Yoga Can Do

Yoga Can Do

Yoga Can Do
no styles, just Yoga
Explore your yoga practice beyond the modern division into styles

Yoga is more than Asana - A YCD THEME WEEK 15/06/2021



Yoga is more than Asana - A YCD THEME WEEK Join us in the week of June, 21 - 27.Get one Video a day, and come together on Sunday 27 for two Live Streams with our Community.Let's spread the message: Yo...


YCD Friends!
It’s JUNE! New month, new theme!
It’s about burning desire, inner drive, our active force, that which manifests and brings into reality our ideas and plans. It’s time for the F I R E Element!
Yippee! I am so excited to talk to you about this radiant energy, with its ups and downs!
Because, CAREFUL people, this energy is power and we need to use it wisely.
How to keep your fire in alignment, how not to burn through in your own Yoga practice (which nowadays tends to be a bit too hot) and much more about this Manipura force I will share this Sunday at 10.00 in our Community Circle!
Don’t miss it! (Link in Bio to join our CC)


Your creative energy needs to express itself.

Sometimes it is believed that enjoyment or pleasure only occurs from an external source.
There is a powerful energy within us that benefits from free-flowing movement and spontaneity.

Join us tomorrow for the Community Circle and allow yourself to feel, dance, draw, and to express yourself without any boundaries.


Water doesn’t like to be stagnant or controlled. Just like ideas, which FLOW naturally when we don’t try to force them.
There is something special about connecting to the water element.
It brings us closer to our nature of being able to allow MOVEMENT, fluidity, flexibility, acceptance, creativity, and pleasure in our lives.
How do you feel when you experience being spontaneous, when you create something without following any specific rules/instructions, when you are and you FEEL without any boundaries?
We invite you to reflect on this before our next Community Circle this Sunday and begin to CREATE this powerful thread of energy that keeps us connected with each other.


What happens when things don’t go as planned? When I try to resist to what simply is? How do I cope with the situations that unfold in front of me?
Integrating yoga in your day to day life means to be flexible with your approach, to be prepared to adapt without losing your intention.
We can experience and dance with the movements of life and at the same time keep ourselves connected to our true intention.


Hope to see you all tomorrow at 18 CEST ☺️ This Sunday, we will dive deep into our practice and experiment with sounds ✨

There will be a soft flow, meditation and a bit of mantra chanting. We invite you to join with an open mind and an open heart 💗

Click on the link in bio to sign up if you haven’t already 🙏


The element of water is flexible, adaptable and receptive. This means that we, too, can adjust, adapt and receive.

Think about the fluid movement of the ocean and move with your breath. What are you moving away from? What are you moving towards?

I will share my answers with you in the stories 🙏💙


Happy Monday friends,

💥💥We have some exciting news to share.💥💥
We've created a stand-alone YCD Course on the FIVE ELEMENTS.

If you have been in our Community Circles before you already heard of them for sure.
And now you have the opportunity to dive a bit deeper into the world of the five elements
We offer this 5-week course including pre-recorded classes that you can watch and practice in your own time.
Each week we have a LIVE ZOOM session to offer support and guidance on your journey.

The practices and information in this course will change your understanding and experience of your yoga practice forever.

5 Theory videos
5 Asana classes
5 Meditation videos
5 Breathing technique / Pranayama Videos
5 Live Zoom sessions (Q&A, meditation, breathing, journaling, sharing)
5 Documents including theory about each element + journal prompts

If that sounds interesting to you, don't hesitate!

Join this course NOW (We start next week, may 17), because ONLY this time it will be offered for 49€ as a Launching price.

Send us a message here or to [email protected]!


Water is the element of fluidity, flexibility. It’s the force that allows change and adaptation.
Water is the energy that brings things together. That attracts and unites.
Just as the water molecule brings into life different forms by rearranging its atomic structure. So is our social life. Our relations. They flow, they change, they are flexible.
Some of them end. Some of them stay forever. Some of them adapt and grow with us.

This month our Community Circles are themed around the element WATER and the quality of flexibility.

What does flexibility mean for you in these times of social distancing?
When the way we connect possibly changed to what we have known before?

How do you feel about it?


We learn how to breathe as newborns. It is our first effort to adapt to this world.

As children, we still know how to breathe naturally but the older we get, the more we forget and at some point, we lose track of how important breathing is.

Compelled by rules and with too many concerns on our minds, we may start to neglect something as simple as breathing because we take it for granted.

Maybe it is time to stop for a moment and reconnect with our breath. Let's dedicate some time to this powerful process, so simple yet complex and so essential to life. 🙏💛✨


Join our Community Circle this Sunday at 18h CEST 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️

* Self-reflective Yoga practice + Meditation

* Bring something that represents or symbolizes NATURE to you

🍃 💦 🌎 🪴 🌼 🍂 🌷


We hope to see you at our community circle! Sundays at 10.00 or 18.00 (Spanish time)☺️✨

There will be a short practice, meditation, journaling and sharing. Click on the link in bio to sign up if you haven’t already 🙏

We look forward to connecting with you! 💖

Zoom for YCD CCs 08/04/2021

Hello shining Souls,

This Sunday we start our free Community Events. Click here and Sign Up to join us

Zoom for YCD CCs


To all the Real Yogis out there!
It's the eleventh hour! We need awakened human beings, not those guided by Avidya and striving for power and money.

DHARMA DOWNLOAD WITH DAVID GOULET AND OCTAVIO SALVADO Time for some real news!!I will be interviewing Master Yogi David Goulet - the man who first introduced me to REAL Yoga so many blessed moons ago! Its going ...


LOVE.HEAL.CONNECT- The essence of my work.
Today was a day of remembrance. A day of total clarity. Remembering what it means what I am doing, - while I was doing it. It happened during today’s Coaching session. And left me with such a deep clarity and alignment that I have to share it.
Recently I am going through a lot of changes, many inbetween states, letting go of old forms and projects and welcoming new shapes and spaces. In this process of transforming I often hold on for a moment, pause, to sense what is still aligned with my soul purpose. And what does maybe not fit so much anymore.
So here I am: with Yoga Can Do that’s sprouting into a Community based Project in Spain; with me re-situating myself in a new setting, with Joanna Menges becoming someone else again and with the opportunity to focus on the deepest intention of my Self. My Dharma.
What am I doing with Yoga? And what service do I offer to the world?
In today’s session with my student I felt it clearly. Sadness. Grief. Relief. Joy. Contentment. Healing. Peace. That’s what I want to offer.
And that’s what’s represented in the words LOVE.HEAL.CONNECT.
A non-judgemental space of full acceptance, permission, embracing: LOVE.
Out of which you find HEALing.
Because you admit old information kept in your cells, you no longer hide it, it no longer needs to be suppressed. It can be seen. admitted. released.
And this brings the opportunity of deep CONNECTion to yourself.

A form of connection that’s hard to describe. Connection to who you truly are, beyond good and bad, allowing you to see ALL of you and find peace in it. Find Truth within.
And maybe, even in baby steps, you can start to live from that Truth.
And enjoy the process meanwhile.


The next time when you feel like everything around you gets too much and too noisy.
Take a good breath and rise your gaze to something bigger.
Remembering the beauty of life, the greatness of existence.


Connecting to Purusha. Observing from a space of pure consciousness.
Last weekend in the Yin Yoga Fundamentals Immersion I was talking about connecting to the Purusha aspect within you. (Yes and Yin indeed brings you there!)
And one of the greatest things of my work is the moment I remind the students of something, I actually often get a personal reminder to myself.
So I will connect even more to Purusha these times. Watching the external noises, receiving the collective energy in a city as Seville, seeing myself obliged to wear a mask almost 24/7 since I take a step out of my door. With new impossibilities to face, like traveling freely back into my home country (which I was privileged never have to worry about). I am exploring new ways of transmitting my intention and offer my service to humanity. Still seeing with so much clarity the chance of awakening, the call of connecting to something deeper, while the masses seem to continue living blindly.
It seems like it will be quite a long time until we can move freely again on our planet.
And I am figuring out the next steps of the project Yoga Can Do. Whether online, in Spain or another country. I start to wonder where I want to live and what I want to do.
And then I get my personal reminder of Purusha.
Just being, unattached, unidentified with what I am observing that’s going on. Whatever might be going on right now in the world will pass, whatever I can do will take form and will fade again. Will start and end.
But what always remains is the light and love that connects us, the consciousness we are, and in this ocean of energy and consciousness we are endlessly together.
Realizing this Truth, gets the intention clear. And keeping myself aligned with that intention of sharing and offering other the possibility to savour this truth so it inspires them to live differently, to live with more freedom & love and aligned with their true Self, will create in a marvelous and effortless way exactly the form and the vehicle this service needs to be manifested. Nothing else.
So I just witness, acknowledge and love.
.. to be continued.


The mornings are getting colder each day. We're having more windy days. And it's time to adjust. Summer Pitta is decreasing and VATA season is on the rise.
So it's beneficial to offer our organism some warmer and sweeter food. Giving a little plus of kapha to balance and nourish :)

And btw... Ayurveda always recommends warm breakfast ;-)

Timeline photos 21/09/2020

SOLO ESTE A �: 50% para pagos hasta 30 de Septiembre
¿Para experimentar el potencial de tu propia energía?

Esta formación es diferente.

Aprende lo que significa practicar Yoga más allá de los estilos.
Volviendo a los raíces de esa ciencia milenaria.
Experimentando su propósito final: Recordar tu verdadero Ser.
Esta formación no forma más profes de Asana, el mundo necesita más profes de Yoga.


Para ver el vídeo completo haz click en el siguiente enlace:

Photos from Yoga Can Do's post 16/09/2020

Are you in Love with Life?

The energy of Anahata (our heart Chakra) is expansion. Then contrary to gravity. However many people experience love as something that draws towards them, that they wish to receive, sometimes even to possess. And it's often directed to another person or object.
But Love is not something that we get out of something. It's already an energy within us, it's already. But sometimes when we didn't feel loved in our childhood, and weren't nourished enough in that sense, we experience it as something that is lacking.

When I look into my family I can say I experienced love when I grew up. From all sides. Especially at home from my mother, my grandmother and my uncle. And when I visit them today as an adult I still feel the same love, caring and support.

And today when I left my hometown, breathing again the pure air in the morning, listening to the early birds in our garden, watching the beauty of the nature. I don't feel loved. I AM LOVE. because love is a state of being. And if you have access to your Anahata you're just in love with life. That's all.

Are you in love with life?

Photos from Yoga Can Do's post 05/09/2020

Usually this time of the year I am in India. A place that I felt a longing for, years before I even put a foot in it.
A country so rich in cultural wisdom and still sometimes poor in knowing of it.
The moment you come to India there's no way you could avoid Yoga. Because this country holds its roots and the whole culture has yogic codes (even though sometimes it has been forgotten about it).
The moment you are in India, you breathe yogic philosophy, you taste ayurvedic science in food, you listen to healing Mantras, and you can see the richness of life itself.
It's in India where I had the most profound experiences, the deepest moments of meditation and the highest consciousness and connection to nature and universe.
Miss you India. 🇮🇳


Practice always has been my greatest teacher. Because it's the way you awaken your inner wisdom, your inner guru, your inner teacher.
Yoga is not a theory, nor a intellectual teaching. It's an inner science. A methodology.
You have to explore it internally, experience it. And when people ask me how to become a good teacher. I'd say you have to be the best student first.

From experience I can say the better student I am the greater teacher I have become.
And themoments of less practice is when you try to find answers in books or you ask google instead ofknowing the answer from within.
Yoga is not about reading books or studying texts.
You have to study your Self.
Every breath youtake in your practice(and in life) , how it affects your system, how your body reacts, how your mind responds.
And then, study what you finally find beyond all that.
Therefore we need to apply the theory. We need the practice.

How are you feeling with your practice?

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