Alpha centauro

Alpha centauro

Semper fidelis, Semper paratus, Acta non verba 30/03/2023

First Martian form of life A1 The first time I knew about this I was surprised as you may be and like any people on this planet I used to think, it is impossible, just like that, but searching deep on the surface of Mars using some skills and applying some technics and with some knowledge in some science field like physics , bio...

Martian strange creatures to be studied | 29/03/2023

Martian strange creatures to be studied | How many generations of humans has passed on this world since the early peoples of this world started to believe in Gods and beings beyond our reachable knowledge always asking the same question about possible life on another planets and their characteristics, We need your help today to solve one of... 25/03/2023

Martian life A1 The first time I knew about this I was surprised as you may be and like any people on this planet I used to think, it is impossible, just like that, but searching deep on the surface of Mars using some skills and applying some technics and with some knowledge in some science field like physics , bio... 24/03/2023 The first time I knew about this I was surprised as you may be and like any people on this planet I used to think, it is impossible, just like that, but searching deep on the surface of Mars using some skills and applying some technics and with some knowledge in some science field like physics , bio...

Martian strange creatures to be studied | 22/03/2023


Martian strange creatures to be studied | How many generations of humans has passed on this world since the early peoples of this world started to believe in Gods and beings beyond our reachable knowledge always asking the same question about possible life on another planets and their characteristics, We need your help today to solve one of...

!Eureka! Proven evidence of life on Mars -planet | 19/03/2023

Advanced science

!Eureka! Proven evidence of life on Mars -planet | The first time I knew about this I was surprised as you may be and like any people on this planet I used to think, it is impossible, just like that, but searching deep on the surface of Mars using some skills and applying some technics and with some knowledge in some science field like physics , bio...


I want to thanks all the peoples that one way or another has engaged on my page, believe me, it takes courage to expose to the media an information like this discovery I am posting on my page, even when there are the biggest agencies like NASA ,ESA , etc. behind, but what makes me keep going on in my journey is the push all of you had gave me with your likes and comments, even when this is one of the greatest discoveries not just of any century but of the entire civilization along the human history, it is always that question surrounding us, are we alone in the universe ? ,what it is out there ? ,well with this scientific discovery I just opened the doors for analysis,investigation and what is more important imagination , yes, because this is a starting point for figured out what it is out there ,so My dearest and valuable friends I am requesting in this moment your review of my page so it can reach more credits in range and get to more peoples, I am very glad you shared your time spreading the info of my page and I am thanking you in advance with all my heart ,thanks

Photos from Alpha centauro's post 30/11/2020

Two and a half year ago Alphacentauro made an announcement to the world with pictures of life on the Mars Planet, there were much optimism and curiosity by many peoples questioning themselves the originality of those pictures, etc, well We are presenting you the result of many years of work in which we can show you the location of those creatures and the method we used to bring it to you today
Well I started to investigate in the Martian soil to find something beyond that your naked eyes couldn’t provide you and I also started to use a normal application like window photo viewer, snip and sketch and paint, and I was using my phone camera also for zoom in the selected photo, and I zoomed in with these applications using my laptop HP and I started to see results but not enough cause I could see something but the application itself didn’t allow me to see deeper, but it was so intense my curiosity what brings me to this point, and it wasn’t till I downloaded the application 123 photo viewer that things started to get noticed,
Believe me, you have to download this application in order to be able to search deeper into the photo because is the only one so far that you would be able to use for see beyond and with more clear and detailed images, ones you get this Microsoft application you just can opt for open your photos with 123 photo viewer but this app does not allow you to do many things like other applications can as mark on the screen, edit at your preference, etc.
And this is one of the factors that didn’t allow me to mark the locations of the creatures using this app, I could just copy and paste the photos in Facebook and with the use of the famous Facebook blue like hand I pointed out some of the locations where you can find those creatures for your reference, but I encourage you to be patient in to search and explore the picture inside because there are much more to see. and believe me, this way where you are the field explorer and spot the target for yourself is far more rewarding,
I just show you before what you have to find with the preselected album of photos which you can find in this page and you can them in the original photos,
I did not post many more creatures because many of the photos are quite blur and not well identifiable is better to see them in the whole real picture so is then that it will make more sense to the observer and I decided not included in this post,
Besides, after you find one or some of them and after you finish your exploration on the Martian soil I invite you to find in NASA’s official website those four photos that I just provide to you so you will see for yourself that they are real and authentic photos and the creatures you will see are hiding gems and you can feel more confident in the search
Please after you searched for yourself on the Martial soil would you consider commenting, liking, and sharing this information so other peoples can be as informed as you, thanks in advance for your honesty.


Una ves mas estoy agradeciendo en termino personal a todas las personas que de una manera u otra han influenciado en el desarrollo de esta pagina Alpha centauro ya sea dandole un like , comentando o compartiendo esta noticia, se que muchos no han podido alcansar a entender el principal contenido que emite esta pagina y es porque mucho de su contenido esta escrito en ingles y a veces usando muchas palabras tecnicas que han sido nesesarias para que la pagina se desarrolle exitosamente, por eso les pido muchas disculpas si muchos se han quedado sin entender todo el contenido, esta pagina habla sobre un unico descubrimiento que he hecho y es el haber descubierto vida en el planeta Marte usando metodos un poco no convenconales y usando la imaginacion ,se ademas que muchos de ustedes pensaran que no les importa si hay vida en Marte si aqui en la tierra ya tienen muchos problemas por el que preocuparse y ademas ese futuro no va a llegar a sus manos, pues les dire que es cierto que como todo el mundo en este planeta de una forma u otra esta muy ocupado en sus trabajos diarios y unos tienen mas fortunas que otros pero al igual que esta pasando en este planeta que todos los recursos son distribuidos inigualablemente y hay una carrera por poseer mas y mas, el futuro no tiene que nesesariamente ser como lo que estan viviendo hoy, todos hemos visto la punta del iceber de el nuevo orden mundial debido al coronavirus que todavia esta azotando el mundo y todo esto se traduce a cambios, pero cambios positivos que eliminan muchos elementos negativos que limitan el desarrollo del ser humano en todo el planeta, pues claro que te debiera interesar todo lo concerniente no solo a lo que pasa en este planeta pero a lo que sucede alla afuera ya que las noticias han de ser para todos y si hay un asteroide amenasando con golpear la tierra es el deber de ustedes tambien de saber las consecuencias que traeria un impacto como tal y como prevenirlo, al igual que el virus COVId 19 que tiene que ser estudiado, traceado e informado a la poblacion para saber de los estragos que esta haciendo y las medidas preventivas que hay que tomar asi mismo sucede como con cualquier fenomeno natural o artificial que debemos estar informado para ayudarnos unos a otros tomando medidas nesesarias, esa no es una mision unica de la NASA ni de la agencia europea espacial, ni de la agencia espacial china u otra , eso es algo que creo nos concierne a todos, en esta pagina yo expongo este descubrimiento no como un hecho para ganar meritos sino para dar a conocer que hay muchas mas posibilidades para el ser humano tanto en este planeta como en otros ya que si en un planeta con temperaturas tan extremas como Marte hay vida de una forma u otra, en otros planetas hay vida fertil como la que sabemos y hemos experimentado siempre aqui ,ademas se habla de los peligros a los que podrian estar expuestos los seres humanos si no manejan bien un experimento con seres de otro planeta, en este caso se ven pequeños pero el contacto con una atmosfera calida y humeda como la nuestra podria hacerlos mutar o transformar en criaturas peligrosas,bueno asi como les agradesco a todos por ser parte de Alpha Centauro les agradeceria y sugiriera que sigan tomando medidas preventivas contra el corona virus y se ayuden unos a otros, ademas del coronavirus hay que empesar a tomas medidas desde ahora para erradicar todo vestigio o criadero de mosquitos que causa muchos estragos mundialmente cada año, me despido ahora diciendoles que que la hermandad de los humanos no debe de ser segregada ni clasificada.

Proven evidence of life on Mars planet 13/03/2020

Since the origin of life on our planet earth, the human beings have been intrigued for one question always, Is there life out there on another planets ? .I am working in a project for space development and I have to find information about the environment on other planets , its atmosphere , climate etc , in this case planet Mars that is the first planet to be explored by humans with the aid of the Rover Curiosity , and examining all those photos I found something outstanding , the fact that there are not just one but many form of life on the red planet , so far I just could identify three or maybe four of I don't know how to call them,if any kind of insects bacteria or whatever they are , they could be feeding on each others or feeding from the minerals that come out from the rocks , or like here on earth there could be some kinds of mushrooms or fungus that could serve as foods as it is shown in the photos, note that those photos had being taken from the original Mars curiosity rover and hasn't being altered in any way except from the very own lens of the curiosity rover , in the mayor of cases the background had being fragmented by the low resolution itself of the two MP lens camera at far intake images , what I did was trying to demosaising the pictures for better resolution, note that while all the photos are being taken from the original and trusted source and not from UFO enthusiast websites or anonymous sources there are still too much studies to do for analyze those creatures as animals, insects bacteria , mushrooms fungus or any other because we are not sure what they are , we here on our planet earth had seen creatures living out of nothing else than hydrocarbons, dirt ,fungus etc, life has being created to evolve and to survive in any environment, those can be traces from another planet planted there on mars from comets collisions or meteorites or they could be the firs proof sign of life emerging on a planet or they may be the remaining of what it used to be an habitable planet,please before make any negative comment consider these finding as new for the science and any positive comment or help it will be welcome , I believe that we as human have to be aware of not to introduce accidentally in our planet unwanted living beings in the near future that could compromise our existence here on earth because ones one of those creatures get in contact with our warm wet and stable atmosphere they may start to reproduce and grow uncontrollably like one's dinosaurs did, climate conditions can affect negatively or positively the fate or any specie , I am willing to cooperate and provide with more info in name of science and to protect and enhance the human kind, before you keep reading and looking at the photos it is important for you to know that depending in all sorts of species on our planet or another planets the factor oxygen as life supporting element is an option that form part of an individual characteristic of any place in our Galaxy, the factor H2O knows as water in our planet is typically standard in our solar system in our galaxy and the universe that is ruled for a differentiation of particles cohesion known as inter atomic attraction ,

it is already a four year anniversary since this outstanding discovery and I am working constantly on this project to bring you better details about this discovery, with this album of photos I am introducing you to the first-ever seen images of real-life outside our planet and I hope you can use your imagination and knowledge to understand those pictures and to see what

Photos from Alpha centauro's post 08/02/2020

Unique images of creatures found on the red planet Mars , this is something we have been looking for a long time ago ,Since the origin of life on our planet earth, the human beings have been intrigued for one question always, Is there life out there on another planets ? .I am working in a project for space development and I have to find information about the environment on other planets , its atmosphere , climate etc , in this case planet Mars that is the first planet to be explored by humans with the aid of the Rover Curiosity , and examining all those photos I found something outstanding , the fact that there are not just one but many form of life on the red planet , so far I just could identify three or maybe four of I don't know how to call them,if any kind of insects bacteria or whatever they are , they could be feeding on each others or feeding from the minerals that come out from the rocks , or like here on earth there could be some kinds of mushrooms or fungus that could serve as foods as it is shown in the photos, note that those photos had being taken from the original Mars curiosity rover and hasn't being altered in any way except from the very own lens of the curiosity rover , in the mayor of cases the background had being fragmented by the low resolution itself of the two MP lens camera at far intake images , what I did was trying to demosaising the pictures for better resolution, note that while all the photos are being taken from the original and trusted source and not from UFO enthusiast websites or anonymous sources there are still too much studies to do for analyze those creatures as animals, insects bacteria , mushrooms fungus or any other because we are not sure what they are , we here on our planet earth had seen creatures living out of nothing else than hydrocarbons, dirt ,fungus etc, life has being created to evolve and to survive in any environment, those can be traces from another planet planted there on mars from comets collisions or meteorites or they could be the firs proof sign of life emerging on a planet or they may be the remaining of what it used to be an habitable planet,please before make any negative comment consider these finding as new for the science and any positive comment or help it will be welcome , I believe that we as human have to be aware of not to introduce accidentally in our planet unwanted living beings in the near future that could compromise our existence here on earth because ones one of those creatures get in contact with our warm wet and stable atmosphere they may start to reproduce and grow uncontrollably like one's dinosaurs did, climate conditions can affect negatively or positively the fate or any specie , I am willing to cooperate and provide with more info in name of science and to protect and enhance the human kind, before you keep reading and looking at the photos it is important for you to know that depending in all sorts of species on our planet or another planets the factor oxygen as life supporting element is an option that form part of an individual characteristic of any place in our Galaxy, the factor H2O knows as water in our planet is typically standard in our solar system in our galaxy and the universe that is ruled for a differentiation of particles cohesion known as inter atomic attraction ,

it is already a one year anniversary since this outstanding discovery and I am working constantly in this project to bring you better details about this discovery,with this album of photos that you can browse in my page I am introducing you the first ever seen images of real life outside our planet and I hope you can use your imagination to understand those pictures and to see what I can see in them, but if you are a little bit doubt about this new discovery that promise to change the curse of history you can dig for yourself on the surface of the red planet visiting Patreon on,, there you can become a patron for have access to more benefits and also you can help me in supporting my project, but you can be also part of it if you feel compelling to
! Eureka ! life on planet Mars ,1 year anniversary

Proven evidence of life on Mars planet 07/02/2020


Since the origin of life on our planet earth, the human beings have been intrigued for one question always, Is there life out there on another planets ? .I am working in a project for space development and I have to find information about the environment on other planets , its atmosphere , climate etc , in this case planet Mars that is the first planet to be explored by humans with the aid of the Rover Curiosity , and examining all those photos I found something outstanding , the fact that there are not just one but many form of life on the red planet , so far I just could identify three or maybe four of I don't know how to call them,if any kind of insects bacteria or whatever they are , they could be feeding on each others or feeding from the minerals that come out from the rocks , or like here on earth there could be some kinds of mushrooms or fungus that could serve as foods as it is shown in the photos, note that those photos had being taken from the original Mars curiosity rover and hasn't being altered in any way except from the very own lens of the curiosity rover , in the mayor of cases the background had being fragmented by the low resolution itself of the two MP lens camera at far intake images , what I did was trying to demosaising the pictures for better resolution, note that while all the photos are being taken from the original and trusted source and not from UFO enthusiast websites or anonymous sources there are still too much studies to do for analyze those creatures as animals, insects bacteria , mushrooms fungus or any other because we are not sure what they are , we here on our planet earth had seen creatures living out of nothing else than hydrocarbons, dirt ,fungus etc, life has being created to evolve and to survive in any environment, those can be traces from another planet planted there on mars from comets collisions or meteorites or they could be the firs proof sign of life emerging on a planet or they may be the remaining of what it used to be an habitable planet,please before make any negative comment consider these finding as new for the science and any positive comment or help it will be welcome , I believe that we as human have to be aware of not to introduce accidentally in our planet unwanted living beings in the near future that could compromise our existence here on earth because ones one of those creatures get in contact with our warm wet and stable atmosphere they may start to reproduce and grow uncontrollably like one's dinosaurs did, climate conditions can affect negatively or positively the fate or any specie , I am willing to cooperate and provide with more info in name of science and to protect and enhance the human kind, before you keep reading and looking at the photos it is important for you to know that depending in all sorts of species on our planet or another planets the factor oxygen as life supporting element is an option that form part of an individual characteristic of any place in our Galaxy, the factor H2O knows as water in our planet is typically standard in our solar system in our galaxy and the universe that is ruled for a differentiation of particles cohesion known as inter atomic attraction ,

it is already a four year anniversary since this outstanding discovery and I am working constantly on this project to bring you better details about this discovery, with this album of photos I am introducing you to the first-ever seen images of real-life outside our planet and I hope you can use your imagination and knowledge to understand those pictures and to see what

Photos from Alpha centauro's post 07/02/2020
Photos from Alpha centauro's post 05/02/2020

Since the origin of life on our planet earth, the human beings have been intrigued for one question always, Is there life out there on another planets ? .I am working in a project for space development and I have to find information about the environment on other planets , its atmosphere , climate etc , in this case planet Mars that is the first planet to be explored by humans with the aid of the Rover Curiosity , and examining all those photos I found something outstanding , the fact that there are not just one but many form of life on the red planet , so far I just could identify three or maybe four of I don't know how to call them,if any kind of insects bacteria or whatever they are , they could be feeding on each others or feeding from the minerals that come out from the rocks , or like here on earth there could be some kinds of mushrooms or fungus that could serve as foods as it is shown in the photos, note that those photos had being taken from the original Mars curiosity rover and hasn't being altered in any way except from the very own lens of the curiosity rover , in the mayor of cases the background had being fragmented by the low resolution itself of the two MP lens camera at far intake images , what I did was trying to demosaising the pictures for better resolution, note that while all the photos are being taken from the original and trusted source and not from UFO enthusiast websites or anonymous sources there are still too much studies to do for analyze those creatures as animals, insects bacteria , mushrooms fungus or any other because we are not sure what they are , we here on our planet earth had seen creatures living out of nothing else than hydrocarbons, dirt ,fungus etc, life has being created to evolve and to survive in any environment, those can be traces from another planet planted there on mars from comets collisions or meteorites or they could be the firs proof sign of life emerging on a planet or they may be the remaining of what it used to be an habitable planet,please before make any negative comment consider these finding as new for the science and any positive comment or help it will be welcome , I believe that we as human have to be aware of not to introduce accidentally in our planet unwanted living beings in the near future that could compromise our existence here on earth because ones one of those creatures get in contact with our warm wet and stable atmosphere they may start to reproduce and grow uncontrollably like one's dinosaurs did, climate conditions can affect negatively or positively the fate or any specie , I am willing to cooperate and provide with more info in name of science and to protect and enhance the human kind, before you keep reading and looking at the photos it is important for you to know that depending in all sorts of species on our planet or another planets the factor oxygen as life supporting element is an option that form part of an individual characteristic of any place in our Galaxy, the factor H2O knows as water in our planet is typically standard in our solar system in our galaxy and the universe that is ruled for a differentiation of particles cohesion known as inter atomic attraction ,

it is already a one year anniversary since this outstanding discovery and I am working constantly in this project to bring you better details about this discovery,with this album of photos I am introducing you the first ever seen images of real life outside our planet and I hope you can use your imagination to understand those pictures and to see what I can see in them , My only vision is to help NASA to recognize this discovery so further analysis and certain cares can be taken at the time to make a costly journey to a far place as it is Mars, knowing the existence of those kind of life on the red planet can prepare scientific astronauts before hands, in the pictures they are displayed as very small creatures but we doesn't know the real nature of those creatures and if there are bigger ones, at the end they are aliens after all and for the sake of the those astronaut's security that will encounter who knows what surprise and for the sake of the earth salvation we should be spreading the voice


I am very glad to know that there are many friends that like Alpha Centauro and had clicked a liked on the page, I"ll post from time to time new updates as they appear or I find them, with soil and atmospheric data taken from Mars rover Curiosity and analyzing some factors like axial rotation and duration we can make a brief determination of those species, thanks for your supports and interests in this discovery, we are living in a time that most peoples do not trust in themselves and in things and most of the time many good things happened to them but like a good opportunity it just flares in their faces and just disappear because they have to see it to believe it and in doing so the greatness of the nature it will never be revealed to them when it will be better to believe it so then you can see it, open your minds, connects all the dots even when they lay out of the box and the wanders of nature it will be revealed to you, today you are helping to shape the future of something great, today you have a dream, this dream is waiting for you to come alive, don't kill your dream with excuses like I have not influences, I have not money, I am very tired, I am too old or I am too young, or I am too fat or too skinny, or I am a woman , I am poor, or I know just one language, they are just excuses that come out of your mind because you let yourself be influenced by the external world,work in your mind and work with your mind, as an African proverb cites:if there is not enemies within the enemies outside can do us not harm ,everything is possible, and never give up, I just want to leave you a quote from one of the greatest man ever walked the earth : if you can dream it you can do it, Walt Disney

Proven evidence of life on Mars planet 11/10/2019

Since the origin of life on our planet earth, the human beings have been intrigued for one question always, Is there life out there on another planets ? .I am working in a project for space development and I have to find information about the environment on other planets , its atmosphere , climate etc , in this case planet Mars that is the first planet to be explored by humans with the aid of the Rover Curiosity , and examining all those photos I found something outstanding , the fact that there are not just one but many form of life on the red planet , so far I just could identify three or maybe four of I don't know how to call them,if any kind of insects bacteria or whatever they are , they could be feeding on each others or feeding from the minerals that come out from the rocks , or like here on earth there could be some kinds of mushrooms or fungus that could serve as foods as it is shown in the photos, note that those photos had being taken from the original Mars curiosity rover and hasn't being altered in any way except from the very own lens of the curiosity rover , in the mayor of cases the background had being fragmented by the low resolution itself of the two MP lens camera at far intake images , what I did was trying to demosaising the pictures for better resolution, note that while all the photos are being taken from the original and trusted source and not from UFO enthusiast websites or anonymous sources there are still too much studies to do for analyze those creatures as animals, insects bacteria , mushrooms fungus or any other because we are not sure what they are , we here on our planet earth had seen creatures living out of nothing else than hydrocarbons, dirt ,fungus etc, life has being created to evolve and to survive in any environment, those can be traces from another planet planted there on mars from comets collisions or meteorites or they could be the firs proof sign of life emerging on a planet or they may be the remaining of what it used to be an habitable planet,please before make any negative comment consider these finding as new for the science and any positive comment or help it will be welcome , I believe that we as human have to be aware of not to introduce accidentally in our planet unwanted living beings in the near future that could compromise our existence here on earth because ones one of those creatures get in contact with our warm wet and stable atmosphere they may start to reproduce and grow uncontrollably like one's dinosaurs did, climate conditions can affect negatively or positively the fate or any specie , I am willing to cooperate and provide with more info in name of science and to protect and enhance the human kind, before you keep reading and looking at the photos it is important for you to know that depending in all sorts of species on our planet or another planets the factor oxygen as life supporting element is an option that form part of an individual characteristic of any place in our Galaxy, the factor H2O knows as water in our planet is typically standard in our solar system in our galaxy and the universe that is ruled for a differentiation of particles cohesion known as inter atomic attraction ,

it is already a four year anniversary since this outstanding discovery and I am working constantly on this project to bring you better details about this discovery, with this album of photos I am introducing you to the first-ever seen images of real-life outside our planet and I hope you can use your imagination and knowledge to understand those pictures and to see what
