Justine Shorfid
Singer/Songwriter! X-Factor Malta season 2
AWGURI U XEWQAT SBIEH F’GHELUQ SNINEK Binti Jalla xewqat u L-holm kollu tieghek isiru realta 🙏❤️
While in 🇹🇷
“Ħaddanni” (Give me comfort)
The concept behind “Ħaddanni” is for those people who survived abuse or for those still facing intellectual, physical & sexual abuse. Once a long time ago, I met someone who survived all sorts of abuse. We immediately bonded and she felt that she had to share her story as unfortunately she never had the opportunity to be heard so I kept the promise I did to her, that one day her voice will be heard indirectly and that happened through “Ħaddanni” .
Apart from that the song also indicates that when a person is experiencing abuse all she urges for, is warmth and understanding, but unfortunately there are certain circumstances when the individual might not have the possibility to be heard!
“Ħaddanni”, was created to be a VOICE and also a support function to all of you out there and that in life no matter what happens rest assure that the storm will pass and things will get for the better but solitude is not the solution. I can’t even try and feel what these individuals are going through as I never experienced it myself but I can try to imagine what an awful situation it is to be in, and I will do everything in my power to help all these victims overcome any sort of abuse!
I believe one must resemble the good experiences in life to learn how to get through the worst phases such as all sort of violent actions which are considered as abuse, so never think for a second that you’re alone!
This dilemma might lead to insecurity & self doubt. Remember what you’ve been through should make you stronger and not doubt yourself thinking that what you’ve been through is what you’ve become, what you’re becoming is the person that managed to be a survivor and above all still had the courage to rise again. Never for a second let anyone take away your dignity!
I genuinely mean every word written, I love this song to bits, I hope that the message was received and found inspirational enough to overcome anything which comes in your way and to always look forwards and not backwards!
-Thank you to Marlon Polidano for this amazing piece of art, for managing to put all of this together, to Mark Spiteri Lucas for the music & to Emil Calleja Bayliss for the lyrics.
A song which I’ll cherish forever ♥️
First single out ♥️ “Ħaddanni”. The concept behind “Haddanni” is for those people who survived abuse or for those still facing intellectual, physical & sexual abuse. Once a long time ago, ...
Il-hajja fiha aktar tlajja mil-inzul, sfortunatament l-abbuz huwa wiehed mil-fatturi li hafna esperjenzaw jew li ghadhom qed jaffacjaw. Il-hsieb wara “Haddanni” kien biex kul min garrab xi tip t’abbuz ma jhossux wahdu. Is-solitudni mhix ir-risposta. Tibzawx tficcu wens u tkunu ta lehen ghalikhom innfuskom. Haddanni hija lehen ghalikom u l-kuragg ghal-pass li jmiss. Ftakru li wara l-maltemp dejjem jigi l-bnazzi.
Tassew grata li kelli cans inwassalilkom dal messag f’Haddanni. Inweghedkom li tergaw tarawni l-quddiem ♥️
Nixtieq nirringrazja min qalbi lil mistiedna tieghi tal-bierah l-Andreana DeBattista tal-prestazzjoni li waslet mieghi. Huwa tassew unur li hdimt mieghek.
Apart min hekk nixtieq nirringrazzja lil kull min kien ta’ support f’din il-grajja, lilkom li qed taraw dal-messag, qraba u hbieb, il-produzzjoni, glam u hair team, team tieghi li kienu l-mohh wara ‘Haddanni’ Emil Calleja Bayliss, Mark Spiteri Lucas, Gillian Attard kif ukoll l-isponsors tieghi talli hadu hsiebi u ghinnuni nidher tassew kif xtaqt.
👗 Juneberry Boutique Malta , Cessani Fashion
💅 Ritianne's Nail Bar
💇♀️Ebony world hair and beauty square. , Marielle Pace
💄 Tiziana Ronayne MUPA
💍 Carisma Collections
👠 Downunder Malta
No words can describe how alive I feel on the stage ♥️
Grateful to every single one of you for your support ! Thank you Mużika Mużika for this amazing opportunity, to all the production team, my team Emil Calleja Bayliss , Mark Spiteri Lucas , Gillian Attard , Cessani Fashion for all their hard work and patience, to my family and friends, glam and hair team & also to everyone who’s been part of this journey with me because without you guys I wouldn’t be here! ♥️ Stay tuned for tonight at 9PM ON TVM!
Gheziez hbieb. Ghandi bzonn ftit l-ghajnuna taghkom. Kif forsi tafu llejla se niehu sehem fis-semi finali tal-festival Mużika Mużika. L-sms voting ghandu parti importanti mill-vot li jiddetermina jekk nghaddix ghall-final tas-Sibt. Jekk toghgobkom il-kanzunetta HADDANNI napprezza jekk tivvutawli permezz ta' SMS fuq 5061 5208. Il-festival jibda fid-9pm fuq TVM. Tistghu tivvutaw mid-9.15pm 'l hemm sa massimu ta' messagg WIEHED biss minn kull linja tal-mobile. Napprezza l-ghajnuna taghkom u s-sapport. Grazzi bil-quddiem.❤️❤️❤️
Gillian Attard
Emil Calleja Bayliss
Mark Spiteri Lucas
Went to take a look for a dress for the duet of Mużika Mużika for this FRIDAY. This is not the dress I’ll be wearing, I will keep that one a surprise 😉 But this is one of the many gorgeous dresses I wore at Juneberry Boutique Malta !! Go check out the amazing collection ♥️
I love this women!! She’s such an impeccable talented human being Cessani Fashion♥️ Went to pick up the dress for Mużika Mużika, can’t describe my excitement. I’m super happy to share my performance with all of you! Stay tuned guys ♥️
23rd-24th-25th March
Sponsored by🥰
~The amazing Koyet for the amazing outfit
Donna Cauchi
~Nails by the beautifully talented Ritianne's Nail Bar
~Make up by the gorgeous Josielle Farrugia
Songwriter ~ Emil Calleja Bayliss
Composer~ Mark Spiteri Lucas
I would like to thank my sponsors for the amazing
outfit 🙏
Dress ~ Juneberry Boutique Malta
Jewellery ~ Carisma Collections
Make up~ Krista Paris | Makeup & Design
Nails~ Ritianne Briguglio
Hair~ Thea Calleja
Shoes~ Downunder Malta
L-emozzjonijiet li qed inhoss bhalissa huma indeskrivibli! Tassew grata li jien wahda mis-semi finalisti ta Mużika Mużika 2023 bil-kanzunetta li tassew serqitli qalbi “Haddanni” lirika ta’ Emil Calleja Bayliss u muzika ta’ Mark Spiteri Lucas. Ninsab tassew herqana biex tisimaw dil-kanzunetta f’Marzu ❤️🙏
Good morning ❤️from beautiful 🤩 Gozo.
Halloween 🎃 makeup 🥰
Music 🎼 is my life and my passion🥰
𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖑𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖙 𝖎𝖘 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖉❤️
Happy feast to everyone 🥰
Beer festival ❤️
Come join us at beer festival tonight at TA’ QALI AT 9PM looking forward to see you ALL♥️♥️♥️
Happy Sunday to you 🥰
I would like to thank all those who sent me birthday wishes.Heartly appreciated❤️🙏
Happy birthday 19 to our precious daughter .You are loved ❤️today tomorrow and always ❤️Love you my Tina ❤️
L-imhabba li ghandi ghalik ghaziza muzika hija kbira! Int il wens u l kuragg tieghi ❤️ 🙏
Wedding it 🥰❤️
It felt amazing being back on stage after a while❤️🙏 Loved every second at Ghaxaq Music Events! Thank you all for joining us at this unforgettable night! X x x
Justine Shorfid and Miriana Conte go head to head in a culinary battle on Thursday at 19:15 on Television Malta ! Don’t forget to tune in to watch them cook up a storm whilst they showcase their amazing vocals 😊 😯 🤩
Not to be missed! ❤️
😎 𝟙 𝕎𝔼𝔼𝕂 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕠 😎
✨Ira Losco ✨ live in concert
Featuring 👉 Ryan Hili Cheryl Balzan Ceci & Kriss Justine Shorfid Ziggy Frank Zammit
🔥🔥𝙁𝙍𝙀𝙀 𝙀𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 🔥🔥
All in aid of DAR Bjorn Bjorn Formosa
Dear Justine❤️
We cannot believe time has passed.so quickly, you are 18 years old .Although you have grown up you are still our baby.We are here for you always,we can never explain our love ❤️ for you it is beyond everything and sure you know it.This is our advise for you today and your life.Be always yourself never let anyone or anything change your genuine self.Never be afraid to expressthe truth.Life is too short,so live it to the full.Never forget our words.We want all the best ever for you.
Love you.
Mum and Dad ❤️❤️
Clothes by the amazing Colcci Malta ❤️ I highly recommend you to visit the shop at 106 Naxxar Road Birkirkara! You will find an amazing variety of where to choose from and a really great service ❤️
Good morning everyone ❤️stay safe .
Happy weekend stay safe ❤️
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone ❤️
Good morning everyone ❤️