Dyenamix, Male Videos

Videos by Dyenamix in Male.

What an incredible spirit of joy at one of the well organised football tournament in Maldives The Mangrove Island Championship 2024

Despite the windy weather condition, we gave our best shot in providing sound, lighting and confetti at the closing ceremony of the tournament.

📹: Uniqclicks

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Other Dyenamix videos

What an incredible spirit of joy at one of the well organised football tournament in Maldives The Mangrove Island Championship 2024 Despite the windy weather condition, we gave our best shot in providing sound, lighting and confetti at the closing ceremony of the tournament. 📹: Uniqclicks

It's Naathu again, in MMAC Madhaha Ran Adu season 5, performed virtually from R.Maduvvari. Let's vote & support him to attain a position in this competition. To vote, please send SMS to 4456 as per the following: Ooredoo: MR5(space)16 Dhiraagu: MR516 Audio/video recording & mixing by Mode Fayash Click graphy

“The “occasionally remarkable” moments shouldn’t be left to chance! They should be planned for, invested in.” Providing finest solutions in organising & managing the opening occasion of Samuga #Studio. Stage performance by Symbolic Records #SamugaBoduberu Glow your events with professional sound & lighting, call us or DM for reservations. #CanvasPrinting #StickerPrinting #LaserEngraving #StageSetup #Sound #Lighting

“Crafting sonic signatures that leave an indelible impression.” Providing finest solutions in managing the Event; Annual Staff Party of Alila Kothaifaru Maldives Glow your events with professional sound & lighting, call us or DM for reservations. #CanvasPrinting #StageSetup #Sound #Lighting

Campaign poster canvas printing for PPM Ra. Maduvvari #CanvasPrinting #Dyenamixmv

Highlights from the first night of Anbumaage Hithaanee show, with Samuga Boduberu Event sound & lighting by Dyenamix Glow your Hithaanee show with professional sound & lighting at an affordable price. Call us or DM for booking. Let us know your budget and we will customise it for you. Video & editing by Ahmed Dhafeen Click graphy #Dyenamixmv #SoundandLighting

What a joyful night of celebration by the staff of Alila Kothaifaru Maldives on the occasion their 1st Anniversary. Event Sound, Lighting & Backdrop setup by Dyenamix Dance performances by Bidhabin group. 📹: Click graphy #1stAnniversary #AlilaMaldives #Kothaifaru #Dyenamixmv

Let's vote our very young & talented madhaha artist; Ibrahim Nathiq Easa, in MMAC Madhaha Ran adu season 4, performed virtually from R.Maduvvari. To vote, please send SMS to 4456 as per the following: Ooredoo: MR4128 Dhiraagu: MR4(space)128 Audio/video recording & mixing by Click graphy

WDC Madhaha Competition 2023 Full event setup & managed by Dyenamix Live Streaming, photo & videography by Binary Solutions Event partners: Click graphy Uniqclicks Special thanks to the judges Shalabee and Abdhulla Faryd Video credits: #Uniqclicks

What a joyful night of celebration!! 🎉🎊 Video by Click graphy A very successful event at Raa Meedhoo Lighting & Confetti setup at Meedhoo Council Futsal Fiesta 2022 closing ceremony organized by Secretariat of the Meedhoo Council, North Maalhosmadulu Meedhoo Council Sports An event of Dyenamix #Confetti #Lighting #Dyenamixmv Celebrate the awarding of your champion trophy with a blast of confetti. Or else, why not glow your event with flying colours of lighting? Or you need sound and decorations? Event planning you name it. DM or call us for booking.

އަލްމަރްހޫމް ޢަބްދުލް ޤާދިރު އަޙްމަދުގެ ޙަޔާތާއި ގުޅޭ ޕްރޮފައިލް ރިޕޯޓް Full Report with all Interviews: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXTHLzfZ3kQ ރިޕޯޓް ލިޔުނީ: Mohamed Shamweel އަޑު އެޅީ: Mohamed Sadhiq ވީޑިއޯ: Click graphy

އަލްމަރްހޫމް ޢަބްދުލްޤާދިރު އަޙްމަދުގެ ހަނދާނުގައި ބާއްވާ މަދަޙަ މުބާރާތް - 13 އަހަރުން ދަށުގެ ޢުމުރުފުރާ

އަލްމަރްހޫމް ޢަބްދުލްޤާދިރު އަޙްމަދުގެ ހަނދާނުގައި ޢާއިލާގެ ފަރާތުން ބާއްވާ މަދަޙަ މުބާރާތް މި މުބާރާތުގައި ބައިވެރިވުމަށް އެދޭ ފޯމު - ގޫގުލް ފޯމު: https://forms.gle/SqR9EoMLN2qQWMta7 މުބާރާތުގެ ޤަވާއިދު އަދި ފޯމު ޑައުންލޯޑު ކުރެއްވުމަށް: http://shorturl.at/CIMO3 ފޯމު ހުށަހެޅުމުގެ ސުންގަޑިއަކީ 2022 ޑިސެންބަރު 9 ވާ ހުކުރު ދުވަހު ރޭގަނޑު 12:00 މުބާރާތުގެ މެއިން ސްޕޮންސަރ Fahtthiyaa constructions ޓައިޓަލް ސްޕޮންސަރ Dyenamix ކޯ ސްޕޮންސަރުން Click graphy Binary Solutions Pepper Dine Video by: #ClickGraphy #ModeFayash

Celebrate your birthday with us! 🎊🎉 🙌 DM or 📞 us for booking! Video credits: Click graphy Weddings, Birthday parties, Get-togethers, Appreciation nights, Celebration events & other parties & ceremonies. Select your theme and let us know your requirements. - Venue 🏠 - Backdrop 🖼️ - Venue Decorations 🎈 - Catering 🧑‍🍳 - Cake 🎂 - Photography 📸 - Videography 📹 - Confetti 🎉 - & much more 💐 Co-Partners: Pepper Dine, Binary Solutions, #ClickGraphy

Police Appreciation Night - An event of Dyenamix organised by Maduvvaree Police Station, Maldives Police Service Video Credits: Click graphy ❤️ . . Event setup, Graphics, Canvas, Sound, Lighting, Hall arrangements, Tables & chair decorations, Podium decorations, Printings & full setup by Dyenamix Co-Partners: Binary Solutions, Omnitrix, Pepper Dine

Congratulations MV United - The Champions of Baa Central Challenge 2022 Lighting and Confetti setup by Dyenamix at #BCC22 closing ceremony. Organised by Dharavandhoo Ekuveri Zuvaanun (DEZ) 📹: Binary Solutions #Confetti #Lighting Celebrate the awarding of your champion trophy with a blast of confetti. Or else, why not glow your event with flying colours of lighting? Or you need sound and decorations? Event planning you name it. DM or call us for booking.

Congratulations to the Champions of Hulhudhuffaaru Sports Club Futsal Cup 2022 - Hurricane FC Lighting and Confetti by Dyenamix in association with Click graphy & Binary Solutions Video credits: #Fayyas #ClickGraphy #Confetti #Lighting #Dyenamixmv Celebrate the awarding of your champion trophy with a blast of confetti. Or else, why not glow your event with flying colours of lighting? Or you need sound and decorations? Event planning you name it. DM or call us for booking.

A small light show for the Runner-up of Hulhudhuffaaru Sports Club Futsal Cup 2022. Congratulations Runner-up team Shicargo SC Lighting and Confetti by Dyenamix in association with Click graphy & Binary Solutions Video credits: #Fayyas #ClickGraphy #Lighting #Dyenamixmv Celebrate the awarding of your champion trophy with a blast of confetti. Or else, why not glow your event with flying colours of lighting? Or you need sound and decorations? Event planning you name it. DM or call us for booking.

Congratulations to the Champions of Hulhudhuffaaru Sports Club Handball Tournament 2022 - #ShicargoDivasSR Lighting and Confetti by Dyenamix in association with Click graphy & Binary Solutions Video credits: #Fayyas #ClickGraphy #Confetti #Lighting #Dyenamixmv Celebrate the awarding of your champion trophy with a blast of confetti. Or else, why not glow your event with flying colours of lighting? Or you need sound and decorations? Event planning you name it. DM or call us for booking.