Pakistan Maldives Friendship Association, Male Videos

Videos by Pakistan Maldives Friendship Association in Male. The PMFA aims to strengthen the relations between the nationals of Pakistan and Maldives

With love. ❤ She has donated her collection to the cause. May Allah bless her and all across the nation who donated for the noble cause...Aameen
Alhamdhlilaah for the love and blessings ❤

Other Pakistan Maldives Friendship Association videos

With love. ❤ She has donated her collection to the cause. May Allah bless her and all across the nation who donated for the noble cause...Aameen Alhamdhlilaah for the love and blessings ❤

Voice MV recorded and shared the interviews of H.E High commissioner of Pakistan Maldives Friendship Association Mr. Ather Mukhtar, along with the Deputy Ambassador Mr. Zulqurnain Ahmad and other Pakistani fellows residing in Maldives. The emphasis was made on the current situation of Floods in Pakistan caused due to #climatechange. The fellow brothers and sisters of Maldives were appreciated for their efforts and support for the coming #telethonatpsm on 1st October 2022, especially #PSM and Media Houses. #helppakistan #pakistanmaldivesfriendshipassociation #telethonatpsm #PSM #dhivehiraajje

ލަވަ: ޕާކިސްތާނަށް: ދީލަތިވެ މުށް ހުޅުވާލަމާ އަޑު: ޝާލް، މާޝީ،ޒާޔާ،އައިޝީ،މިޝީ، މަލީޝާ ،ތާރާ،ސިރާ ،އައިނީ) ޅެން: އަންވަރު އިބްރާހިމް ރާާގު: ޝާޒް ސައީދު ރިކޯޑިންގް, މިކްސިންގް : ޓައިމްއެކަޑަމީ Music by: TIME Academy of Performing Arts Pakistan High Commission Maldives Public Service Media,tvm #pakistanmaldivesfriendshipassociation #helppakistan #dhivehiraajje #PSM #telethonatpsm

Video Courtesy: TVM/ PSM Pakistan High Commission Maldives Public Service Media,tvm #helppakistan #dhivehiraajje #telethonatpsm #pakistanmaldivesfriendshipassociation #PSM

Video Courtesy: PSM/TVM Singer: Aishath Juny Jinaah/Ismail Asif (Devin) Composer:Ismail Asif (Devin) Lyrics: Adam Naseer Ibrahim Produced, edited :Ahmed Sadin Hassan. ލަވަ: އިންސާނިއްޔަތުގެ އާދެހެއް އަޑު: ޢާއިޝަތު ޖޫނީ ޖިނާޙް ، އިސްމާއިލް އާސިފް ( ޑެވިން) ޅެން: އާދަމް ނަޞީރު އިބްރާހިމް ރާާގު: އިސްމާއިލް އާސިފް ( ޑެވިން) ރިކޯޑިންގް, މިކްސިންގް : ބުލޫވެރީ ވޯޓާރސް Pakistan High Commission Maldives Public Service Media,tvm #helppakistan #dhivehiraajje #telethonatpsm

“Help Pakistan” Telethon coming on October 1st atPS
Join hands with Pakistan Maldives Friendship Association on October 1st, 2022 for the Telethon on PSM. Save humanity, participate in the noble cause. #helppakistan

A recorded version
Highlights from the morning program Hedhunu Hedhuna. Miss Mariyam Fizana Rashyd, the acting General Secretary of Pakistan Maldives Friendship Association, at PSM/TVM Studio, briefing about the condition of floods in Pakistan and about the Telethon “Help Pakistan” to be held on Saturday, 1st of October, 2022. #helppakistan #pakistanmaldivesfriendshipassociation #dhivehiraajje #PMFA #PSM