Representative Ben Davis

Representative Ben Davis

State Representative District 6A


Another great showing by a Minnesotan in the Olympics! This time it's Governor Walz who earned a gold medal in fraud. At least $500,000,000 has been lost to fraud under his watch - the competition didn't stand a chance!

Hennepin County commissioners vote in favor of 49% raise for themselves 01/08/2024

Hennepin County commissioners vote in favor of 49% raise for themselves Members of the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners voted this week to give themselves a nearly 50% pay increase.

Some Feeding Our Future defendants had ties to autism centers • Minnesota Reformer 18/07/2024

Some Feeding Our Future defendants had ties to autism centers • Minnesota Reformer Five of the 70 defendants in the massive federal Feeding Our Future fraud case had ties to Medicaid-funded autism centers, at least two of which continue to operate today, state records show. The FBI is investigating possible Medicaid fraud in Minnesota’s autism program,

Many millions lost. Is the Walz administration taking fraud and waste seriously enough? 12/07/2024

Many millions lost. Is the Walz administration taking fraud and waste seriously enough? Minnesota's legislative auditor questions if agencies and the governor's office are taking its recommendations seriously. The governor's office said agencies have implemented many of the auditor's suggestions, but sometimes "we may fundamentally disagree."


It's past time to start holding folks accountable.

Despite years of warning signs and red flags, Democrats continue to fund fraud through state agencies without holding anyone accountable. It's time for balance in state government and an end to the rampant fraud allowed by Democrat leadership in Minnesota.


God bless America!


Today is the Day! Starting today, you'll notice an additional fee on your deliveries thanks to the new .


With the recent heavy rain and flooding in many areas, here are some resources that can help:

MN Department of Commerce:

MN Department of Public Safety - Flash Flooding:

Walz responds to audits, says this wasn’t 'malfeasance' by state employees 18/06/2024

The governor doesn't seem to care hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars were stolen. If he did, he'd do something about it and demand better from his administration. We've seen the act and know he can put on a tough-guy face when he wants to. Instead, he's sidestepping accountability and saying "we can always do better" as if to pat Minnesotans on the head. It's insulting.

Walz responds to audits, says this wasn’t 'malfeasance' by state employees The governor did say there have been leadership changes in some of the departments in question, most notably with a change in the commissioner of the Department of Education. However, he stopped short of saying that change was made specifically because of the “Feeding Our Future” program.


Happy Father's Day!


Old Glory flies extra high today!


It's almost as if the Walz administration is allowing hardworking taxpayer dollars to be claimed by fraudsters on purpose. I'd never question motives, but it's hard to imagine how else you could have such gross negligence with hundreds of millions of dollars at stake.

NEW: The Walz administration failed to protect your tax dollars with “inadequate oversight” that “created opportunities for fraud” in the Feeding Our Future fraud scandal.

Devastating report from the Minnesota Legislative Auditor. Read here 🔗


God bless Officer Mitchell.

Today we honor Officer Jamal Mitchell, who ran towards danger and gave his life to keep others safe. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and with entire law enforcement community, today and every day.

Photos from Minnesota House Republican Caucus's post 05/06/2024

Minnesotans see the devastation full Democrat control of the Capitol is causing our state.


Our prayers are with the family of the fallen officer, as well as the injured officer and the civilian victims of this horrific shooting.


Today we honor the brave souls who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Their courage and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Wishing everyone a reflective and peaceful Memorial Day as we pay tribute to our true American heroes.


The Minnesota Legislature has left the Capitol for the year after adjourning Monday. It puts to rest a two-year cycle full of reckless spending, needless tax increases, extreme policies and broken promises with Democrats in full control of the Capitol.

Here is more:


This almost makes you forget how Democrats blew the $18 billion surplus and raised taxes by $10 billion to increase state spending by 40 percent. Nah, nobody can forget how Democrats blew the $18 billion surplus and raised taxes by $10 billion to increase state spending by 40 percent.


The DFL’s 1,432 page bill that they’re pushing through in the last HOUR of session wasn’t even available on the House website at the time of passage!


God bless our law enforcement officers each and every day.


Republicans believe in equal rights for all. The Democrat "ERA" does not provide them. We are discussing this bill now on the House floor.


Today, the governor signed into law a variation of Republican legislation to restore religious freedom that Democrats stole from faith-based organizations last year. This issue was necessary due to HRA legislation Democrats enacted last year, eliminating religious protections that had been in place since 1993. This issue needed to be resolved and I’m glad it was, but we need to remain vigilant because it is clear Democrats are going to keep coming after our foundational American religious freedoms.


Today is Peace Officers Memorial Day in honor of federal, state, and municipal peace officers who have been killed or disabled in the line of duty. Words alone cannot fully express my gratitude for these heroes.


Minnesota has had a long history of bipartisan election bills. Sadly, that was not the case with the highly partisan elections bill House Democrats approved last night. I had a lot to say about it on the House floor:

"I'm not joking, I could literally weep over this legislation because I know the price that was paid for us to be able to have fair and honest elections and Minnesota treats it less than dirt."


While it was satisfying to pass legislation restoring religious freedom last week, there is reason for immense concern over another bill House Democrats are bringing through the process that could erase rights for millions of Minnesotans.

The radical, revised, and misleading, “Equal Rights Amendment” will deal a serious blow to the rights of millions of Minnesotans by enshrining highly controversial “gender theory” into our law, enabling babies in the ninth month to be aborted on demand for any reason, stripping Minnesotans of their right to religious freedom, and more.

This is about as extreme as it gets – just the latest example of how one-party control under Democrats is devastating Minnesota by catering to radical activists. I’m sure I will have a lot more to say about this in an upcoming newsletter. If it needs to be said, I’m a hard “no” on this bill if it comes up on the House floor as scheduled today.


Good luck this fishing opener!

Videos (show all)

A environment/energy bill House Democrats approved yesterday continues us further down the path of making energy in Minn...
Minnesota is on the wrong path with a government that already has gained too much power and a Democrat trifecta in St. P...
The Democrats' omnibus public safety bill that includes anti-Second Amendment provisions came to the House floor today. ...
Here is Rep. Igo and me highlighting how bureaucracy in Minnesota continues to eat away at Greater Minnesota, causing a ...
I offered an amendment to an omnibus finance bill on Tuesday. You won’t believe one of the reasons a House Democrat said...
There are two schools of thought when it comes to government: Government empowering and enriching itself with an insatia...
A move by the House majority last night would have rocked the integrity of the House of Representatives as an institutio...
House Democrats tonight approved legislation that would align Minnesota’s abortion policy with some of the world’s most ...
