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Timeline photos 23/03/2021

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Hi there!
In today's episode we'll learn about the importance of sleeping. While we are sleeping, our body and brain will recover the energy lost during the day while we are at school, doing our homework and playing. So make sure you also find time for a good night's sleep.
Fl-episodju tal-lum ħa nitgħalmu dwar l-importanza tal-irqad. Waqt li nkunu reqdin, ġisimna u moħħna jkunu jistgħu jirkupraw l-enerġija li nitilfu matul il-ġurnata waqt li nkunu qegħdin l-iskola, waqt li nkunu qegħdin nagħmlu l-homework u waqt li nkunu qegħdin nilgħabu. Għalhekk kunu ċerti li ssibu l-ħin għal raqda tajba matul il-lejl.


During this week we'll be learning about basketball, so we'll start off by watching a short biography about Michael Jordan, who is considered by many as the best basketball player of all time. He played for 15 years in the NBA (National Basketball Association), winning 6 championships amongst many other individual awards.
Matul din il-ġimgħa ħa nkunu qegħdin nitgħalmu dwar il-basketball. Għaldaqstant, ħa nibdew billi naraw bijografija qasira dwar Michael Jordan, li huwa kkunsidrat bħalha l-aqwa plejer tal-basketball ta' kull żmien. Huwa lagħab għal 15 -il sena fl-NBA (National Basketball Association) u rebaħ 6 kampjonati fost ħafna unuri individwali.


Good morning!
In today's episode we'll learn the reason for which our bodies sweat. Now that summer is coming up and the termperatures are rising, it is very important to keep hydrated all the time to replace the water our body loses through sweating.
Fl-episodju tal-lum ħa nsiru nafu r-raġuni għalfejn ġisimna jipproduċi l-għaraq. Issa li s-sajf magħna u t-temperatura qed tiżdied, huwa mportanti ħafna li nixorbu ħafna ilma sabiex nerġgħu nagħtu lil ġisimna l'ilma li jkun tilef mill-għaraq.


Hello there!
This week we'll be learning about kicking and the basic skills to play football, so we'll start off by watching a short documentary about the second greatest sporting event in the world, that is, the World Cup. All countries in the world choose their best footballers to represent them and try to win this prestigious event, which is held every four years.
Din il-ġimgħa ħa nkunu qed nitgħalmu fuq kif nixxutjaw u xi skills bażiċi sabiex nilgħabu football, għalhekk ħa nibdew billi naraw dokumentarju qasir dwar it-tieni l-akbar avveniment sportiv fid-dinja, iġifieri, it-Tazza Tad-Dinja. Il-pajjiżi kollha jagħżlu l-aqwa footballers tagħhom sabiex jirrapreżantawhom u jippruvaw jerbħu dan l-avveniment hekk prestiġjuż, li jsir kull erba snin.


Good morning!
During the past few months we've heard a lot about a certain virus and how it attacks our bodies. Today we're about to learn how our bodies fight back such viruses and bacteria through the immune system. Without a healthy immune system, we would end up in hospital even with a simple cold! Exercising and eating healthy will boost our immune system to keep off any harmful viruses.
Tul dawn l-aħħar xhur smajna ħafna dwar ċertu virus u kif dan jattakka lil ġisimna. Illum ħa nitgħalmu kif ġisimna jiġġieled kontra l-viruses u l-bacteria permezz tas-sistema immunitarja. Mingħajr din, faċilment nistgħu nispiċċaw l-isptar anke jekk jaqbadna sempliċi riħ. L-eżerċizzju u l-ikel bnin ħa jgħinu biex isaħħu din is-sistema u b'hekk tkun b'saħħitha biżżejjed biex tiġġieled il-viruses.


Following last week's gymnastics lesson which will be continued later on this week, today we'll watch a short biography about Nadia Comaneci, a very talented gymnast from Romania.
Wara l-lezzjoni tal-gymnastics tal-ġimgħa l-oħra li ħa tkompli aktar t**d dil-ġimgħa, illum ħa naraw bijografija qasira dwar Nadia Comaneci, ġinnasta ta talent kbir mir-Romania.


Good morning!
We all know how much food is important for us to live... but have you ever wondered what happens to the food we eat once it enters our body? In today's episode we'll learn how the digestive system works!
Ilkoll nafu kemm l-ikel huwa mportanti għalina biex ngħixu... imma ġieli staqsejtu x'jiġri mill-ikel li nieklu la darba jidħol f'ġisimna? Fl-episodju tal-lum ħa nitgħalmu kif is-sistema diġestiva taħdem!


Hello there!
I'm quite sure that most of you have heard about the Olympic Games. If it wasn't for the current situation around the world, this summer, we would have had the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Japan. In today's video, we'll learn some interesting facts about the greatest international sporting event.
Hello lil kullħadd!
Ninsab ċert li ħafna minnkom smajtu bil-logħob Olimpiċi. Li kieku s-sitwazzjoni madwar id-dinja ma kinitx kif inhi bħalissa, kieku dan is-sajf kien se jkollna l-logħob Olimpiċi ġewwa Tokyo, fil-Ġappun. Fil-video tal-lum ħa nitgħalmu xi ftit fatti interessanti dwar l-akbar avveniment sportiv internazzjonali.


Good morning!
Today's episode is about the respiratory system, that is, the system which allows us to breathe. We'll learn how important is oxygen for our breathing and why we'd need more of it when exercising.
L-episodju tal-lum huwa dwar is-sistema respiratorja, iġifieri, is-sistema li grazzi għaliha, nieħdu n-nifs. Ħa nitgħalmu dwar l-importanza tal-ossiġnu għan-nifs tagħna u ala jkollna bżonn iktar minnu meta nagħmlu l-eżerċizzju.


Good morning!
From today's episode we'll learn how our muscles grow. All the movement in our body is controlled by our muscles and as we'll see in the video, some of them even work automatically, like our heart beating.
Mill-episodju tal-lum ħa nitgħalmu kif il-muskoli tagħna jikbru. Il-moviment kollu f'ġisimna huwa kontrollat mil-muskoli tagħna u kif ħa naraw fil-video, uħud minnom jaħdmu waħedhom, bħal qalb li tħabbat waħedha.


Hello there!
So, last week we learned about our skeletal system. Today we'll learn about the most important muscle and organ in our body; the heart. It is thanks to it that all our other muscles can work. Enjoy!
Mela, il-ġimgħa l-oħra tgħallimna fuq is-sistema skeletali tagħna. Illum ħa nitgħalmu fuq l-aktar muskolu u organu mportanti f'ġisimna; il-qalb. Huwa grazzi għal qalb li l-muskoli l-oħra kollha jistgħu jaħdmu.


Good morning everyone!
In yesterday's video about balance, we saw a short clip of Simone Biles who is an American gold medal gymnast. Today we'll learn more about her life and achievements in gymnastics, a sport which definitely requires a lot of balance.
Bonġu lil kullħadd!
Fil-video tal-bieraħ dwar il-bilanċ, rajna 'clip' qasira ta' Simone Biles li hija rebbieħa Amerikana ta diversi medalji tad-deheb fil-'gymnastics'. Illum ħa niskopru aktar dwar il-ħajja u l-kisbiet tagħha fil-'gymnastics', sport li żgur mhux forsi jirrikjedi ħafna bilanċ.


Good morning everyone!
Today we'll learn about the human skeletal system which is made up of bones and allows our bodies to keep their steady shape. Eating healthy and exercising are two great ways to develop strong bones. Enjoy!
Bonġu lil kullħadd!
Illum ħa nitgħalmu dwar is-sistema skeletali tagħna li hija magħmula mill-għadam u li grazzi għaliha ġisimna jżomm il-forma. Li tiekol tajjeb u tagħmel eżerċizzju regolari huma żewġ modi ta kif nistgħu niżviluppaw għadam b'saħħithom.

Video link:


Good morning everyone!
In yesterday's video about speed, I mentioned Usain Bolt and how he has the World Record for the fastest human being on the planet. In today's video, we'll see a short biography with some interesting facts about him. Enjoy!
Bonġu lil kullħadd!
Fil-video tal-bieraħ dwar Speed semmejt kif Usain Bolt għandu r-rekord dinji għall-aktar bniedem veloċi fid-dinja. Fil-video tal-lum ħa naraw bijografija qasira b'xi kurżitajiet interessanti dwaru.

Videos (show all)

Michael Jordan - Draw My Life
The Human Body - The Immune System
Nadia Comaneci - Draw My Life
The Human Body - The Heart
The Human Body - Bones
Usain Bolt - Draw My Life
