Mountain Clean with Jennifer

Mountain Clean with Jennifer

Welcome to Mountain Clean with Jennifer. Learn about clean living from the inside out.


Are you looking for stocking stuffers, treats for your barrista, a little something for your girlfriends or coworkers? I've got you covered with these cute ornament balls with our Hugh & Grace Lip Masks in them! Just $20 each including shipping. Click the second link in my bio to grab yours!


Recent articles have shed light on their presence in tap water, which can be a bit concerning.

But there is another route.

Going "low tox" is totally doable.

What's that, you ask? It's all about reducing our exposure to harmful chemicals—in this case, PFAS—as much as possible.

If you're curious about more details, just shoot me a DM. 💌

Photos from Mountain Clean with Jennifer's post 19/10/2023

Yes, it's true.

You can't completely avoid toxins in today's world, but that doesn't mean you can't make those doable changes.

Going low-tox is easier than you think.

Send me a DM, & let's chat about simple steps to a healthier lifestyle.


Ever thought about how much "toxic load" we carry around?

I know it sounds like some futuristic gadget from a sci-fi movie. But, you don't need a fancy gadget to tell you that.

So, here's a different approach: toxin flush.

Hit me up if you wanna chat more about how to flush these toxins out. I'm all ears.

Photos from Mountain Clean with Jennifer's post 12/10/2023

Life gets hectic, & sometimes we need to hit pause & give ourselves a fresh start. It's time to show your bodies some serious love.

I'm talking about that fabulous reset button that makes you feel like a brand new you. Intrigued?

Slide into my DMs to learn how you can snag this fantastic blend for yourself.


Ever found yourself reaching for those flashy, colorful cleaning bottles at the store without a second thought?

I sure did.

But then something hit me.

So, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I started reading those labels like I was on a mission. And boy, was I in for a shock. It's like there's a whole secret world of chemicals hiding in plain sight.

But here's the thing – you don't need to overhaul your entire cleaning stash in one go.

Change takes time. Start small & swap it for a safer alternative.

If you're as pumped as I am about embracing a low-tox life, comment "start swap" for details on my go-to no-tox cleaning products.

Photos from Mountain Clean with Jennifer's post 05/10/2023

Turns out, PFAS are the unwanted guests crashing our H2O party, & that's not exactly what I signed up for when I grab a glass of water.

The secret here is to go "low tox." I'm not talking about drastic changes; just a few tweaks here & there.

Worried about where to start?

Drop me a DM, & I'll spill all the deets on how to flush out your toxins.


This is the feeling I have 99.9% of the time. It's like toxins are crashing a party they weren't invited to & refusing to leave, no matter how many hints you drop.

I remember reading labels & thinking I was safe, only to find out later that those harmful chemicals were just playing hide-&-seek, disguised with names I couldn't even pronounce.

If you're tired of toxins crashing your party too, I urge you to take that first step. Educate yourself, read those labels, & make conscious choices.

I'd love to hear your thoughts & learn from your journey too. Drop me a DM & let's swap stories.


We love the ease of modern life, but there's something sneaky behind all that convenience – chemical overload.

I get it, these chemicals are probably okay in tiny amounts. But when they team up, that's when I start raising an eyebrow.

So, here's the deal – let's be a bit more watchful about what we're putting into & onto your bodies.

Drop me a message & let's untangle the mystery of chemical overload.

Photos from Mountain Clean with Jennifer's post 28/09/2023

So there you have it, straight from Roxanne's heart. ❤️
Hydrate + Detox isn't just a product to her; it's a thoughtful addition to a momentous occasion. Refreshment, rejuvenation, & a touch of wellness all bundled up in a bottle.

It's clear that Roxanne's wedding welcome bags are all set to make a lasting impression, thanks to her genuine love for Hydrate + Detox.

Feeling inspired to try it?
DM me for details. 💌


Are you having that moment where you are ready to Go Clean, but the idea of transitioning your skincare, household cleaning supplies, candles, cookware, and more seems more than overwhelming? I have been there.

What helped me was finding someone who was further down that path who gave me great insight, answered my questions, and more.

I'd love to be that person for you.

If you're not sure where to start or need someone to talk to, feel free to DM me. Seriously, I'm all ears (well, technically all "eyes" since it's a DM, but you get the point) 😉

Photos from Mountain Clean with Jennifer's post 07/09/2023

You know that feeling when you come across a product that just clicks with you perfectly?

I've always been a bit skeptical when it comes to trying out new things, but this 5-Day Trial Kit came highly recommended.

The texture is just right—not too heavy, not too light. It glides on smoothly, sinking into my skin without leaving any greasy residue. And the scent? Oh, it's like a little burst of freshness with every application.

If you want to know more about the product or where to get it, feel free to slide into my DMs.


It's crazy how our modern lives are filled with all sorts of toxins & hormone-disrupting chemicals. It feels like we can't escape them, no matter how hard we try.

Opting for natural alternatives can make a world of difference. Think about those homemade cleaning concoctions using simple ingredients like vinegar, lemon, & baking soda; they get the job done just as well without the chemical overload.

But does that eliminate all toxins? Not completely.

I take a natural supplement that helps to decrease my toxic load. Curious? Let's connect via DM to explore more.