or by our connection, or by our strength only. The truth is that he is looking for men who would become like babies; totally trusting. He knows the end from the beginning and He would cause everything to work together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose. Isaiah 46:10, Romans 8:28.
Even when prophet Samuel was sent by God to Jesse to anoint a new king, he saw the first son, Eliab and thought he was the one because he looked perfect for the part but God had someone else in mind. But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord dos not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” Jesse made all seven of his sons to pass by Samuel yet the Chosen one was the eighth, the youngest one, David, who was the least qualified by human standards to be king. ( 1Samuel 16) We see David challenging and defeating Goliath the giant as a teenager .David became a powerful commander and a great king. David acknowledged where true strength lies in his psalms. Blessed be the LORD,Because He has heard the voice of my supplications! The LORD is my strength and my shield;My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices,And with my song I will praise Him. Psalm 28:6-7. The true strength lies in your trus in God to guid you, afterall God is a light to our path and a lamp to our feet.

Prophet Elijah was suicidal( 1kings 19:4-8) Peter not only denied Jesus thrice( Luke 22:54-62),but he, James and John could not stay awake to pray with Jesus( Mark14:32-42),we see Aimee Semple McPherson who was known as a woman of Destiny; a spiritual pioneer who defiled all odds. The list goes on and on about people who were termed ordinary yet God made them extraordinary. As far as you are born again. You are God’s child, you are his masterpiece, you are freed forever from condemnation, a joint heir with Christ and you belong to him and will never be separated from His love. God knows who you are and even though you cannot see it yet, he will help you see your true identity in him if only you let him. You are chosen, royal and peculiar. You are glorious.


THE CONQUEROR - Episode 5 (Last Episode)

All this while, his parents had always been solidly behind I and Marcus, they never for once made me feel like I wasn't worthy.
I felt so bad but I believed that that was the price I had to pay. Marcus and his mum consoled and encouraged me. I felt better afterwards though I still held my belief that I was always going to be disgraced and feel ashamed
I smiled as I saw Marcus's call come in, he was probably outside waiting for me, we were going for a movie night in church and I was so excited because I actually enjoyed watching movies. We had been attending his church together since I agreed to try it out a few months before then. We got to the church and were ushered to a place to sit. Halfway into the movie I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing, it was like the movie practically played out my whole life for me at the end the lady in the movie found peace and joy.
Immediately an altar call was made, my body moved before I knew it, I ran to the altar sobbing, I felt so much that words could not express it. I just fell on my knees with my hands stretched out to the heaven, I knew it was time to be unburdened, it was time to find peace and joy. It was time to be at rest. I said the confession after the preacher to give my life to Christ and I felt new and different, I felt truly free and radiant.
So I became a new creature in Christ, I was fully involved in church and I was feeding on God's word and doing everything to help me grow in the knowlege of Christ through the help of the Holy Spirit. Marcus was always there all the step of the way. I got a job whilst enrolling in a university, I applied in the distant learning centre. I was definitely going to fulfil my destiny no matter what. God had truly redeemed me.
With the money I saved up and assistance from Marcus and his parents. I started a foundation for ladies who had been battered and broken. Girls who had no place to go and needed assistance, love and care. Well, we got married two years after and it was beautiful. I had two more years to finish my schooling.
A year after we got married Marcus wanted to adopt because he knew I couldn't give birth. "Hey my love, why don't we go tomorrow to the adoption agency", Marcus asked one morning. "I've grown to believe that nothing is impossible for God to do and he said that i am fruitful and I will multiply, so I'll hold on to these words, let's wait for three months, I know I will have a child", I replied. " Well, as long as you have faith and stand on God's promises to you, I will have faith too", Marcus replied happily
Two months after this happened. I became pregnant with a set of twins. It has been ten years since then and I have two sets of twins and a very loving and supportive husband who showed me true love, the way Christ loves his church. God really proved himself strong in my life. My past did not decide my future. I lived my life to the fullest in Christ. Our foundation for ladies was called The Queens foundation and it has millions of sponsors. I am a proof that nothing is impossible for God for he loves us all and is willing to raise us up to our thrones when we let him in.
Matthew 11.28 - 29. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
These scriptures were what kept me going. I became Faith the conqueror. This is my story and now i hand over the baton to you. It is your now your turn to run this race and win.

The End.
