Caroline Grace Ashurst

Caroline Grace Ashurst

I help women who feel defeated while TTC amplify their fertility naturally, trust their innate abili


Are you curious about the most important things you can do -right now- to support your fertility?

Tune in live this Friday (11:30am cst, 1:30pm est) for a deep dive conversation on women's health & fertility with me and Nicolle Rose on my IG account !

We'll be discussing:
- How to prepare your body for healthy fertility & pregnancy in your 30s & 40s- Lifestyle changes & rituals
- Nutrition
- Environmental factors
- Testing you can consider getting & more!

Please DM me with any questions you have!

Looking forward to supporting you!


AMH talk: AMH shows how you'd respond to IVF treatment, NOT egg reserve!!!!!! Clinics continue to pilfer this misinformation. This declaration made in 2019 from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynocology actually proves it. Read on....

Although this announcement is specifically for women who've had one child without need for fertility treatment for that pregnancy or women who haven't been "diagnosed" with "(in)fertility", it still really spells out what it's used as a diagnostic tool for. I hope you can read this and feel much more spaciousness around your process. And you can even bring this data up to your RE!

(BTW I put those words above in quotations because I think the "infertility" diagnosis AND the name are completely traumatizing and misleading -aka women who are "Infertile" get pregnant all the time 🙄-). The American College of Obstetrics and Gynocology recommends AGAINST using AMH as a determinant factor for women's fertility for specific populations but this really shows that this can be applied more broadly.

Here is the link to the "committee opinion":


Where are my Philly area Fertility Goddess Ladies?!

This week is National Black Maternal Health Week! And this month is (In)Fertility Awareness Month! I wanted to invite any local ladies to an incredible event happening in Philadelphia THIS Weekend! It's the Barren Fruit "Be Fruitful" Fertility Conference + 3k Walk. It's ALWAYS an uplifting experience full of support for the Fertility Community 😌 and I can't wait to see you there.

They are still accepting registrations and even have some discounted 'Bring Your Tribe or Bestie' passes! I'd love to see you and meet you there!

Here is the link to buy tickets:


One of my most recent clients left me some feedback 🕊
Besides bringing in dream babies, this is the BEST part of my work! Helping you love yourself again, feel hope, and have confidence that your body IS CAPABLE! 💜🌹💜🌹💜

Budget Friendly Fertility Bundle - Fertile Mindset 27/01/2023

Hi Beauties! ❤

Only one more day until this promo ends! Don't miss out this opportunity!

I know how we are all feeling financially crunched right now with inflation, and I was asked to participate in a brilliant offering from a colleague: The Budget Friendly Fertility Bundle!

The Budget Friendly Fertility Bundle is packed full of valuable resources from some of the most knowledgeable and supportive fertility experts around.

If they were purchased individually the cost would run into $1000s.

But this week the entire bundle of fertility support resources are available for a single payment of ÂŁ99 ($US 122.19). Yes, just ÂŁ99!

Get the Budget Friendly Fertility Bundle here!

My Fertility Formula Master Plan is in the Bundle, and you’ll also have access to:
Online Fertility Yoga Programs
Fertility Hypnosis and Visualisation Recordings
Fertility Assessments and Analysis Tools
Nutritionist and Naturopath Fertility Programs
Mindset and Emotional Support
And so much more!

Click here to get the Budget-Friendly Fertility Bundle:

Alongside all the valuable resources in the Bundle, you’ll also receive:

A bonus “Coupons Bundle” giving deep discounts for further support with fertility experts.
A live Zoom session with the Bundle Creator and Fertile Mindset Coach, Sarah Holland. Sarah will make sure you get the most out of the Bundle by avoiding overwhelm and boosting positive motivation!
The calm confidence that you’re giving yourself and your fertility amazing support, while also being financially savvy.

This very special Fertility Bundle is on sale now, and until Friday 27th January.

I know how difficult these times have been, and this is the perfect way to take time to care for your body, mind, and soul while you ease your way into the new year.

Here is the link one last time!

I'm wishing you so much Peace, Slowness, Stillness, and Learning in the Year of the Rabbit 🐰

P.S. Please share this opportunity with anyone you know with fertility challenges by forwarding this email to them. They’ll be so pleased you did!

xo, Caroline Grace Ashurst, M.Ac., L.Ac.
The Fertility Formula Coaching

Budget Friendly Fertility Bundle - Fertile Mindset Trying for a baby alongside fertility issues has always been expensive. And now with the rising cost of living, we’re watching every penny we spend more than ever before. But when we want to be pregnant, give birth to a healthy baby, and fulfill a life’s dream of being a parent, we know that the...

Get Pregnant Now Fertility Summit 26/01/2023

Hi Queens of Becoming~

I know you're tired of waiting to get pregnant because your deepest desire is to bring your baby home to your love-filled family. And you're probably wondering what’s the reason why you’re still not pregnant because you’ve tried everything. 🌹

I have a solution 💜.... another *free* opportunity for you to get all the support you need in your journey. Be my guest at a Free 3-Day Virtual Fertility Get Pregnant Now Summit where you will get fertility wisdom from me (and 22 other experts in the field!)


I'll be interviewed by my colleague Fertility Expert Saskia Roell about my ~very~ favorite method to change your fertility journey into an empowered, grounded, self-love filled experience that has helped so many women in my practice heal and have hope again!
Trust me, you don't want to miss it- it's what I'm most passionate about!

She'll be interviewing me along with 22 other experts around the world who will give fertility wisdom to optimize your fertility health to get pregnant. At no cost.

You’ll be amazed in how many ways you can support yourself and reset your body in conceive mode. You can learn new ways to optimize your fertility health by joining this powerful event.

What if THIS 3-Day event changed your life forever? It might just be the answer you are looking for.

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity!


Get Pregnant Now Fertility Summit 3 Day Virtual Fertility Summit



The Budget Friendly Fertility Bundle is packed full of valuable resources that will help boost emotional and fertility health, giving support, guidance and information to make the path to parenthood as short and stress-free as possible. 💗

I got in touch with my network of amazing fertility professionals who help people who want to be parents in many different ways. I asked them to give me their best resources. The ones that they know make a real difference to a fertility journey. And wow, they were generous! 😍

The Budget Friendly Fertility Bundle includes:

💜 A bundle of fertility support resources that are all yours to freely access
~ worth ÂŁ2,050 / $2,540 / $3,650 AUD!

💜 A bonus “Coupons Bundle” giving deep discounts on further support with fertility experts, including one-to-one support
~ worth ÂŁ720 / $890 / $1,280 AUD!

💜 A live Zoom session with me, Sarah Holland, the BFF Bundle Creator and Fertile Mindset Coach. It will make sure you get the most out of the Bundle by avoiding overwhelm and boosting positive motivation!
~ worth ÂŁ49 / $60 / $87 AUD!

💜 The calm confidence that you’re giving yourself and your fertility amazing support, while also being financially savvy.
~ worth… you know that feeling is PRICELESS! 🥰

The total value of this bundle adds up to almost £3,000 and this week it’s all available for a single payment of £99.

Go to or the clickable link in my bio

A huge THANK YOU to all the generous contributors, all tagged on this post. Do follow them as they’re all wonderful supporters of the fertility community. 🤗

Element Pilates & Yoga
Fertile Hope Yoga
Two Lines Fertility
Caryn Rich
Aimee E. Raupp
Jillian Greaves Functional Nutrition & Wellness
Nicola Salmon - Fat Positive Fertility Support
Fertility, Bump and Beyond
Michelle Oravitz: The Wholesome Lotus Fertility Wellness
Lily Ama Coaching - Pregnancy & Postnatal Support
Embrace Fertility
Caroline Grace Ashurst
Fertility and Pregnancy Mindset Coaching
Gabriela Rosa


Hi Ladies!! ❤

I know how we are all feeling financially crunched right now with inflation, and I was asked to participate in a brilliant offering from a colleague: The Budget Friendly Fertility Bundle!

The Budget Friendly Fertility Bundle is packed full of valuable resources from some of the most knowledgeable and supportive fertility experts around.

If they were purchased individually the cost would run into $1000s.
But this week the entire bundle of fertility support resources are available for a single payment of ÂŁ99 ($US 122.19). Yes, just ÂŁ99!

Get the Budget Friendly Fertility Bundle here!

My Fertility Formula Master Plan is in the Bundle, and you’ll also have access to:

Online Fertility Yoga Programs
Fertility Hypnosis and Visualisation Recordings
Fertility Assessments and Analysis Tools
Nutritionist and Naturopath Fertility Programs
Mindset and Emotional Support
And so much more!

Click here to get the Budget Friendly Fertility Bundle

Alongside all the valuable resources in the Bundle, you’ll also receive:

A bonus “Coupons Bundle” giving deep discounts for further support with fertility experts.

A live Zoom session with the Bundle Creator and Fertile Mindset Coach, Sarah Holland. Sarah will make sure you get the most out of the Bundle by avoiding overwhelm and boosting positive motivation!

The calm confidence that you’re giving yourself and your fertility amazing support, while also being financially savvy.

This very special Fertility Bundle is on sale now, and until Friday 27th January.

I know how difficult these times have been, and this is the perfect way to take time to care for your body, mind, and soul while you ease your way into the new year.

Here is the link one last time!

I'm wishing you so much Peace, Slowness, Stillness, and Learning in the Year of the Rabbit 🐰

P.S. Please share this opportunity with anyone you know with fertility challenges by forwarding this email to them. They’ll be so pleased you did!

xo, Caroline Grace Ashurst, M.Ac., L.Ac.
The Fertility Formula Coaching


Want 25+ ways to help your fertility journey- I’m speaking at the [Free] Embie to Baby Fertility event, and you’re invited to join for free virtually!

Going through fertility treatments can be an overwhelming experience. I know that Infertility presents us with many challenges - emotionally, physically, mentally - and too many people go through this journey in the dark.

That’s why I’ve teamed up with Embie, the world’s #1 fertility treatment tracking app, to speak at their free virtual summit starting TOMORROW, Saturday October 22nd - Monday October 31st. I’ll be talking about Your Simple Five Step Roadmap for Fertility Success That No One Ever Told You!

The summit will feature medical experts from all over, including the Northeast region as well RMA Network

I'm sharing the goods that I want EVER woman TTC to hear because it's the most strategic advice I can offer so you can change your outcomes immediately.

And because we believe everyone should be equipped with this knowledge, we’re delivering it to you for absolutely no cost!

Click here to grab your FREE virtual seat here:


25+ ways to help your fertility journey-

I’m speaking at the Embie to Baby Fertility event, and you’re invited to join for free virtually!

Going through fertility treatments can be an overwhelming experience, mama. I know that Infertility presents us with many challenges - emotionally, physically, and mentally - and too many people go through this journey in the dark.

That’s why I’ve teamed up with Embie, the world’s #1 fertility treatment tracking app, to speak at their free virtual summit from Saturday, October 22nd - Monday, October 31st (stay tuned for the day of my talk - coming ASAP).

Established to support and inform women going through fertility treatments, the summit will feature medical experts, coaches, and infertility community members sharing their best advice for surviving, thriving, and succeeding your fertility treatments….including ME! 🙂

I’ll talk about Your Simple Five Step Roadmap for Fertility Success: No One Ever Told You!

I'm sharing the goods that I want EVER woman TTC to hear because it's the most strategic advice I can offer so you can change your outcomes immediately.

The summit will also feature 24 other experts sharing their BEST tips for fertility success!

- Medical professionals give you actionable tips for diagnosing and treating your infertility.

- Therapists, coaches and lifestyle experts give advice on how to manage your emotional, physical and mental health during treatment.

- Infertility community members, just like you, share their inspirational stories of strength, courage and success during their journey.

And because we believe everyone should be equipped with this knowledge, we’re delivering it to you for absolutely no cost!

Follow this link to grab your FREE virtual seat:

Plastic pollution could make much of humanity infertile, experts fear 19/09/2022

Plastics and Fertility don't work together. Detox your life of plastics as much as possible and increase your chances of successful and healthy pregnancy and birth ❤

"Not surprisingly, the plastic industry and others that rely on these chemicals dispute that the endocrine disruptors are responsible for the drop in s***m counts. As Beeler pointed out, they will provide alternate data just like industries do when they dispute the validity of climate science. Hocevar added that plastic companies also have an advantage because plastics are so pervasive that "it is difficult to design controls where plastic can be excluded as a factor. The plastic industry uses this terrible situation to try to claim that we don't have enough evidence to be sure that these chemicals are dangerous."

Plastic pollution could make much of humanity infertile, experts fear Research suggests plastic pollution is causing dropping s***m counts — and could also be unstoppable

Opinion | Ovaries Are Prone to ‘Exhaustion’ and ‘Fatigue.’ Or Are They? 19/09/2022

"The research is still in its infancy, but some biologists now argue that ovaries appear to have the ability to grow brand-new eggs throughout a woman’s life...

Perhaps it isn’t that ovaries run out of eggs but that the cells that nourish those eggs and pump out hormones to the rest of the body may be too damaged to continue.

These discoveries suggest that the female body may be more resilient, dynamic and expansive than science has historically considered it. To rethink the o***y is to open the door to questioning a whole host of things that everybody knows are “true” about the female body. It is to reimagine how the female body works — and rethink what all bodies are capable of."

Opinion | Ovaries Are Prone to ‘Exhaustion’ and ‘Fatigue.’ Or Are They? Is it time to rethink the potential of a much-maligned female organ?

Episode 29: Fertility rituals, womb wisdom + the mystery of time 09/08/2022

TTC Mamas:

Do you feel lost and confused as you trudge onwards in your fertility journey? Do you feel exhausted and worn out…and have you battled with hopelessness?

If you’ve felt like something’s been missing in your fertility journey, you’re invited to come listen to my podcast interview with Kay’aleya on TUESDAY 8/9 because I share one of the biggest secrets I teach my clients that no one is talking about in the fertility world. You don’t want to miss it, and I promise it’s going to be incredibly inspiring for you!!

Join me and we’ll remember together what was lost so you can use its power and beauty in your own life to change your fertility journey.

So, here’s what you need to do:
Follow Kay’aleya’s podcast HERE:

Set a reminder right now for TUESDAY 8/9 on your phone to dive into the episode when it drops on Tuesday

Tune in on Tuesday!

About Kay’a’s Podcast:

Curious about herbal and holistic approaches to womb wellness (i.e. periods, infections, libido, pleasure, pain, PMS, hormones, body confidence, fertility, PCOS, cycle irregularity, etc)? No matter what phase of life you are in, or what you've been told is - or isn't - possible, if it's related to your wombspace, it's covered here. Clinical herbalist and integrative health educator Kay'aleya Hunnybee will guide you through a range of topics by combining traditional wisdom, embodied practice, and modern science

Can’t wait for you to listen!

Episode 29: Fertility rituals, womb wisdom + the mystery of time fertility, natural approaches to infertility, holistic hormonal balancing, the art of ritual, womb wisdom, TCM perception of womb, stress and fertility, self love and self care for fertility, integrative approaches to infertility, mind-body medicine


TTC Mamas:

Do you feel lost and confused as you trudge onwards in your fertility journey? Do you feel exhausted and worn out…and have you battled with hopelessness?

If you’ve felt like something’s been missing in your fertility journey, you’re invited to come listen to my podcast interview with Kay’aleya on TUESDAY 8/9 because I share one of the biggest secrets I teach my clients that no one is talking about in the fertility world. You don’t want to miss it, and I promise it’s going to be incredibly inspiring for you!!

Join me and we’ll remember together what was lost so you can use its power and beauty in your own life to change your fertility journey.

So, here’s what you need to do:
Follow Kay’aleya’s podcast HERE:

Set a reminder right now for TUESDAY 8/9 on your phone to dive into the episode when it drops on Tuesday

Tune in on Tuesday!

About Kay’a’s Podcast:

Curious about herbal and holistic approaches to womb wellness (i.e. periods, infections, libido, pleasure, pain, PMS, hormones, body confidence, fertility, PCOS, cycle irregularity, etc)? No matter what phase of life you are in, or what you've been told is - or isn't - possible, if it's related to your wombspace, it's covered here. Clinical herbalist and integrative health educator Kay'aleya Hunnybee will guide you through a range of topics by combining traditional wisdom, embodied practice, and modern science

Can’t wait for you to listen!


Want to improve your egg quality through nutrition? Join me! I was asked to do an IG LIVE about this with .sg and we're going live on THURSDAY at 8 am EST! Don't miss this informative Talk with Q + A...I've got a lot of goodies in store for you and I can't wait to see you! IG LIVE with .sg THURS 8AM EST!



Hi Beautiful Womxn, Welcome to The Fertility Formula!

If you're reading this right now, you've probably just joined The Fertility Formula. I'm thrilled to have you here!

If you haven't had the chance to grab my FREE Fertility Formula Master Plan to Balance Your Hormones and Get Pregnant Faster, make sure to go to this link below:

I created this group because I have over 10 years experience as an acupuncturist and women’s holistic hormonal fertility coach, and I have helped many women just like you transform their fertility and get pregnant faster!


I've taken everything essential in fertility amplification from my 10+ years of clinical acupuncture and coaching experience with women who are trying to conceive and I give it all away in this group... so you can transform your health, fertility and dreams!!
Before diving into the group, follow these simple steps to get the most out of this group!

Please Read the Rules of the Group Here in the “About” Paragraph:

Please stop by here every Thursday at noon! I will be doing a FB live event here every week just for YOU!

Get my FREE Fertility Formula Master Plan to Balance Your Hormones and Get Pregnant Faster Here:

STEP 4: PLEASE POST AND INTRODUCE YOURSELF and start connecting here and using this space as a medicine place for your journey.



Hi beautiful womxn! Welcome to The Fertility Formula!

If you're reading this right now, you've probably just joined The Fertility Formula. I'm thrilled to have you here!

If you haven't had the chance to grab my FREE Fertility Formula Master Plan to Balance Your Hormones and Get Pregnant Faster, make sure to go to this link below:

I created this group because I have over 10 years experience as an acupuncturist and women’s holistic hormonal fertility coach, and I have helped many women just like you transform their fertility and get pregnant faster!


I've taken everything essential in fertility amplification from my 10+ years of clinical acupuncture and coaching experience with women who are trying to conceive and I give it all away in this group... so you can transform your health, fertility and dreams!!
Before diving into the group, follow these simple steps to get the most out of this group!

Please Read the Rules of the Group Here in the “About” Paragraph:

Please stop by here every Thursday at noon! I will be doing a FB live event here every week just for YOU!

Get my FREE Fertility Formula Master Plan to Balance Your Hormones and Get Pregnant Faster Here:

Timeline photos 02/11/2020

Trying to Conceive? You Don't Want To Miss My FREE Talk THIS Week... -

Timeline photos 26/10/2020

My Talk At The Beating (IN)Fertility Free Summit : Nov 1-7 -

Beat Infertility Virtual Summit (November 2020) 25/10/2020

Are you TTC? Ovarian aging is only HALF the story. Maybe your doctor mentioned it to you "casually" or maybe you are in your mid-30's or older and you've heard about it on your own...either way this term is like a curse for many women, and unfortunately you are only hearing half of the story!
Join me NEXT week at the Beat Infertility Summit as we chat about what's really possible for you, and change your fear into knowledge and empowerment so you can transform your fertility from the inside, out! #

Beat Infertility Virtual Summit (November 2020) A talk by Caroline Ashurst LAc

Offerings 26/06/2020

About Caroline

I help women who feel frustrated, anxious, and discouraged while trying to conceive amplify their fertility naturally and transform their journey in body, mind, and spirit so they can get pregnant faster and have a healthy pregnancy and baby, and achieve vibrant well-being for a lifetime!

As a woman in my 20’s, I had terrible PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder-sounds terrible, right?! It was...), and my doctors told me to take hormones or pharmaceuticals to help it. They didn’t give me any other advice! It was the “only” recourse. At the time I had become passionate about natural medicine and really believed in its power, so I saw it as a challenge to find a way to heal myself. I dove into natural medicine and it literally changed the course of my life--and healed my PMDD.

Unfortunately as women, we are constantly being told to go on some kind of medication or take some kind of drug to “fix” our hormones. I call bu****it! I have seen it time and time again in my work: women come to me who have wonky cycles and difficulty getting pregnant.

And the most upsetting thing is when women come to me saying they’ve seen their doctor and they are immediately placed on some kind of recourse of drugs to “challenge” their progesterone or even better--Dr.s “hex” them (yes, we’re talking the bad kind of witchcraft) by telling them they only can conceive through IVF-- WITHOUT even giving them any REAL advice besides “stay healthy and keep trying”. Does this ever feel good to hear? No, no it doesn’t.

Videos (show all)

Are you curious about the most important things you can do -right now- to support your fertility? Tune in live this Frid...
Welcome Womxn!