Ardcoin - ARDX, Ulaanbaatar Videos

Videos by Ardcoin - ARDX in Ulaanbaatar.

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Крипто Үндэстэн ХК (MSE: CNF) Хувьцаа эзэмшигчдийн ээлжит хурал
Крипто Үндэстэн ХК (MSE: CNF) Хувьцаа эзэмшигчдийн ээлжит хурал

Meet the CEO: Г.Цогбадрах, Ц.Тайшир
Meet the CEO: Г.Цогбадрах, Ц.Тайшир

Ард Даатгал ХК Хувьцаа эзэмшигчдийн ээлжит хурал
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Ардкойн 5 жилийн ойн урамшуулалт HODL дуусахад ердөө 2 хоног үлдлээ.

Ardcoin x Bluemon Sports. Энэ өдөр 11 жилийн ой нь тохиож буй эрхэм хамтрагч байгууллага Bluemon Sports-ын нийт хамт олондоо баярын мэнд дэвшүүлье. Ард Апп хэрэглэгч та бүхэн BlueMon Sports худалдан авалт бүрд үнийн дүнгийн 1%- тай тэнцэх ардкойны урамшуулал аваарай. ✅

Ардкойн 3.0
Ардкойн 3.0

Ardcoin 3.0 - Launch event
Ардкойн 3.0 - Үндэсний төвлөрсөн бус, нээлттэй урамшууллын онооны нээлтийн арга хэмжээ. #ARDX #ardcoin #decentralized

ArdCoin 3.0 Coming Soon…

Sneak peak from the Rumble of Thunder v1.1 interactive gameplay. Join the HU in the Metaverse and interact with other fans. Grab your tickets now at: The HU in the Metaverse: powered by Ard - 2023.3.30🔊 #TheRumbleofThunderPerformance #TheHU #ARDX #StrongerTogether

This virtual concert will give The HU's worldwide fans the opporunity to experience Hunnu Rock and Mongolian culture together and interact woth each other. Grab your tickets NOW at: Дэлхийн өнцөг булан бүрт суугаа Хү хамтлагийн шүтэн бишрэгчид нэгэн дор цуглаж, Хүннү Рок, Монгол өв соёлоор амьсгалж, хоорондоо харилцах боломж нээгдэж байна. Яг одоо тасалбараа аваарай: The HU in the Metaverse: powered by Ard - 2023.3.30🔊 #TheRumbleofThunderPerformance #TheHU #ARDX #StrongerTogether

Sneak peak from the HU in the Metaverse concert - Ariun Dagshin Mountain 2023.3.30🔊 Tickets available at: The HU in the Metaverse - Rumble of Thunder v1.1 • powered by Ard • built by Metaland Metaverse • supported by Ministry of Culture #TheRumbleofThunderPerformance #TheHU #ARDX #StrongerTogether

Rumble of Thinder v1.1 - Interactive virtual concert on - 2023.3.30🔊 Tickets available at: The HU in the Metaverse: powered by Ard #TheRumbleofThunderPerformance #TheHU #ARDX #StrongerTogether

Experience Hunnu Rock like never before with this interactive virtual performance. Cut from the HU's in the Kitchen S2E1. Tickets available at: The HU in the Metaverse: powered by Ard - 2023.3.30🔊 #TheRumbleofThunderPerformance #TheHU #ARDX #StrongerTogether

Experience Hunnu Rock and Mongolian culture with this virtual performance that blends interactive 3D gameplay with 2D storytelling. Tickets available at: The HU in the Metaverse: powered by Ard - 2023.3.30🔊 #TheRumbleofThunderPerformance #TheHU #ARDX #StrongerTogether

Sneak peak from The HU in the Metaverse - virtual concert platform Tickets available at: The HU in the Metaverse: powered by Ard - 2023.3.30🔊 #TheRumbleofThunderPerformance #TheHU #ARDX #StrongerTogether

This event we are creating is more than concert it is a mini-movie, an interactive experience showcasing Mongolian culture and Hunnu Rock. Join us for The Hu in the Metaverse on March 30, 2023 Tickets available at: #TheRumbleofThunderPerformance #TheHU #ARDX #StrongerTogether

The HU in the Metaverse - 2023.3.30🔊 Tickets and bundles at: The HU in the Metaverse - Rumble of Thunder v1.1 • powered by Ard • built by Metaland Metaverse #TheRumbleofThunderPerformance #TheHU #ARDX #StrongerTogether