Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue by Eric Felten

Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue by Eric Felten

Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue, Available April 26, 2011. Loyalty may be as impossible as it is essential, and that conundrum causes many of life's train-wrecks.

In Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue, award-winning Wall Street Journal culture columnist Eric Felten explores the time-honored yet elusive quality at the heart of our every relationship—loyalty provides the bonds of love, family, friendship, community, country, and faith. But though the virtue is essential to a life well lived, it is troublesome, plagued with complications and conflicts. With wit and er


Loyalty was used as a prompt for the main essay question in this summer's SAT.The College Board publishes the test prompts after the test is given, and here's the set of prompts from the June test -- the one adapted from "Loyalty" is Prompt #2: http://professionals.collegeboard.com/testing/sat-reasoning/prep/essay-prompts

SAT - Essay Prompts SAT Essay Prompts from the most recent SAT administration.

Timeline Photos 05/10/2013

Should you find yourself in a Seoul bookstore, be sure to get your copy of the newly published Korean edition of "Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue."


If you happen to pop into a bookstore in Beijing, the Chinese edition of "Loyalty, the Vexing Virtue" was just published!


The virtues of loyalty ... and the endless growing up of Justin Bieber - chicagotribune.com

Nice shout out from columnist Liz Smith for Loyalty -- now out in paperback!


chicagotribune.com "FIDELITY IN love for fidelity's sake has less attraction for her than for most women: fidelity because of love's grip had much ... a blaze of love, and extinction, was better than a lantern glimmer which should last long years," wrote Thomas Hardy of Eustacia Vye, the passionate, faithl...



For my friends who speak Japanese: Here's a link to Japanese language edition of "Loyalty" at the Amazon Japan site. (Chinese and Korean editions are also in the works!)


amazon.co.jp Amazon.co.jp: 忠誠心、このやっかいな美徳: エリック・フェルテン, Eric Felten, 白川 貴子: 本


When Loyalty to Family Conflicts with Loyalty to God

My piece from the Huffington Post. What is your opinion? Can we ever be willing to choose a human loyalty over that owed to God?

huffingtonpost.com As attractive a moral strategy as it may be to always put God first, does loyalty to God really mean casting aside every other commitment we have?


Regarding obligation to your employer, do you agree or disagree with this statement: "You want loyalty? Then hire a cocker spaniel."


The first video from Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue


Eric Felten: "Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue" | The Diane Rehm Show from WAMU and NPR

I'm appearing on Diane Rehm's NPR radio program tomorrow. I hope you'll tune in at 11 am ET or listen online at this link.

thedianerehmshow.org Loyalty is considered by some to be essential to a live well lived. While the time-honored virtue provides the bonds of love, friendship, and community, it can also be plagued with complications and conflicts. A look at why the path to fidelity -- despite its rewards -- is sometimes littered with


Book Excerpt: Loyalty - WSJ.com

Release day! The newspaper I write for, The Wall Street Journal, features an excerpt from Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue in today's edition. "The Trials of Devotion" http://on.wsj.com/efyzez

online.wsj.com An excerpt from Eric Felten's Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue.


Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue

Here's my interview with Nick Schulz, the editor-in-chief of American.com, AEI's online journal. Excited for Loyalty to release this upcoming Tuesday, 4/26.

Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue


Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue (Simon & Schuster) is available April 26. We'll be asking a number of questions about loyalty as it relates to family, children, business, leadership, the military, politics, and other topics. Our first is below. Love to hear your thoughts!


Would you be willing to lie under oath if you considered it to be the best thing for your child?


March 14, 2011


Excited about the comments coming in for Loyalty, available 4/26. Here's one of first, from David Margolick, author of Glory: Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling, and a World on the Brink: “Felten complements a dazzling range of sources, from St. Paul to Don Corleone, with his own great wit and insight to produce not just an exegesis on loyalty in a variety of settings, but what amounts to a primer on human nature itself.”


Eric Felten

Videos (show all)

The first video from Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue

