Luke Belmar Lessons

Luke Belmar Lessons

In the business of changing lives. Join Capital Club👇


Talked with 8 billionaires.

Here are the common goals they all share now that they secured the bag.

1. Living a healthy life
2. Increasing lifespan
3. Spending more time with family
4. Doing fun things
5. Grow wealth through investment and not more work

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The first trait you look for in your team is LOYALTY. All else can be taught.

No loyalty. G**O.

Remember, even Caesar was murdered by his own “team”


The elite are scrambling trying to figure out how to control the mass awakening that is happening

They’ll try lockdowns, CBDCs, propaganda, terror attackers, censorship, ALL OF IT!

Most will cave AGAIN. But not us.

You can never keep a good man down NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY


Be thankful for what you have.

There will always be a dog with a bigger bone.

Focus on you and be content with your journey.


Working hard at the wrong thing won’t make you rich.

Learn what the right things are inside of Capital Club:


If you don't know where you are going, ask for directions.

You'd be surprised how many people are willing to help


Why do governments hate Bitcoin?

The moment you generate a BTC address you are in business. No licenses, no fees, no paperwork.

You don’t need permission from a bank or anyone to initiate commerce and that is why Bitcoin (or the concept of it) is scary to the control freaks


I measure people’s intelligence by their ability to accomplish their goals.

Smart people get things done efficiently while losers stumble around like accidents.

Don’t evaluate people’s intelligence by their lips. Measure their actions.


Luke Belmar - Putin's Plan To Destroy The US Dollar


If your mind is scattered & you can’t focus then go do something else that is productive.

Anything is better than scrolling.

Push ups, a quick ab routine, a 15min walk, or anything that helps you progress

There are many areas to win at in life but you have to be in control.


The person who loves to walk will go further than he who just wants the destination.

Today is all you have. The mastery of self is found in loving the process


You don't attract what you want. You attract what you are.

If you understand this you can have anything by becoming anything.


Self worth cannot be bought. It must come from a deep sense of purpose and direction. If your identity is attached to money you’re not worth much


Luke Belmar - Artificial Intelligence Data Set


What is the purpose of money? Unless you are able to define it you will have a hard time getting it.

saying "freedom" that is a brain dead answer.


When you settle for less in life you undoubtedly get less.

If people understood this principle they would focus less on hustling and more on fixing their broken mind


Luke Belmar - Watch this if you want to be RICH


They call you lucky because they don’t know what you know.

The world may see luck, but it's knowledge that paves the way.

Luck is the residue of design.

The behind-the-scenes understanding and strategic moves are often unseen.


Luke Belmar - The Reason You Are UNHAPPY


All you have to do is get a little better every day. You don’t have to be perfect. The mastery comes from repetition.

I have found that the highest pain comes when comparing myself to others. Nothing good comes from it.

When I stick to my own lane and focus on leveling up my own game I always seem to progress at an exponential rate and find contentment in simply beating myself.

Focus on your craft. It’s the best way.


2020 eCom advice I wrote to myself when we were doing 1M per month.

The journey is long. Document it.


Luke Belmar - 3 Essential Skills To Win


Luke Belmar - Why 99% of Men FAIL


If you want to improve you must be willing to look like an amateur & a fool

There is no shame in starting. There is no shame in being a newbie.

You cannot be a master unless you’re willing to be a student first


Luke Belmar - Your Choices Have Real Consequences


You are being programmed.
You cannot stop it.
Everything you ARE stems from what you’ve experienced.
It’s an unstoppable force like gravity.
You cannot stop the programming but,
YOU can CHOOSE what you hear and experience.


You fill your body with junk food & then wonder why you’re tired and lose focus quickly.

You don’t need meds you need a reality check.


Imagine looking in the mirror and you see the richest, most shredded, and successful version of yourself that could exist.

Just imagine how that would feel for a second… the power. the access. the network. the life. the freedom.

What if…


If you suck at life it’s 100 your fault. If you live in a first world country you have no excuse.

In the digital era you can be from a third world country and make $2,000 a month modding discord servers and editing videos or thumbnails from a cellphone.

If you’re in a first world country and you’re poor is simply because you are illiterate on all the tools and resources around you that others are using to build their businesses. You can literally open a business and start processing with a merchant in 2 weeks.

There’s no more excuses. You just like living in poverty. Be honest.

“I don’t like living in poverty.” They say. Then why are you still poor??

“He got lucky! He got lucky!” They also say. The cope with this one is amazing to observe.

You don’t workout, you eat like trash, you’re hooked on substances, scrolling all day, mind saturated with p**n not philosophy, and you carry the ego of a god when you have literally done nothing in life except judge others who at least are trying.

I tell my friends all the time if you want to be a loser it’s totally fine just don’t label yourself a winner.

Winners win. Losers Lose.

The math is simple and universally consistent regardless of who you are.

Your choices mold your future. Make better choices so that you can actually win. Because you can if you actually want too.

Who’s holding you back?

Learn how to forge your own ideal life inside of Capital Club.

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Competition is an illusion.

Find freedom in the pursuit of self mastery.

Spend zero time worrying about others and you will inevitably defeat them as they are most likely looking and focused on you.

Videos (show all)

Luke Belmar Reveals Breakfast’s Hidden Agenda
Luke Belmar Reveals #1 Excuse Keeping You Broke
Why Luke Belmar Wants To Save Men
Luke Belmar Reveals Best Anime To Watch
Why Luke Belmar Believes $10K Is Easy
Why Luke Belmar Rolls With 300 Dudes
Luke Belmar - Putin's Plan To Destroy The US Dollar
Luke Belmar Exposes Billionaire Investing Strategy
Luke Belmar - Artificial Intelligence Data Set
Why Luke Belmar Regrets Buying Mansions
Luke Belmar - Watch this if you want to be RICH
Luke Belmar Exposes Entrepreneurs #1 Mistake