Zeppi farmers market

Zeppi farmers market

Din il gimgha offers fuq il full min jiextieq 10 kg full ghal 10 e

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 17/03/2024

Thanks god.. ....and hard work....

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 12/11/2023



In two weeks we will have one of the best fruits # #


New products in seasen # #

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 24/01/2023

Zeppi farmers market always with fresh and the best qualtiy products for our clients we make deliverys too on friday evening contact
Roseanne on 99884052


Avviż Suq tal-Bdiewa: Ħinijiet ta' ftuħ.
Notice Farmers Market: Opening Hours.


Thanks for all our clients that choose us for there fruit and veg
Best wishes from Zeppi farmers market

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 09/09/2022

Tmorow you will find us at ta Qali farmers market for frott and veg for more information
Call Roseanne on 99884052
Thanks to all our clients
Time from 6.30 am till 1.00 pm


Dalwaqt jibda il ful u il pizelli
Grazzi lili kullmin jazel il proditi taghna

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 02/01/2022

Min nhar is sibt li gej 8 ta Jannar kollox bhas soltu niextieq is sena it tajba lili ghazizi klienti taghna .
Li jazlu li Zeppi farmers ghal frott u haxix ghal familjha tahhom .
Navzaw ukoll li naghmlu deliverys friday afternoon
Ghal aktar informazjoni tista oc cempel lili
Roseanne fuq 99884052


To ower clients we wish you all a happy new year filled with health and happines and peace.
We will be at ta Qali next frìday for more information call
Roseanne 99884052

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 04/12/2021

Good morning mill farmer market
Grazzi talli tiextru min ghand zeppi farmers
Ghal izjed informazjoni cemplu lili
Roseanne fuq 99884052

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 15/10/2021

Bongu Zeppi farmers tistaw isibhom is sibt fil ghodu il farmers market ta Qali
Ghal iktar informazjoni tistaw Ic cempilu lili
Roseanne fuq 99884052


And for next Saturday we will have these amazing and delicious fruit . From our stand at farmer market .
For more information call
Roseanne on 99884052

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 20/04/2021

Good night to all our clients for friday deliverys contact
Roseanne Chircop Schembri on 99884052

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 16/03/2021

Nhar is sibt ta Zeppi farmers ha inkunu hemm imma icaqlaqilna il post Peres li il monti ghalqa imma ahna qedin l ewwel nies x hin tigi min nahha tal pitkalija u ara x ha ikollna ghalijhom il klienta taghna grazzi ghal izjed informazjoni cempili il Roseanne fuq 99884052

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 23/01/2021

Thanks to all our customers

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 07/11/2020

Bongu ejjew zuruna il farmers market kull nhar ta sibt grazzi narawkom

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 01/09/2020

This week as always we will be at farmers market with fresh and local products ths
Came and vist us there or if you need more information call Roseanne 99884052

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 02/08/2020

Ahna ta Zeppi farmers qedin nofru servizi ta deliverys ta frott u haxix grazzi tal clienti li jemmnu fijna grazzi

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 13/06/2020

Bajtar u berquq...

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 10/06/2020
Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 08/06/2020

This week new fruits

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 21/05/2020

Bongu hbieb bhal ma diga smajtu il farmers market ser ikun miftuh nhar is sibt li gej imma hem xi regoli godda as sigurta ta kullhadd
1 hadd ma jista immis il prodot hlief ahna li ser inbieh go listand
2 Trijdu tuzaw is sanitizer li ir rid jigi provajt minna
3 kulhadd irrid iz zomm 2 metri il bod min xurxien ser ikun hemm immarkat ukoll
Naprezza il koperazjoni takhom
Ejjew zuruna is sibt ta qali fejn is sibu prodot frisk u genwini .
U min ma jistax jigi hemm u jiextieq delivery nofru dan is service ukoll


We deliver to your door you order and we do the rest stay at home and ths for all the customers that are choose us for there fruits and vegetables # # #

Photos from Zeppi farmers market's post 17/04/2020

Kanestru full 10 euros

Videos (show all)

New products in seasen xxxxx
Thanks for all our clients that choose us for there fruit and veg Best wishes from Zeppi farmers market

