White Oak Trace Homeowners Association

White Oak Trace Homeowners Association

White Oak Trace Homeowners


I would like to update everyone on what has been done in the subdivision since the meeting:

1. Cameras have been updated and are now being monitored by Custom Security

2. Flag poles/stands have been installed on the front columns.

3. Dead tree on the common ground has been removed to protect the nearby houses

4. Lighting on the entrance columns will be installed prior to Thanksgiving

I have received complaints regarding parking in the neighborhood along the streets. Please refer to the EBR Parking Regulations. The main issues brought to my attention are as follows:

1. Parking facing the wrong direction.
2. Paring blocking the sidewalk
3. While parking along the curb tires in the grass of the home
4. Leaving cars on the street for extended period of time
5. Parking across from a neighbor's driveway making it difficult to back out

Please respect each other as well as their property.



Just a reminder about our HOA meeting tomorrow night at Jones Creek Library starting at 6:00 pm.

Hope to see everyone there.

Dwight Hudson will be at the meeting to discuss things which are happening in our district as well.


The White Oak Trace HOA meeting will be Tuesday September 19th at 6:00 pm at Jones Creek Library.

Please let me know if there is anything you would like to add to the agenda.

There are still 4 households which have not paid their annual HOA dues, second notices have been sent out. These dues are due by September 1st, if not paid by then a third and final notice will be sent and lien proceedings will begin as per the deed restrictions.


Hope everyone is well. I know the construction has been an issue for the residents along the new development, I along with others have spoken with workers, foreman's etc to abide by the start time of 7:00 am. Again, I apologize to those who are affected by this and hopefully will improve soon.

There are 6 households who have not paid their HOA dues as of today. Please check your records and take care of this as soon as possible. There will be a second notice sent out to you in the mail.

Our annual HOA meeting will be sometimes in September and I will send out the dates as soon as I secure the room at the library.

Try to stay cool. Let me know of any other questions or concerns you have as well as any issues you would like addressed at the meeting.



The dues notices have been placed out on your front door today. I apologize that it took so long to get them out, the due date will be June 1st, please pay on time.

Please review the notices and correct any errors names, email address etc and send them in with your payments.



Please keep an eye out for this cat. It’s Tyler Manuel’s cat and it’s missing


Hey, this is Jenell. Can you ask George to send this picture of this cat to the neighborhood email? It has been hanging around our house for the past 2 weeks and we don't mind but we are worried about it with the weather approaching. It has a collar and bell around its neck. Hopefully someone will recognize it. If not, we will try to put it in our shed tomorrow night. We will have a heater and another cat in there too.


Merry Christmas!
Santa will be walking through the White Oak Trace Development once again this year reminding children to go to bed early.
Santa typically begins @ 6:30 and is seeking 2 elves to help with ringing door bells in advance of Santa at the front doors.
Santa would like to know many households would look forward to this.
Also please let Santa know your availability to assist.
Merry Christmas


There was a car stolen this morning from White Oak Trace drive. The suspects entered the neighborhood on foot at 238 and drove out at 327. Please be vigilant and keep your cars locked.


Hi! i am messaging you on behalf of the St. George Fire Department. We have changed up our Santa parades this year and will be in your neighborhood tomorrow night November 30!

Photos from White Oak Trace Homeowners Association's post 16/10/2022

Thank you Steve and Jerome for hosting the WOTHA Fall Social. The gumbo was delicious! The pool was warm! The snowballs were tasty! The company was fun!!!



The annual HOA meeting will be held next Tuesday September 6th at the Jones Creek Library beginning at 6:00 pm.

Hope to see everyone there.


Greetings neighbors!

Mrs. Dawn and I (Emily Hand) have assembled an up-to-date contact list for the neighborhood residences. This list has been shared with everyone through the email address we had on file.

If you did not receive the email, please let us know. You can comment on this post, send me an email (ekjhand at gmail dot com), or catch either one of us on one of our neighborhood walks.

Also included in the email is info about a ladies social club and about the Fall neighborhood party.

Your neighbors,
Dawn Pinkston & Emily Hand


Let me start out by thanking everyone who has paid their dues so far, out of the 61 houses we have collected from 52, the remaining 9 households will receive second notices this week and have until August 1st to pay, if dues are not paid by August 1st a certified letter will be sent for which you will have 10 days to pay, or a lien will be placed on the property.

The annual HOA meeting will be held on Tuesday September 6th at the Jones Creek Library beginning at 6 pm. I will send out reminders closer to the date and time.

A few issues continue to pop up around the neighborhood:

1 Parking-there are still people parking in their yards, this is in violation of EBRP laws, please refrain from parking in the yard.

2.Dogs-please make sure you keep your dog on a leash and pick up after them,

3.Blocking sidewalks-please make every effort not to block the sidewalks, as stated in our deed restrictions trailers, RV's, boats etc. should be parked out of sight as well.

If anyone has any issues, please do not hesitate to contact any board member. Also, if you know someone who is not on the email list or page let us know so we can add them to the list to receive our communications.

Last but not least as everyone has seen the construction on Banker's Lane continues, the construction company has done fairly well keeping the trucks from entering through our front entrance, although a few concrete trucks have passed through. Some neighbors have spoken with the foreman, and they will try to route these trucks down Banker's Lane.



Spring Fiesta 2022

Photos from White Oak Trace Homeowners Association's post 08/05/2022

Huge thank you to Courtney and Justin Edwards for hosting the Spring Fiesta! The kids had a blast in the jumpy and pool! The adults enjoyed meeting old and new neighbors!!!

Anyone interested in hosting the neighborhood Fall Fest? Reach out to Emily Hand. We can all pitch in to help.

Photos from White Oak Trace Homeowners Association's post 07/05/2022

The neighborhood fiesta is in just a few hours! Bring the kiddos’ swimsuits and towels for the jumpy waterslide!!! See yall soon! (Party starts at 3:00 at the Edwards’ residence - 16147 Berryhill)


The dues notices have been placed out on your front door today. I apologize that it took so long to get them out, the due date will be June 1st, please pay on time.

Please review the notices and correct any errors names, email address etc and send them in with your payment.

There have been some issues brought to my attention concerning parking on the street. We follow EBRP parking regulations:

No vehicle may be parked on the front lawn of any residence/apartment within the parish

No vehicle may be parked on the front lawn or side yard on any corner lot within the parish.

A vehicle may be parked on a residential street for a period which does not exceed nine continuous hours.

No vehicle with two or more rear axles are permitted to park within a residential neighborhood.

No vehicle may be parked on the street facing oncoming traffiic

I realize with spring/summer upon us there will be more gatherings and what not, please if you park on the street abide by the above rules and do not pull on the grass especially a neighbor's grass.

Remember the White Oak Trace Fiesta Saturday May 7 at 3:00 pm at the Edwards Residence (16147 Berryhill)

Please let me know of any questions or concerns you have about the neighborhood.


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Spring Fiesta 2022