Anglophone Department Law School, MSU
Studenții anglofoni profită de învățământ bilingv, diplomă acreditată a unui jurist ce cuno
Facultatea de Drept a Universității de Stat din Moldova oferă studenților posibilitatea de a își realiza studiile de licență în limba engleză. Dacă ești dornic să accepți o provocare intelectuală, să înveți într-un mediu bilingv și la finisarea studiilor să profiți de perspective și oportunități superioare - aplică la filiera anglofonă din cadrul Facultății de Drept. Studenții anglofoni profită de
Anglophone Department represented at Kent’s University US, so proud of you Bordian
Oxana is a third-year law student at the Moldova State University and had the unique opportunity to familiarize herself with the American educational system through the UGRAD program. Spending a semester at Kent State University, she explored the complexities of this system, appreciating its many advantages. The desire to apply for this scholarship was sparked from her first year at university, inspired both by program alumni and a professor at her university. In the academic year 2023/2024, the U.S. Embassy awarded three scholarships to students from the Republic of Moldova. Two young women embarked on this journey in the first semester, and Oxana was fortunate to receive the scholarship for the second semester.
Her initiation into the courses at Kent State University was an enlightening experience for Oxana. At the beginning of the semester, each student receives a syllabus – a document detailing the academic information of the course. This includes a summary of what will be learned in the following week and the homework assignments for the
entire semester, with all readings provided in advance. Oxana was particularly impressed by the flexibility in selecting courses, a system that allows students to tailor their academic path according to their interests, even outside their main field of study. Compared to her studies in Moldova, Oxana found that more time is allocated for homework in the U.S., a practice she came to appreciate as it ensures students come prepared to class.
A cultural aspect that caught Oxana's attention was the American habit of smiling and freely giving compliments. Oxana's journey through the UGRAD program at Kent State University not only improved her academic skills but also broadened her cultural horizons, demonstrating the profound impact of educational exchange programs in promoting understanding and global connections.
Hello everyone!
We’re thrilled to announce the winners of our video essay contest on Fake News in the Age of Social Media, that took place on Thursday, April 18. First and foremost, a huge thank you to all the talented participants, first year students from group 2304. Your insights and creativity truly impressed us!
🌟Winner Entries:
🥇 First Place - Victoria Morgoci
🥈Second Place - Garbuz Daniel
🥉 Third Place - Anda Osipov
Congratulations to all winners!
A big thank you to our esteemed panel of judges who dedicated their time and expertise to evaluate the entries: Mr. Steven Youngblood, Fulbright Scholar at Moldova State University, founding director of the Center for Global Peace Journalism in Parkville, Missouri, laureate of Luxemburg Peace Prize for 2020-2021; Dr. Stephen Stork, First Counsellor, Head of the Finance, Contracts and Audit section, Delegation of the EU to the Republic of Moldova; Mrs. Alina Slobodaniuc, university lecturer, Moldova State University, President of Veto Club, debate club within Faculty of International Relations, MSU. Your insights were valuable!
Special thanks to America House for hosting the event.
📣 Sunteți cu gândul la vară deja? Atunci să fie școala de vară!
Am dat start înregistrărilor pentru Școala de vară „Democrația aplicată”, ediția 2024. Evenimentul este organizat pentru a șaptea oară și promite să fie energizant, plin de experiențe interesante și extrem de utile.
✅ ești student/ă, masterand/ă sau proaspăt/ă absolvent/ă
✅ ești gata pentru provocarea acestei veri, în care să explorezi subiecte precum democrația, drepturile omului și activismul civic
✅ ți-ai dori să faci o schimbare printr-o cercetare sau activități de advocacy și ai avea nevoie de finanțare...
👉 atunci înregistrează-te și poți deveni unul dintre participanții sau una dintre participantele acestei școli de vară! Formularul poate fi completat în limba română sau rusă:
Mai multe detalii despre eveniment și condițiile de participare sunt aici:
Evenimentul este organizat în cadrul proiectului „Sprijinirea eforturilor de promovare a protecției drepturilor omuluiˮ, susținut financiar de Ministerul Afacerilor Externe al Regatului Țărilor de Jos/ Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Moldova.
Our law students had the privilege to visit the headquarters of the prestigious insurance company 'MoldAsig'.
During this visit, the students had the unique opportunity to understand the parties involved in an insurance contract, as well as the diversity of insurance types available on the market. Regarding this complex subject, 'MoldAsig''s specialists provided a detailed and interactive presentation, highlighting the importance of each element of an insurance contract and its implications for the involved parties.
Furthermore, discussions were directed towards the aspects citizens should consider when choosing their insurance company. From evaluating the company's reputation and solvency to understanding coverage and exclusions in the insurance policy, participants received valuable advice to make informed and responsible choices regarding insurance matters.
This experience not only shed light on the complexity of the insurance field but also strengthened the link between theory and practice for our future lawyers and legal specialists. We thank 'MoldAsig' for providing us with this opportunity and for contributing to the professional development of our students.
Moldova State University's team concludes their journey in the Willem C. VisMoot, leaving behind a legacy of dedication and perseverance. Throughout the competition, the team exhibited remarkable legal acumen and unwavering determination, reflecting the values upheld by their alma mater. Their participation in intense debates and rigorous preparation sessions demonstrated a deep commitment to mastering international law.
As they bid farewell to this chapter, the team extends heartfelt gratitude to their professors, mentors, friends, and family whose support was instrumental in their journey. Their collective encouragement propelled the team forward, inspiring them to strive for greatness.
While this chapter may be closing, the spirit of excellence and passion for the law remains deeply ingrained within Moldova State University's legal community. The team's participation in the 31st esition of the VisMoot serves as a testament to their commitment to upholding the highest standards of legal education and representation.
Christopher R. Kelley
Curs instructiv în domeniul negocierii 2024 pentru studenții Filierei Anglofone, Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova În perioada 18-20 martie 2024, studenții Filierei Anglofone au avut o oportunitate deosebită de a participa la formarea în domeniul negocierilor și scrierii juridice în limba engleză predat de Christopher Kelley Associate Professor of Law University of Arkansas School of Law, Fulbright Schola...
Negotiation Training 2024 for Anglophone Department students
On March 18th-20th 2024, the Anglophone Department had a special opportunity to participate in Negotiation and Legal Writing Training taught by Christopher Kelley Associate Professor of Law University of Arkansas School of Law, Fulbright Scholar at Moldova State University School of Law.
The students started the coaching with basis notions, what negotiation entails and the steps to follow to reach to successful negotiations. These 5 steps are very simple, but only if you know them and they are as follows:
1. Assess your Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement
2. Calculate your reservation price
3. Assess the other party’s Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement
4. Calculate the other party’s reservation price
5. Evaluate the bargaining zone
Training participants also spoke about two kinds of negotiation distributive where the parties compete over a fixed sum of value and integrative where the parties cooperate to gain the maximum benefit for both sides. At this training, they got acquainted with a number of strategies, and the most important thing they learned there was that they should never start the conversation with numbers, they should ask as many questions as possible, build trust and not rush to make final decisions.
After learning the principles of negotiations, the students moved on to the most interesting part, the practical part. They received the cases, were divided into pairs to negotiate with each other and implemented all the studied strategies. It seemed difficult at first, but once they understood the essence, all of them did a great job.
On the last day students finished with legal writing. The most important thing they learned was that legal writing should be clear, concise, simple and well-ordered. Students were urged to use plain English, omit extra words, keep sentences short and use punctuation carefully. They also applied the rules they studied in various challenges set by Professor Christopher Kelley.
Studenții Filierei Anglofone, Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova în discuții despre integrarea europeană cu europarlamentarul Alin Mitruța În data de 23 februarie 2024, europarlamentarul Alin Mitruța a discutat cu studenții Filierei Anglofone, Facultatea de Drept, USM, cu studenții de la Facultatea de Jurnalism și Științe ale Comunicării și cu studenții Facultății de Relații Internaționale, Științe Politice și Administ...
On February 23, 2024, Member of Euro Parliament, Mr. Alin Mitruța discussed with the students of the Anglophone Department, Faculty of Law, MSU about the importance of the process of integration of the Republic of Moldova as a candidate country for the EU.
Alin MITRUȚA emphasized that young people are of particular importance in this integration process, a complex process, one of transformation and modernization that will directly influence the future and the lives of young people/students, especially. Integration will provide the opportunity to study in European countries, to establish relations and develop joint projects with various cultural and educational centers abroad in our country.
"I feel the enthusiasm and energy of young people and the desire for change, this will bring many benefits for you, for the country and for your future," added the Alin MITRUȚA.
Exploring the European Path: Study visit to Bucharest.
As part of our ongoing exploration into the European trajectory of the Republic of Moldova, a group of students from the Anglophone Department, Faculty of Law and students from the Faculty of International Relations, Politics and Administrative studies embarked on a study visit to Bucharest, Romania, this endeavor sought to delve deep into the dynamics, challenges, and opportunities inherent in Moldova’s pursuit of closer integration with the European Union.
Day 1: Visit at the Palace of the Parliament, Chamber of Deputies.
Students visited the Palace of Parliament and also participated in a round table discussion organized by a group of MPs in the Chamber of Deputies. It was a fruitful discussion, where students expressed their desire to learn from Romania’s European Path and what advice the politicians offer to facilitate the integration process of the Republic of Moldova. And towards the end of the day, they attended a working session of the Chamber of Deputies, where they could observe the legislative process in a consolidated European democracy.
Day 2: Visit at the Embassy of Republic of Moldova to Romania.
Our second day was dedicated to a visit to the Embassy of Republic of Moldova to Romania, where students engaged in a discussion with His Exelllency Ambasador Victor Chirilă on the role of young people in strengthening relationship between Moldova and Romania. The Ambassador told students about the actions of the Diplomatic Mission in Bucharest to strengthen excelent relations with Romania, encouraged students to get involved in promoting our country and offered advice that students will certainly apply in the future.
This study visit was an important step towards a deeper understanding of inter-state relations and geopolitical dynamics, for which students are deeply grateful and eager to make it a tradition.
On February 13th, 2024 the student of the Anglophone Department, Faculty of Law had fruitfull discussion with Dr.Stephen STORK, First Counsellor, Head of Finance, Contracts and Audit Section, Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova. The students were familiarized with contract law in EU and Germany, commercial and procurement law and main differences and similarities between the legislation of Germany and EU and RM. Also there were discussed contracts and grants issues in the Eastern Neighborhood Region and in particular in the Republic of Moldova. The lessons will continue during the spring semester 2024.
Moldova State University’s VisMoot team has attended the Vilnius Pre-Moot during 16-20 February 2024.
Our team represented Moldova alongside teams from Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Ukraine. During this time, they showcased their oral advocacy skills, improved their pleading and prepared for the Moot competition that will take place in march.
The team benefited from trainings on:
- Consolidation and joinder in arbitral proceedings;
- Etiquette during an oral hearing;
- Developing persuasive arguments.
This was a valuable experience for all the team members that will definitely prove useful during the competition in Vienna.
🥰Luna ianuarie a fost despre ,,Bune practici în scrierea și managementul proiectelor” pentru studenții de la Facultatea de Drept.
⚖În cadrul a patru sesiuni de training, studenții au aflat despre structura și etapele scrierii unui proiect, identificarea corectă a unei probleme și teoria schimbării în ciclul proiectului. Sub aspect practic, fiecare echipă a identificat câte o problemă din domeniul juridic și a aplicat cunoștințele obținute pentru a realiza un arbore al problemei asociate, pe care ulterior l-a transformat într-un arbore al soluțiilor. Astfel, participanții au fost încurajați să exploreze mai multe opțiuni și să găsească soluții inovatoare pentru provocările întâlnite.
🤩Mai mult, acest training a reprezentat o excelentă oportunitate pentru dezvoltarea spiritului critic, abilităților de lucru în echipă și a capacității de comunicare asertivă.
😎Aducem deosebite mulțumiri trainerului Olga Morozan pentru ghidarea studenților și modul captivant în care a facilitat învățarea, doamnei Aliona Cara pentru organizarea și coordonarea acestui eveniment precum și America House pentru sprijinul oferit prin găzduirea acestui training.
Bună ziua , stimați studenți vă informez ca în data de 11.01, 18.01 și 25.01 , orele 17.00-19.00 la America House se vor organiza training pe Managementul Proiectelor pt studenții Filierei Anglofone rog să mă anunțați pe e-mail [email protected] cine va participa pentru a remite lista organizatorilor, adresa!4m2!3m1!1s0x40c97d531d954485:0x1d338db23eaf228f?entry=s&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjLxLOamdCDAxUsSPEDHaxrCNIQ4kB6BAgPEAA&hl=en-us
America House Chisinau · Strada Mitropolit Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni 27, Chișinău, Moldova ★★★★★ · Education center
😍Second-year students from group 2206 recently concluded an invigorating session of debate training, marking an incredible journey delving into diverse perspectives and refining our rhetorical skills. We're excited to unveil the outcomes of our debate showdown!
Team Government, comprised of Madalina-Camelia Silnic, Marinela Neamțu, and Valeria Oboroceanu, emerged as victors, showcasing a compelling blend of passion, facts, and eloquence. The event took place on December 5, 2023, at America House 🇺🇸, where we focused on developing solutions for combating misinformation through engaging debates.
Highlighting our outstanding participants—Madalina-Camelia Silnic, Marinela Neamțu, Valeria Oboroceanu, and Ricu Tihon—we extend a huge shoutout to our coach, Sergiu Cibotaru, for guiding us with wisdom and expertise! 🙌 However, beyond the victory in the competition, the real triumph lies in the friendships forged, the personal growth achieved, and the shared knowledge among us. We transcend being mere debaters; we are a supportive community dedicated to nurturing critical thinking and effective communication.
🤩A special note of gratitude goes to America House Chișinău for graciously hosting our event over the course of 7 weeks. Special thanks also to our Project Coordinator, Lia Butucel, for her invaluable contributions to the success of our endeavors. Together, we are not just participants in debates; we are a community committed to fostering intellectual growth and collaborative learning.
🇺🇸🇲🇩USFSP, USM, ULIM COMPARATIVE LEGAL RESEARCH FALL 2023: Civil Liberties in the US and Europe - A Comparison of Cases Decided by the SCOTUS and the ECtHR.
🤩On the 30th of November, America House hosted an international conference where students from USFSP (University of South Florida), USM (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova), and ULIM (Universitatea Liber Internațională din Moldova) presented their research posters. This research project was engaging, insightful, and informative for both Moldovan and American students.
🙏We express our gratitude to Professor Judithanne Scourfield McLauchlan from USFSP, Lia Butucel and Aliona Cara-Rusnac from USM, Larisa Patlis from ULIM, and to all the students who were a part of this project.
Dear friends and colleagues,
We kindly remind you that on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, at 3:00 PM, we will be hosting an online lecture on the topic of ”Principles of Criminal Procedural Law." Additionally, on Thursday, October 26, 2023, at the same time, we invite you to join us for a lecture on the subject of "Principles of Civil Law." Please mark your calendars for these important events!
Connection links:
📅 Wednesday, 10/25/2023, at 3:00 PM:
Zoom Link -
📅 Thursday, 10/26/2023, at 3:00 PM:
Zoom Link -
We look forward to engaging in these fascinating topics during the lectures and having constructive discussions. Don't forget to prepare your questions and join the conversation.
Second Debate Training Session. Anglophone Department, group 2206.
🌟 Yesterday, 10/10/2023, 2nd year students of the Anglophone Department started a training program designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to construct persuasive arguments, engage in debates and develop solutions to combat misinformation!
💡Stay tuned, the most interesting is yet to come! 🚀
👥 Organizer: Lia Butucel, university lecturer
📚 Trainer: Sergiu Cibotaru
🏢 Venue: America House Chisinau
📣 Join us for a Special Zoom Lecture on Administrative Law with Guest Speaker Jautrite Briede! 🌟
📅 Date: October 6th, 2023
🕒 Time: 3:00 PM
Are you interested in gaining insights into Administrative Law? We are excited to announce a unique opportunity to expand your knowledge in this field with an exclusive lecture featuring renowned expert Jautrite Briede.
🌐 Language: The lecture will be conducted in Russian with Romanian translation provided.
Mark your calendars and click the link below to join the Zoom session on the day of the event.
🔗 Zoom Link:
Prepare your questions and get ready to explore the world of Administrative Law with Jautrite Briede! We look forward to your active participation!
See you there! 📚🤝
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...
🚀🌌A Day to Remember: Mr. Scott Schneider Visit to Moldova State University!🚀🌌
🛰️🌍In a captivating event, Mr. Schneider shared his expertise on various aspects of space law, the dynamic new space economy, Technical University of Moldova's groundbreaking satellite launch, and the incredible applications of space technology. 🛰️🌍
Here's a glimpse of what we discussed today:
🌟 New Space Economy: Mr. Schneider highlighted the rapid growth of the new space economy and how it's reshaping industries from telecommunications to agriculture.
🌟 General Principles of Space Law: We delved into the world of space law (The UN Outer Space Treaty), emphasizing the need for international cooperation and responsible management of space debris, in the context of space exploration, while maintaining international peace and security!
🌟 Technical University of Moldova's Satellite: We celebrated the incredible achievement of our fellow students at the Technical University of Moldova for designing Moldova's first artificial satellite, and eventually launching it into space, in collaboration with SpaceX, 2022 Falcon 9 mission🚀🎓
🌟 Space Applications: The discussion also covered the endless possibilities of space technology, from Earth observation for environmental monitoring to satellite-based navigation systems!
We want to extend our sincere gratitude to Mr. Scott Schneider (Special Counsel - Space, International Aerospace Law & Policy Group), Mrs. Aliona Cara (Secretary of State at Ministry of Environment), Mrs. Doina Cuciurca, and to all the students from the anglophone groups for making this event a reality. 🙌
🌟 International Panel Discussion surrounding the US Constitution and the importance of democracy! 🇺🇸🌎
The 26th of September 2023 was a day of intellectual enrichment and cross-cultural exchange as the America House in Chisinau hosted an international panel discussion on a topic that lies at the heart of democratic values - "The US Constitution and the Importance of Democracy." 📜🗳️
🌐 Diverse Perspectives: The America House was buzzing with energy as students from USF (University of South Florida) and Moldova State University (anglophone groups) came together to share their unique perspectives on the US Constitution and its impact on the world.
💬 Engaging Conversations: What made this event truly exceptional were our distinguished special guests - Judithanne Scourfield-McLauchlan (Frank E. Duckwall Professor of Florida Studies, founding Director of the USF St. Petersburg center for civic engagement), Casey Welch (Executive Director of the Institute for public policy and leadership, USF Sarasota-Manatee), and Taylor Herman (Campus LT. Governor).
One of the key points of the debate revolved around the pressing questions: "What is the biggest threat to the US democracy? Is democracy best for everyone?" Our special guests, along with students, engaged in a thought-provoking exploration around the democratic principles and the US Declaration of Independence. They provided valuable perspectives on the challenges facing democracy today - misinformation/ disinformation and the idea of a military regime in the US.
🙏We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the students who participated, our esteemed moderators and panelists (Judithanne Scourfield-McLauchlan, Casey Welch,Taylor Herman, Alyvia Hallock, Laura Shaw, Nathan Tout-Puissant) and to America House for hosting and making this event a success!
📣We are thrilled to announce the "Program of International Students Round Table"!
An event that promises to be an engaging and enriching experience for everyone involved!
The link for joining the event -
📣 Calling All Aspiring Law Students! 📚🎓
Are you enthusiastic about pursuing a legal career and looking for a vibrant and diverse academic experience? Look no further! We are thrilled to invite all prospective students applying to join our Faculty of Law to consider opting for our dynamic Anglophone Group!
🌟 Why Choose the Anglophone Group? 🌟
1️⃣ Enhance Your English Skills: Joining the Anglophone Group will provide you with a unique opportunity to hone your English language proficiency. If you are looking to improve your language skills, our engaging seminars in English will give you the confidence needed to excel in an international legal setting.
2️⃣ International Perspectives: The legal field is becoming increasingly globalized. By immersing yourself in an Anglophone environment, you'll be better equipped to understand and navigate international legal frameworks, making you stand out in the job market.
3️⃣International Exposure: Our university frequently hosts renowned international experts who come to teach and share their expertise with students in the Anglophone Group. This exposure will broaden your understanding of legal systems worldwide and open doors to exciting networking opportunities.
4️⃣Prestigious Competitions: Joining the Anglophone Group brings exciting prospects for participation in international competitions like Vis Moot or John H Jackson Moot Court Competition. These prestigious events will challenge and showcase your legal skills on a global stage, setting you on a path to success in the legal profession.
✏️If you know someone who might be interested in joining our Faculty of Law and exploring the Anglophone Group, don't hesitate to tag them or share this post with them. Together, let's build a diverse and dynamic legal community!
We look forward to meeting all the bright and ambitious minds eager to embark on a fulfilling legal journey with us! 🚀
Follow up:
18-20th July interviews will be conducted with the team coach and our American Sponsors (CLDP).
For anyone interested to be part of the JHJ Moot Court Competition team, please get in touch asap. Looking forward to hearing from you!
[email protected]
🔔🌐Be part of the 22nd Edition of the John H Jackson Moot Court Competition!
🏆 We're excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for the prestigious 22nd edition of the John H Jackson Moot Court Competition!
This is a fantastic opportunity to represent Moldova on the international stage, delving into the intricate world of international trade law, and interact with some of the brightest legal minds from across the globe! You'll have the chance to interact with leading experts, engage with complex legal issues, and hone your ability to articulate compelling arguments.
👥 We are calling on ambitious law students, who harbor a keen interest in international trade law and are prepared to take on the exciting challenge of representing our nation in this esteemed moot court competition. Previous moot court experience is beneficial but not essential.
🌟 By participating, you will:
Gain invaluable exposure to real-world international trade disputes
Develop advanced legal research, writing, and oral advocacy skills
Expand your professional network within the international legal community
❗️This competition involves a significant time commitment, often requiring a substantial number of hours each week. Your passion, dedication, and resilience will be put to the test, but in exchange, you will experience immense personal and professional growth.
📝 If you're ready to put your legal prowess to the test, we encourage you to apply!
🌟To submit your application:
1️⃣ Send us your up-to-date CV to [email protected]
2️⃣ Accompany your CV with a cover letter expressing your interest in this competition. Share why you want to undertake this intense and rewarding journey, your aspirations in international trade law.
Looking forward to hearing from you! 🙂
🔔🌐Be part of the 22nd Edition of the John H Jackson Moot Court Competition!
🏆 We're excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for the prestigious 22nd edition of the John H Jackson Moot Court Competition!
This is a fantastic opportunity to represent Moldova on the international stage, delving into the intricate world of international trade law, and interact with some of the brightest legal minds from across the globe! You'll have the chance to interact with leading experts, engage with complex legal issues, and hone your ability to articulate compelling arguments.
👥 We are calling on ambitious law students, who harbor a keen interest in international trade law and are prepared to take on the exciting challenge of representing our nation in this esteemed moot court competition. Previous moot court experience is beneficial but not essential.
🌟 By participating, you will:
Gain invaluable exposure to real-world international trade disputes
Develop advanced legal research, writing, and oral advocacy skills
Expand your professional network within the international legal community
❗️This competition involves a significant time commitment, often requiring a substantial number of hours each week. Your passion, dedication, and resilience will be put to the test, but in exchange, you will experience immense personal and professional growth.
📝 If you're ready to put your legal prowess to the test, we encourage you to apply!
🌟To submit your application:
1️⃣ Send us your up-to-date CV to [email protected]
2️⃣ Accompany your CV with a cover letter expressing your interest in this competition. Share why you want to undertake this intense and rewarding journey, your aspirations in international trade law.
Looking forward to hearing from you! 🙂
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
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