Keep Moving, Stay Mobile

Keep Moving, Stay Mobile

Physiotherapist helping you stride into your older age with exercise that will make a difference to your life as well as your waist line


Working your core and posture has somany benefits. Not only will it trim you up, but it will improve your mobility, balance, back pain and everyday activities.

Give this 5 minute work out a go.

Comment below with the word POSTURE and I'll get the linover to you.


Join me Live to day on Instagram at 11am London time.
I'll be sharing mindset and motivation tips as well as any shout outs for those that have achieved their goals over the past week!
You can DM me or comment below for a shout out or a question.
See you soon!


Join me Live tomorrow on Instagram at 11am London time.
I'll be sharing mindset and motivation tips as well as any shout outs for those that have achieved their goals over the past week!
You can DM me or comment below for a shout out or a question.
See you soon!


From Being Refused a Hip Replacement to being on the list within 8 Weeks!

Working as a Physiotherapist has put me in the amazing position of helping people maintain and improve their quality of lives.

One of those positions has been to help people get ready for surgery on their hips or knees.

You see, if a consultant thinks your outcomes are poor, you will not be considered for joint replacements.

My job is to get your outcomes better so your outcomes are amazing.


Meet Audrey who came to me after being told by her Consultant, “If you can’t bend and straighten your knee more and start walking on it properly, you will not have surgery as you will not reap the benefits.”

She told me she had tried everything to keep her knee going but it was too painful and stiff. She needed the surgery. That was all that was going to help her.

However, she had no choice. She had seen me and followed me on social media, liked the way I presented myself and thought, what can I lose? I was her last hope, as she put it to me.

After 4 weeks of following my plan, her consultant was happy to put her on the scheduling list.

But she didn’t stop there, she carried on, as every week she felt stronger and had less pain.

And after 8 weeks, she thought she could wait a little longer before having surgery as she was moving so much better, and her pain had reduced so much. She was even managing stairs with no issues.

Audrey did go on to having surgery and her recovery was incredible. She was up and about much quicker, with less pain and needing less physiotherapy. She followed my Post op routine too.

She still does her exercise though, she realises that by staying strong and flexible it will reduce the chances of her needing further surgery on her other joints but also, she gets to live the life she wants now.

If you’re ready to take that step, comment STEP below and I’ll send you info on how we can work together.


I have an admission to make!
I have weakness (actually, I have a few) but this one, has the potential to really wreck my day. Lack of planning. It’s the one thing that will trip me up, and honestly, it can tuen my world upside down, not just in terms of what I get done, but in my head too.

I know what you're probably thinking: “Wait, aren’t you supposed to have it all together?” I mean, I run a successful online physiotherapy business, I help people stay active despite some pretty hefty challenges, and I’m out there motivating others to stay fit and committed. But the truth is, behind the scenes, I’ve had more than my fair share of struggles trying to stay on top of everything.

You see, when I don’t plan ahead, it leads to overwhelm. Big overwhelm. I’ve felt that sinking feeling of not knowing where to start, trying to do too much at once, forgetting important tasks, or even feeling like I’m letting people down. It’s hard to show up 100% when you feel like you’re always scrambling to catch up and you don’t know which way is up or down.

When I’ve reflected on it (a practise that is becoming a strong habit in my life) I’ve learned through all of this is that planning isn’t just about staying organized—it’s about taking care of myself. When I plan, I’m able to show up better for my clients, my family, and yes, even myself. I’ve realized that being intentional with my time creates space for the things that really matter. And I’ve learnt taking that timeout to plan is not a waste of time but a good use of my time. I would say that has been a really hard lesson to learn. Sitting down and planning used to feel like I was wasting time when I could be doing something more useful. More purposeful.
The truth is though, when I didn’t plan, there was so much I didn’t do. So much I missed or forgot. Or even worse, I didn’t do it because I didn’t know where to start or what to do.

It certainly resonates with me when it comes to exercising. If I don’t know what I’m doing, then it doesn’t get done.

Maybe you’ve felt this too— you know you need to do something but not sure how to start or what to do. If that resonates, just know that you’re not alone. We can all learn to plan or make use of help out there to guide us.
The first step is recognising it, then you can begin to address it. And believe me, you’ll still fail sometimes but hey, every time we fail, we learn. And we get better.

Does anyone else feel this way at times?


Have you ever thought about how great it would feel to wake up and not worry about pain or weakness, but feel like you have the energy and ability to do you what you want?

I know that as we age, health challenges and the aches and pains of ageing can make staying motivated tough. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or fearful by the thought of exercise, you’re not alone. We all face these challenges.

Let me share a story about one of my clients, a remarkable woman in her 70s. She started with limited mobility and felt discouraged about her ability to improve. But she made a commitment to our exercise program and found support within our community. Now, she walks three miles a day and enjoys social activities she loves! Her journey shows that change is possible when we focus on our goals and support one another.

Think about what you want for yourself: the activities you enjoy, the moments you want to share, and the lifestyle you desire. Every small step towards regular exercise gets you closer to that goal.

What challenges do you face at the moment? Whether it be health, mobility or just plain and simple motivation .... let me know below ❤️


Let’s talk about something you may have noticed: the loss of muscle as we get older. You may feel this as not being as strong. Certain activities or chores appear to be a bit harder.

It's natural, but it’s not inevitable.

Most people think that getting weaker and losing that muscle tone is just part of aging, but here’s the surprising part—what really causes muscle loss is not just aging but INACTIVITY.

Yes, you read that right. Muscles don't just disappear because of your birthday. They shrink when you stop using them.

But here’s the good news: **you can build muscle at any age**.

It’s never too late to get stronger.

In fact, research shows that people in their 70s, 80s, and 90s can build muscle, and it doesn’t take hours in a gym.

It doesn’t take much to trigger your muscles to wake up and say, "Oh, we’re still needed!"

You don’t need fancy equipment or long routines—just consistent exercise. You don’t need an expensive gym membership or a set of big weights. All you need is a consistent exercise routine in your armoury.

Check out the reel I’ve posted today for an example.

Plus, movements like these don’t just build muscle—they improve your balance, keep your joints healthy, and help you stay independent.

The exercises in that reel uses so many muscles, that over a period of time you’d see a big difference in your walking and function. Things like climbing the stairs would be easier. Getting in and out of bed, gardening…. The list is endless!

The trick is consistency. Do a little bit, every day.

Think of muscle as a “use it or lose it” system, and I’m sure you’ve heard that saying, it’s been around for a looong time, but ultimately, the power is in your hands to keep it.

My advice would be to take control, stay active, and you will be awarded with strength and freedom—no matter your age.

P.S. It’s never too late to start—if you’ve been waiting for a sign, this is it!

Photos from Keep Moving, Stay Mobile's post 07/09/2024

Are you finding it harder to stay active because of health conditions? I’m looking for a few people like you to help me test something special.

If you're a senior, struggling to exercise, and feel stuck because you don’t know where to start or you’ve tried it before and it hasn’t worked, I’ve designed a new membership area just for you.

I’m looking for a small group to test it out before we launch it to everyone.

This is a chance to break out of the rut, gain confidence in moving again, and have a safe space that understands your unique challenges. All I ask in return is your honest feedback.

If you're ready to take control of your health and mobility, comment below or send me a message, and I'll share more details with you. Let’s work together to make exercise part of your life, no matter your starting point.

Let me know if you're in and type YES in the comments


Are there times when you think you can see your life just slipping away?
Don't let anything, including your health get in the way of it.
We are here once and we owe it to ourselves to make the most of it.
What we get dealt with might make it more difficult for some than others but do not let that stop you.

You know I bang on about exercise and how it can help you, well I won't stop.

It's like a healer. And it can heal so many things!

Your mind and your body!

All conditions are not immune to the power of exercise.

What do you think?


From being stuck in a chair with her husband caring for her to driving and going shopping in just 12 weeks!

How Margaret did it -

Meet Margaret – she had arthritis in both hips. One was replaced which got severely infected resulting in the joint being taken out completely, and one arthritic hip which was disabling her.

Between using a gutter frame and her husband being her carer, Margaret felt her life was over, she was no longer independent, couldn’t look after herself, her home, husband or grandchildren, she felt hopeless.

She adapted everything from a rise and recline chair, electric bed even a wheelchair inside the home – it didn’t fit.

Each attempt at being independent left a crushing blow to her confidence. She had struggled with arthritis for so many years, even a joint replacement…was anything going to make a difference at this point?

One day, her husband said they would have to sell their holiday home abroad as she could no longer manage the journey or cope when they got there.

Her spirit just about broke. Feeling sick to her stomach, she knew something had to change.

Through the miracle of the internet, she came across my posts and something clicked. We began working together because she resonated with my simple, firm but fair approach.

In just four weeks working together, she's walking with elbow crutches in her home with the stirrings of confidence. This trickled into other areas of her life, like collecting the post, cooking again. Shopping!

With a new lease of life, her husband booked the travel arrangements to their holiday home. Something she had given up on.
What made the difference for Margaret?
She had an exercise plan that was manageable and realistic. One that didn’t require tons of motivation.
She was confident doing th exercsies and was able to plan it into her daily routine.
She had me - as her accountability and physiotherapist - every step of the way. So even on those days where she wouldn’t feel like doing it, I was there to get her right back on track.
Margarets story is inspiring but not isolated.
These are results I’m so blessed to see my clients achieve on a regular basis.

Would you like these results?


From a Horse Riding career to Physiotherapy!

As a youngster, it was all about horses, horses, horses!
Naturally I went into teaching and riding for other people. I was good and I loved it.

But I started getting ‘naughty’ horses to sort out.

Now I don’t believe there’s any naughty horses, just inexperienced owners. So, I would re-school and get the horses going well and happy. The owners would have them back and within 6 weeks the old issues were back.
It was demoralising and it saddened me.

One day I was at an event where there was a Physiotherapy demonstration with horses.

I was mesmerised!

I thought, this is what I want to do. I love watching how physical beings move, whether it be human or animal.

So off I went to university (wow, that’s another story!)

But during this time, I had given up riding (costs of uni and time) and I found I was loving being a physiotherapist working with people. (Plus, the thought of doing a Masters terrified me!),

Fast forward 19 years and I’m still going! But now I’m older, wiser and much more experienced and I can look at my work objectively. And the NHS.
Especially when it comes to Osteoarthritis.

Being in the NHS limited the possibilities I could offer for people with arthritis whether they be at the beginning or at a much later stage of their arthritis journey. The medical route is always pushing patients down a road to surgery and medication.

It was frustrating.
Why weren’t my skills working?
After all, all the evidence says that Physiotherapy can make a difference.
I love helping people move.
I love seeing people move.
If people are moving, they have freedom.
Quality of life.

I wasn’t fulfilling my dreams of helping others, so essentially, I was letting myself down as well as arthritis sufferers.

It had to change.
So I set myself a goal to keep learning as much as I can about Arthritis and help people to take control and love life again.

And I love it!

The difference the right exercise can make is mind blowing and so fulfilling.

I want to share it with it with everyone who suffers with OA.

Check out my bio for more info!


Do you know how long you can move around before pain sets in?
Getting to know your arthritis, it’s likes and dislikes can be a great tool to add to your arsenal so you become in control of your life, not arthritis.

Knowing your arthritis is the firat step to controling it and to begin to work with it. Begin to take control. I'm not saying it can be cured. I'm not saying you'll feel 20 again. But you can retake your life back.

What sort of things have you given up since noticing the signs of arthritis? What would you love to do again?

What would you do in order to reclaim your life?
Would you put the work in?
WOuld you be patient?

Because it takes work, consistency and commitment and that is something a lot of people really don’t want to do.

Taking medication and avoiding doing things is an easier route. Although the side effects of medication don’t make it pleasant as I’m sure you’ll agree.

So who would want to be in control of their life again rather than arthritis dictating it?


No one is great at everything. How boring would life be if we were.

We need help with lots of things but that doesn't mean weakness.

Working with others, supporting others helping others and asking for help enables us to achieve.

That could be small goals or great big ones, either one, don't do it alone.
Not only will you get there faster but it will be more enjoyable having others to champion you, to encourage you on those days you want to give up and perhaps the best, others to celebrate with you!


Do you struggle to fit exercise into your life, despite really wanting to?
Well this December is a chance to work on it.
This challenge isn't about loosing weight, getting fit or changing how you look (although there will be changes!)
This challenge is about creating a habit of exercising daily so you can build on it.
Come January, you wont have to think about exercising, it will be firming up as a daily habit, ready for you to start 2024 on the right footing, with no pressure just progress.

If you want in you can join here
or DM me your email address for details


Because I love how my skills as a Physiotherapist can help people.
Are you struggling to reach your high cupboards?
I can give you a progressive exercise program for that.
Do you struggle to do up your Bra?
I can give you an exercise program to help you achieve that

I don't just help people with mobility or going up and down the stairs. I help people manage all areas of their life.

And I LOVE it when someone gets to do the thing they really want to do and I've been a part of it.

So Keep Moving Stay Mobile is all about keeping every part of you moving. Working through small challenges to big challenges.
Finding solutions to problems.
Living the best life you can.

If you think this might be for you, head over to my free facebook group, Exercise for Everyone


Do you ever look in the mirror and think …. Bloody hell my body is incredible !

It can walk, run, jump, spin, dance
It can drive

The list is endless

It’s what drew me to physiotherapy

All of those above is just a fraction of what we’re capable of.

Of what our bodies are capable of.

So be kind to yourself when you look in a mirror at your amazing bodies, they are incredible , you are incredible ❤️🥰⭐️


When you wake up to this lovely spot with blue skies, you’ve got to take a walk in it.
Take every bit of motivation you can find and use it.
Get out today and move … I challenge you!


first night …. Great night of dances moved!!


Join here -
Keep Moving, Stay Mobile


Join us in the group

Photos from Keep Moving, Stay Mobile's post 29/06/2023

Just done a Live in the group and I had a sneaker watcher!! 🤣🤣


Just did a short video for someone who’s struggling to get into bed after a knee replacement.
1. Get in leading with your good leg (it can do a lot of the work)
2. Sit close to t your pillow
3. Wiggle your bottom back as far as you can
4. Use your good leg to help you move.


Does arthritis affect what exercise you can do?



Join me here for the Live


A client said to me yesterday,

‘Good things happen when I see you!’

I love nothing more than helping people make a difference to their lives.

This client had a rough time with a hip replacement and ended up having it removed, so basically, she has no hip joint.

She has a four inch difference in leg length and functionally she was dependent on her husband for everything. She use a frame (only in her 60’s) and couldn’t leave the house.

Now she is about to start driving again, she can sleep upstairs again, she’s cooking again and she’s going on holidays. And she’s using one elbow crutch.

Being a physiotherapist isn’t just about bad backs or sports injuries, you’d be amazed at how we can help.

We’re not finished yet, she’s got more goals and I can’t wait to help her achieve them!


Going live shortly on my Facebook group, come and join for some tips on managing arthritis

Videos (show all)

Join me for tips on journaling, especially reflecting as well as shared wins!
Practise run for up and coming lives. Definitely raw and live 😂
This exercise will increase your strength but it will also improve your technique for standing up. Both vital for gettin...
Excellent balance exercise! But also strengthens your lower limb joints and teaches your brain to react quicker if you h...
#mobility #balance #exercise
Gentle hip and trunk exercise #exercise #balance #mobility
It’s true, strengthening your hips will improve your balance!! #balance #Disabilities #mobility
#stayactive #balance #mobility
#exercise #StayActive #healthylifestyle
#KeepWalking #exercise #balance
#mobility #balance #gait
Join here - Keep Moving, Stay Mobile