Acted Moldova

Acted is a humanitarian NGO assisting 18 million+ people worldwide. Present in Moldova since 2022.

Photos from Acted Moldova's post 24/02/2024

Acted and REACH’s (Impact Initiatives) 2 years response achievements in Moldova to reduce the impact of the war in Ukraine.


To respond to the acute need for adequate accommodation for Ukrainian refugees arriving in Moldova since the escalation of the war in neighbouring Ukraine, REACH – a joint initiative of IMPACT Initiatives and Acted - conducted a second round of research to better understand the changes in the Moldovan rental market dynamics since the first round conducted from March to September 2023. Findings from the research are being used by implementing partners to support refugees finding and maintaining adequate mid-term accommodation.

Read the article for more information on the assessments here:


In the North of Moldova, Acted's partner - the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) team told a love story of a woman called Larisa and her husband. Their displacement journey began after the war came to their homeland, Ukraine, in February 2022. Fleeing from the chaos, they found a new home in Moldova in May 2022. Find out how NRC, as part of the EU- funded 'PLACE' consortium, helped Larisa and her husband overcome the difficulties of adapting in a new country:

Photos from Acted Moldova's post 19/02/2024

Victoria is a psychologist who has been working with Médecins du Monde since 2022, providing psychosocial support groups for refugees arriving from Ukraine. During the project they decided to provide similar services to humanitarian workers, including Acted staff.

In their work, they often use visual arts as a method to explore and realize important aspects of wellbeing. Victoria emphasized that mental health is an integral part of overall health. They gave advice on how to maintain a good level of mental health in the workplace:
- Have a clear division between work and personal time.
- Set realistic goals
- Take care of yourself and allow time for rest
- Be aware of your resources and use them consciously to cope with stress.


Acted and UNHCR-Moldova continue to collaborate in reducing the Impact of the war on refugees in the Republic of Moldova and ensuring access to humanitarian assistance, a project which Acted is implementing with the support of UNHCR.

The project aims to ensure that refugees have access to basic services adapted to their needs and are better integrated into Moldovan society through improving community infrastructure and supporting livelihood activities.


🎉 MEET OUR STAFF – Episode 7 – Our hero today is Mihaela, who works as a Disaster Risk Reduction Project Assistant.

Photos from Acted Moldova's post 14/02/2024

РУС: Acted приглашает беженцев из Украины принять участие в программе финансовой помощи на аренду жилья*. Мы предоставляем компенсацию арендной платы и коммунальных платежей на период 6-ти месяцев**, что позволит повысить финансовую стабильность и открыть новые возможности для Вашей семьи.

Также мы предоставляем:
· Юридическую поддержку
· Комплексную и индивидуальную помощь
· Пособие на переезд
· Комплект безопасности (аптечка, датчики дыма)

Чтобы подать заявку на участие, отсканируйте QR код или перейдите по ссылке:

* Участие в программе доступно для тех, кто не получал ранее подобный вид помощи ** Размер компенсации будет определен в зависимости от площади жилья и размера семьи

По вопросам программы: WhatsApp / Viber / Telegram Acted: +37368352054

🇪🇺 Финансируется Европейским Союзом.

УКР: Acted запрошує біженців з України взяти участь у програмі фінансової допомоги на оренду житла*. Ми пропонуємо компенсацію орендної плати та комунальних платежів на період 6-ти місяців**, що надасть змогу підвищити фінансову стабільність і відкрити нові можливості для Вашої родини.

Також ми надаємо:
· Юридичну підтримку
· Комплексну та індивідуальну допомогу
· Фінансову допомогу на переїзд
· Комплект безпеки (аптечка, датчик диму)

Щоб подати заявку на участь, відскануйте QR код або перейдіть за посиланням:

* Участь у програмі доступна для тих, хто не отримував раніше подібний вид допомоги
** Розмір компенсації буде визначено залежно від площі житла та розміру сім'ї

З питань програми: WhatsApp / Viber / Telegram Acted: +37368352054

🇪🇺 Фінансується Європейським Союзом.

ENG: Acted invites refugees from Ukraine to apply to the financial assistance program for rental housing*. We offer to cover 6 months** of rent and utility costs, which will increase financial stability and open new opportunities for your family.

Beyond this we offer:
· Legal support
· Comprehensive and individual assistance
· Moving in allowance
· Safety kit (first aid kit, fire alarm)

To apply, scan the QR code or follow the link:

* Participation in the program is available to those who have not received this type of assistance before.
** The amount of compensation will be determined based on accommodation and family size.

For questions on the program: WhatsApp / Viber / Telegram Acted: +37368352054

🇪🇺 Funded by the European Union.


Meet Radu Spatari - a councillor in the town hall of Puhaceni and a member of the local AO (Asociatie Obsteasca), who took part in the disaster risk reduction training organised by Acted.

Floods, fires and droughts pose a serious threat to Moldova's economy and living standards. The training aimed to equip local authorities, civil society organisations and action groups with new strategies to prevent and mitigate these risks, thus promoting a safer environment for the region. Radu emphasised the need for state involvement, recognising the challenges his community faces without sufficient support.

Highlighting the impact of the 2023 drought and forest fires, as well as the 2008 floods - the worst disaster in Anenii Noi's history - Radu emphasises the unpredictability of weather conditions and the toll it takes on agriculture. The community looks forward to gaining valuable insights from the training to effectively address these challenges.

Disaster risk reduction trainings are organised as part of the STRIVE Consortium. The project is funded by AFD - Agence Française de Développement and co-funded by USAID Moldova .

Photos from REthink's post 08/02/2024

Repost with feedback from REthink:

Civil society organizations play a crucial role in disaster risk management, contributing to reducing communities' vulnerabilities and increasing their ability to cope with natural or man-made disasters.
Recently Victoria Chicu from ReThink Center took part in a 3-day training, with the theme "Reducing the risk of disasters" to build capacity for our organization learning: disaster risk assessment, inclusive risk reduction practices, climate change.
Thank you ! We are united in building a more resilient society in the face of disasters.
And we can't help but notice what nice images we are left with, with good people who have the same mission - to make the world a better place. 🤲🏼🌏❤️

Disaster risk reduction trainings are organised as part of the STRIVE Consortium. The project is funded by AFD - Agence Française de Développement and co-funded by USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance .


Meet Vasile Gaspar!

He works at the General Directorate for Prevention of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations in Anenii Noi. Last week, Vasile participated in the Disaster Risk Reduction Forum with representatives of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) organised by Acted. He shared his knowledge of the causes and prevention of fires. According to official data, 1600 fires occurred in Moldova in 2023, 1000 of which were caused by ci******es. Installing smoke detectors is the best way to prevent fires and save lives.

The Disaster Risk Reduction Forum in Anenii Noi district will play a key role in developing effective risk mitigation strategies by fostering collaboration between CSOs, Local Public Authorities (LPAs), and Local Action Groups (LAG). The forum is part of the activities of the STRIVE consortium, funded by AFD - Agence Française de Développement and co-funded by USAID Moldova.

Photos from Inspectoratul General pentru Situații de Urgență al MAI's post 01/02/2024
Photos from Acted Moldova's post 01/02/2024

All humanitarian assistance is free!

Aid workers are prohibited from asking for:
• payments
• favors
• sexual exchanges

Witnessed or experienced inappropriate behavior by aid worker?
Report it! Use these channels or contact an aid worker or organization you trust. Your report is confidential.

Refugee Green Line: 0 800 800 11
Online reporting form:


We are thrilled to announce the continuation of the PLACE Consortium in 2024 with funding from EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid. Composed of Acted, REACH (IMPACT Initiatives), People in Need Moldova (PiN) and NRC - Norwegian Refugee Council, the PLACE Consortium will continue to provide a multi-sectoral humanitarian response to Ukrainian refugees and vulnerable Moldovan households in Moldova. Through services including mid-term accommodation solutions and comprehensive protection activities, the PLACE Consortium is aiming for safe and timely access to humanitarian assistance, promoted well-being, reinforced coping capacities of vulnerable communities, and broader capacity building and coordination of civil society organizations (CSOs) in Moldova.


Meet Raheela Saad - Acted's consultant on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)!

Raheela has over 15 years of professional expertise in disaster risk management, inclusion management, project management, and monitoring & evaluation. Her extensive portfolio includes the design and implementation of projects and courses spanning in more than 30 countries, showcasing her proficiency in working collaboratively with various entities such as UN agencies, the World Bank, international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), and the civil society. Her extensive experience underscores a commitment to excellence and a proven track record in the intricate domains of disaster resilience and inclusive projects implementation.

With the expertise of Raheela, Acted is conducting a training aimed at enhancing the knowledge of civil society organisations and local authorities working in the field of DRR. The training will help them conduct good risk assessments, design and develop plans to ensure greater local resilience, and better prepare the various stakeholders to anticipate future disasters.

Disaster risk reduction trainings are organised as part of the STRIVE Consortium. The project is funded by AFD - Agence Française de Développement and co-funded by USAID Moldova.


Today we are celebrating the International Day of Clean Energy.

Energy lies at the core of a double challenge: leaving no one behind and protecting the planet. And clean energy is crucial to its solution.

In a world grappling with climate change, clean energies plays a vital role in reducing emissions, and can also benefit communities lacking access to reliable power sources.

Acted globally embraces an ambitious greening strategy to tackle environmental degradation and climate change, while meeting the needs of the most vulnerable.

We aim at reducing our carbon footprint by at least 30% by 2025, and by 50% by 2030, in line with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recommendations, and ultimately achieve carbon neutrality for our operations. To do so, we set-up organisational mechanisms to measure our carbon footprint and take concrete actions to reduce it in all our operations.

In 2024, Acted's mission in Moldova will develop the 3ZeroHouse, one of Acted's flagship programmes. The 3ZeroHouse is a physical space designed to ignite collaboration among diverse stakeholders. Aligned with the European Green Deal and UN SDGs, the 3ZERO House serves as a hub for joint efforts on social and environmental projects. Together, we're building a 3Zero World to help reducing poverty, carbon emissions, and promote inclusion.

Photos from Acted Moldova's post 25/01/2024

Acted, with the financial support of UNHCR-Moldova, is implementing a project to improve access to basic needs for people fleeing Ukraine and to support the response of local government and non-governmental organisations.


Meet Ludmila - a member of AOPPD „Eternitate”, a Civil Society Organisation (CSO) that supports the social inclusion of people with special needs in the Fălești District.

Ludmila is representing a Moldovan CSO at a training on disaster risk reduction. She joined the training to deepen her knowledge of how to help people with special needs in the case of a disaster.

Disaster risk reduction trainings are organised as part of the STRIVE Consortium and aim to improve the safety and well-being of communities, strengthen disaster preparedness and reduce risks through strategic interventions. The project is funded by AFD - Agence Française de Développement and co-funded by USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance.


Acted's Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) team held a meeting with the mayors of Anenii Noi, including those from Țînțăreni, Chirca, Mereni and Merenii Noi, three of whom were recently elected. During the meeting, the DRR team presented and explained our project and the next activities dedicated to Local Public Authorities (LPAs). The mayors expressed their willingness to participate and responded positively to Acted's invitation to the DRR trainings that will start soon.

The trainings are provided within the framework of the project - STRIVE. It is a collaborative initiative, comprised of three partners: Acted, REACH (IMPACT initiatives), and Libraries Without Borders (BSF). With the financial support of AFD - Agence Française de Développement and USAID Moldova, Acted pursues STRIVE's mission to strengthen the resilience of populations affected by both man-made and natural disasters in Moldova.


We are hiring: Infrastructure Officer

If you have experience in building maintenance, plumbing, electrical systems and you speak Romanian, Russian and English, then we offer a dynamic and international team with a lot of opportunities to develop yourself and a competitive pay.

Does this sound good? So, we invite you to send your CV in English with subject "Infrastructure Officer MDA" to [email protected] . Full time position.

Photos from Acted Moldova's post 15/01/2024

With financial support from World Food Programme, from September 2022 to December 2023, Acted implemented the Emergency Food Support for Conflict-Affected Populations in Moldova project. In this post we summarise the results of the project.

Photos from Acted Moldova's post 11/01/2024

In November 2023, the Acted Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) team organised a training on „Organizational Management” for 40 Moldovan CSOs, working in crucial sectors like Social Inclusion, Gender-Based Violence, Environmental Protection, Media, and Women Empowerment.

The President of the Constantin Mimi Foundation – Cristina Frolov was one of the participants. This organisation, created in 2016, implements rural development through the creation of tourism policies in the villages around Mimi Castle. She decided to attend the training to strengthen her existing skills and develop new ones. Read more about her work and impressions from the training here:


In the last two weeks of 2023, Acted Protection Case Workers and NRC team worked together to distribute 100 hygiene kits to vulnerable households across Moldova.

A special shout out to NRC - Norwegian Refugee Council, Acted's partner in the EU-funded PLACE consortium, for providing the hygiene kits to vulnerable people, including children and the elderly! These kits contained all the essentials for proper care for 100 beneficiaries.

Photos from Acted Moldova's post 29/12/2023

From 13 to 15 December, the Acted Protection Case Management team celebrated an energetic year-end workshop. The team, in collaboration with CSO partners Biaz Gul and Centrul de Asistență Socială Casa Speranțelor , successfully managed 736 cases in 5 months. 98.69% of beneficiaries reported improved problem-solving skills through protection case management, while 99.67% expressed satisfaction with the services and knowledge of the caseworkers assisting them.

The workshop was a mix of celebrating impactful cases and addressing challenges faced throughout the year. Lessons learned were distilled for growth in the coming year, with a review of tools driven by collaborative brainstorming. Thanks to EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid 's support, the team is already gearing up for a dynamic year full of exciting initiatives and collaborations to create positive change. 🚀


🎉 MEET OUR STAFF – Episode 6 – Our heroes today are Tatiana and Vadim, who work as Protection Case Workers.


Like many other Ukrainian families, Yuliya arrived in Moldova with her children in March 2022. From that moment on, their lives completely changed.

Yuliya is a Ukrainian single mom of a son, 12, and two daughters, 10 and 5. She visited the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)’s North Community Centre in Ocnita, north Moldova, after hearing about it from other Ukrainian refugees.

NRC - Norwegian Refugee Council partnered with Acted Ngo, People in Need Moldova (PIN), and REACH to create a consortium called PLACE, with the support of the EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid. Since the launch of PLACE in June 2023 at the North Community Centre, refugees and host communities have been accessing protection services, legal aid and counselling.

Read the full story of Yulia:

Photos from Acted Moldova's post 22/12/2023

🌟 Meet Violeta Voronet, the dynamic force behind AO Smart Woman in Riscani village, Anenii Noi rayon! 🌍

As the organization's administrator, she's leading impactful social projects for local development. Attending our CSOs trainings, Violeta aims to gain new insights, foster collaborations, and contribute to ongoing projects. 🧠💡 Join us in applauding Violeta's commitment to learning and driving positive change! 🙌

Photos from Acted Moldova's post 20/12/2023

🎉 Last week, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) team conducted a series of training to Moldovan Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on „Financial Management”. Participants have learned especially on the following topics:

• Financial Management
• Budgeting
• Reporting
• Audit

With the knowledge gained, CSOs are able to strengthen their organisations. The trainings are produced within the framework of the project – STRIVE; a collaborative initiative, comprised of three partners: Acted, REACH (IMPACT initiatives), and Libraries Without Borders (BSF). With financial support of AFD - Agence Française de Développement and USAID Moldova, Acted pursues STRIVE's mission to strengthen the resilience of populations affected by both man-made and natural disasters in Moldova.

Photos from Acted Moldova's post 15/12/2023

To foster harmony between locals and refugees while contributing to the environment and increase the number of fruit trees in Moldova, Acted, with financial support from the World Food Programme (WFP), organized several tree-planting events near Refugee Accommodation Centres (RACs).

Aligned with its 3ZERO objective of promoting protective living environments and social cohesion, Acted brought together refugees, RAC workers, local community members, and Acted staff to plant fruit trees at five RACs located in Chisinau, Copceac, Cahul, Mihaileni, and Glodeni. A total of 96 people participated in these activities, resulting in the planting of 230 fruit trees that will bring fruits for future generations.

This initiative was warmly welcomed by every participant.

Read more:


Photos from Acted Moldova's post 13/12/2023

🌐 Every two weeks, around thirty INGOs representatives, including from Acted, gather to support and strengthen operational coordination amongst INGOs in the Republic of Moldova. The core objectives of the INGO Forum are to support coordination efforts by the UN and Moldova’s government, support advocacy efforts towards various stakeholders, encourage effective and appropriate use of humanitarian assistance in the country, and keep track of developed, implemented, and decided upon processes by the Forum and the members.

Photos from Acted Moldova's post 08/12/2023

In collaboration with the World Food Programme (WFP), Acted is assisting Ukrainian refugees through general food assistance (GFA), making sure that hot meals are being catered in 14 Refugee Accommodation Centers (RACs).The project's fourth on-site monitoring (OSM) visit was organized between October 4th and 6th, 2023, in 9 RACs to assess beneficiaries' satisfaction with the support provided. The findings showed that Acted successfully delivers food assistance through catered hot meals or voucher modality to beneficiaries in supported RACs. The Food Consumption Score (FCS) set revealed an acceptable food consumption with an average FC of 76.24. Beneficiaries expressed satisfaction with the food, with 85% being satisfied and very satisfied. The Acted Feedback Mechanism (AFM) was well-visible and functional in all visited RACs, as 90% of those interviewed are aware of these mechanisms.

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Videos (show all)

MEET OUR STAFF – Episode 7
MEET OUR STAFF – Episode 6
STRIVE is a collaborative initiative, comprised of three partners: Acted, REACH (IMPACT initiatives), and Libraries With...
The Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) department of Acted has developed the Winter Situation 20...
Discover how Acted, part of the EU-funded PLACE consortium, is providing vital cash for rent assistance to refugees and ...
Last week, UNHCR opened a community centre in Dondușeni.Acted carried out external insulation of the building, a water d...
Episode 5
MEET OUR STAFF – Episode 4
MEET OUR STAFF – Episode 3
MEET OUR STAFF – Episode 2
MEET OUR STAFF - Episode 1. Barbara



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