Malafehun, Male Videos

Videos by Malafehun in Male. We are a business where we make your wish come true. We can sew beautiful abaya, gown or party dress for women n girls. we take party and wedding orders as well.

A customers order .. party wear..❤️🥰


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A customers order .. party wear..❤️🥰 #malafehun #partywear

We have customized tote bags, and Palestine design shawls for sale at our shop. Visit to buy your choice of each item.

Our traditional wear are much more than just fabric and thread's a reflection of our community's history, identity and values .. Masha Allah ..what a beautiful piece of traditional wear 🥰❤️ #malafehun #maldivesdress #TraditionalAttire

It's going to be a good day ..IA..❤️

Its BACK TO SCHOOL season..we are having a blast with your orders alhamdhulilah.. Thank you for trusting us with your child's school wear. #malafehun #uniforms #schooluniform #kidsuniform

A simple wedding dress, Masha Allah ❤️


“Violence is violence and can in no way be misconstrued as discipline under any circumstance cultural or otherwise.”― Aysha Taryam Let's be part of International Day for Elimination of violence against women.


A beauty isn't it? ❤️

A warm wish to all our beautiful and brave hearts..Happy Children's Day ❤️

RAMADAN KAREEM May Allah bring you comfort and peace this holy month. Aameen

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Virtual hugs to you from us.
Here is a virtual hug to you from us, on this National Hugging Day. A hug is a handshake from the heart.❤️ So lets be that strength and support to each other on this day. HAPPY HUGGING DAY to everyone. 🥰

Our business is promoted on . The directory of all Maldivian online businesses . Do share and support our work. Thank you to our beloved customers for your continuous support ❤️