Emotional Eating Support Group

Emotional Eating Support Group

Understand and overcome emotional eating so you can feel energetic, confident, and free from food-related guilt and shame.

By Alida Iacobellis Registered Dietitian MHSc


The Food Rule Freedom class is fast approaching!

Next Wednesday May 25th at 7pm EST, Alana and I will be teaching all about:

1. How food rules prevent you from responding to your body's unique needs, leading to emotional eating, binge eating, and intense cravings

2. How food rules can make it so that a disproportionate amount of your time and energy is occupied by food, which distracts from other important determinants of health

3. How you can work towards letting go of food rules by checking the facts, building a strong foundation of whole-person nourishment, and showing yourself kindness

If any of the following statements apply to you, this FREE class is for you!

- You are curious about food rules and food freedom
- You want to learn to eat intuitively
- You have an eating disorder or disordered eating and are working to heal your relationship with food

Sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/62576b1988ee7df09474fd86