Marigold and Lettice

Marigold and Lettice

Handmade chunky white china. Please vote for me in the Independent Awards - link below


In my Easter chocolate haze, I’ve forgotten to say that it’s last orders time for the Coronation platter/king statues in time for them to arrive in time for the pomp and ceremony celebrations… I’ll close orders for them by end of play tomorrow evening (so that is 11 April). There are now three colour ways for the platter: all white/white & gold/red, white, blue & gold…. Right then, back to the chocolate. Bron xo 💋🇬🇧💋


I have always loved Easter more than Christmas - I think because of the longer, brighter days with everything springing back into life. Oh and the chocolate, definitely that plays a big part! Whatever you have planned for today and however you celebrate/mark Easter Sunday, I hope you and yours have a wonderful time. With love from me and mine. Bron xo ▫️🐇▫️


And just like that I’m back to posting about pottery not parents! Thanks for all the love on the previous post about my mum and dad’s move/adventures I shall pass on all your lovely comments. But now it’s back to the day-job… and you’ll be pleased to know that I’ve sorted out lots of pieces for a ‘seconds’ sale and even taken all the pictures. BUT no idea when it will all go live as now I’ve got to add all the pieces to the website and write out all the details on what makes them a second and it takes forever and then a bit longer! Obviously I’ll try and get this done as soon as possible but never fear, I’ll give you plenty of warning about when it will happen and give a few days preview of them in advance too. Right then, as you were…. Bron xo 💋🎀💋

Photos from Marigold and Lettice's post 07/04/2023

This has been a very emotional week and thought I’d share the reason for my absence from chatting pottery – I’ve been helping my parents move from the house that they built themselves (with the help of a book from the library entitled “how to build a house”!). The pair of them laid every brick, placed every pipe and have lived in it for 55 years. They’ve moved not only from their home but the village (ok now a satellite town to Bristol) where they used to know everyone and everything to a brand-new county to be closer to my sister and I. It is hard but exciting, sad but thrilling and after a few years of bad health it is wonderful to think that they are just starting a new adventure together – they really are a power couple (even in their 80s) and have always been my inspiration (even though mother refuses to drink her beloved tea from chunky china but only bone china: snob!). I know I’ve been absent this week and distracted for months while I’ve been helping them on this journey, but it’s pretty much done and now the hard days can be replaced with enjoying them again not just worrying about it all. I love this picture of the pair of them in their 20s standing on the joists of what would become the front door, swipe to see a picture I took on Wednesday as they left; still together standing in exactly the same spot. My heart broke leaving my family home but it also rejoiced for the years of love this home gave us. Bron xo ▫️🏡▫️


Preparing for any in-person event is hard (which is why I only do about three a year) because I never know what to make, never know what people might want and always question why I’ve chosen to have the number of options, designs and styles I do. But you know what, I wouldn’t have it any other way! Now, I always prep for the market knowing that I will - post event - have lots to update on the ‘ready to ship’ part of my website so that is my challenge for the Easter weekend to get things photographed and available. But if you want first dibs on the goods then the Spring Market in Belper, Derbyshire is the place to be (Derbyshire always sounded very far away when I was growing up in Somerset and then living in London but it is basically the Midlands!) and makes for a lovely day out! Tickets for the morning are sold out but I think there might be some afternoon availability. Anyway, I’ll try and take pictures as I go as I’m hoping my new table/branding layout looks as good in reality as I’ve planned in my head… also, don’t ask me when, but there might be a second sale looming! Right then, as you were. Bron xo 💋🎀💋


Guess who forgot it was her 15th wedding anniversary today, even when the husband came home from work with an extra large bakewell tart the penny didn’t drop (it’s what we had instead of a wedding cake - although no cherries as I’m not keen unless they’re fresh 🍒). Joe did forget this morning too but pulled it out of the bag with the cake. Happy 15 years of Mr&MrsGB , and here’s to an eternity more. ▫️🤍▫️

Photos from Marigold and Lettice's post 23/03/2023

Despite an early morning wisdom tooth extraction, it has been remarkably productive with orders and getting pieces (including some new one offs including these little vases) ready for next Saturday’s Spring Market. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it sounds like it’s far far away, but Derbyshire really is in the middle of the country - ok geography isn’t my strong point - but it is well worth a drive out wherever you live on this island of ours and makes the perfect way to while away a spring Saturday! Tickets and all the details are on Fabulous Places page/website. It’s a an evening of admin on the sofa for me tonight while gingerly seeing if I can eat something while avoiding the gaping hole in my gum! As you were. Bron xo ▫️🦷▫️ ps: couldn’t resist the tooth emoji, sorry!!


Made a sugar pot with a ribbon lid by accident last week. It’s a big thrill when an accident turns out to be so lovely!!! Said it before and I’ll say it again and again. Accidental pottery is always my favourite. Bron xo 💋🎀💋 ps now got to see if I can make something similar again!!!


OK so I'm not that great at Facebook as this post will testify too! I had thought that all my Instagram posts replicated over here but apparently only a few now and again do. My bad! I shall try my hardest to remember to share posts here too. I'm fabulous at Instagram, sporadic at Facebook and dire at Pinterest. But I try! So here I give you my coronation collection because who doesn't need a fancy platter to serve up a feast fit for a king (coronation chicken anyone?) Bron xo


So I’ve taken my ribbon collection to the next level today… To be honest this has come about because I love the oversized ribbon on my coronation celebration and it kind of went from there! I’ve always been partial to a bow in my hair and quite frankly never knowingly not had ribbon attached to anything from a bag, to my wrist and everything else so I’m really excited to see how these big 3D ribbon platters come out of the kiln in a few days. I’m sure husband won’t notice another platter on the shelves will he!!! As you were… Bron xo ▫️🎀▫️


I think I need bigger shelves! Actually this just about sums up my Tuesday as my cabin shelves are overflowing too - but hopefully it will be less chaotic as it is a pack-and-wrap day tomorrow meaning shelves will reduce (that’s not strictly true as and I am preparing pieces to bring with me to the Spring Market on 1 April so finding any space up there is hard at moment!!). Anyway, that’s about all I have at the moment! Bron xo ▫️💋▫️


Friday night giving me all the feels (as I’m in the laptop ordering more clay, gold lustre and packing boxes pretending instead that I’m buying high heels, new handbags and more gold rings!). Oh how times change but I’m here for it… Hope you’re having a lovely one too. Bron ▫️💋▫️


Might be a little later than planned (and coming in two halves) but the first ‘release’ of “already made and ready to ship” pieces are now on the website! Some Christmas pieces, some classics and lots of one-offs too. All being well the second half will be loaded up later tonight. I’m literally head down in a sea of glaze, clay, lustre and bubble wrap but making good progress and lots (most) of shipments going out at the end of this week… December does need to slow down a bit though doesn’t it! Right then, these website updates aren’t going to write upload themselves are they (but first a few more dishes to make)! Bron xo ▫️💋▫️


My sister in law asked me today if I had the tree up; I nearly had to lie down - I haven’t even thought about the reality of Christmas yet (although I’m dreaming of making Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip and King Charles decorations for our tree if/when I get a chance to make any!) Having been making Christmas pieces since August you’d think I’d be in the festive mood wouldn’t you, but after seeing this picture of my pottery on the lovely .makes.six grid it made me feel very joyful and do you know what maybe I’m ending the day feeling a little festive after all! As you were, I’m still making chunky china fairy lights and dreaming of the sofa. Bron xo ▫️🎄▫️


Oh. My. Goodness. I’m a finalist! I’ve made it into the final five in my category in the .co Independent Awards and literally can’t believe it! The Awards will be held live on Instagram next Thursday evening and wil be holding my breath until then! I’m in some amazing company so do please check them out too - some fab founders and innovative businesses! In other news I feel like a rubbish Instagrammer at the moment but in my defence it’s not on purpose, just that I’m so full on (literally 24-7) trying to get everyone’s orders made that I am barely surfacing for air let alone finding time for waffling on Stories. On top of that the drama of my parents house sale/move continues to rumble on (yep, it is STILL going on and while I think there is light at the end of the tunnel, it might just be that proverbial train with bright lights hurtling towards me). Boy, aren’t a bundle of joy this morning… this update started so well didn’t it! Right, I’m off to hit the clay and have a look at the Independent Awards Finalist logo to cheer myself up!!! Have a fab day! Bron xo ▫️🎀▫️


I bring news and tidings of joy… there will be new Ready To Ship pieces added to the site this week with the aim to get them all listed by next weekend - well that’s the plan and all of that. Yes, there will be a selection of Christmas and non-Christmas items. Yes, they will all be ready made so no waiting time. Yes, they will be shipped in plenty of time for Christmas. No, there won’t be huge amounts of pieces. No, I can’t tell you anymore details as I’ve not started adding them to the site. Then, if that wasn’t enough, the following weekend there will be the last second sale of the year (yep, you heard that right, a second sale. Not a huge one, but knowing how you all love a second sale I thought why the devil not). More details on both updates to follow but just thought I’d put it out there so you can pencil in rough timeline, which I’ll firm up and share once my thoughts on it all become clearer (or rather when I know I’ll be able to get the website updates done as all my waking hours are taken up with making your pre-Christmas-cut-off-orders at the mo). Right then, here endth today’s ridiculously long update time to kick off (yes a little ⚽️ link snuck in) Sunday-Funday or, as it’s known here, a second day of pack-and-wrap. Laters. Bron xo ▫️💋▫️

Photos from Marigold and Lettice's post 25/11/2022

As a business I don’t sign up to the Black Friday ethos as I believe in offering fair pricing year-round, and - as a customer - I want to know what I’m choosing to spend my money on hasn’t been inflated just to allow for a marketing discount. Anyway I’m now off my soap box and while I might not be a supporter of Black Friday I AM a massive FAN of Colour Friday: and .co antidote to the huge price slashing messaging that is currently flooding our emails, TV screens and social media. Their annual Colour Friday campaign is all about showing the joy of buying from independent makers and retailers so I thought I’d share some of my favs. Right, off to hit the clay but first a morning glazing. Bron xo ▫️💋▫️ (I could have carried on and on as so many fab businesses out there will share more on Stories this evening I promise!)


Well you lot have been so kind and I promise this is the last time I’ll mention it, but - as they say - if you don’t ask you don’t get - today is the last chance to vote (hopefully for me!) in the .co Independent Awards! Link is in my bio and a huge thanks to those of you who already have voted… There are other categories not just the one I’m nominated in so do check out all the amazing independent businesses included. Anyway, that’s it from me - time to hit the clay! Bron xo ▫️🗳️▫️


I promise to not bleat on about it, in fact this is the last time I’ll mention it but… today is the last day to order for delivery before Christmas. Ok! Got it? I promise that’s it, no more reminders/nagging! Bron xo ▫️🎄▫️


Well well well, what a few days it’s been at the Christmas Market. I almost have no voice left because of chatting and laughing so much with people but I’m full up with gratitude for everyone’s custom, kind words on my chunky china and also for the many, many shouts of “I’ve voted for you” in the .co awards as they approach me!!! I missed a trick as I should have had people voting at same time as I was handing over my card reader for them to pay but think that would have been a step too far and would contravene the rules (1. I’m a goody-two-shoes and not a rule breaker and 2. It’s only just occurred to me now when we’re getting near the end of the final evening!!!). Moving on quickly before they disqualify me can I reiterate some quick boring but necessary admin bits:
- website orders for making/delivery before Christmas closes this Sunday
- there will be some ready-made pieces going on the website in the coming days though although I’ve yet to work out the postage deadline for those but it will be much later into December
- gift vouchers are available right up until Christmas Day because they are automatically emailed not posted!
Right then, there are customers approaching so best put phone down (there was a little lull, it wasn’t me typing instead of serving) and get on. Laters, Bron xo ▫️🥕▫️


Packed and ready to get on my way (well not quite yet as have to load car, sort kilns and faff a bit) but let’s not split hairs. Looking forward to catching up with those who are coming to the this evening - I’ve a feeling it’s going to be a cracker. Sorry if I’m a bit slower than usual on DM’s and emails over the next three days but promise I’m working as well as gossiping, having fun and no doubt squeezing in a bit of shopping from some of my small business favs. Will try and snap some pictures along the way too… Bron xo ▫️💋▫️ ps PROMISE to make more of these colourful bauble little dishes and add them to the ‘ready-to-ship’ section in next couple of weeks!!


Huge excitement in M&L towers tonight (in other words my kitchen table!) in as much as I have just used my website to create an email to my customer base/subscribers for the first time. For someone that used to write and issue comms to huge teams and international media without blinking it was surprisingly nerve-racking - funny how scary things are when it is your own business hey! Anyway check your emails and let me know whether you got it, it’s just reiterating the Christmas deadline as I don’t want to rely on the Insta algorithm - who knows, I might try another one soon! Bron xo (ps you can sign up for future emails if you fancy - there’s a box on the the homepage!)


Evening all (which is impossible for a British person my age not to say in a London Bobby type voice in my head!) well it’s been a lovely albeit busy weekend up here in M&L land. Highlight was meeting one of my fab customers in real life after chatting on Insta for, well, years now. is as joyful as she is clever with a needle, but what wasn’t so much fun is the hours of pack-and-wrap and glazing today but if we skirt around that I think we can claim this weekend as a great one. However, I do have one announcement to make - I am bringing my Christmas Ordering in time for Christmas Delivery deadline forward to SUNDAY 20 NOVEMBER. This is for new pieces and won’t affect any ‘ready to ship’ orders of course, but 20 November it is for this year. BUT, I am hoping to have some bits going into the ready to ship section but will keep you posted as-and-when on these! Right off to do postage and bookkeeping but with a happy smile on my face. Laters, Bron xo ▫️💋▫️


What a lovely loving lot you really are. The joy you’ve made me feel with all your comments about me being nominated in the .co Independent Awards (voting link in bio in case you’ve not voted yet 😂😁) is unbelievable. From my cousins and aunts/uncles (benefits of a very large Irish family!), friends, customers, past colleagues, other nominees and fellow small businesses the love has been immense. Seriously it’s made this Friday joyous and every single message has meant the world and I won’t forget each of your kindness. Thank you, thank you. Bron xo ▫️💋▫️


I’m not naturally a confident or showy person, I’m much happier behind the scenes or shining the light on other people, but I’m making an exception today because I’m thrilled to say that I’ve been nominated in the .co annual Independent Awards in the Mature-preneur Award category (life does truly start at 50 you know!). Well, when I say me, I mean Marigold and Lettice: my chunky china business. I can’t quite believe it and would love to know who nominated me so I can thank them and thanks too to so many of you saying you’ve voted for me already. I feel like I’ve won already - I haven’t so please do vote, I”m up against some pretty stiff competition so every vote counts!!!! I don’t want to sound needy, desperate or coaxing but I’d love it if you had a moment to spare to vote for me (ideally!) but for others in the different categories too that would be the bomb. I can’t promise that I won’t keep mentioning it now and again before the 24 November when voting closes but hope you’ll indulge me without thinking I’m bragging! I’ve popped the voting link in my bio so it literally couldn’t be easier for you to vote (needy much!). I’m off to celebrate being nominated with a Thursday evening glass! Bron xo ▫️💋▫️


It’s all fun and games until you realise it is only 6 weeks until Christmas and you’re still holding out for that Indian summer! Seriously though, while I made my first Christmas piece in that 40 degree scorcher we had back in July I’m already dreaming of rabbits ready for Easter - it’s a crazy old world being a potter I can tell you. This picture is a throw back to an ever popular piece that works year round: stars! Styled beautifully captured by] and (two of my favs). Don’t forget I’ll be at the] Christmas Market next week with lots of one off pieces - can’t wait to see lots of you - tickets are sold out for Tuesday I think, but there are still a few left for the Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Back to my making - I’m seeing stars and fairy lights in my dreams with just the occasional rabbit and carrot! As you were. Bron xo ▫️🐁▫️


A lovely, flying visit to my parents ‘down south’ for a quick check in with their removal company - the move saga continues but we’re hopeful that they’ll be in their new place for Christmas (fingers, toes and eyelashes crossed!). Anyway, the long drive last night gave me chance to ponder on all sorts of things that I haven’t had a chance to dwell on while I’m in head-down making mode at home; I’ve got the return journey to make this evening but fear that my productivity may amount zero as I have just downloaded a new Audible book to listen to as I motor up the M5, M42 and M6! But as I get nearer home the excitement levels will rise as I put on a gold fire before I left yesterday and can’t wait to open it up and see the results, just as exciting I have some large dog sculptures in the other kiln which I’m praying will have come through their first fire in one piece. My view is that as long as I’m home before midnight I can sneak out and empty/restack the kilns because I’m that impatient. Enough waffle from me - now I’ve just got to find my car keys and set off. Bron xo ▫️🥦▫️


Can we talk turkey - ok not turkey, but Christmas order deadlines. I like to try and keep it as flexible as possible and push it to the last possible time but as it stands the last date to order for delivery in time for Christmas is Friday 25 November BUT it may well be bought forward (but it certainly won’t be made later). Of course orders can still be made after the 25th but I cannot guarantee that they will arrive in time for the big ho-ho-ho…It goes without saying, that if I have to make the deadline earlier I’ll try and give you as much notice as possible. Anyway, it’s a day of making and glazing for me (no rest for the wicked over here) and then a drive down to Bristol this evening for one night with the parents to meet with their removal company… hope you’ve all got lovely plans. Ta-ra. Bron xo ▫️⏰▫️


GIVEAWAY - to mark the third anniversary of when my hobby became my full time job I’m doing a giveaway because I know I wouldn’t be here without these Instagram squares or without the support and generosity of so many of you. Anyway, here’s the ‘rules’ of my annual 1st November-thank-you-giveaway: you have to be following me, a comment below (on this post only) counts as an entry and you can enter as many times as you like! Tag anyone who you might think will be interested in too as that counts as another entry as do shares on Stories!! Winner will be picked at random using a number generator and the giveaway ends on Sunday 6 November at 7pm. Now, before I go I just need a minute on the prize - it’s an extra-large fairy light Christmas tree, the first and only of its kind! I can’t believe it took me this long to make it but rest assured that they will be on the Christmas list for next year’s festive makes, but for now the prize winner will have the only one which - I like to think - makes this giveaway that little bit more special. There is no cash alternative and it isn’t linked with anyone else or Instagram - thanks as always for being here and here’s to another year of chunky white china! You’re all the dream. Bron xo 💋🎄💋


Happy Halloween!!! I hope you have a treat of a day and let’s trick ourselves that it’s not a Monday morning!! Sorry, it’s early… Bron xo ▫️👻▫️photo credit 📷: .co


It’s not long to go now before the] Christmas market on the evenings of 15, 16 and 17 November, the only in-person event I’m doing this year. Promise you it’s worth a drive out and Derbyshire is smack bang in the middle of the country (ish) so wherever you are it won’t take as long as you think! Anyway, I’m so excited and busily make as much as possible to take with me - this is pretty much the last shoutout to say if you’re coming and thinking about a particular piece then let me know so I can make sure I can make it in time to bring! The list is getting long but I’ll do my best to bring a range of Christmas and non-Christmas pieces… anyway, this constitutes as planning to me so I’m going into Sunday evening smug that I’ve remembered to ask! As you were. Bron xo ▫️🎄▫️ Photo credit 📷:]


It’s been quite some time since I’ve put my face on my feed (although I do ramble on in stories quite often) and because a number of you are new round these parts I thought I’d do a quick show and tell. So I’m Bronwen and I’m a lover (and maker) of chunky white china. And freckles. And French Fancies. And ribbons, bows but I will stop listing out my favourite things or we’ll be here a while. So a few years ago I took the massive leap from a 25-year career in corporate PR and moved from being a hobby-potter to ‘doing’ Marigold and Lettice full time. All my making is done around the kitchen table with two kilns at the end of the garden. I’ve three dogs, a husband and a teenager daughter (bet you can guess which one is most trouble!) and I don't think my life has ever been happier or busier! Perfect my pottery isn’t and nor would I want it to be - perfectly imperfect is what it is but made with love and energy and I like to think that’s perfect enough. Right, enough about me back to being behind the camera playing with clay which is where I feel more comfy. Bron xo ▫️💋▫️


Love love love seeing my pottery in your pictures. And how cool is this amazing bake from who launches her Christmas collection next week. Yum! I’ve got a day of making Christmas pieces today too - mind you with the recent warm weather it’s making me feel summery rather than wintery but I’m not complaining as summer is my jam. Anyway not sure how we’ve ended up talking nonsense so early in the day but hey. Have a good one... Bron xo ▫️❤️▫️


Said it before and I’ll say it again: sprouts are for life not just for Christmas! Another thing I’ll repeat weekly: how the devil is it Friday Eve again - where’s the week gone?! Anyway, as you were, I was with a glass of Prosecco and mighty fine it was too. Bron xo ▫️🥦▫️ (still no sprout emoji so having to make do with a broccoli one instead to depict my story, not quite the same is it but we move)


Continuing with my Christmas collection pictures for tonight’s post because, the baubles were feeling left out, but the fairy lights still wanted in on the action! What’s also exciting is that has just launched her Christmas range - always a favourite of mine and from where this majestic Rudolph came from last year. Enough rambling, I’m pulling an evening session to make most of the hours in the day. Bron xo ▫️🎄▫️


Thanks for all your love over the second sale yesterday, but now very firmly back to my Christmas orders and fairy lights and bauble making! Could not be happier right now, even though my Monday has been a long one and I’m still glazing!!!! Bron xo ▫️🎄▫️

Videos (show all)

So I might have put one of my new windchimes up in our garden to take a picture of it, and it ‘may’ have just had to sta...
Happy Easter one and all - so I did promise a seconds sale this weekend didn’t I, and it is still on the cards but I’m a...
Aghhhh Friday, I’m in love… the most glorious of cushions from @16thschild proving that not everything in our home is wh...
When the Spring sun streamed in the kitchen practically shone! Unfortunately it’s less sunny today so shall watch this v...
Forever grateful that you lot love my ideas and after I put this plate on my Stories earlier your feedback has had me la...
I wish making the flower canvas was this quick! Each piece of ‘art’ is unique and the 3d’ness of it makes it modern and ...
