Kiara Collection MV

Official page of Kiara Collection, Maldives-
The trendiest clothing and fashion store for women, and all.

Turkish based modesty wear at an affordable price with discount for every order.

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 04/07/2023

New arrivals
Enjoy shopping
DM to purchase


Available now

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 20/03/2023

🌸Open for Pre order until 23rd of march 2023
🌸Delivery within 12-15 days .
🌸DM for more information
🌸No advance payment

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 22/01/2023

Available now!
DM to purchase!
Free delivery in male,hulhumale,vilimale

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 08/01/2023

Taking pre-order
No advance payment
DM for more information

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 08/01/2023

🌸Taking pre order!
🌸Arrival on 17th January 2023
🌸DM for more information
🌸No advance payment needed

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 05/01/2023

Taking pre order until 9th January 2022
Kurta only MVR 480
No advance payment needed
Delivery In 11-14days
DM for more information


Price drop alert
For today
Mvr 400 ( XXL only)


Price drop alert.only for today
Mvr 450
Size XL


Only for today
MVR 450 ( royal blue dress only )
Size large

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 21/10/2022
Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 20/10/2022

Available now
XL only

DM to buy

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 15/10/2022

Available for instant purchase
DM to buy
M only

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 15/10/2022

Available for instant purchase
DM to buy
XXL only

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 15/10/2022

Reserve now!!! ( Half payment will be taken ) Arriving on Thursday


އަބޫ ހުރައިރާ ރަޟިޔަﷲ ޢަންހުގެ ކިބައިން ރިވާވެގެންވެއެވެ. ރަސޫލުﷲ ޞައްލަﷲ ޢަލައިހި ވަސައްލަމަ ޙަދިޘްކުރެއްވިއެވެ. އެއްފަހަރުން ޖަހައި ހޯނެއް މަރައިފިމީހާއަށް މިވެނި އެވެނި ހެޔޮކަމެއް ވެއެވެ. ދެފަހަރުން ޖަހައި ހޯނެއް މަރައިފިމީހަކަށް މިވެނި އެވެނި ހެޔޮކަމެއް ވެއެވެ. އެއީ ފުރަތަމަ ފަހަރަށްވުރެ ޘަވާބު މަދުކޮށެވެ. ތިންފަހަރުން ޖަހައި ހޯނެއް މަރައިފި މީހަކަށް މިވެނި އެވެނި ހެޔޮކަމެއް ވެއެވެ. އެއީ ކުރީ ދެވަނަ ފަހަރަށް ވުރެ ޘަވާބު މަދުކޮށެވެ.
އެހެން ރިވާޔަތެއްގައިވާ ގޮތުން، އެއްފަހަރުން ޖަހައި ހޯނެއް މަރައިފިމީހަކަށް ސަތޭކަ ހެޔޮކަން ވެއެވެ.
ހޯނުމެރުމަށް އަމުރުކުރައްވާފައިވާ ސަބަބު
އެއީ އޭގެ ސަބަބުން ލިބޭ ގެއްލުމެވެ.
ނަބިއްޔާ ޞައްލަﷲ ޢަލައިހި ވަސައްލަމަ އެއަށް ފުވައިސިޤު (ނުލަފާ ނުވަތަ ވިޔާނުދާ ޖަނަވާރު) noxious little creature ގެ ނަމުން ނަން ދެއްވިއެވެ.
އިބްރާހިމް ޢަލައިހިއްސަލާމް އެއްލާލެވުނު އަލިފާންގަނޑު ބޮޑުކުރުމަށްޓަކައި އެތަކެތި އެ އަލިފާންގަނޑަށް ފުމުނު ކަމަށް ބުޚާރީގެ ޙަދިޘްގައި އައިސްފައިވެއެވެ.
އެތަކެއްޗަކީ ކާތަކެތި މުޑުދާރު ކުރާ އެއްޗެކެވެ. ޚާއްޞަކޮށް ލޮނެވެ. އެކަން ނުކުރުވޭނަމަ (މައްޗަށް) ސީލިންގަށް އަރައި ކާތަކެއްޗަށް ސީލައެވެ.
ކާބޯތަކެތި އަޅާ ކަންވާރަށް އެތަކެތި ކުޅު ޖަހައެވެ. އަދި ނުރައްކާތެރި ބަލިތައް ފަތުރައެވެ.
ނަބިއްޔާ ޞައްލަﷲ ޢަލައިހި ވަސައްލަމަ ހޯނު މެރުމަށް އަމުރު ކުރެއްވިއެވެ. އެ މެރުމަށް އަންގަވާފައިވަނީ އޭގެ ނުރައްކާތެރިކަމުންނެވެ. އެއީ ގެއްލުންދީ ދުއްތުރާކުރާ އެއްޗަކަށްވާތީއެވެ.

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 10/10/2022

Available now!!
DM to purchase

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 23/09/2022

Pre-order until 24th September 2022
No advance payment
Delivery within 10-15 days
DM for size chart and more pics, more information



Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 21/09/2022

Pre order now
Limited stock . Harry!!
No advance payment
Delivery within two weeks.
Dm fr information

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 16/07/2022

Pre order ! Until 19th July 2022
Half payment will be taken ( Price range MVR 760-850)
Delivery within 2 weeks in sha Allah
DM for to check for available for sizes Nd more pics


Sold out ❌


Available szie xxl


Available . XL size


Pre ordered dresses have just arrived!!
Thanks for the support.❤️

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 25/05/2022

Open for PRE ORDER UNTIL 29 th of may 2022
No advance payment.
Swipe to see the collection
Delivery within 11-17 days (If there is no delay in the shipment )
DM for more photos and info.
Thank you ❤️


Sold out ❌
Size XXL
DM to order


Sold out ❌❌
MVR 620
Size XL, 3xl

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 26/04/2022

❌ sold out
Mvr 480
DM to order

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 26/04/2022

Sold ❌❌
DM to order
595 MVR

Photos from Kiara Collection MV's post 24/03/2022

😊pre-order your favourite kurta!!! ( Untill 27th march 2022)
No advance payment ! plss make sure to choose the correct size
DM for more information
Thank you ❤️❤️


❣️❣️Dear valued customers,
Your pre-ordered items have just arrived!!!
Our sincere apologies for the few items that got cancelled due to a delivery issue of the supplier.🌹


MVR 400 ( size M)
( With shawl)
Color may vary due to lighting


Free delivery
DM to order

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